(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

oops, me cockeyed.

my hb also going taiwan for reservist but is end may til mid june...means my entire sch hols he'll be away. sianz. Was thinking of taking a short break to taipei with the girls and meet him there, but dunno if i can handle or not. Also dunno if sch can allow if it's last wk of hols. My dad's family is all there and they've yet to see my girls, so thought it'd be nice. The other time is during the short National Day wkend. Sch maybe will have monday off in lieu.

congrats! My NIE grad batch also got a few friends already ORD. So tempted...

Just told by HOD must hand in exam papers by Fri, better buck up and finish them up. Still have 2 qns left for both yr 3and4 papers.

in a way i'm glad that my DS was born only 3 years after we got married so i n DH had more couple time before baby arrived...even with that,now looking back i feel it wasn't enough coz we were also busy with work...
as for 'boring' boy clothes...now i'm having fun matching daddy and baby's wardrobe ahaha so when we go out daddy n son will have sort of similar look
hmmmmmmm... i'm married for 5 years b4 sumana decides to pop by. haha. and if i count rom... it would be SIX! come to think of it... i think this is the 13th yr i know my hubby. cobwebs all over liao. hehheh
i grow mold liao. the fungus stick until cannot remove. pattoh til now it's like 12years liao. now no more pattoh time coz got the suckling pig with us. now my mum is in town but she cannot handle by herself, at most a few hours only. if my mum go back m'sia i got no backup plan = no pattoh 1-1 time
wah..... tub n jeelo, u all can pak tor so long long looooooooooonnnnggg. *scratch head*, what were the conversation topics b4 the babies came along?

i pak tor with my hb in 2003, rom 2005, in between he had 2 friends who pak tor after us, 1 married b4 us, 1 after us. another who had 7mth courtship then got hitched. b/w us 4 couples, we all produced 6 kids liao, and mine is youngest! my hb n i considered slow already, but tub n jeelo take the cake!
are we still at yahoo grp or google??
now yahoo and smh like so quiet, and i didnt recev any email from google, altho i have signed up liao??
ankh! wow! u in express stream... i oni normal tech. heehee... conversations topics? let's see... think cos hubby and i were both from band (first NTU, then in an outside group), so got more things in common. we r both trombonists. plus we also like traveling and backpacking so the topic would also be about where to go to next ba... Now i think go johore also very challenging. we may bring Sumana out when she weans after 1 year old. but till then, travelling is a faraway and luxurious dream. :x
I got to know my hubby when I was 17yrs old... then dating when I was 18yrs old. Wa... makes me feel very old liao!

These few days my sumo wants to sleep in Pikkolo. He used to be able to sleep on the bed, drink his milk and fall asleep. Wa, these few days, carried him dun want to sleep, no choice got to use the carrier liao. Within 10mins, dead asleep liao. Tried for times, same case! Now cannot do without Pikkolo! Dawn, hope you will keep stock, cos if anything happen to my Pikkolo, I will need to fly to you. XD
i knew my hubby since i was...errr let me see...13 or 14 years old wahahaha but only started dating much later during uni time and most of it was long distance relationship coz i was studying overseas...i'm amazed we could still stick together despite the distance :D
wah, he sure know how to choose the comfy option

got a music tr fren also trombonist, now he's at AMKSS. but i think he's doing more singing and conducting than playing trombone now.
hb n i also met overseas at uni, but he finished 1 yr before me. my last yr was super challenging coz the long dist relationship was tough and ended up affecting my studies. That was one reason why i decided not to continue and do postgrad after i graduated though my parents were v keen for me to do so. their rationale was since i was there already, might as well just spend 1 more yr and complete masters.
wow long distance already not ez liao. my hubby graduated one year after we started pak-tor-ing so i spent the remainint 3 years in uni wifout my boyfriend. hahaha. that, to me is already LONG distance. so dinut and claire, u gals r really li-hai leh!

claire, who is your fren? mayb i know him?

Ya.. I wanna rest longer n take care of Chloe myself. We only hv this reason to take so long leave mah. Anyway, hv iscussed with hb while preggy liao. Just need to curb my spending for nw lor. hehe. Luckily hb paying for most of the things at the moment. keke.

U called yourselves 'oldies' as if u r so old.. haha. U r so fortunate to have no relief periods and understanding sups! *envy* I have new P n VP. Shall talk to my female P (heard she is family-pro) n sup see if arrangement can be made for me. Which infantcare u leave bb with? Good?

How long NPL did u apply? I will be gg back in mid-May. I did consider to be a SAHM but stay home too long also cannot tahan. See if I can cope when I go back. Last time no kids already work like mad, esp on admin, cca.. A bit worried though.

tub is right. Must check carefully abt adjunct n half load teaching. One of my colleagues took 2-third load, n she had stated clearly on the terms n conditions with my old P before she signed the 'contract'. She still stay til 5/6pm to work though she starts slightly later at 8.30a.m. Pay also 2-third nia. U must be able to state clearly what the job scope is w/o being loaded extra. The sad part is, u will still be in the rat race (ranking).

Wise choice! Which area r u teaching in? So u hv found yourself something flexi?

Joanne & mummies who wanna doll up their darling gals with hair accessories can check out the following BP:
organised by Rachel. I ordered some, now waiting excitedly for the goods to arrive!!
All come from this site: www.princessbowbow.com

U can also check with s@L (Nov MTB) if she is organising a spree for it soon.

Both can save on the shipping n furthermore, got 20% discount!

U r not alone. Sometimes my hb n I wish to go for a movie or ktv but 'se bu de' to 'dump' her with some1 else.. hehe.

U have my email, rite?
hey mummies,

have any one used the U-like blender before? (the brand is U-Like). Any feedback? Coz they are having promo now at Isetan (ends tmrw) so am thinking of getting one.

Saw their demo...and wow. I was so impressed by what it can do (can grind/blend ikan bilis into fine powder...). Just wanted to find out from others abt how useful it really is....

same here! my son also now loves to fall asleep in the carrier. bring him downstairs and within 5 to 10 min... KO already!

i still haven't got stocks leh!! SIANZZ... that's why ask the gals here to buy from USA first. Hopefully they will be able to send me stocks this year!!!! *doink!*

ps: i heard that babies sometimes require more TLC when they master a new development so maybe that's why your sumo wants to be carried more during this period.
missylan / dylan's mom
can let me know what's Pikkolo? my mil's place got no sarong, so got to carry bb to sleep..thus thinking of getting a sling carrier, easier when i am outside as well.....

how much does it cost?

Is it a small blender that looks like an inverted cup? How much does it cost? If demo is gd, u can buy n try.

I juz bought a Panasonic blender that comes with a grind mill - specially for grinding food like ikan bilis, good to use when starting bb on semi-solids. Yet to try. I find it is worth investing in if u do grind food for your little one. Shld not cost more than S$50.
he's tian hui, or we call him zhan hui (his hanyu pinyin name).

yah, agree that understanding HODs and Ps v v impt. I'm also lucky that just got a new teacher in so we're co-teaching and life is so much easier. I think becoz i took ML in the beginning of the yr so a lot of things I was and now still not involved. Only have to take care of the aesthetics programme in school. THis is my major project for the yr and I'm still procrastinating starting on it. Die. wk 8 supposed to complete and present to P et al, hope can do in time.
just realised that if my HOD/P were to pop in, I'd be in hot soup! but they not so free lah, see them whole day super busy one. Last time just join service will think abt how gd to be P, now ah, thinking abt how nice if can ORD!
hihi mummies,
most prob i will be doing either part time admin at my aunt's office or part time student care.
Whatever it is, both only needs me to come in for few hours 3 times a week.
1) can spend more time wif my boy
2) can still have some time on my own to keep my sanity...hahaha

btw, i'm at a pri sch somewhere in yishun.
cannot mention here cos afraid my p got spies...sigh.

i saw someone selling her brand new U-Like blender in WTS u know.
maybe u can check it out.
yep yep, I'm in sec, tub's in JC. But next yr will kena yr 5 liao (IP sch). Told my head I may peng san becoz teaching olevel music and next yr alevel music. yr 3 and 4 already burn wed and thurs afternoon. With yr 5 and 6, another 2 afternoons. Some more got yr 1-2 (lower sec) general music. Even with 2 music trs, can faint lah! I know some jcs and sec sch got 4 music trs...*drool*. My colleague at FMSS said she see already she lao chui nua coz the sch across the road got 4 music trs, and she satu orang
For our big sized sumo, if we use sling, it will be killing our shoulder and waist bah(cos like tilt one side). Pikkolo - you can do a search on the carrier. Attached the carrier for your viewing. That time we did a first BP at USD125. I used sling for my #1 cos he more skinny, I rmb the sling, I used till like 8th mth then stressful liao.


His 3rd mth

Aiyoh, TLC due to mastered new skills? Hahaha... got got got new skills increased to 180ml's skill! Cannot flip, cannot hold his teether... got got new skill... wakes up at 9am instead of 10am! =.="
talking abt 'going steady' (haaaaaaaa), my hb n i were 'steads' for 10 donkey yrs before rom-ing. haaaa... goodness..i tell u, there were cobwebs under our armpits. haaa...but quite sweet la in retrospect, like we kinda 'watched each other grow (not in THAT sense, mind you!).

tts why i really really miss e days where we only had each other (+ 3 dogs). sigh sigh. owell, okok, the kids are grrreat la.
Missylan & dylan's mom,

My boy also like Zzzz when he is in his pikkolo. Missylan you are rite abt the airbags. He don't like when hb carrying him.

Headache ah~ I brought pikkolo for hb to carry him and in the end, I am still the one carrying.
Wahahahahaa... visualizing betty bop's cleavage... wa... somemore can support his head man! Wahahahhaa... cheeky cheeky!

hehe weight has nothing to do with flipping lah. My sumo just flipped yesterday, he also like yours.. 9kg already. U know how he finally got to flip? I practice with him first, show him how to do it... then this morning, he did it on his own. My jaw dropped...

Mine also like yours.. cannot hold his own teether, so he got fed up and just gnaw his fingers to satisfy himself.

BBnGg, missylan

I think bb just loves being cuddled and smothered in mummy's chest. Haha that's why can fall asleep so fast!! I'm trying not to make it a habit to put him in the carrier to make him sleep... but when i desperate, no choice!!

The only time my son screams in the carrier is when he is hungry... :p

I managed to get my HB to use my Ergo carrier on my son liao! When my HB desperate (I'm not at home) and bb cry cry cry.. he just put him in carrier and my son will stop crying.
Eversince he started using it, he's been hooked!! Now when we go out, he rather put Dylan in the carrier instead of lugging out our stroller.
ya baby, ergo makes baby settle down & nap hahaa. everymorning i carry my boy to work in ergo, he'll be soo quiet in it. by the time reach infant care, he zzz liao.

well, i knew my hubby back in my kampung, some more same secondary school; say we knew we existed & our parents know each other!!! but we never got together then. then we started pattoh only when i was in J2 (he in US). 9months of long distance.
pls include me in!!

So far these 2 are the hottest dates for the gathering:

C. 24th May
1. bbtree
2. Cocoangel
3. Elaine
4. tub
5. baby12
6. slimz
7. petrina
8. alien
9. ankh
11. Valerie
12. Jeelomeelo
13. missylan
14. Linda
15. Rach

Venue: Function Room - Savannah (Near CGH) - prob change to East Point Green (which is near to Savannah too, once the date finalised, i get my colli to book for me)

Time: 2pm onwards

Re: catering
I think elaine mentioned 2 caterers right?
C. 24th May
1. bbtree
2. Cocoangel
3. Elaine
4. tub
5. baby12
6. slimz
7. petrina
8. alien
9. ankh
11. Valerie
12. Jeelomeelo
13. missylan
14. Linda
15. Rach

<font face="Kristen ITC"> Just thought of sth funny. Let's all use the Ba Wang aka Jackie Chan's anti hairloss one that day, hahahhaa... all pong pong and pang pang mummies</font>
Yup, Stella(Etelle) told me also about his son's flipping over too. Hahahha... did your hubby say "roll over" before you show to yr son? Good idea... but I shall ask my #1 to roll over. XD
Mine too frustrating to use the teether liao, fingers fastest and easiest!
steff u wanna buy my MIM sling? i bought it, washed it, and have NOT even used it! Mine is cotton sateen, blue/green.
If u want , i can sell to u @ $40.
heehee...botanist, missylan,
my gal also gave up on the teether. She dunno how to grasp it very well. She will use it, just that when it slips from her hands, she'll just stuff het fingers into her mouth and chew. hahaha...
I tot mine is the only one who dun want teether...
He can go &amp; put other things in his mouth...but not the teether...dunno if cos its flat
Seems like he not interested in it.
Of cos, his fingers r his BEST teether....

Dylan's mom,

Yah my hb also gave up lugging my stroller out when we go shopping &amp; I think we have the same heavy weight stroller (Quinny Buzz).

But he will make sure he bring pikkolo out at every outing and is always helpful to secure my son in it. He always tell me baby prefer to be in pikkolo when I am carrying him. Hahahaha.
