(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB


sorry but i can't make it this thursday.. got to see a client around that timing too..

can let me know if the class is good? if good.. maybe i'll join the next week's thurs or friday's class..

many many thanks and sorry that i can't make it this thursday..

am changing my date cos my towkay seems teething.. (abit of feverish on off...)

I've called up. We couldn't have a class on our own as all the classes is full right now so we have to spilt into groups to join their classes as we are on trial.

Mummies without voucher first trial will be $34

Every class will have 4 babies joining the trial only. So please confirm ur attendence below.

miracle and rach if u are not free on sunday i can put u on thursday .

Thursday 1.40pm - 2.25pm 10th April
1. miracle (no voucher)
2. Mel (1 voucher) CONFIRM
3. Petrina (no voucher)
4. cookiemz (no voucher)

Sunday 3.10pm - 3.55pm
Group 1 13th April
1. Slimz (2 vouchers)
2. Baby12 (no voucher)
3. alien (no voucher) - changing date, TBC
4. Elaine (no voucher)

Group 2 20th April
1. BBnGG (no voucher)
2. *Raye's_Mummy* (no voucher)
3. constancet (3 vouchers)
4. CSI_ Fan

Group 3
1. lynzi (1 voucher)
2. fanny (2 vouchers) = confirm
3. miracle (no voucher)
4.Rach (no voucher)

Group 4 *2 more mummies*
1. poohbaby1223 (with voucher)
2. Bluelily (with voucher)

Belle (No voucher
valeriet (no voucher)

So u have tried Friso Comfort and no vomitting? I will take a look at this when I next go to supermarket. =) Thanks for the info.

Btw, don't mind can i ask why are u giving your darling FM since u can latch on? For my case, I am doing exclusive pumping since my son was week 1. I am thinking of using FM as a backup in case my supply drop when I return to work next week.

If u say no distributor will give samples, maybe I won't bother for now. I still have quite an amt of frozen EBM to back me up. Still very scare when I think of the 'toh-hua' my son vomitted out. *shake head*
hi ladies,
have been busy with the twins and work... ai yo.. hardly have time to come here liaoz...

need to check something with you, i am thinking of starting my twins on cereals... izit the moon rabbit brand instant si sen brown rice powder?? i went NTUC to check and oni can find that for babies 4 mths and above.

for those bringing your baby for the 5-in-1 jab, can let your baby take barley water (without sugar) a couple of days before and maybe ginseng water the day before. it helps for my twins who just went for their jabs last sat. ;)
Sorry, I can't make it this sunday coz hb working on sun this month... do let me know if there is any sunday dates in May

I've called up. We couldn't have a class on our own as all the classes is full right now so we have to spilt into groups to join their classes as we are on trial.

Mummies without voucher first trial will be $34

Every class will have 4 babies joining the trial only. So please confirm ur attendence below.

miracle and rach if u are not free on sunday i can put u on thursday .

Thursday 1.40pm - 2.25pm 10th April
1. miracle (no voucher)
2. Mel (1 voucher) CONFIRM
3. Petrina (no voucher)
4. cookiemz (no voucher)

Sunday 3.10pm - 3.55pm
Group 1 13th April
1. Slimz (2 vouchers)
2. Baby12 (no voucher)- prefer to take May date
3. alien (no voucher) - changing date, TBC
4. Elaine (no voucher)

Group 2 20th April
1. BBnGG (no voucher)
2. *Raye's_Mummy* (no voucher)
3. constancet (3 vouchers)
4. CSI_ Fan

Group 3
1. lynzi (1 voucher)
2. fanny (2 vouchers) = confirm
3. miracle (no voucher)
4.Rach (no voucher)

Group 4 *2 more mummies*
1. poohbaby1223 (with voucher)
2. Bluelily (with voucher)

Belle (No voucher
valeriet (no voucher)

i spoke too early... yesterday's 120ml of frisocomfort came out 10 mins after his feed.. haiz...

my boy will be 5 mths next wk, i am hoping to wean him off BM at ard 6 mths before trying for #3. i'm only pumping 3 times a day and will not be able to meet his demand if he goes beyond his current 180ml per feed. that's why i have to introduce FM now.. for you, at least you still have a stash of frozen EBM to fall back on, mine has been wiped out already

I can only make it after April 18.

I've called up. We couldn't have a class on our own as all the classes is full right now so we have to spilt into groups to join their classes as we are on trial.

Mummies without voucher first trial will be $34

Every class will have 4 babies joining the trial only. So please confirm ur attendence below.

miracle and rach if u are not free on sunday i can put u on thursday .

Thursday 1.40pm - 2.25pm 10th April
1. miracle (no voucher)
2. Mel (1 voucher) CONFIRM

Sunday 3.10pm - 3.55pm 13th April
Group 1 13th April
1. Slimz (2 vouchers)
2. Baby12 (no voucher)- prefer to take May date
3. alien (no voucher) - changing date, TBC
4. Elaine (no voucher)

Group 2 20th April
1. BBnGG (no voucher)
2. *Raye's_Mummy* (no voucher)
3. constancet (3 vouchers)
4. CSI_ Fan

Group 3
1. lynzi (1 voucher)
2. fanny (2 vouchers) = confirm
3. miracle (no voucher)
4.Rach (no voucher)

Group 4 *2 more mummies*
1. poohbaby1223 (with voucher)
2. Bluelily (with voucher)

Dates to be confirmed
1. Botanist (no voucher)
2. Petrina (no voucher)
3. cookiemz (no voucher)

Belle (No voucher
valeriet (no voucher)
I was quite lucky. I stop bfeeding no 2 at 8mth old, menses came one mth later, then strike liao. so my wait for no 3 is not long at all.

you also planning for no 3 already?
hmmm... womder when i will b ready for my no 4. mayb wait till no 3 is at least 2 yrs old.

haha, no worries. I also blur sometimes when i read the thread postings from bottom to top.
wow! u guys r already planning for number 3 and 4??? i don't even dare to think about number TWO! but ladies, have to take precaution hor... (even if u r BF-ing) if u dun want to have another one so fast. my fren was telling me we are most fertile 1st year or so after giving birth. :p
that's lucky
I'm still undecided when to stop bfeeding, but supply is dwindling so dunno if i want to take measures to increase or just let it be. My girl now super complain queen. want to sleep also make noise, then milk give her 5 oz take such a looong time to finish. drink 1 oz make noise, put in her mouth, she use her tongue and hands to push away. Then half hour later, hungry liao, make noise again.
But she's the darling of the family now coz she loves to talk and interact with ppl. Smiles and laughs easily. Only feeding and zzz time then she gets v cranky. Try n make her sleep, she will twist and turn, make noise, refuse to be pacified then suck her fist until chuk chuk sound. I give up most of the time and pass to my hb. Think she's daddy's girl, he can pacify her easily :S
slimz, wow! your ger potential scholar! so SERIOUS ah!

Linda, your handsome steady steady pom pipi seah! my ger was so wriggly when my mum tried to trim her hair. macham worm...
Sumama and her wild grass on her head... my girl after her trim but hor... like no diff like that. still very messy...

happi, I brought bb to hair salon in Sun plaza. Same as linda. $8 for the shave.. v quick!

dodo, my mum let bb drink barley a few days b4.. no use. Still fever. Now considering whether to try ginseng anot.
aiyoyo sumana mummy!! ur gal's hair really a lot *envy envy* don worry, sumana will join jovan very soon - steady pom pi pi!

btw, mummies, did u all notice that ur bbs prefer to sit upright nowadays? My boy now like to sit upright and if we put him in a 45degree lying position, he will tend to try to sit up wor...
sad to say, yesterday we got this letter from buffet paradize that they are going to use MSG. duh... but we'll probably still continue with them

happy birthday alien!
my girl is same as ur's now!
feeding n zzz-ing time veri bad .. other times veri fun ..
i was extremely tired last nite n my dad took over to coax her to bed .. feel so bad .. ={
Hi mummies!

So envy when i c that alot of u mummies are having so much milk ss to stock up in the fridge...my gal now 3+mths le but my ss still very low...she's now drinking 120ml per feed, and i oni manage to squeeze out milk for her 2/3 feedings per day...very sad...still trying hard to increase my ss...but heard tat the milk ss more or less fixed now? No way to increase le? Any mummies to clear my doubt? And if still able to increase, wat shld i do? I've been taking fenugreek but oni slight increase...i hope to be able to total bf my gal
Since alot of mummies cannot make it then please choose a date that u are available.

I've called up. We couldn't have a class on our own as all the classes is full right now so we have to spilt into groups to join their classes as we are on trial.

Mummies without voucher first trial will be $34

Every class will have 4 babies joining the trial only. So please confirm ur attendence below.

Thursday 1.40pm - 2.25pm 10th April *If no one thurs cancelled*

Sunday 3.10pm - 3.55pm

Group 1 13th April

Group 2 20th April

Group 3

Group 4

Mummies If possible pls don't change ur dates once confirm. Sorry for the trouble.
Etelle, best catering is good as in the food is quite nice.

The portion is alot. Especially the veggies. Even my hb a big eater can't finish it. But somehow we cannot have really high standard for dinner delivery.

So far not bad. But i stop after the first mth cuz i'm always not home.

I can only make it in May..rushing jobs this month.. ={

I've called up. We couldn't have a class on our own as all the classes is full right now so we have to spilt into groups to join their classes as we are on trial.

Mummies without voucher first trial will be $34

Every class will have 4 babies joining the trial only. So please confirm ur attendence below.

miracle and rach if u are not free on sunday i can put u on thursday .

Thursday 1.40pm - 2.25pm 10th April
1. miracle (no voucher)
2. Mel (1 voucher) CONFIRM

Sunday 3.10pm - 3.55pm 13th April
Group 1 13th April
1. Slimz (2 vouchers) - May date
2. Baby12 (no voucher)- prefer to take May date
3. alien (no voucher) - changing date, TBC
4. Elaine (no voucher)

Group 2 20th April
1. BBnGG (no voucher)
2. *Raye's_Mummy* (no voucher)
3. constancet (3 vouchers)
4. CSI_ Fan

Group 3
1. lynzi (1 voucher)
2. fanny (2 vouchers) = confirm
3. miracle (no voucher)
4.Rach (no voucher)

Group 4 *2 more mummies*
1. poohbaby1223 (with voucher)
2. Bluelily (with voucher)

Dates to be confirmed
1. Botanist (no voucher)
2. Petrina (no voucher)
3. cookiemz (no voucher)

Belle (No voucher
valeriet (no voucher)
<font color="0000ff">Re: Gymboree class,

I can't make it on the 20th. Any mummy wish to swap with me?</font>

I've called up. We couldn't have a class on our own as all the classes is full right now so we have to spilt into groups to join their classes as we are on trial.

Mummies without voucher first trial will be $34

Every class will have 4 babies joining the trial only. So please confirm ur attendence below.

miracle and rach if u are not free on sunday i can put u on thursday .

Thursday 1.40pm - 2.25pm 10th April
1. miracle (no voucher)
2. Mel (1 voucher) CONFIRM

Sunday 3.10pm - 3.55pm 13th April
Group 1 13th April
1. Slimz (2 vouchers) - May date
2. Baby12 (no voucher)- prefer to take May date
3. alien (no voucher) - changing date, TBC
4. Elaine (no voucher)

Group 2 20th April
1. BBnGG (no voucher)
2. *Raye's_Mummy* (no voucher)
3. constancet (3 vouchers)
4. CSI_ Fan (no voucher) <font color="0000ff">- Not free on 20th. Wanna swap?</font>

Group 3
1. lynzi (1 voucher)
2. fanny (2 vouchers) = confirm
3. miracle (no voucher)
4.Rach (no voucher)

Group 4 *2 more mummies*
1. poohbaby1223 (with voucher)
2. Bluelily (with voucher)

Dates to be confirmed
1. Botanist (no voucher)
2. Petrina (no voucher)
3. cookiemz (no voucher)

Belle (No voucher
valeriet (no voucher)
wow, all bbs are growing up liao! very cute! haha...

now think of the days when we were anticipating their arrival seems like juz happened not long ago!

linda, my boy also likes to sit upright, but when he does tat, he'll puke abit of milk lor...

ehm, can see some mummies oredi planning for their #3 liao... hahaha... my hb dare not try for #3, cos with our 2 kiddos, he oredi big head! hahaha...
Sorry for the delay in reply. No, I can't make it today. Got quite a lot of things to do. Another time perhaps. Enjoy yourselves!
Since alot of mummies cannot make it then please choose a date that u are available.

I've called up. We couldn't have a class on our own as all the classes is full right now so we have to spilt into groups to join their classes as we are on trial.

Mummies without voucher first trial will be $34

Every class will have 4 babies joining the trial only. So please confirm ur attendence below.

Thursday 1.40pm - 2.25pm 10th April *If no one thurs cancelled*

Sunday 3.10pm - 3.55pm

Group 1 13th April

Group 2 20th April

Group 3

Group 4 -4th May
1. Bluelily
2. Poohbaby1223

Mummies If possible pls don't change ur dates once confirm. Sorry for the trouble
jeelo, really ah??? i was still selling the no msg slogan to my husband ytd when i told him we may be changing caterer. sigh... no choice la... better than neo gdn.
Ankh, i'm not sure whether should i go .. If i cab down to n fro cost abt $20 .. If i take train my shoulders will break ....

my son had another meltdown this morning.. now napping. if he recovers nicely, i will be there! my diaper bag all pack liao.. now all depends on whether he wakes up in a better mood :)
Claire: Why eat pig tail huh? SO cute....!

Hee, haven been active in tis thread lately, jus wanna update my Little Champion, Dwayne developments:
- Can flip 360deg liao...
- can recognise milk bottle and hold his own milk bottle for 5 minutes..
- like to explore things and reach out for any objects that we put infront of him then will put into his mouth..arrggh..
- like to babbles and play now..
- start to feed him with cereals and bb juice...

Cookie and constance,

Wow, so fast planning for #3 and #4 already!! I'm still trying to adjust to life with #1!! Haha, don't know why I find it so tough being SAHM.. Going back to work in end May...

Actually also dread returning to work

Mummies without voucher first trial will be $34

Every class will have 4 babies joining the trial only. So please confirm ur attendence below.

Thursday 1.40pm - 2.25pm 10th April *If no one thurs cancelled*

Sunday 3.10pm - 3.55pm

Group 1 13th April

Group 2 20th April

Group 3

Group 4 -4th May
1. Bluelily
2. Poohbaby1223
3. baby12

Mummies If possible pls don't change ur dates once confirm. Sorry for the trouble
<font color="0000ff">added myself...</font>

Mummies without voucher first trial will be $34

Every class will have 4 babies joining the trial only. So please confirm ur attendence below.

Thursday 1.40pm - 2.25pm 10th April *If no one thurs cancelled*

Sunday 3.10pm - 3.55pm

Group 1 13th April

Group 2 20th April

Group 3

Group 4 -4th May
1. Bluelily
2. Poohbaby1223
3. baby12
4. <font color="0000ff">CSI_Fan</font>

Mummies If possible pls don't change ur dates once confirm. Sorry for the trouble
Mummies without voucher first trial will be $34

Every class will have 4 babies joining the trial only. So please confirm ur attendence below.

Thursday 1.40pm - 2.25pm 10th April *If no one thurs cancelled*

Sunday 3.10pm - 3.55pm

Group 1 13th April

Group 2 20th April

Group 3

Group 4 -4th May
1. Bluelily
2. Poohbaby1223
3. baby12
4. lynzi

Mummies If possible pls don't change ur dates once confirm. Sorry for the trouble

yaboy.. witty he's yummy! i oso tested shawn to hold his nuk plastic bottle. he oso hold hold for a few minutes, then take out and put back in. i tot that's funny, coz his actions are a like jagged... :p

tub, ya, now i'm lookng for another alternative liao.. dun like msg food. dei.. in the letter, they say that msg help to prolong the freshness of the food.. apa la..

i have been workin from home these few days, probalby thrus going back to office. coz the infant/child care ctr for about 8cases of fhmd since last thrus(among 20-30 kids). i heard the incubation period is about 5days. so far so good my boy looks ok, no blistery looking rashes, no fever, eat and sleep well. Do you think it's safe to go back there on thrus?
