(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

Happy birthday alien~~~~~

mine only sweat at head area haha when she wake up.. the bed will be wet..

Y dun u go back next monday? Since u can work from home?
phew... bz till now.

Happy Bday Alien, take care k?

Witty, u so fast give ur bb cereals liao ah. I'm thinking wait till 5+ mths... Bb taking it well?

jeelo, mine will have sweaty palms!
happy birthday alien!! get well soon!


my bb has got very sweaty palms and feet!! PD said it is probably genetic.. takes after the dad..
happy birthday alien.
get well soon.

wah, u and me want the 4th may slot ah?
How lei?
only 4 slots for each of those days is it?
well cookiemz, my bb leak sweat got the genes like me lor... i oso sweat like nobody biz one.. now after confinement oso i sweat like siao.. but then hor i dun have sweaty feet and palm. dunno why my bb like that
mummies here,
any of u have contact for part time cleaning lady?
I need one to come to my place in woodlands near admiralty.
now that i'm working too tired to clean the house liao.

u have any excess of the dream bag??
starting solids:
my HB brot bb 2 polyclinic for 5-in-1 yday and he asked the nurse abt solids n teething..
the nurse said my girl not ready for solids n no teeth yet .. .. so i guess wont start her on solids yet ..
botanist & cookiemz,
now then i see ur posts. hehe, after 1130am today i deen check SMH forum till now. No wonder miraclebaby sms me to check how many mummies going for baby cafe hee. Great to see all mummies just now!

Alien, hap hap happy b'day!!

jeelomeelo, my baby also sweat on hands and feet, more from feet. My MIL said if sweat is salty, then it's ok. If not salty, it's no good. My baby's sweat not salty (yeah, i tasted........) Think she tends to have it on days when I feel she's not getting enuff milk, or man zang. Anyway, gonna ask PD during her checkup this Thu why she like dat.
Happy birthday... me still having sore throat, today then got the time and energy to go to GP. Given onli anti-botics and lozenges cos me hor, allergic to Postan-painkiller even Panadol can only take 1, 2 will get swollen eyelid. Hahahhaa... after delivery also cannot take painkiller. First time delivery, took 1 postan, walao aah, got sausage lips.

happy birthday! get well soon!

thanx for arranging the bb cafe tingy! hope more mummies can join us next time!

fisher price jumperoo
cannot resist, just bought from 1 mummy who organize a bp for the jumperoo. bp price $180 + $3 del +$1 erp charge!!
hehe! now waiting for hb to set up n my boy can try on it liao. i bght this cos he is so xian of his bouncer !!
me also sick. on mc today and 2mrw. last saturday went to c doc, but the medicine made me giddy and puke instead of better.
Thot i allergic to the medicine, thou i specifically asked for med safe for nursing mummies. GP concluded it's the effects of my flu, not recovering yet, hence the giddiness.

you so poor thing. can't even take postan...
bluelily, babies can take ginseng? i know can take barley water cos used to give tt to buy before he go for jab. But din know tt ginseng can give them too? wont it be too heaty?

Oic. Will it mean as long as our darlings can't take EBM, we will not be able to stop pumping??

I intend to pump till 6 months and then start to close shop. But btw, I r'ber my friend who did exclusive pumping said that when solid is being introduced, we don't have to pump so many times per day. So I think by then your supply should be able to meet your darling's intake right?

But will pumping equals to cannot try for #3?
Sorry, i quite blur man...
my gran, mil n mum all said give them the pao sheng before jab can prevent fever. I always forget to give...

Really demoralised right now. Was trying to carry my #2 and coax her to sleep but she just kept crying and crying, refused to be put down to sleep and carry also keep crying. Then my maid insisted on carrying her and she quieted down in like 5 minutes. Then my #1 also went to look for the maid to go to sleep. Feel like such a failure. It's times like this when i wonder why I go out and work and earn all that money just to come home to find my children would prefer the maid to their own mother. Oh man, This is really painful. I know i cant stop working, at least not this year, but this sucks bigtime.
I know of friends who got preg while still bfing. But not so easy lah coz bfing causes some hormonal change that stops/hinders ovulation. No egg, no baby
HEHE.. jux now let my girl sit potty to pee.. and she peed aft sitting on it for abt 5mins =D
my mum says to train her sit pottty for pee-ing en no nid alwys wear nappies/diapers and ve rashes..
don't let that get u down.
i know how it feels.
sometimes when my fil hold my boy for too long, deep inside i will be envious.
Claire: haha..sometime i will squeeze him oso cos he so freshy now ... he jus balloon suddenly after i stop my BF and fed him total FM! Guess FM more rich bah..

Jeelo..i oso using nuk bottles leh, and at times can see Dwayne looking at the cartoon pictures on the bottles...by the way, he oso sweat alot, but no sweaty palms lah, oso head area then we will need to change his pillow casing abt 3days once cos will have his sweaty smell...hey if can keep little shawn at home for few more days lor, cos HFM cases still on the rise rite...awy, i always feel for little shawn at infant care, sometime i wonder will they give him full attention or not, cos he still so small...

bluelily, so far he is okay with the cereal (nestle rice powder). We start giving him for his 'lunch' and with small amount oni lah... Awy, today told my maid to try him with Gerber '1st food' pear favour but he reject leh...will try again tml...
Clarie, I totally understand how u feel! Nowsaday, my Dwayne will want his 'aunty' to pad him to sleep.
The only thing I can do now is tat I still insist on sleeping with my baby and taking care of him at night. This way atleast my baby will get to smell his mommy at night...
happi birthday Alien!

Constance & Alien
Rest well & get well soon!

Wah!! 4 kids!! you must have lots of support from hb! for me just one, I already feel very tired, the other day, my hb can't tahan bb crankiness & crying & shouted at bb to stop crying .. in the end bb cried even louder!! my heart ache lo & i'm soooo angry with hb!! i know my bb can be so extreme at times also ! i simply can't leave bb alone with bb

I understand how you feel too, don't feel too bad. it happened to my boy also when I can't pacify him to stop crying, in the end, my mom who is helping to take care of him, carry & is able to pacify him

Check with you about the Omega car seat.. Agree that your towkay looks very comfy in it

Are you using it front facing or back facing? We're driving a toyota Altis and wonder if the car seat when placed back facing will take up too much space or not..
my ger fell down frim the bed yesterday night. fce down, not sure whether did she hit the head... she cried for a while n resume playing after we pacify her... no bruises, wollen o redness seen... is she ok?
gotta monitor your bb for the next 3 days for any unusual behavior, eg drowsy, keep sleeping the whole day, refuse to feed, or cry when u touch a certain part of her head, etc. my no 1 used to b champion at falling off the bed. my pd actuaaly gave us a std list of things to note when bb hit his head last time.
I still remembered the first time he fell, dunno how come his head got stuck bet my low bed n flr (he got big head!). HB gotta lift up the bed before i can carry him up.
thanks. still not feeling well 2day. wondering whether to go work 2day.

yup, hb n me like kids very much. he used to b very hands on with them in taking care of n playing w them. now got my mum n maid helping out, so his role now bcome playing w them only.

It's quite usual to be angry and frustrated with the kids/bbies. even i myself also screamed at them out of frustration sometimes
thx for the support mummies, feel better after sleeping it off and seeing that i'm not alone. Told my hb abt it, then he was saying that in 2-3yrs time when he's more stable, i can stay home with the children, so ask me to tahan till then. Well, this morning yu ru woke up and smiled and the whole world was right again

u must be feeling heart ache after baby's fall.. think gotta monitor his feed (whether baby is eating as usual) and watch out for vomit...

yah dont feel bad. same thing happened to me two days ago. was playing with my son and not careful, he hit his head on my camera lens cover and the tv cabinet.. resulted in a bump on his head. lucky my HB never scold me *phew* and my son was still as playful and as greedy the next day so i'm relieved it wasn't serious
Mummies without voucher first trial will be $34

Every class will have 4 babies joining the trial only. So please confirm ur attendence below.

Thursday 1.40pm - 2.25pm 10th April *If no one thurs cancelled*

Sunday 3.10pm - 3.55pm

Group 1 13th April

Group 2 20th April

Group 3

Group 4 -4th May
1. Bluelily
2. Poohbaby1223
3. baby12
4. lynzi

Group 5 - 11th May
1. Slimz

Mummies If possible pls don't change ur dates once confirm. Sorry for the trouble

hw do you train yr ger to sit on the potty? how do you know she is about to pee? after feed? Which type of potty should we get for 3-4mth old bb?
My cols told me they give pao shen to bb b4 jab to prevent fever. Pao shen is ginseng also? haha.. I always mix up all the shens.. still dunno wanna give bb anot. Who tried b4?

Sweaty palms
Think bb get it from me. I used to have sweaty palms too.. but now like better liao.
My mum tries to train my bb to use the potty. Too small to sit on the potty now, she'll carry him with his buttocks aiming at the potty when he is going to poo.. then he can poo in the potty. But hor.. weekends I lazy.. din do tt. As for peeing.. once in a blue moon then successful in peeing in the potty or sink. hhahaha
CryStaLZ, u gal wants u to pamper her to zz izzit? Mine always cry when he wanna zzz.. pamper a few mins then he'll settle down liao.

all the while i just give her pacifier then she can sleep ler...
dunno y these 2 days i need to carry her cos when i give pacifier she cry and cry aiyo... then carry her awhile and she half asleep then i can put her down.. *faintz* dunno y leh... bbs nowadays so many pattern!

my fren oso ask me to give my ger pao shen. Use rice water and once slice of pao shen then boil in slow cooker. After that give her drink abit.. won't fever.. i haven try though...
i got her one from NTUC AMK Hub..cheap cheap $4.90 only..
last nite was our first attempt and she pee-ed aft being on it 5mins..
she was on nappy for abt an hr and din pee so i put her on her potty to try try.. she was ok sitting in it .. and all the while me, my mum n dad were whistling to her to pee..
aft 5mins she started fidgetting and got fustrated..so i carried her up n saw tat she had pee lor. .
according to my mum who had baby sit countless babies prior to my girl.. she will let bb sit in potty every 20-30mins to pee..
ginseng b4 jabs:
i nvr gave anyting b4 jabs..my mum did mentioned can give barley water b4 jabs .. but she oso said my girl too small, wait till bigger den give wor..
Gymboree trial class
Sorry for the late reply. I haven't come into this forum for >1 week cos have been very busy at work.

How old must baby be? My boy is only 3mth2weeks. Old enough to go?
better not go to work if you are not feelin well. Stay home to rest so that you can concentrate on getting well

so glad yr hb quite hands-on, my hb not so lo, gotta tell him, then he will do ..
Mummies without voucher first trial will be $34

Every class will have 4 babies joining the trial only. So please confirm ur attendence below.

Thursday 1.40pm - 2.25pm 10th April *If no one thurs cancelled*

Sunday 3.10pm - 3.55pm

Group 1 13th April

Group 2 20th April

Group 3

Group 4 -4th May
1. Bluelily
2. Poohbaby1223
3. baby12
4. lynzi

Group 5 - 11th May
1. Slimz
2. Elaine

Mummies If possible pls don't change ur dates once confirm. Sorry for the trouble

My son took his 3rd month jab on Monday. His latest weight (6.3kg) and length (63cm) updated. My hubby said this weekend must buy 4D -- 6363. Haha ...

cookiemz(Baby JunRui) 14 Nov - 6.8kg, 64 cm
steffietan(Baby Alexis) 16 Nov - 5.3kg, 60cm
rach11(Baby Isaac) 18 Nov - 6.4kg, 61cm
fanny(Baby cayenne) 22 nov - 6kg, 63 cm
Elaine(Baby Gabrielle) 23 Nov - 7.14kg
CryStaLZ(Baby Amberly) 23 Nov - 5.58kg, 63cm
Witty(baby Dwayne) 26 Nov - 7.26kg, 66cm
Etelle(Baby Evan) 27 Nov - 9.65kg, 69cm
Gloomybear(Baby Arielle) 28 Nov - 5.67kg, 58cm
tub(Baby Sumana) 02 Dec - 6.5kg
lynzi(Baby Faiq) 02 Dec - 5.8kg, 60cm
Idah(Baby Adlan) 05 Dec - 6.3kg
Cry Baby(Baby Kate) 05 Dec - 4.4kg, 55cm
bluelily(Baby Jerrell) 05 Dec - 5.7kg
hentang(baby Kaylen) 05 Dec - 7kg, 60cm
jeelomeelo(Baby Shawn) 05 Dec - 6.8kg, 62cm
slimz(Baby shirui) 06 Dec - 6.63kg, 60cm
Tricianbt(Baby Shania) 06 Dec - 5.8kg, 61cm
Linda(Baby Jovan) 07 Dec - 6.5kg, 63cm
alien(Baby Malcolm) 07 Dec - 6.9kg, 67cm
CSI_Fan(Baby Louisa) 08 Dec - 6kg, 61cm
jaz23(Baby jazzell) 10 Dec - 5.46kg, 58cm
Baby12(Baby Clarence) 12 Dec - 6.2kg, 67cm
Momo32(Baby Chloe) 12 Dec - 5.6kg, 60cm
ankh(Baby Emma) 13 Dec - 5.9kg
Petrina(Baby Mikaela) 14 Dec - 6.1kg, 60cm
kat (Baby Zijun) 17 Dec - 5.8kg, 58cm
belle_08(Baby Xenden) 18 Dec - 7kg, 64cm
BBnGG(Baby Joshua) 18 Dec - 6.3kg, 62cm
Botanist(Baby Dylan) 18 Dec - 8.26kg, 66cm
constancet(Rhaines) 18 Dec - 5.3kg, 63cm
eve(Baby Ethan) 20 Dec - 5.9kg, 6ccm
Noelle(Baby Natalie) 21 Dec - 5.6kg, 63cm
Ginger(Baby Andre) 21 Dec – 5.66kg
leejo(Baby Ethan) 23 Dec - 7.1kg, 63.5cm
Phy(Baby Ryan) 24 Dec - 7.5kg, 67cm
valeriet(Baby Qai Jinn) 28 Dec - 6.3kg, 63cm
claire_liu(Baby Yu Ru) 29 Dec - 7kg, 61cm
fairylander(Baby Cathrina) 15 Nov - 5.3kg, 63cm
yvonne (Baby Chloe) 30 Nov - 5.8kg, 60cm
ah_bie (Baby XuanXu) 5 Dec - 6.6kg
missylan (Baby JiaKai) 30 Nov - 8.5kg, 70cm
Joanne (Baby Rachel Wong) 28 Dec - 6.3kg, 61cm
Steffi (Baby Zhe Xuan) 19 Dec - 6.9kg, 63cm
Limko (Baby Caleb) 25 Dec - 7.2kg, 64 cm
kokopooh (Baby Samson) 17 Dec - 6.7kg , 64 cm
