(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB


Hahaha... how you know ah. ~smart~

His favourite falling asleep position is using my right breast as pillow and snuggle in between my cleavage.

My girl is turning 4 months this weekend and i plan to bring her for a swim maybe next week.
I think babies love water...my gal always enjoy the bath time : )
Alamak.. the outing on Sat. We 3pm then can drive leh.. Reach there almost 4pm liao.. u all get ready to leave le.
Talking abt cleavage.. I only got bones.. no wonder bb dun like to zzz on me. hahaha

We are pretty fast too. Know each other in late 2001, 2002 paktoh, 2005 ROM, 2006 wedding, 2007 got bb! haha Miss the er ren shi jie...

i love my pikkolo bery much ... i climb high mountain jump fire sea to get the spa, so have to show show mah..
keke.. i think i'm crazy liao..

u damn funny.. we all can start pikkolo club liao. show off all our different designs *LOL*

I also jealous of yr spa... very nice leh. *drool*


my HB is the opposite. He loves carrying myson... everytime we go out.. I'm the one whose carrying the diaper bag, the shopping bags!!! He is the one carrying my precious son.. !?

Yah we both hv the quinny buzz. I tried to use it today.. bring my son down for a walk. He got frustrated after awhile, cos it was too hot in the maxi cosi infant seat (he pooped also, which didn't help!). I'm thinking of putting on the bigger seat already.. cos I think my sumo is big enough to fit in their comfortable. He was looking kind of big & awkard in the infant car seat.. haha
dylan's mom,

Yes, yes I have also change to the bigger seat as my son was struggling to flip out of his infant maxi cosi car seat. My naughty boy try to turn to his tummy inside that infant seat, can you imagine that! Plus he is too big and long to be comfortable inside, so we switch to the bigger seat last weekend.
Jas/Linda: I can't help it too...very Kan Cheong and reali look forward to our PIKKOLOS!
Yippee Yayaaaaaa our Pikkolos left San Francisco on US local date/time: 21-Apr @553AM.... and arriving Singapore very soon!!!!!!!
Yak yak yak!!!!!!
hahaha, yippyippe!!! our pikkolos are coming, our pikkolos are coming!!!! Pray hard it's coming this Friday right at ur doorstep, i will cheong to ur side and collect liao.. hehee!

dawn, we can form pikkolo club, cfm de! so many of us having pikkolos!
aiyo! ur pikkolos so nice. i bought the all black one. ez to match clothes but SO BORING! btw, my gerger loves pikkolo also, ESP the FRONT facing position cos she's super KPO!
yeah..great idea, Linda! hahaa....

(Niang Jia still the safest place!!!!!!!!)....stupid dumbo!!!!--haha...i still very pissed.....Linda know why hor!!!!
missylan, i can lumpang ur car's hor... ;p

if so, hooray... mi joining the fun. hee~

C. 24th May
1. bbtree
2. Cocoangel
3. Elaine
4. tub
5. baby12
6. slimz
7. petrina
8. alien
9. ankh
11. Valerie
12. Jeelomeelo
13. missylan
14. Linda
15. Rach
16. chjas
your spa very nice leh.
Me hor, still havent use my beco.

only washed the cocoa butterfly carrier.
Now still using my lucky bb sling. BB is too comfy inside the sling leh.

Last mth, i brought him to the zoo, was such a hot afternoon, but he managed to sleep in the sling for 3-4 hrs without waking up.

Now he sees the sling, he won't stop grinning. I think to him, Sling = Jalan Jalan.

we can hold hands! i oso bght the pikkolo in black cos its easier to match!! hehe!! tho its boring but i hv fd ways to decorate our black pikkolo! i bght some nice n cute, some retro fabric to make into hoods! so it does not look all black n we can change the hood everyday. n if using forward facing, my boy can drool n lick it! hehe!

yr spa very nice! i like it but knowing me , sure get dirty very easily. me very chor lor! jr semed so contented, must be vy comfy for him!

xiao xiao chi! what to do, so many police in smh ! vy scary hor! sometimes die already oso donno becos of what! (shi le do bu zhi wei le she mo)
think we should form a pikkolo club leh? i am still not vy gd in wearing it, can share share ideas!

ellen fr babybreeze jus called ,asked if we are still interested to go for the bb cafe.maybe we can all go in our pikkolos!

i used my 4th gen quite anumber of times already... but my butterfly haven kai zhang/wash yet... coz later my maid will ask me again how come i buy so many... then i will be very paisay to answer her .. haha... your sling still can use? not tiring on shoulders???

i passed u your diaperbagexpress last week hor?? cham... when i saw the spree in niangjia, then i remembered u had one bag with me... my memory is really failing
hehe, i understand what you mean abt the maid part. i buy so many toys and keep in the storeroom ah. My maid also ask how come i buy so many things. haha..
My boi still little shrimp mah. barely 6kg now. so still okie.

I also forgot abt my bag until you reminded me.
pai say.
btw, i wished i brought my no 1 along when i collected from you last week. He would have enjoyed the "themepark feeling" when i drove into your condo.

now pikkolos is the 'in" thing? no more beco carrier?
miracle, cookiemz

yeah, i wanna go bbcafe again. hopefully my son is a good boy and dun give mummy trouble, then I can stay longer


i also starting to buy alot of toys leh. overspent alot already.. now really scared HB find out and get angry.. *faint*

miracle: ya lor...shi le bu ming bu bai :p

Cookiemz: wow...u got so many carriers huh...4th gen, butterfly, pikkolos....so good,can change here change there...
I was at babybreeze today leh.. was shopping ard sq 2 then went to check out the place, after tat couldnt find nursery room so end up go back there to feed & change my boy haha.. chatted with them and they played with my boy, nice ppl
told them i'm keen in the mummy & baby yoga class... they knew you too hehe...

so how no stock on the carriers huh.. we can buy directly from them? me getting desperate liao :p

Ya no stock yet. u want my appletini pikkolo? i dun mind letting go cheap cos i got my eye on something else *faint* let me know lor
hey ladies,
when you 'wear' your babies + carriers, how do u know you're not crushing them? so far my boy is comfy la, no complaint from him, but just watned to be sure i'm not crushing him...

btw, bf-ing mummies, have u started trying feeding water to ur babies yet?
You change nick huh hehe... you buy direct? how long did it take to reach you? what website is it?

Wahaha.. eyeing on another one liao... can you send me pic of the design? i see 1st can? thanks!
all along i have been giving my bf bbies water since first week. I know no nid too, but wanted them to hsve the habit of drinking water from young lor.
jeelo, i told the trs at the infant care to feed sumana some water after every feed. read that we dun need to feed h2o when they r on bm but also heard from some mummies tat becos they din start early enuf, most of their babies din take to water when they are older. however, on weekends, i dun feed her water at home... (too lazy... ha)

about crushing babies:
dun worry la... i'm sure u r not crushing him or else he will make noise right? i always check sumana is "balanced" on the carrier by looking at the mirror. sometimes she'll be slanted to one side cos she's so squirmy and wriggly when i put her in the pikkolo.

*hmmmmm... i'm also thinking about getting another design leh. but i knew hubby sure give me dirty look if i do that.
coco, ya, change nick haaha! we ordered from portable baby, mmm quite fast, fri we ordered, within 2 days shipped out, right boh, nanz? Now we waiting for pikkolo to arrive at sg.

jas, i saw the jet pikkolo!! oso swee leh, but i prefer spa or sommerset, haaahha!
Yup Linda! But hor I jus track the status,,still no update leh....
I think next week then can arrive liao bah cos today already thursday! Tat time she told me 6 - 10 working days, so i think latest by next friday bah... X our fingers hope it will arrive ASAP! I cant wait oso....ve thought can used tis weekend...hiaz....hope tml suddenly the courier jus knock on my door wor...hehe...

ya nanz!! i hope i can use the pikkolo on 1 may as i have a gathering with my gfs, hehehee! Hopefully beng's cough will be fully recovered by then.
