(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

hmmm.. shall find some time go chk it out.. ..
tanks =D

i oredi ve one and i realise my girl likes it alot.. she gets veri excited, legs kick, hands fling and eyes brighten up ... so tinking of getting her somemore..

Hi Mel,

that's so near me! are you a SAHM too?

let's meet up at the cafe in kembangan CC next week. How's coming Thurs (24 Apr) for you, say 3pm for tea?

Or would Sat (26 Apr), say 10am be better?

any other mummies interested?
the CC is just a 3 mins walk from kembangan MRT :)
some photos i took today. love it


u r going to conduct a class? What is it about?

Just go with your heart but whenever poss, expose your bb to everything (not too crowded place, of cos, to avoid HFMD/ diseases), anything. From pointing out the different kitchen appliances, to making music with your cup n spoon and counting with fingers.. Eventually when u see bb more interested in one particular area, say music, can expose him/her more in piano, singing, ballet to zoom in n develop from there. I personally love piano but miss that out from young cos not exposed to it.. Can only enjoy seeing others playing.

If my girl likes piano, I can learn with her next time! 1 stone kills 2 birds.. hehe.

Linda, gathering for all?
Hi ladies,
was kinda scared off the internet last wkend. got a call from UOB fraud dept on saturday night asking if I had made some transaction totally USD240+. The entire day I didnt use my cc, so he told me this transaction had just been rejected in the last 2-3 min. Also dunnoe how the cheater got my details since i use only 3 comps, my work and my sis one which is pretty secure. Only my personal one sometimes connect to other ppl's network. could be phishing at work. wahlau. nvr thought this type of thing could happen to me. Then now got one transaction on ebay that is hanging in the air coz the seller not returning my emails. dunno if really out to cheat or what coz 100%positive feedback leh. cant be i so suay be the only person to get bad service from him?

my uncle was telling me learning lab at U Sq recruiting teachers and the ad said they're paying equivalent to MOE. If that's the case, I may just quit and go there. No CCA, no need to write curriculum, just teach.
oh! claire issit? i used to teach part time there prior to joining teaching. they pay good money to teachers they recruit. heehee
sigh steffie, looks like my mum is getting more manure from me cos sumana kept having loose stools after drinking the anti-biotic enriched milk. according to medical websites... this is supposed to be a normal reaction but i think to play safe, i'd better just dump the milk. just letting her latch once when she wakes up at night. the rest she's drinking frozen milk.

that time u gave us a website for the headband right? i honestly think e baby must hv a certain 'look/cut' to take such a headband n arielle def has e cut!!! haa..my baby cfm cannot pull it off..haaaaa..

Which area r u teaching in? How do u cope with work n bb?

Will u be finding out more abt the learning lab?
If pay gonna b the same but no cca n other admin stuff, really worth considering!

u can check out the site:
Then can check with s@L if she is organising a spree for it soon. Can save on the shipping n furthermore, got 20% discount.
There is also an ongoing bulk purchase at the marketplace: http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/cgi-bin/forumboard/show.cgi?581296/1355118
r u a tr as well? Yah, if the pay is as good, or even just abt 5% less, I dun mind.

ur gal cute cute leh, mine look like boy. wear already sure still got ppl ask if girl or boy. cant wait for her hair to grow out so she looks more like a girl. Her jie jie also the same, until her hair grew out, ppl thot she was a boy. maybe like mummy lah, last time went to europe on sch trip, the ang moh ask me if I'm in the right toilet! So pai seh
yvonne, i teach in nanyang jc. how to cope ah? haha i take it one day at a time. actually in school, i have a v strict schedule to teach, then pump. so everyday is like fighting a war lor. cos have to rush to makan, then pump, wash then eat/prepare for tutorials, not to mention the meetings... wat committee la... cca la... not much time for myself or to rest. by the time i hit 9pm when my bb sleeps, i'm dead tired. but sometimes have to tahan to pump again at 10 plus 11. at night i can't tahan... usually oni latch.

everyday like in warzone lor... early morning have to leave by 630, then evening have to fetch bb from infant care at 6 plus. then go home no extra help, just me and hubby. lucky she's quite a good ger.
haha Claire
my dd also like boy. somemore her character also like boi. Loud and boisterous!! her kor kor say mei mei is like dora, not princess....

Yup.. I m! Still on No-Pay Leave now.


U r a strong mum! No extra help at all? WOW!
I m just curious how u find time to express? I m thinking even free period - there might b a chance for relief, then how?! Did u inform your Sup that u need time to express so dun plan relief for u at a particular slot? I m comtemplating to do that...
yvonne! wow! u still on no pay ah!

i have time to express here cos my sups leave us alone most of the time as long as we do our job. and in jc, there are no relief stints so we get our free periods. but i make it a point to let my sups know that i'm expressing... so they'll understand y i have to leave half way thru some longer meetings. actually my hod herself is expressing too... just tat i think her bb is weaning off bm liao so she's oni doing it once in college. guess i heng lor, so she can empathise wif me better.
yeah.. no extra help leh... my mum may pop by once in a while in the evening. other than that, it's just us 2 oldies taking care of the princess.
So KKKKKKKAAAAAAWWWWAAAAAAIIIIII NNNNNNNNEEEEEEHHHH! Think you either purchase from mothercare or the miraclebaby website? Very x leh! I like the one in Poney... can my sumo wears it? Hahahhaa...
gloomybear, ur gal real kawaii!! so pretty.

cocoangel, i oso wish i hv a gal. :p
But heng is boy. else, double damage. i cant imagine...
Me too! On NPL! still thinking if I should go back to work... When are you going back to work? Or do you intend to continue to be SAHM?

I really really take my hat off you! You are a super mum plus career woman! Accomplish so much daily!! So are you still thinking of being SAHM? For me, I took leave to try out if I could survive being SAHM.. *sigh* I broke down many times as I don't really know how to cook!! In fact I don't like cooking!! My hubby is the one who cooks for me on weekends... Anyway, my VP is waiting for me to call her to tell her my decision.. *sigh sigh sigh* I dread going back to THAT kind of LIFE.. practically work like crazy.. . Hubby wants me to go back to see if I can balance work plus baby.. He says I'm the people-person so very hard for me to stay at home...

I'm at a crossroad .. still don't know which direction to go...
Been thinking so much that I'm having very disturbed sleep.. keep waking up... Actually I really want to be SAHM for a year or two..

Now with the new scheme, I can ask for half load half pay.. still thinking

How's working at learning lab like?
gloomybear...you make all mummies with boys here wish for a girl!!! :D me too hope my #2 will be a girl...but agree with jas though,with boy the damage is already a lot...girl will be double damage! haha
Ur gal really cute & pretty. She match well with the headband. Can tell me where u get it i would also like to get one for my gal. Heehee....
haaa... yalor ... double damage .. agree .. i've been buying alot of clothes for my girl haaa... coz mummy cant fit into nice nice clothes le ... so make my girl wear them =P
Hi mummies, u can either get from headband from mothercare, or: www.divamamas.blogspot.com
I got it from the website.
mothercare only got 1 or 2 design.

Baby gal really can dress up ar... can't help it one. no matter how much u resist buying things for them, u JUST CAN;T HELP IT. HAHAHA

Slimz, u;re right. Since I can't feel good buying clothes for myself (as i can't fit into old sizes), i'll just dress her up. anyway when i bring her out, ppl look at her, and not me. LOL.
really pei fu you. My productivity at work has gone downhill since i went back after ML ended. Now every day thinking of when i can take NPL or resign. But sometimes when it's just me and my 2 girls, I find i cant cope, esp if the older one is having a jealous fit and the younger one is fussing. If no maid/hb at home with me, I will break down. Sigh, want the best of both worlds, but not possible. Thinking of going adjunct. Heard that it's only teaching, nothing else. But no benefits lor, only get paid for the days you teach, like relief tr.
phy and claire, my productivity at work also gone downhill... i used to be able to give consultations to my kids everyday and conduct remedials but now cannot liao. cannot tahan and no energy.

i'm still thinking about taking npl but my hubby is not for it. he still thinks i'll go crazy staying at home.

phy, no stress about cooking. just order tingkat lor... dun think i can take care of bb and cook. my kitchen will be on fire if i do that. haha. About working at TLL, the env was ok and colleagues were nice but tat was aeons ago... abt 5-6 yrs ba...

claire, i heard adjunct also no fun. think the adjuncts in my school attend all the meetings. i see them also bogged down wif work. dunno leh... think u'd better ask carefully. Se-car-ly work load about the same but pay cut by a LOT! bo-hwa.
heee.. i oso noe nuts abt cooking n my HB is veri particular abt food de..
had been stying with MIL or my mum's place..no worries abt cooking . .
but our flat gg b here soon.. hehee.. guess my HB gg lose alot of weight if i'm gg cook for him =P
hihi mummies.
so long never log in here.

hearing tub, yvonne and phy complained about work..
yah i can understand.
now oso my school super busy.
having oral exams every single day.
still got cca, supp class, remedials and contact time...sigh.
furthermore, my p so on that we got another visit from 2 schools from hong kong this week.
siao ah he!!

Anyway me gonna ORD liao.
Will tender in mid may.
DH gave green light to resign and do something more flexi hours or part time that will only need me to be out of the house a few times a week for a few hours...haha

your ger sooooo cute!!!
is that the jamie rae hairbands?
gerls are so much more fun to dress up.
boys clothes get boring after awhile.
salah u.. not moi baby gal, it's gloomybear's. mine's is baby boy Shawn.

nice la the headband and she's so adorable!
if next time my #2 is babygal, i oso would suffer damages from buying clothes, shoes and everything else.
gloomybear, so cute!! yah, she v pretty wor! feels like buying dat for my gal too but hehe.. her face v square and ppl kip saying she look like boy dun tink will suit her. hehe.. maybe her brother wears it nicer than her. :p

abt dressing up, i share yr sentiments. rather dress up the kids. no on looks at us anyway! LOL!

hmm.. anyone knows wat happens to fairylander's gal after the op? hope everything goes smoothly for them.
damn sian. my hb went to china last nite (for work) n will only b back nx tues.

it's times like these where i really feel that it's terrible not to hv him ard. i nvr seem to outwardly thank n appreciate e stuff he does for me, but now tt he's away, i feel so lost. sometimes i feel that wif e kids occupying so much of mine n his time, we hardly hv time for each other. our lives just simply revolve ard e kids, which i think is highly unhealthy *arrgh*. suddenly i miss e times when we were a couple. life felt so much 'freer' then. owell, just a sad ol' me saying my piece. i told myself that when he comes back, i will b more grateful n thkful for e things he does for me. it's going to b a long wait. =(
lynzi, congrats om your ORD!!! wat do u intend to do after u tender?

steffie, yeah... i fully empathize wif u. i only have one little fella and our world seems to be dominated by her. can't imagine having 2 of them. do u guys hv couple time together? just leave the kiddos wif your MIL or ur mum and go out to pak-tor once a week?

come to think of it, my hubby is going mountain climbing in june for at least 10 days. i really dunno how to survive alone at home wif the princess. see how it goes...
i took my gal for her neonatal lupus (NLE)followup at the national skin ctr yesterday. good thing is... the prof who saw us said the prognosis for sumana is good. she said out of the 20 cases of NLE she has treated so far, all of the kiddos' skin repaired by the time they reach about a year old and babies wif NLE do not have lupus. my antibodies are likely to leave sumana by the time she reaches 6 months. so poor girl have to be poked again in 6 weeks time to test for the ramnants of those antibodies in her.

BUT... she wants me to see a rheumatologist at ttsh cos i have lupus anti-bodies in me. not sure if they will remain dormant or if there will be an outbreak later on in life. i hope not. well, that's life i guess... so full of uncertainties.

crystalz, steffietan, tub...
you gals hubby not ard (for work or reservist). I'm opposite. I'll be going China for work this friday...dunno if I can survive without baby. hehs...(or rather, dunno if hubby can survive alone with baby without me...heehee...)
