(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

woo.. pikkolo order placed liao then now allerhand. I better stay far far away!! ;p

mal ma, hehe.. more poison in niang jia. haha..

missylan, congrats!! sumo finally flip liao. hee~

hen, i drop u a PM w rgds to next Thurs.
U and phy cn drop by my place.
Me haven gt anytg on dat day yet.

Anyone else wana join?
wah...i come in here oso got poison!!!
allerhand bags, i oso want leh...esp the pink pink ones...
haversack good to use ah...hmm...spend $$ again...

hen, mi gal cant fit into bumbo seat too leh coz her thighs too chubby.
linda, u bo ho... now kenna POISONed!

alien, i also buy sobe soybean. somemore buy the trim one cos scared fat fat... very expensive siah...
yup yup i agree with jeelo, it's really practical, i love the backpack when i got many stuffs to bring out esp if we are going out for long hours.
I've been thinking of getting a backpack, easier to carry aound, allerhand good huh...I will go check out. Cos was thinking of JuJuBe's one..
linda, mi now gian the haversack liao la! see, all ur fault! keke

cocoangel, haha jujube one oso nice! that one oso another ex one to own.
You know abt JJB huh.. I bought quite a few items during their sale last year - diaperbag and other pouchers. Good material and nice print but ex leh...
yes, I like aller too
but my hb dun allow me to buy...sian..
He said he rather buy a normal backpack...
but I dun think its organised lor..very messy
coco, price can fight with JJB. haha, cos i'm contented with my allerhand and baby couture bags so nt intending to get unless the bags are spoilt or got holes liao, ahaha!

i think i got my packbk at abt $90plus the last time at taka when they were having 20% off sale. it shld be ard $120 or less for the normal retailed price. but then think of it this way, though ex, but if can used for very long, it's worth $$ hehee!
robinson now having sale i think.
20% off allerhand.
Very good buy!!!

those intending to get better cheong there fast as that time i went the colours and models were limited due to the sale.
come join the allerhand club!!!
hahahaha .... allerhand more ex at robinson. i bought my haversack at $140+ at robinson but mothercare and isetan is selling slightly cheaper at $120+ if i remember correctly.
hihi... we're in tokyo now! not very baby-pram friendly here... resturants all very limited space, the subways has lots of staircase etc. Thus, end up using my Beco more than the baby-pram.

Baby slping in the subway


Baby having fun in the Beco


Baby in her denim dress


Baby slping in the airplane bassinet
You brought your girl to Tokyo?? Please share your experience with me cos I plan to bring mine to (maybe) Aussie in July keke.. wonder how he will cope in plane, the cold weather etc..

My email address is [email protected]

Enjoy your trip
ah!!.. u mummies .. i'm posioned... i oso wan the allerhand backpack ... hmmm..
HB jux shake his head wen i asked him... does dat means "no" or i'm beyond hope?
Hmm, think I shall try the avent pacifier.. Boy just cried for solid 40 minutes before Zzzz.. very heart pain

Haha, so many type of 'virus' in the air!! I also better siam... spent quite a bit already so gotta stop

Thurs on? Can I ask a friend along? Her son is born in January 08

Haha, my son's thigh also get caught in the bumbo seat so I don't let him sit in it anymore..
wow tokyo! go to commeca cafe @ harajuku for the desserts & the harajuku gyoza for the gyoza there! damn good ar! have fun! so shiok..

my boy still stateless until 6June then only go and angkat sumpah! hehee.. can't go anywhere for now!

i still let my son sit in the bumbo, but he tries to wriggle his way out of it. Ridiculous really, considering he's actually stuck into it cos he's sooo chubby!! Once I didn't put him in fully yet and he wriggled out of the chair and my arms... he basically fell over the side!! haha
phy, yup.. still on. i wont mind.
the more the merrier.

wat time are u girls planning to come?
i can call in some food delivery..

i PM u my number okie.
just brought my fei mui to poly for her jab. now 7.3kg and 64cm. head and weight both 90th percentile, only length s 75th perc. Told hb then his rxn was, "huh only 7.3?" trying to prove he's v strong...
thx for the mat! havent opened yet, will bring to my mum's to have opening ceremony
then the 2 girls can go roll around. the mickey mouse one, #1 tell mei mei to sit at the side, cannot go ctr...she's getting bossy, then designate mummy, aunty, mei mei to sit on the various cartoon characters.
This trip is really good training man.. usually I drive around in SG, put bb in the stroller everywhere I go (she doesn't cry to be carried). Just now we walked around for about an hour (was drizzling somemore) looking for food. lucky bb was slping all the way. Shopping centres were closed already (ard 10pm) so ended up having pepper lunch.

be prepared to eat like this if you go out without a stroller:

jeelomeelo : thanks for your advice! I'll be going to harajuku on 6th may. Will definately try them out!
I'll need to buy a baby car seat soon. Went to Robinsons Sales today but selection was disappointing.
Any recommended brands?
I hear Maxi-cosi is good but expensive.
I was looking at yr photo rather than reading then all of sudden I see yr "Bb enjoying in her BECO" and saw the yellow flooring. I was thinking, I saw this flooring somewhere. Hahhaa... Japan train station's "yellow line".

Ok leh, I went to Tokyo almost every year due to business trip. I brought my #1 twice since he was 2 yrs old. If he is awake, we will fold the stroller and walk down the staircase. If he sleeps, we will take the lift... most of the train station got lifts one leh. To me Japan is very stroller friendly leh. You can even cross at the "control station" where a usher is there to collect money from those who exceeded their fare.

Go to Shibuya 101, there is a handbag boutique, they got nice handbags... and same bldg, very nice lingerie!

Make sure you got extra FM, not easy to find FM in Japan!!! Not like Singapore, got Cold Storage, NTUC even mini-mart sells them. In Japan, so difficult to buy for infant!
Been MIA for almost a week! Weather's 'killing' for me n bb! Any1 else face the same prob as me? I resort to bathing her TWICE a day n soak her in her baby pool when need arises...

Re using medicated plasters, u need to check with your doc.

Try to relax more often, like getting your MIL or mo to help u look after your bb once a week. For me, I also do not like others to take care but to ‘keep’ my sanity, I decided to go back to work n let my mom n maid to look aft. Try to go back as early as poss.

Hihi ange,
I m also staying in the East. Quite a no. of mummies here stay in the East.

My Sharing with all mummies,
Great deals at BHG, Bugis. 20% discount storewide, with further 15~20% discount on sale items. Til 4 May only.

I juz went to custom make 2 pairs of leather heels @ Bugis, done by an experienced, old cobbler. Great deal - I choose my own design n leather colour for $180! I have 'tender' feet, always get 'eaten' by heels, so this is the best bet!
missylan, you mean you bring your kid to business trip? that's sooooo cool~!
i was counting the number of stroller I saw the whole of yesterday, and the total is 5 only leh. I did see the elevators @ the train station, but from my hotel, the entrance of the train station is a whole flight of stairs down, unless i walk 10 more mins to the main entrance. The resturants are also very pram unfriendly.. all so small, and alot of them are either a flight of stairs up, or down.
You're right on the supermarket thing. I have not seen a single supermarket the whole of yesterday yet.. i wanted to buy diapers as I brought enough for just 4 days (gonna be here for 9 days). Not worried about FM as bb is on human-milk

Do you know if there's any supermarket @ takashimaya @ shinjuku ?
Glad to meet more east mummies. do u bring your babies to the beach? i used to until the heat came on. My bb perspires easily n gets irritable when hot.Have taken to bringing her to Parkway Parade in an Ergo carrier. Not good cos i always seem to find somethg to buy!

Speaking of diapers,a friend introduced me to diapers.com.sg- the Goon diapers from Japan are great n reasonable, plus free delivery beyond $60.Finally no more poo leaks!


heat also driving baby and me mad until she had fever on off. Was escaping to shopping centres but nowadays hiding at home in aircon room to observe her fever. Even gave her water to drink even tho on TBF cos her appetite dropped when weather was too warm. Nite time her appetite picks up, which means I have to do nite duty again!!

I oso want.
