(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

so sad ... after went for dentist on moday my ss drop significantly.

i have been taking the supplements but still no use.
soon can't catch up my gal demand liaoz ... sob sob.


my daughter's feedg time is v close to urs. just that after her 7pm feed, i will keep her entertained till 915 - 930 where i will just feed her till she falls asleep. but she hardly ever sleeps till 7am. she'll wake up at 4/5am for another feed, or sometimes 6am if i'm lucky.

talking about pumping, i'm also getting ultra lazy. arrghh. i realise that my reason of pumping is more of to relieve my discomfort. as such, i've been bathing her in my FBM as i dun think i can ever use up e milk since i've been feedg her direct all this while. my hb says i hv abt 400 over milk bags in e freezer. *gulps*
Is it bcos you feed with BF therefore not as lasting as FM. Cos I feed mine with FM only some BF at times. But true, I'm comfortable with this schedule. He will usually sleep for 1-2 hrs after each feed, only when ultra fussy then will cry, refused to sleep and wants to be carried :p

I'm also getting lazy to pump at work cos the amount is so low, like droplets, so demoralising.. i'm just continuing so that it will not stop. Intend to build up when I stop work in June.
phy, dun say tat la... paiseh paiseh...
my hb always says tat we are a tag team so i guess tat helps. i live day by day.. haha.

still talking and psychoing him to let me stay at home... (tho he still thinks it's not good for me if i quit... sigh)

abt my ger's infant care:
i'm quite happy wif the nannies there. of course it can't beat the option of me staying at home but i think they r the next best alternative. they have stimulation like singing, playing and talking to babies lor... sometimes i would leave some cloth books or puppets and the nannies would play wif her. they could also describe her habits and developments. i think this is crucial cos it shows that they put in effort to observe her. oh! the infant care also has a comms book that shows wat bb did during the day.

but to me, hygiene and feeding "skills" r the most impt at this stage of development. they r quite ok so far. my bb always comes home smelling nice nice ... heehee... she would also smile when we leave her there so i guess she likes it pretty much.

cocoangel, glad that your sister is ok. take care of her k? tell her all is well now.
last feed:

sumana's last feed is around 8 to 9pm (usually feed to sleep too...) and she wakes up around 430-5am for her first feed. i dunno how to drag leh... but this is a good timing for me cos we have to leave the house at 630am.
u introduce cereal to your bb already? issit too early?

I've juz employed a maid to assist my mom in lookin after hsework n bb. The only thing is need to train her 'cos she is new. Though I m at home nw, I try to 'let go' of Chloe to let them take care.. So far can see my maid is gd n able to carry her well. But I told my mom muz always keep a watchful eye. Already feeling 'se bu de' to go back to work though...

dun feel disheartened. Just let your bb keeps on suckling. the ss will come back! Press on!

Wow! Yr gal's so fortunate to be bathed in your BM, like ancient princesses.. queens.. I also lazy at times n dun express til Chloe suckles. Eventually, the ss will reduce..

May I know the name of the infant care?
i stay in whampoa, sort of next to jln bahagia. actually i find our flat quite nice, but dunno why this area so "happening".

jeelomeelo, thanks for info!

phy, hm, maybe i should tahan till GSS to get ergo ;p
cocoangel/ phy
for my case, my no 2 wakes up every 2 hrs for nite feed when she is on tbf. no 3, also on tbf, altho last feed is ard 9pm, will sleep thru till 7am. so my conclusion is, diff bbies diff feeding needs. afterall, source of milk (ie ME!) is the same mah.
Hi eve,

I'm using the medela PIS backpack and yes, i can safely remove the motor separately. just peel off the velcro slowly and it has it's own kind of separate bag
hey din know Metro carries Ergo! How much did they sell it for? I only heard from a gf that some online shop in sg sells the carrier for SGD$182. The infant insert which i got for my gf from ergocarrier.com was USD$25

Shawn's schedule is something like yours. Except the last feed at infant care is about 6pm. Then when i get back home i'll try to drag to about 9.30pm. On usual days :
7.30am Latch on + pump
11-11.30am infant care feed (depending whether he screams for milk earlier)
3-3.30pm infant care feed
6pm infant care feed
9-9.30pm Latch on + pump (if got excess)
- usually he'll only sleep after 10pm
11.30pm sometimes would bottle feed about 100ml or so

This morning he did wake up about 5.30am, but managed to shove the pacifier in and pat pat him until he sleep. Then later, I woke him up at about 7.20am for his feed today.
Hi Mummies
Sorry to intrude. I’ve a couple of Enfalac HA (400g) brand new tins for sale at $16 each as my child has gone onto his Step 2 formula. Price negotiable if buy more than 1 tin.

Also have 1 tin each of Similac Step 2 and Mamil Gold Step 2 for sale. Each tin is 400g. Asking price for each is $6. interested, pls PM me. thanks!
hey mummies who bought the <font color="ff0000">bumbo seat</font>

just a note...
must be careful &amp; really dun leave them alone for long when they are sitting in it...
last night, I let my bb sit in it and played with him...but he nearly really flipped out of the seat...
Currently, he likes to flip alot..1 day dunno flip how many times...even in the middle of the night...

So, pls make sure yr bb wont be like mine...nearly flip out of the seat. Though we put it on the flr, its still not gd if our bb knocked his head on the flr, rt?
I put it on the bumper mat....so hopefully if really such thing happen, impact wont be so great...*touchwood...
hey mummies: my mum oledi start my boy with porridge and steam potatoe(like whipped potatoe)! He is oni 5mth 2 wks now...i know is too fast, but feedback from mum and maid is that he 'like' it! They told me whenever he see ppl eating now, he will like open his mouth and wanna eat oso. tat why they decide to start him early on porridge! Then tis week my boy oso kee siao..out of sudden ' increase in appetite'! every 3hrs feed 150ml! That why, told my maid today increase his feed to 180ml again... Siong on milk powder...last 2 weeks jus buy new tin, tis weekend must buy new tin again...
hi, was away for couple of days. We went on a family hol to Port Dickson n Malacca. Nice trip except when bb starts to cry in the car whenever she's awake. Somehow, she just doesn't like her daddy's car but we can't afford to change car lor.

Hey, am interested in meet ups wz Dec mummies. I enjoyed the one at Babybreeze. So, pls pm or sms me if there's any gatherings (I may not log on every day so in case I miss the postings here).

I envy all who bought pikkolo, beco, etc... Can't afford to pay so much for baby carrier leh. Was using sling but bb got big n she doesn't like it in there anymore. Am using a carrier passed down by friend. Its ok except that bb growing n I realised that her arms n underarm areas will go red if I carry her long time in there (cos there is a belt running just across there). So, I'm very tempted to invest in a better carrier. One question: til what age or rather weight can the pikkolo carry up to? My bb is over 8kg liao. Dunno how long she can be in the carrier leh.
hen: if i not rmbr wrongly, pikkolo can carry up to 40lbs (abt 20kgs)! U can check out for more details at "the portable bb" or 'Slingzilla' for more info.

Yippee....Rachel Toh, Linda, Jas..PikKolos arrive S'pore yday AM. Hopefully today can reach me! Hooray!!!!!!!
My BIL passed me the Bumbo seat. My gal doesn't like it cos her thighs cld not fit in properly, too tight for her. When she was 3mths old, I put her in there, she wld flip backwards when she doesn't like it n wants to get out. I was supporting her neck then, so she didn't managed to fall. From then on, I never put her in the Bumbo seat anymore.
Ooops...Linda like tat post can or not huh??? dunno will kana 'shoot' and get kill or not by those damn free spyies.... hahaa
Is the pikkolo easy to wear n put bb inside? Everyday, I need to carry bb to walk my elder gal to sch, go to market, n sometimes take bus to my parents' place or BIL place.

Hmm... maybe I shd try to be there for next gathering to talk to/see u mummies out there using the pikkolo.
re: drinking water
I've been giving bb water since 1mth old. I give her betw feeds cos at one stage, she's like crying for milk every 2-3hr, even though she's feeding 120-150ml.
gOOD MornING MuMMies!!

I think I know where you stay.. nice environment leh.. quiet rite, but there is no absolute safe place in sg now, crime rate like increasing leh

Only sahm for 2 mths hehe.. cos my current co is closing down office here and move to china. so i intend to rest for 2 mths then start new job in Aug :p
Thats why I intend to join you mummies at babybreeze cafe in Jun leh.. good to mingle and share experiences

Really hor.. very different for both your babies
every 2hrs very siong.. that only happens to me in the first 6 weeks!!

Thanks for your 'warning'
I have not put my boy on his seat yet cos he doesn't seem very steady yet. Will definitely watch out. What do you mean by your baby likes to flip? when lying down? flip onto their tummy?

Remember to post pix to show us your boy in the carrier ok? which design did you get? am so excited for you girls too :p
I tried bayb sling and Pikkolo carrier. I used sling on my #1 and feel not much pressure on my neck/shoulder due to him not a chubby bb. I rmb using the sling till 8th mth old then put him in stroller when outing. Now my sumo, I can't even use the sling when he was like 2nd mths... he is big, made my shoulder aches. So decided to change to carrier. I am very glad I made that decision, the carrier really give my arms a break, helper likes to use it too. Think now he already 9kg+, how to carry?!? He loves sleeping inside the carrier too.

I don't dare to let my helper used the sling cos worried that bb will drop onto the ground. I saw some helpers didn't use it properly, the ring's position in front of her chest in fact should be just after the shoulder. Pa4 Pa4

Pikkolo is pretty easy, imagine my helper(Indo) mastered it very fast too. This is how I do it.

Buckle up the waist strap first, adjust.

Loosen the 2 shoulder straps

Carry bb

Split his thighs

Bring up the carrier while bb is sitting into the carrier(bottom now supported by the waist strap already)

Support bb's back

Bring 1 side of the shoulder strap and buckle

Bring another side of shoulder strap and buckle

Pull each shoulder strap at a time and pull to

Looks troublesome but its easy!
baby drinking water:
i lazy to feed lar.. hahaa.. coz i latch bb on wenever i'm with her .. but on wkdays wen she's with my mum, my mum feeds her water.. can drink up to 100ml a day...hee.. and wen my girl gets sick of the water, she pushed teats out of mouth..and will 'cough' wen teats is re-introduced to her again ..
nanz, ok la, we didnt do anything illegal mah!! hehe!

re: bumbo seat, my boy love to sit on bumbo seat, read my blog and u see. He's quite steady now wor.

re: beco and pikkolo
I eyeing beco butterfly jack, had emailed to sg agent and ask liao, ahahaa! if she have, i will become beco and pikkolo club member liao!
my girl even lesser..90ml .. sometimes lesser .. i suspect she prefers to drink from me coz everynite i come home she will wan 2 b latched on even if she jux had her bottle ..
hmmm slimz, at least u know the reason. my girl has her moods one. sometimes want to latch on sometimes dun want. so now i oni latch her on at night lor... when she's blur blur. the morning feeds are all bottles. hence, i dun even know y she doesn't like milk!
but my PD reassured me la.. she said as long as bb gains weight and is playful, it's fine. so i dun worry as much liao.
Alien, you like your Beco? cos i really really loves the design!! tats why i told Linda I might get 2 carrier - one pikkolo and one beco!! hahaha... siao liao ;)
hi alien,

so you be getting from amazon or tower? sorry for side track cos not able to reply email in office due to blocked by the firewall.
Hi cocangel,
I'm staying in opp Hougang Plaza. Been staying in Hougang since i'm young.

Any mum using electrical medela mini plus pumps? Do you face problem of milk blackflow back into the motor &amp; leak from the motor? I worry it might damage the motor eventually. This happens recently when i'm using batt to operate the pump during my lunch time. Previously no problem. Do you think i need to send for servicing?
Ok I know where.. my mum's place is near SRJC while mine is near Hougang Point

Maybe we have seen each other before hor.. or we hougang mummies can arrange to meet up!
you can't be more siao than me,
I got 2 becos carriers (both 4th gen!)
cos i simply can't design bet metropolis or cocoa butterfly.
You already have 2 Becos?! wah and still tempted to get Pikkolo? hehe.. but you are still using both Becos right - good? Beco has very pretty print
the thing is, i have not used it yet!!!!!
only washed one, but still using my luckybb sling....
Dats Y i say i Siao.
haven used now already tempted to buy pikkolo
What happens if kena gst by customs? what's the procedure? any mums have experience this? Now my items stuck at paya lebar...then my seller declare different price from invoice some more.

Its like when I put him on his back, he will flip &amp; do his tummy up...then will start to crawl..Else he will roll &amp; roll on the mat or bed until he got stuck then he will do his tummy up.
Note: Its almost the same position...though his legs &amp; hands are moving.
When he sat in his bumbo seat, without distraction...he somehow will feel bored or wat....then he will want to flip but he was in the seat. So he will like put his hands on the sides&amp; push himself out to flip.
I know I m a bad mother lah...last night I actually let him do his way cos wanting to see whats he trying to do. Who knows he really can push himself out of the seat &amp; wants to flip out to start his flipping session

btwdo your bb still wake up in the middle of the night to drink?
mine now drinks 150ml.....but dunno why these 2wks will wake up at night to drink his milk...I tried to feed him with water only but he not satisfied...
