(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB


Take care.. it must be really tough on you and your kids ... keep us updated.. Keep your spirits high ok? I'm always under the impression that you are a tough gal

Tub, ankh and constance,

thanks for your advice about freezing and thawing milk.. I've begun to freeze milk coz might need to return to work in end May.. Then realise my supply seems to drop coz been pumping out lesser than usual already since my boy now only latches on 5 to 6 times a day..

I want to keep supply going but the more I want to, the lesser it seems that I pump out
perhaps it is psychological..

you still swaddle your kid? I decided to stop swaddling him last week.. but now face with problem of kiddo falling asleep.. Just now no choice but swaddled him in the L size swaddleme and he
slept longer..

I'm in a dilemma.. wonder if I should continue to train him to sleep on his own without swaddle or just swaddle him... but little boy knows how to get his hands out of the swaddle and that wakes him up..
yup, i still swaddle him. I realise when i dun swaddle him, he will jerk suddenly during his sleep and wake up crying.
maybe can swaddle more tightly to prevent him from getting his hands out? anyway, the swaddle also serves as a blanket for my bb cos sometimes he kicks his blanket away when not swaddled. once he even kicked it onto his face!

I already swaddled him very tightly.. but my boy found a way to get his hands out.. he would place both hands on his chest and push the swaddle up, then slid one hand out!! He did it many times and got up many times also.. so hubby and I decided it is time to stop swaddling him..

Anyway, we also don't use blanket on him.. just set air con at 25 or 26 degrees celcius. Been thinking of getting him a sleeping bag..

by the way, when you use swaddleme on your boy, what kind of clothings do you dress him in? l
thanks mummies for all yr inputs... gave me more food for thought.

I dont think i will stretch his bedtime until 10plus but perhaps will stretch it to 7 or 8pm. Spoke to my HB abt it and we will try him out on this new routine of stretching out his day from this weekend!

Phy, you want sleeping bag?? Why dun you ask Petrina.. she got extra leh.
I dress him in those long sleeve romper, cos the swaddleme wrap is actually quite thin, and we sleep in aircon room.

Mummies who put your bbies in aircon room, do you use dehumidifier? which brand is good?

sorry, went out for grocery shoppg earlier. for me, milk thawed can be kept in the chiller for a day. can still b consumed for a later feed.

reg combining milk of diff temp, hmm, my hb did tt once n i actually called e hospital to chk. the LC told me to throw tt packet away as bacteria has already entered it. so it was a good 8oz thrown away. i almost 'killed' my hb then. haa.

i actually hv an independent freezer for my milk n normally milk can b kept longer in such freezers. but really its up to u how long u want to keep ur milk for. =) i have excess supply n my guess is, i will b throwing them away if i can't consume e milk.

oh dear!!! I can't remember which bag was combined using diff temp milk!! ARGGGG!!!!

Actually do babies need blankets? PD told me just dress babies in long sleeves and long pants PJs and set temperature to 25 will do leh...
botanist, alien,
Marsden to me is good. Cos the coaches are nice and friendly. My boy enjoyed his lessons there. Just tt the toilet sucks. Cos only one cubicle.

lynzi, hope u cn get a replacemnet stroller soon. But if i'm u, i wont get another similar one. Maybe go for one tt can last longer. Like Peg Perego? Combi can only last till kids abt 1YO. Cos older than tt, its kinda shaky. Just my 2c worths!

my boy will sleep around 8pm and hb will dream-feed him with ebm around 10.30pm. this is to tank him up. he will wake up around 6.30am then "self-entertain" till 7.30am n signal to me he wants milk.

he used to wake up around 3am for milk then i will try to drag, everyday drag by 5-10mins till nw he wakes up at 6.30am. sometimes must tahan him to cry a bit lor! all these dream-feed n dragging were taught by my confinement nanny. i also tried to follow gina ford's method .
my neh neh wake me up leh.. i always pump with both eyes closed... after pumped, tsf to storage bottle and go sleep immediately, i dun even wash pumping parts until next AM (actually it is like 3-4hours later nia) hb wash/sterilise for me for my next use.. too tired liao.. zombie everyday..

my towkay enjoy with his sleeping bags so far. the dream bag that we just bought should be able to last for a yr bah..
*pat pat*.. my son just recovered from 2 weeks+ cough and fever. hope your sumo get well soon. stay strong!
haha alien
you still getting engorged neh neh ah??

my dreambag.. haha, i havent got time to go n collect yet.

the wooden toys we bot...
cookiemz, very good buy, cheap and good. my kids like them very much. thanks!
my SUMO did his first flip today. He is 4 mths and 6 days...haha so happy hee :p thought he be slower cuz more flesh mah hee :p and after his first flip the next few flips seems easier and easier

my sons also down with runny nose and cough. So sianz...taking care of sick children are tough ahve to put up with the whining and all..tiring too
Thx for the concern and encouragement. Luckily my bb sumo's diet not affecting. But I changed him to soya due to the cough. Seems to recovered very very slow even with nebulizer.
i still getting engorged neh neh if i din unload until last drop. mine like very easily get blocked. i get petrina to mail it out for me de since hv excess money with her

i agree the recovery seems slower. esp when cough involved. my towkay's diet did affected by 1/3..
During daytime, how often u pump at work?

These few days super busy at work. Only manage to pump 3x per day. every nite come back ard ten pm. BB already sleep by then.
wow! so many talks in one night...haha daytime it's rather quiet here

our sons sound similar...mine is usually very happy in the morning and then he gets crankier n crankier,around 5-6 PM is the worst! so he also goes to sleep very early between 6 - 7 PM and wakes up at 7 AM.
initially i also thought to drag his sleeping time but he won't be happy then i'll be in trouble,can't give him a bath coz he'll be crying and moving about.
he naps 4-5 times a day but usually only abt 1/2 hr.occasionally when he naps longer he will go to bed later but never beyond 8 PM.and still have to catnap around 5-6 just so he won't be too cranky (so i have to push bathtime)

he's restless when he sleeps at nite...makes lots of noise,throws his head side to side and i used to be worried coz i thought he may be hungry ma as i never tank him up...his feeding pattern suka suka one.when he's had enuff he'll refuse milk.so when he's restless with his eyes closed i just let him be,even if he opens his eyes he'll talk to himself til tired n go back to sleep.if i attempt to feed when he's restless he'll get angry instead haha

does dylan sleeps in his cot at nite? have you tried moving him to your bed when he cries instead of carrying him? my son used to cry loudly and made us carry him all the time but then we discovered that he just wanted to sleep accompanied by us instead (maybe he had a nitemare,who knows heehee)
Ooo botanist, ur boy's zzz timings are exactly like mine! Except he will just zzz by himself when I put him in his cot.

Alien, Hard to make my boy stay awake after 8+pm. He'll be v grumpy. At my mum's place.. afternoon he wont nap for long too. That's y so early in the evening he'll concuss. Yest tried letting him zzz on the living room.. with lights n tv on at 7+pm. Purposely dun let him zz well.. then 10+ he stirred abit then we feed him. But he still wake up at 2+ - 3+am. Din cry.. only shaking his cot like wanna tear it apart. haha. I ignore him.. then 5am cry but drink only 80ml then wanna zzz liao. Hai..

crystal, how much is ur gal drinking? Did pd say anything? As long as she's putting on weight, healthy n growing.. no worries. My boy has been drinking v little all along too.
How I envy those babies that can play by themselves n fall asleep by themselves. Also, those babies that go to bed by 9pm n sleep thru the nite.

My routine as such:
Betw 5-6am: bb wakes up for milk
8am: Brings her out cos need to walk the older one to sch, then to the market
9am: Bathe n feed her, then put her to sleep, this is the time when I'll use the computer, do housework n prepare lunch for older one
11.15am: bring bb out again to go fetch my older girl frm sch
12noon: feed bb n put her to sleep
2pm: bb wakes up to play/talk
4pm: feed bb n put her back to sleep so that I can prepare dinner
7pm: bb wakes up again n got to play/talk wz her
8pm: bathes n change into pyjamas
9pm: prepares bb for bed - sing songs, feed her, etc etc...
2am: bb wakes up to change diaper n feed her milk
dinut, botanist,
My bb also happy in the morning, easy to manage. But frm 4pm onwards, can get cranky. Cry, want to be carried n walked around. This will last til 10pm when she finally KO.
i dun see bb in the daytime so not sure how easy she is to handle. At night, she'll be cranky and cry, rub her eyes but refuse to sleep. sing, carry, pat sometimes also cannot. carrying her sitting up she ok, but wont sleep. then carry her horizontal she will struggle like we trying to kidnap her or what until we peng her upright again. sometimes latch her/bottlefeed her she'll doze off, then release and put on bed, the whole cycle start again. still thinking whether to use pacifier, she'll suck her 2 fingers so loudly sometimes then self-pacify to bed. Well, gd thing is she's stopped getting up at 2-3am, if she does wake up, normally 4+ almost 5am. so put her to zzz, then i also get up to pump lor. anyway whole family gotta get out of the house by 640am otherwise hb confirmed late for work
must drop the bbs and maid at mil's, then me to sch before he's off to work.
i pump once at work. after work need to rush home for evening session. total 4x per day. last nite (this AM) overslept, supposed to wake up at 2am, end up 5am!! you can see my post at 5am+, haha.. neh nehs was hard like rock! yield 350mls. i cant stay work for so late cos i really need to rush home for unloading. if not, pain pain siah..
Wow alien,

your pumping can yield so much!! My like less than a 100ml if I pump in between feeds

How to increase supply? Anyone? I stopped taking fenugreek for a while and stopped pumping also.. also resumed pumping last week.. now only pump like 2X a day.. morning and night..

Really salute you too!! Being a teacher and got to report so early at work is not easy!! some more got to pump!!

How do you manage?
I've learnt from 2 of my friends who told me that if baby doesn't wake up for feed at night, just leave your neh neh alone. It'll be engorged for awhile then soon they'll get adjusted. We're not meant to wake up every night to pump. I've stopped pumping for a long long time at night and I only relieve myself of milk when my baby wakes up for feed. Otherwise, I just leave it. Supply not affected too. Only on occasions when I really feel very uncomfortable, like when my gal didn't wake up for feed and interval from last release was about 7 hours or so, I'll pump out. Really very siong for you leh. Every night have to wake up to pump. Also if you keep doing that your breasts won't be able to tahan for long hours. What if you can't get a chance to pump when you're outside? Then, you may get bad engorgement. Cos the more you pump or feed, the more your breasts will produce.
hi phy, pump more frequent. try to pump every 3 to 4hrs. supply will be back.

hows ur bb btw? zavier on steriod cream from head to toe last wk for 2days. then this wk, he got flu, fever and cough. **sad**
ya alien, i tink wat rachel said works for me too..
i dun wake up for pumping in the wee hours..every evening i get home i 'unload' via direct latch on one side n pump the other ..
my nxt pump session is nxt morning 630am whereby i will pump one n latch the other .. so far still can meet demands .. i daytime @ work pump once oni..
@ work: 9-10oz (270ml-300ml)
rush home aft work 8pm: 5-6oz (150-180ml)
630am: 5-6oz (150-180ml)

so far this schedule works and i alwys ve extra EBM in fridge .. sometimes even ve to throw wen they r > 48hrs old
ah Rachel, based on your explanation, is that why after constant engorgement in the mornings, i seem to have graduated to permanent C cup? hahah! But there were times when my baby was so hungry she sucked one side to A cup!

Claire, my baby the same. Carry her in lying down position when she's sleepy, she can cry the house down. She knows already we're trying to make her sleep. Sometimes I wonder if my upstairs n downstairs neighbours think i'm torturing my kid cos i'll just let her cry till tired. THink my ears are numbed already
that's my intention to pump more frequently cos my supply is still cant cope with towkay's demand. if i reduce my pumping session, ss will sure drop too. every drop is so precious to me. i wish to give him bm as long as i can and of cos as much as i can. yes it is really siong.. how i wish to be a sahm urgh..
our niang jia very quiet yesterday... i wonder why...
today John little and popular sale at Expo. Happy shopping mummies! - it's bloody hot today dun think i'll walk to Expo to jalan jalan

alien/ankh... i oso dun pump at nite. I'll sleep thru 12am to 7am. then unload some first, then latch + pump at the same time. Rachel is right... our breast would get used to it and can tahan after awhile. you might want to unload some milk before latching on your little one in the morning. might be overload of spraying milk for bb.

phy, you can defrost in the chiller of the fridge by putting a bowl of water with the milk bag in there. it would defrost faster. then when you bring out to outside, use warm water. typically that's what i do...

missylan, etelle & other mummies taking care of feeling-not-so-well babies...
you all must take care oso. coz you got to take care of the little ones. get enough rest yourselves. with the babies get well soon. hugzzz
Hi Slimz,

Dun you feek really engorged? When I tried to extend the period in between pumps, I get Mastitis. I have already gotten Mastitis 3 times since I went back to work. I pump about 5-6 times a day which means that I wake up at 3:00 am to pump once. Its really tiring cos my baby still needs his 4-5 am feed which means that I need to sleep and wake up again.

My baby's current schedule:

7:30 am wake up bathe
8:30 am Feed
9:30 am Nap
12:00 pm Feed
1:00 pm Nap
4:00 pm Bathe
4:30 pm Feed
5:30/6:00 pm Nap (try not to let him sleep)
7:30 pm Feed
8:00 pm Sleep
12:00 am HB will feed him then sleep
4-5 am Feed

So far, he is always able to sleep without much fuss at 8 pm. I will turn off the light and play music if baby seems quite alert at 8pm and soon he will sleep. Will try to keep to the same time and after a few days, he knows it is bedtime at 8 pm. In the morning, I will wake him up at 7:30 am regardless whether he awake or not.

My baby cannot wake up and play on his own in the morning, sure cry cos hungry, his last feed is so long ago. Now, I am trying to strech his sleeping time and try to cut out his 4-5 am feed. Ask you mummies, should I increase his milk intake at 12 am so he can sleep longer?
your girl drinks lesser than my towkay. your total yield per day is ard 660mls? i added up your input. 660mls definitely not enuf for my son. the more frequent i pump, the more supply. so i hv to hardworking lor
car rides
my bb loves to sit in the car but hor...selected cars only...
He doesnt like toyota corella...which most cabs are...
but I guessed its the smell...as these are "older" cabs.

In the past, my bb normally sleeps at 10pm+ & wakes at 4~5am for his milk...

Sleeping Pattern
Till now I still ve to carry my bb to sleep...I gave up training him to sleep on his own...cos he can really cry till his throat coarse....if I dun carry him to sleep
I rather I suffered carrying him than to let him breathe in more air & got colic and having more phelgm which is even worst
my boi drinking about 1liter of milk everyday over 5feeds (so far he's quite consistent over a few days already) and i'm trying to keep up with the supply even though i got more than enough in stock at home and infant care. on weekends try to latch him on. To me that helped a lot. Drink soya bean milk (must thanks the mummies here.. dun remember who said this), eat mushrooms (i learn from my CL), and eat berries (strawberries or whatever - learnt from my colg). Apparently these do help.
wow, i seem to have so many posts to catch up on..

Dinut - yep, our boys quite similar. I've come to conclusion that my son is the sleepy type. haha. Cos he actually naps abt 4 hours min in the day time and he sleeps from 6.30 - 7am everyday! At night, if he wakes up for feed, its just to drink and then he will nod off immediately. He does sleep in his cot.. its only at 4-5am when he terrorises me and wants to sleep with me.

yah - yr son's schedule is good
. I will try to drag his feed soon.. for now, it appears to me that he isn't drinking enough in the day thats why he keeps waking up for feeds at night. But on the other hand, my PD already complain that my son is overweight and needs to diet!! How?!?!? To feed or not to feed!?

I am not using a dehumifier although I hv a brand new one sitting at home (a gift). Thinking of buying air purifier instead? Anyone here using?

Actually i dun think my bb needs blanket but i need something to swaddle him lah.. cos if not, he will wake himself up. Sadly, he is so giant now, nothing can swaddle him!!! I just tuck the covers tightly around him...

I also got dreambag, collecting only this weekend i think so haven't tried it out yet.

I got mini-drama today... my son woke up at 7.30am.. took a nap at 9-9.30am.. after that he was awake and active until 12.40pm! He was very tired around 11 plus but refuse to let me pat him to sleep.. I gave up and put him in the baby carrier & brought him downstairs for a walk...

When we came back upstairs he still refuse to sleep although eyes very small liao... i no choice, put him back in the carrier and prepare my lunch, then he suddenly dozed off!!
I was so happy.. haha

thanks for the info on marsden, I think i'll definitely go to them when i'm ready to let my son start swimming.
btw, which carrier did you buy in the end?? I decided not to sell my ergo already.. I used it today and my son fell asleep in it so I have abit more faith in it again... heehee

err, who was it who mentioned that Square2 yoga place got some cafe thingy for mothers to meet up to talk abt breastfeeding/motherhood?? I'm quite keen if we got enough mummies to meet up. But I think its mostly for SAHM cos timing is in the daytime.
Yup! We usually get engorged if the interval between feeds is very long, esp so at night, cos we sleep and don't nurse as much as during the day. Our breasts produce milk according to our feeding or pumping schedule. If we always nurse at 3 hrly intervals, then when the 3rd hour comes, milk will automatically be produced. So, if we don't pump or feed, it'll still produce and that's how we get engorged. But, if we train our breasts to tahan for longer periods, soon, we will be able to withstand longer intervals without getting severe engorgement. This is really helpful when we're out and have no chance to feed nor pump. However, one of the problems of letting the breasts go for longer intervals is that the flow then becomes very fast and so, just like what Jeelomeelo says, we have to unload some before feeding our baby. I'm no expert, but this is based on my experience.

I don't think that it'll affect the supply all that much cos I have been doing that and I still have a lot of milk. I even have to pump and waste all the extra milk before feeding my gal cos I keep getting fast flow. Does anyone also have that problem? I have to waste the milk as my gal just refused the bottle and I've given up feeding her with it. So, if I do pump it out, I'll have to throw it away. Sigh!

yup i have the problem.. my son who was initially bottle fed during his 1st and 2nd month has rejected the bottle and i'm not 100% latching on (except when i have to go out and my HB has to force feed my son with bottle).

I often have to pump out at least 50-60ml first cos the flow is so fast my son will cry and scream and reject the breast (then my breast even more engorged!!).
Where's Square 2? I'm also quite interested in meeting up at the cafe with other mummies. Hate to be stuck at home all day all week. Going bongkus!

Working mothers, don't envy us SAHMs, it's no joke being stuck at home and doing nothing but housework and taking care of baby. My brain is lacking intellect stimulation! And, worse of all, my hubby's going to travel soon and I will be left all alone in the day and at night. Stuck in my father-in-law's house. Every time I feel lousy, I just look at my little gal and tell myself that this sacrifice I'm making is all worth it. I had a whole career ahead of me, but I had to give that all up since I have no help and at the same time, I prefer to take care of my own child myself. When I was a child, both my parents worked and I was left in the care of a sitter and then my grandparents. Cos of that, I became closer to my grandparents than my parents. Can't have best of both worlds.
Your son will eventually take the bottle when you're out? My girl will simply refuse and will cry herself hoarse and would rather go without the feed. Sigh! I have to pump out, sometimes, 250ml, before I can feed. Urgh! When will the flow slow down? I tried to feed her upright using the beco carrier, but have not been successful. Just can't get her in the right position. How?
the grass is always greener on the other side. both have its pros and cons and most importantly is you do what is deem good for both your bb and yourself
Rachel, you are right .. My breast no longer engorge since bb is about 6 weeks old .. Mainly cause i'm fully latching and at night i nurse him once. Seriously my breast feel like empty everytime but there's lots of milk. Now i can go 6hours without nursing n no engorgement. I can sleep so much better at night with suffering the pain of engorgement.

i still pump at nite leh... cos i worry my supply will drop. haiz..


my pd ask me to force feed her leh.. haiz she drinking abt 80 sometimes 110ml 3.5hrly. i dun wait for her to cry for milk.. cos she won't cry for milk. Imagine her last feed at 11+pm and next feed is 7am and she can't even finish her milk and drink only 60ml! sighz. last month for her jab she gain very little only 0.3kg. This sat i bringing her for jab again so see how much she gain... and i won't tell my pd that she dun wanna drink milk. say liao oso no use! Thinking of changing another pd.

mummies that bbs are sick,
must be hard on u all... hope bbs will have a speedy recovery!

Square2 is behind Novena Sq. How? U keen? I went back to look for the post - it was posted by ankh. This is what she said:

"I went to baby breeze at Square 2 today. It's the venue which some mummies wanted to go for Mum & Baby yoga. They've got baby cafe every 2nd and 4th Wed of each month from 11am to 2pm, $6 per pax. It's to gather mummies to chit chat about BF and mothering issues. Drinks and finger food provided. Need about 10 mummies to start the gathering. Anyone interested? Place quite nice, also got area to change diaper.

As for my son, yes he does take the bottle EVENTUALLY... usually he will reject one or two feeds and will be crying nonstop.. my HB is very patient and will keep trying to feed him, usually by the 3rd feed or after that, my son is so hungry he will just finish all the milk!!
But of course, must put up with all the screaming & crying lor...Besides, got no choice.. sometimes I need to be out one whole day, if dun feed bottle, then how?

I dont think i could feed in the carrier, it sorta weird leh. Wah u have to pump out sooo much before you can feed, gosh!
I used to worry about supply dropping too if I don't pump at night. So far, it's still alright. Didn't affect much, cos I still feed at regular intervals during the day.

Oh..Novena Sq 2. Yes, I'm keen. How do you plan to go there? I'm still thinking if it's possible to go there with baby in carrier. Not sure how long she can tahan in it. I might go if there's a nursing room there.

Been trying to feed her in the carrier cos if I can do that, it'll be so much more convenient. But, it's so difficult leh.

Yup! I have to pump so much before feeding. Sometimes I wonder what's left to feed my girl after pumping so much out. Think she's been drinking less and less nowadays. Not putting as much weight as before. She's also quite a sumo. By 3rd month, already more than double birth weight. haha!
rachel, what bottles did u try on your gal?
my boi uses bfree at infant care then back at home i give nuk. so far he only rejects pigeon and avent ones. my gf feed her bb using the MIM sling. i think that would be more user friendly and can be more discreet. beco... errr to me looks more exposed le haha

my girl gg ve her hair shave tis evening .. she turn 4mth today (chinese calendar..) so excited ..
i'm gg home straight aft wk to take video of the whole process .. =D
