(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

Hi, I'm a SAHM with a 4 mth old baby girl. Am new to this cyber forum :p

Hope we can share info on babies and perhaps meet up and let the little ones socialise.

Anyone staying in the East?

steffie, the J&J liquid lotion (green colour) is specially for anti-mos or wat? I wanna buy n try also. But hor... apply on his botak head ah...

slimz, we whole family A+. But hb doesn't get the mos bites.. only me n bb. His skin too think maybe. haha

Last time he got hair only kena mos bite once. Now already got 3 big big ones liao.. so kelian.

the name is Johnson's Baby Clear Lotion Anti-Mosquito. it acts like e normal lotion i guess. i think applyg on e head is fine, as e liquid will evaporate v quickly.
This "bugger" going around leh, both of my kiddos recently recovered from those problem.

Stage 1;
Phlegm dissolver
Nasal drop(Infant)
Wheezing cough(Ventolin)
*all those not helping

Stage 2;
Phlegm dissolver(Orange Powder mix with water)
Nasal drop
Singulair(Lung tonic)

Aiyoh, he hates the phlegm dissolver man. But Singulair is helping alot. Shows rapid improvement. You can ask your PD about Singulair, then see whether yr bb needs that or not. Cos he was on neb 3 hourly, 5 days steriod shows no improvement then added the singulair, wa... good but damn x. Now #1 is on singular... each pill is $3. Everytime I give him 1... I will said,"Here is your Cha Kway Tiao".

Hahaha... mozzies sensors by heat think you're more a hot/sexy mummy lah.

You tried essential oil before? Think Citronella oil repels them cos can find this ingredient in all insect repellent.
jaime, welcome!i'm a northerner!

gals! thanks! feeling much better today. sent sumana to infant care and now resting at home. din know i can zzz so much! somehow bb seems to know mummy is sick. she's been a good ger so far.
My elder gal was down wz fever last fri. Went to the GP on sat morn n got antibiotics n cough mixture. We diligently fed her wz panadol every 4hrs. Her temp kept going up n down. Din recover til mon. Went back to sch on Tue. But on Wed, teacher told me that she's sick again when I went to pick her up frm sch. But she was ok at home in the afternoon. Check mouth, hands n foot, all dun hv ulcers or blisters. A doctor fren said not likely to be HFMD. Today, she skipped sch again. Think she doesn't want to go, so she said got stomachache. She did vomit n 'lao sai' once in the morning. Now, she's happily watching her TV program. Sigh... dunno she real sick or not.
hen, sumana is at carpe diem @ yishun. just above the polyclinic. i choose the center based on the experience of the caregivers there. they are about 40-ish to 50, all very experienced. dun choose based on the brand... i went to WORLD V***** and the person ic there gave us the feeling she doesn't really need our "business" cos their waiting list is soooooooo long...
hen, to add on... i think they have flexi hours. meaning you can leave bb there for a few hours a day. don't have to be 7 to 7. this will give you some space to breathe and do your own stuff while bb is in good hands.
want to ask...

Has anyone expressed BM into a milk liner (like the Avent milk liner)? Have to use the clips to clip the milk liner right? But say if it is placed flat in the fridge...would it leak?
i use rubber band to tie the milkbags. Me very ks, use double layer of milk liner. Usually i put the tied milkbags into a cup & place in freezer to form the shape first, before removing the cup. Frozen Milkbags can "stand" like that.

My bb Chloe has a lot of ear wax so I clean her ears using cotton buds dipped with olive oil every alternate day. Got to be careful though as bb skin v tender. I clean around her earlobes n slowly 'scoop' out the dirt.
1) Nepia Pants and diapers $26.95 for 2 (per packet $13.475).
2) NTUC diapers $27.50 for 3 (per packet $9.10).
3) dryers $35.95 for 3.
4) Pet Pet diaper $35.95 for 3 (per packet $11.95

5) Mammy poko for $22.75 (selected outlet with purchase of $45, get 1 set of winnie the poon story book worth $9.90)

6) Pamper active diaper $45.95 for 3.

7)Pamper premium active diaper $48.45 for 2.

8) Pamper Pants $34.95 for 2.

9) Huggies (buy 2 huggies diaper and 1 pull up, get $5 NTUC voucher free, need to cut and fillup the form found at strait times pg 13)

1) Drapolene cream $8.15 for 2. while Guardian is selling 2 for $7.x5.

- FM (promil, dumex, similac and enfrapro 2) , biscuit,organic cereal/poriage, wet wpies, shampoo,bath, lotion, laundary lotion, powder, lucky bb items (20-30 % for slected item)
jeelomeelo, my gal sleeps alot ever since started to take the meds.
Cough is much lesser now, only at night.
Doc says not to sleep with air-con. Me and hubby was soooooo hot and sweaty last night even with the fan on.. *sigh*
Today she seems alot better, so we dressed her very thick, and on air/con... will off it later before going to slp.

steffietan, i also started taking lots of vit C and juice. hope can help bb so that she can stop taking meds soon. Don't feel good giving her meds. Sigh.

Missylan, i hope my bb don't have to go through stage 2... hear lots of bb crying at the clinic while on the neubilizer
i wish i saw the newspaper this morning.
I just ordered 4 packs of nepia for my dd, and it was already delivered this afternoon.
anyone still using ameda pump?
one side of my funnel making funny noise since yesterday. i noticed the breast using that side yield less supply. ??? anyone has any idea?
i'm using ameda. the valve tore? thinned liao? heard from my colg that the suction wouldn't be so good if the valve tore/thin down. dunno le.
hehe steffie

I am not solid lah, i copied from another thread. i did saw the items in the ntuc lah. I posted another good deal (toys clearance sale) in our "nia jia".
yours is one side affected rite? Probably you took out the good one and put it to the suspected
funnel then you should able to isolate out if the problem is due to the valve. This is what I did previously so end up I bought another set from BP.
the valve would feel softer in a way. and not so firm liao. when you buy new one, it feels more solid. after much sterilisation, there's a tendency that it would be softer. (not exactly 'thinning' physically)
Thanks, tub, for sharing...

Mmm... how come it din cross my mind abt the flexi hr arrangement? Maybe discuss wz mum/sis when my sis comes back from her holidays. If they can't take care for me for few hrs a week, maybe I consider flexi infant care. I think I need that few hrs break to do housework or spend time wz my elder girl or go facial/massage/haircut, etc.

Anyone got recommendation for general cleaner that I can engage like once a month kind? Need a cleaner to help clean windows, toilets, kitchen... Used to be able to do it myself but now wz 2 kids, can't find time lor.
Which design did you get for your pikkolo?? *envy*
I still have not get mine
no stock leh... my boy is getting heavier to carry around liao heee..

no leh..supply remains unchanged. does e flange hv a crack or somethg? or perhaps it is e valves. infantree sells e replacement if u need.
side track abit... can we bring bb to ktv? haha. Sorry ah.. sound abit crazy.. but i so long din go ktv liao.. n dun wanna go out myself.. left bb with my mum. :p

Cannot lah...

I am using the somerset too... the Spa and Sqaure prints difficult la... wait till neck long! By then bb very heavy liao. Now mine and Etelle almost 2 packs of 5kg rice.

i had the squishy weird sound on my ameda the other day. Checked carefully and realised that it was becos there was water stuck in the tube & near the membrane area. Maybe that's the problem for yrs too?


mine also 9kg sumo liao. just weight him yesterday.. *faint*. Will be going back to his jab next saturday, will get confirmation on how horrifying his weight has become! No wonder i feel him getting heavier and heavier...


my sumo so heavy - not worth it for me to get the jumperoo leh. he will out grow it soon cos jumperoo weight limit is like 12 kg or 14kg right? decided not to get cos of that...
hihi mummies,
so long never come in here.
super super busy and was down with fever the past week.

so many things to read until my eyes crossed liao.
wah linda,
u getting your pikkolo huh?
envy envy...hehe.

aiyoh mummies,
your boys near to 9kg now.
my boy don't think he has reach that weight yet.
have not weigh him this month.
will wait for his last 6 in 1 jab and see how.

thinking of bringing my ger to melbourne in oct... izit ok for her age? she will be around 11months during oct. kinda worry when we take the plane...
Hi mummies!
A few weeks din come in, lost track again..


What sizes for Pet Pet & Mamy Poko? Where is the toys clearance sale??

Btw, is nepia diapers Jap brand? Is it good?

I m craving for ktv too.. wanted to bring my Chloe along with hb (ktv used to be our dating spot) but scare music too loud for her. Has not been going since her birth.

By the way, what's a pikkolo? *paisey.. a bit 'sua gu'.

I have checked wrt bb taking planes. They can actually do so when a-week-old! Just beware of crowded areas cos of our bb tender age - immunity lower. I will b bringing Chloe to SHA this June!

I am not sure abt pet pet and mamy poko, i think shd be all sizes. The toys clearance sale is at kallang leisure park atrium from 11 april to 20 april.

Ya, Nepia is a jap diaper. To me, is good (good absorb of urine and rarely leak for my gal). Now we are using goon.
my hb wanted to get jumperoo cos he said mal likes to bend forward when sitting on his rocker. kinda dangerous cos he may fall.. hmmm.. i have reserved a place in my house for jumperoo and play yard liao.. hope both sprees successful.. oh ya, the other day you was saying wanna get what moon sand or something like that (cant remember) when dylan get older. what's that? can show me the link in niang jia?

yup yup! bringing mal to starcruise end of may. he went with us before to starcruise last yr too when i was 4mos preg, haha..
