(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

from the bottle she taking < 660ml (coz been throwing some excess wen dey expire..)
and i tink my girl drinks lesser wen i'm not ard i.e. from bottle.. coz every evening wen i come home i will latch her even thou she has jux been fed ard 3oz from the bottle.. and she will still suckle for abt 10-20mins de..
so i guess she learnt dat she dun ve to drink herself too full during the day coz 'mummy cow' will b home @ nite to latch her .. (she dun like the bottle..)

i've not felt engorged for quite sometime le .. hahaa.. but if i really engorged, will get my girl to suckle for me to clear the blockage ..

dat time KKH LC told me ve to give ur body/brains training to fit ur work schedule.. her advise was:
-4weeks b4 i start work, pump once every 3hrs
-3weeks b4, pump every 4hrs
-2weeks b4, pump every 5hrs
-1week b4, pump every 6hrs..
so by time u go back work, oredi body finetuned to produce milk every 6hrs, w/o feeling engorged and wont dip ss .. ..

if yr boy is sick or cough...its not recommended to use humidifier or ioniser...
Thats wat my PD said...cos we were thinking of buying 1 ioniser to cleanse the air for my bb...
She said best to let them breathe in fresh air than on the aircon...
cos the humidifier or ioniser traps the dirty "air" which isnt so gd for them
hazel humidifier is to prevent the room from dryness.. Nothing to do with air .. I on every night too .. If not air con is very drying ..

I also dun mind meeting at Square 2 cos its quite near my place. I probably will still need to drive there though, cos its quite a long walk fr my house.

ankh, miracle, babyetrelle - how? u mummies keen to join or not? ankh, u wanna help organise since you have the details?
ya...its to moisture the air...cos we have 1 @ home...cos my bb gets very frustrated if he's hot. So we would normally on the aircon when we detect his frustrations.
And we bought it so that it wont be so dry &amp; the throat wont be uncomfortable.
but my PD said it isnt that gd lor....

think I would check with my PD again this sat...
mel, i agreed, if i don't on the humidifier when i on the aircon, my boy will have stuffy nose the next morning when he wake up and that make him very uncomfortable. Humidifier is more on to prevent the air con drying than cleansing.
Also humidifier use water to moisture the room. I nvr heard of humidifier will trap dirty air leh. See the attached for self-explantary:

For cleansing, maybe ur pd refer to air purifier?
damn it !!!
my MIL just called say my girl cannot cut hair tonite and say wan bring her cut NOW.. and oso cannot take foto or video!!!!#I*@$*$&amp;&amp;*^$#*&amp;
wat CRAP !! so pang dang???Q@?#?@$?

its my girl's first hair cut .. and i'm not there.. and oso cant video cam down for me to view??!?@?#>@#
haizz.. really fuming .. pardon my outrage in the previous post ...
sobzzz.. so sad now .. was looking forward to it .. =(
yea .. humidifier is using water to release small particles of H2O into the air .. So will moist the room .. In another is just water.. Last time before i bought humidifier i just place one plate of water in the room to moist the room ..

As are air purifier, i don't really like. i don't really like to be 'too' clean. i find it doesn't beneifit baby ..
botanist, ended up getting an Ergo. Same like yours. hehe.. Luckily gal loved it too. Same like sling, will KO the moment i put her inside. Will sleep all the way i'm out. Wake up just for feed. And i got more freedom to run ard w my toddler!
So asically if weather is good, i'm out the whole day. Tats y seldom post here nowadays.

Are u planning a meet up w the moms here? I'm keen if its not so far away.. Else got to lug so many barang2.
why cannot cut at night? or wait till weekend then cut? or must be exactly on the 4th mth? i will also be very sad if i cannot witness the hair cutting...
I still bring my boy back to SIN every 2 months for jabs. Almost everybody think I'm paranoid to make such arrangements. But I just don't want to take any chances having injections here and there, especially with all the so many dunno-how-many-in-1 jabs available in differnt countries. Besides, I don't think they have pneumococcal and rotarix over here in Dongguan.

Good thing is my company gives me 5 air tickets this year for home trips. I just need to pay for my baby's air fare.

I would love to be a SAHM. But financially it will be too heavy a burden for my husband. SO right now, just got to slowly get used to working life again lor.

any idea why cannot take photos when baby cut hair?

btw, when u all bring baby to cut hair on 4th mth, ur 4th month is based the chinese lunar calendar the "normal ang mo" calendar?
i oso duno y cant cut at nite.. i've initially scheduled her to cut tis sunday (her actual 4mths by the 'ang moh' calendar)..
den tis morning MIL told HB today bb's 4mth (by chinese calendar).. so will cut hair..
so i arrange cut tis evening aft i'm home den can take video too ..
who noes MIL says cant .. she's oredi @ my mum's hm now, gg bring bb for the hair cut now .. boohooo...
wonder if my girl will feel sad/scared and i'm not there with her ={

i m guessing old folks believe cutting of hair, finger nails is no no at nite cos they scared spirits will collect the hair/nails and do farney things.
this is wat a cab uncle told me, personally i dun believe in it.
the only time i can afford to cut my nails is at nite...after everything has been done.
i frankly ve no idea y cannot take foto/videos lor.. my MIL is ULTRA pang dang one de.. everyting mux follow "law"

dat time our wedding date was changed 1mth b4 actual wedding lor.. coz she last minute come and say the original date no good.. den end up ve to let the restuarant earn additional $50 per table for the sudden change in dates ..
and our original date was acutally 1yr aft ROM, now end up our ROM (06/06/05)n wedding dates (04/06/06)are different (wanted 06/06/06, nice and easy to remember date..) .. haizzz ..
Pumping milk

Well, I let my boy latch on for his feeds (5 or 6 times a day) and I try to pump some out in between direct latching coz i need to start storing as I'm returning to work in end May..


i don't get engorgement nowadays and breasts always feel soft soft.. does it mean my supply dropping? Every morning I let my boy latch on and after that I'll pump out an hour later.. can only yield about 100ml.. throughout the day when I pump in between feeds (direct latching) can only yield about 50 to 70 ml..

I don't know if I'm working my breasts too hard? If I give bottle, my boy will drink 150ml.. but when direct latching I don't know how much he is taking in.. except he latches on for 30 to 40 minutes...

Anyone can advise me if direct latching and pumping after 1.5 hours will overwork the breasts? or reduce milk production?
Feel so sorry for you. All these pang tang things. Pity you can't make the decision. Sometimes all these folklore creates more problems than good.

I've been wanting to take my girl out in my beco carrier. You mentioned that you're out the whole day with your baby in your Ergo. What else do you bring along? Do you take along a stroller as well or is your gal in your carrier all day? Cos if it's possible, I will try to take her out. Only problem is that I'm afraid she'll be too hot when I have to wait at the bus stop for the bus, which sometimes take a long long time.

I have used Nuk and Avent so far. Both rejected. I even changed the latex teat to silicon, but still don't want. It's not the brand, I think. Cos all I have to do is show her the bottle and she starts to wail. She just doesn't want anything but direct feeding. Next time, I will start bottle earlier. I was told to start only after one month, and I did. In the end, she rejects the bottle.
I think you should let your breasts fill up more before you pump after latch on. What is the feeding interval like? Every 3 hours? What you can do is pump whatever is left straight after the feed to empty the breasts, so more can be produced later. If you want to pump to store and pumping straight after feed, for now, yields too little, then pump at the next feed instead of latching on and then feed your boy with the bottle. Alternate between latching and pumping and hopefully your milk supply will increase. Eating fish and drinking fish soup with papaya also helps to increase supply. My 2 cents worth.
when your MIL say something, she insist it should be followed is it.. why like tat. so even when u cannot witness, she will still go ahead and cut your baby's hair?

mine also quite pang dang but she knows i dun believe and will NOT follow it so she cannot force me too..just show me black face lor
like last weekend, she saw my boy drooling so she told me that when my boy turn 4 month, used a "pong pia" (a type of traditional biscuit) to rub acrossed my baby's chin then he wont drool liao!! anyone heard tat before? how can it be?? no logic right...
when hubby and i said dun believe and wont do it, she got angry and said we should listen to "old folks" sometimes DOINK!!

i change to avent teats no. 3 already. I have a mixture of no. 2 &amp; 3. I tried no. 3 on my baby and he seems ok with the flow, so i continue using.
Feeding interval is now about 3.5 to 4 hours...

Last night I gave him the bottle at last feed. From previous session it was like 3hours yet I only pumped out 55ml!! Very depressing..
act sometimes some of these pang tang tingy i can accept so long not too extreme ones .. but today real piss lor..mayb coz involve my daughter =(

well its politically correct to follow lar.. esp coz we'r stying with my ILs until my hse is ready .. lucky nowadays weekdays i stying with my mum coz my mum looking aft my girl..
my mum sometimes will oso say those pang tang tings.. rdg drooling: she said go other pple's hse, use their table cloth clean bb's mouth!!?? but she oso noe we wont do .. so she oni say as a matter of fact.. not persistent.. i of course wont do lar.. so dirty :s


haaa, that's exactly wat my MIL said n yes, that 'ritual' has been performed on my daughter. fr my end, i take it wif a pinch of salt and treat it as somethg for me to learn! it's actually quite interesting u know..to see her string all e pong pia like a necklace. =P i told my husband that come e nx generation, all these 'rituals' will b lost already, which can b quite a pity. havg said the abv, my daughter still drools like a tap. *hiak hiak* but at least MIL is happy cz she feels she's done her 'duty', which i will give her credit for. =)
I have also switched to no.3 teat but also still using no.2

mine more pathetic.. just expressed in office, only 30ml!! my supply has dropped further since my co meeting room were all fully occupied since last week.. so i'm only pumping twice a day. On 2 occassions, my boy has refused to be latched cos no milk/too slow
Phy, I'm totally latching n still able to store milk for bb ..

Don't stop latching .. Cuz it bonds u n bb .. And when u go back work, u seldom have time to latch .. Sometimes giving too much ebm lost the meaning of breastfeeding.

Pump after u feed .. Let say u latch on the right, pump right empty, pump left empty. Next feeding feed left den pump left n pump right. If u latch both side per feed, also pump both side till empty. After that let ur breast rest n latch another side.

I always do that when i need to stock my milk .. After stocking i let my breast leak n leak till supply return to normal demand ..

If u wan to latch, don't bother how much ur bb is drinking.. ur bb will drink when hungry .. just enjoy breastfeeding ..
I'm surprised that you allow your MIL to do that :p and it is a STRING of pong pia? not one piece?? gosh.. so wasteful. I agree that its interesting to hear all these folklore but frankly, I think most are not logical leh hehe...
cocoangel, ya, to b honest, i surprise myself too. haaa.. i also dun see e logic behind it but i stay w her n i guess certain things i'll let her hv her way (if not there will b no end to the MIL-DIL issues). of cz when it comes to major issues/decisions, i'll put my stand. =)
if my mil did that, i'd probably ask my mum to bring bb out so there's no way she can take bb to go for haircut!

just have to tahan getting up early to pump, but then i dun always manage to get up. Then will pump at 8am in school. luckily the school quite understanding. as long as it's not class time, they dont really expect us to stay at desk all the time. somemore when i pump can be up to 45min
now i pump once in morning, afternoon and night at home. Used to be 5 bottles, but now only 4. even when 10-12hrs never pump, sometimes not even 2 full bottles.
I latch both sides for every feed. You mean straight after that I should pump some more? But may not have milk left leh..

Envy you, can latch and store

You mean each pumping sessin is 45 minutes? Wow! I tried to pump only 20 minutes..

You still can find time to do marking etc? salute salute
I understand how you feel.. now I wish to have leaking breasts again... when my boy start to drop from 8 feeds to 7 feeds I was still experiencing engorgement in the morning and at times would wake up to leaking breasts.. then he dropped from 7 feeds to 6 or 5 feeds, no more leaking breasts in morning already.. kinda miss it
Poor girl, I will confirm "explode"... then nagged in front of my hubby, give him a blakc face then come back... see my MIL's face then I got to smile... HAHAHHAHAA... cos I need her to take care of my baby. Hahahahaa... I tried my best not to be fussy. My MIL is a very messy and certain times not hygenic person. What to do, she wants to spend her retired life at my house leh, cannot chase her back... hahahhaa

But it is really not respectful to bring my baby without informing me in advance. Cos every mummy wants to witness their bb's haircut, even it is includes screaming and tears. =P
Phy, after latch confirm not much milk left, but demand equals to supply. Give yourself one week .. You will see the difference .. Slowly change to latch one side will be easier for u .. I latch on one side only .. If i want to store i pump another side .. Usually after 4 sessions of pumping, i can feel the fullness after 3 hrs .. If i just latching alone, i change side every feed ..

Must be very discipline to pump every 3 hours .. The most u only can leave ur breast alone up to 4 hours .. When u latch or pump, your breast will release something to tell ur breast to produce more .. So the more u latch n pump, will produce mroe .. Baby is always the best pump !
hang pong piah? that's really funny. I can just imagine that. If I were you, as the necklace is tied, I'll take the pong piah one by one to eat. yum yum.. really wonder how that's supposed to stop the drool? If I were the baby, I'll drool even more. so yummy, the smell of pong piah.
sorry....just can't help it..it's so funny.
ankh, miracle, botanist, rach and other sahms

what time is the yoga thingy at square 2 again? i can join if it is between 1230 and 330pm everyday. i can drop my older gal off at sch then rush down and meet u gals there.
babyterelle, ankh, miracle, rach..

i dun think i will join in the yoga thingy but dun mind meeting up to chat at their cafe... i', not sure how it works, waiting for ankh to update. cos she mentioned something abt needing to pay $6 per head and minimum 10 pax...
teats 3 is for 3 mths and above, once reached 3 mths can change le. i changed le. the next teat 4 be when they 6 months.
hi claire, i think i've "mastered" the art of balancing the pumps and marking at the same time. i can mark essays! hahaha

is the handsfree good? i bought one but seems like i dunno how to use it... izit must pump few minutes then can use the handsfree?
awake now cos of food poisoning. Thank goodness regurgitated out (yucks! double yucks!)

sorry didn't reply u yesterday cos was at PIL's place. Think the fish we had at dinner there not fresh, but i see my hubby still snoozing away peacefully. He must have metal stomach.

About baby cafe, lady there just said a group of about 10 is required. If we can form our own group, the baby cafe gathering can be conducted on other days too.

Baby cafe venue has got room for nursing and changing diapers. Looks quite comfy too. There's supposed to be a nursery at Velocity - it adjoins Novena Sq on its other side. Worst, can walk to United Sq, which has very nice changing cum nursing area at L1. Hm, can tell i stay around here hor

Those who are interested in baby cafe and the post natal yoga class, just add on your names below, and we'll see how it goes.

Date: Every 2nd &amp; 4th Wed of the mth
Time: 11am - 2pm
Cost: $6 (for drinks and finger foods)
Interested mummies
1. botanist
2. ankh

Date: Sat, 12th Apr
Time: 1.15pm - 2.15pm
Cost: $260
Interested mummies
1. Cocoangel
2. Babyterelle
3. ankh

Venue: BabyBreeze, #03-85 Square 2 (on top of Novena MRT, in between Novena Sq and Tan Tock Seng Hospital).

I'll update here on further details ie whether can get better price etc.
I had big time engorgment yesterday!!!
Last pump was at 7am yesterday morning. then gotta go out 4 mtg ard 11am. came back to ofis ard 4pm, but gotta rush out some submission for 2day. when finally my engorgement bcome unbearable at 7pm, I headed for the pumproom. But realised its locked! (my colleagues locked it b4 going home!) Imagine the pain I had to endure cos i finally finished my work ard 11plus n reached home 1145pm!!
this morning supply suffer liao....
Hi mummmies,

Hardly have time these few days to log in here...

Can I ask you gals something...

Need to engage a domestic helper to help look after my BB, coz my parent's helper (who has been working for them for 5 years) decided that she wants to break contract and go back home, stating that her parents want her to go home.

So now I've been going through maid applications and have shortlisted 2. Now, I'm unsure which to select. (A) is Ex-SIN (worked in Singapore before) and (B) is fresh.

I'm just wondering, which is more impt...one is likely to be more obedient (since she has not worked in SG before) - but hard to say lah, right? The other has better education, hence, more likely to be able to play with my gal better and can understand us better, and she has some care giver (for elderly and children) certificate. But she may be more 'smart', since she has worked in SG before...Both have their own kids and the only babies they have ever looked after are their own kids.

So, is obedience a bigger factor or the abilities?

Appreciate any inputs...thanks!
wah, you win! before handsfree i still shou mang jiao luan, cannot mark for long

yep, gotta support it at the start until the suction is enuff to hold the funnels in place. For me it's when letdown occurs and the boobs create the vacuum in the funnel. But I cant do it with the flanges that i bought with the handsfree, only with my normal funnels. think the shape doesnt fit my jugs

tough choice, esp since you havent seen either of them work before. Personally, we went for one with experience because my mil is pretty strict with the maids. We reckon if at the start we set the proper expectations, she knows what not to do. If she cannot even take care of bb, then mil will have to end up training her and looking after bb at the same time.

just my 2cents
