(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

brought my girl to the PD and she only gained 300g in the last month. sob... PD said it's ok but "would be nice if she gained 500g"... sigh... think must force feed more liao.
dunno why she's so small size when me and my husband are quite big and tall people. maybe take after father-in-law side. all my hubby's sisters are shorter and smaller.

cookiemz(Baby JunRui) 14 Nov - 6.8kg, 64 cm
steffietan(Baby Alexis) 16 Nov - 5.3kg, 60cm
rach11(Baby Isaac) 18 Nov - 6.4kg, 61cm
fanny(Baby cayenne) 22 nov - 6kg, 63 cm
Elaine(Baby Gabrielle) 23 Nov - 7.14kg
CryStaLZ(Baby Amberly) 23 Nov - 5.58kg, 63cm
Witty(baby Dwayne) 26 Nov - 7.26kg, 66cm
Etelle(Baby Evan) 27 Nov - 9.65kg, 69cm
Gloomybear(Baby Arielle) 28 Nov - 5.67kg, 58cm
tub(Baby Sumana) 02 Dec - 6.5kg
lynzi(Baby Faiq) 02 Dec - 5.8kg, 60cm
Idah(Baby Adlan) 05 Dec - 6.3kg
Cry Baby(Baby Kate) 05 Dec - 4.4kg, 55cm
bluelily(Baby Jerrell) 05 Dec - 5.7kg
hentang(baby Kaylen) 05 Dec - 7kg, 60cm
jeelomeelo(Baby Shawn) 05 Dec - 6.8kg, 62cm
slimz(Baby shirui) 06 Dec - 6.1kg, 60cm
Tricianbt(Baby Shania) 06 Dec - 5.8kg, 61cm
Linda(Baby Jovan) 07 Dec - 6.5kg, 63cm
alien(Baby Malcolm) 07 Dec - 6.9kg, 67cm
CSI_Fan(Baby Louisa) 08 Dec - 6kg, 61cm
jaz23(Baby jazzell) 10 Dec - 5.46kg, 58cm
Baby12(Baby Clarence) 12 Dec - 6.2kg, 67cm
Momo32(Baby Chloe) 12 Dec - 5.6kg, 60cm
ankh(Baby Emma) 13 Dec - 5.9kg
Petrina(Baby Mikaela) 14 Dec - 6.1kg, 60cm
kat (Baby Zijun) 17 Dec - 5.8kg, 58cm
belle_08(Baby Xenden) 18 Dec - 7kg, 64cm
BBnGG(Baby Joshua) 18 Dec - 6.3kg, 62cm
Botanist(Baby Dylan) 18 Dec - 8.26kg, 66cm
constancet(Rhaines) 18 Dec - 5.3kg, 63cm
eve(Baby Ethan) 20 Dec - 5.9kg, 6ccm
Noelle(Baby Natalie) 21 Dec - 5.6kg, 63cm
Ginger(Baby Andre) 21 Dec – 5.66kg
leejo(Baby Ethan) 23 Dec - 7.1kg, 63.5cm
Phy(Baby Ryan) 24 Dec - 7.5kg, 67cm
valeriet(Baby Qai Jinn) 28 Dec - 6kg, 59cm
claire_liu(Baby Yu Ru) 29 Dec - 7kg, 61cm
fairylander(Baby Cathrina) 15 Nov - 5.3kg, 63cm
yvonne (Baby Chloe) 30 Nov - 5.8kg, 60cm
ah_bie (Baby XuanXu) 5 Dec - 6.6kg
missylan (Baby JiaKai) 30 Nov - 8.5kg, 70cm
Joanne (Baby Rachel Wong) 28 Dec - 6.3kg, 61cm
Steffi (Baby Zhe Xuan) 19 Dec - 6.9kg, 63cm
Limko (Baby Caleb) 25 Dec - 7.2kg, 64 cm
kokopooh (Baby Samson) 17 Dec - 6.7kg , 64 cm

hen, botanist, i've also got same prob of baby crying before sleeping. think i've gone against all the advice in baby whisperer and contented baby about how to get baby to sleep. Now i carry and pat her to sleep, let her sleep on tummy (day time only), nurse her to sleep, use yaolan (only seems to work when my mil uses it?!?!), & cry with joy when she falls asleep in car seat. Bottomline - so long as the baby sleeps, I dun care what method is used! Only problem is that baby just get heavier and heavier, so my biceps get bigger and bigger hehe
My biceps also getting bigger hehe...

Abt baby sleeping pattern, my boy will cry before sleeping too but not all the time lah. Sometimes I need to carry him, pat his buttock and sing to him while other times he can sleep on his own, sucking his fingers/thumbs to sleep

Lately, he has been sleeping early ie drinking at around 8pm then brought him home from my mum's, play with him for an hr, when I changed him around 10pm, he will be getting sleepy and actually asleep before I'm done. Then wont wake up till morning 7am+. So he's only drinking 4 times in a day.. dunno will be too little or not.
hen, botanist,
i can empathize completely. this morning my son screamed himself hoarse cos i was dealing with my older gal n couldnt rock him to sleep. then he took such a long time to sleep in my arms, my back n arms were sooooo sore carryg him.(he is oso a heavywt at 8kg).
n my gal was yelling for my attention....i just stoned there n let them scream for a few minutes n really felt like crying myself.

ive oso lost all my preg wt and more, even my hb says im so thin now, my collarbones can collect rainwater liao.

frankly im so sick and tired of looking after the kids, i wish i could have a break, feel like im heading for a breakdown soon.
ankh, cocoangel, babyetrelle, hen

wow so many mummies also going thru the same thing.
I feel better already. I dont knwo if i will take up the advice of the books, because you also have to adapt to yr baby.. the book wasn't written specifically for yr kid anyway.

I think i could live with having to pat my son to sleep everyday... but I dont know if i can wake up at 4.30am - 5.30am everyday to carry him to my bed to sleep!! gosh..

ankh, me too.. i do anything to get my son to sleep. unfortunately i've introduced more than a few bad habits in the process. i also cry with joy when my son sleeps in the car seat, but out of the 10 times we've gone out, hes only slept like once or twice! he usually screams and cries until all sweaty and red face...

must salut you both.. its really tough to cope with a difficult baby + an older child. I dont knwo how you both do it... plus there's housework etc.

hen, what routine is yr bb on now? i use the word routine loosely hor.. cos its damn hard to be on the routine like what gina ford describes in her book.
i'm oso sahm... i'm lucky cos my mil around to help in cooking and washing clothes etc... i dun intend to work cos i want to take care of my own child till she is much older. But i oso want a taste of being a sahm without mil help... and i need to cook etc.. haha i really siao hor... cos i really want to taste the life of a real housewife. Really admire mummies here that can cook, housework and take care of bb at the same time.
ok moms, let me tell u what's happening on my side of e world.

after all e 'raving' abt the Gina Ford book, i actually took a morning to head down to borders to find out exactly how 'good' the book is. it was such an easy read, i found myself v quickly browsing thru the book and only taking in information which were useful to me. things like, 1)babies should not b kept awake for more than 2 hrs since their last feed, 2) how to drag their sleepg time so that they may sleep thru the nite. like wat most of u agree, the routine is not cast in stone. wat may work for other babies may not necessarily work for urs. of course, its always good to introduce a routine; babies thrive best in it. hence, i actually used those 2 points to slowly 'integrate' them into my daughter's routine. prior to this, she was already in a routine which she n i were comfortable in but she had her fair share of crankiness so i thot, why not try some of the pts - they actually worked v well for me! as for e rest of what GF recommended, it's just FYI for me. for eg, if a bb shld sleep more than usual, we cannot expect them to fall asleep as easily as on usual days.

ok, i'm a SAHM myself too and i practically am at e beck and call of e baby (n occasionally my #1). after stayg at home almost evday, i realised that babies get bored too!! imagine doing the same old thing day in and out. even i get bored to tears! all e readg n flashg can tire them out too! bring them out! i say. to ur mom's place or watever! let them see e 'outside' for a while! u'll b surprised how a change of environment is able to amaze them n do wonders to ur 'mood'! take it as some form of experiential learning! i brought mine to my mom's place yesterday (been putting it off for e longest time) n even brought her to a shopping mall. i cld tell she was sleepy then but e lights n everything kept her v entertained. e moment i brought her back, all i needed to do was to pat her lightly n she fell asleep like a drop of a feather. n we shld b reminded that as our babies get older, they dun sleep as often as before so i guess it's time we loosened our reins a little.

owell, this is abt probably e lengthiest post i've written. hvg written all these, i actually dragged her sleepg time. haa..yup, i've just patted her n viola, she's gone into slumberland. i get to shower now b4 m #1 comes back fr sch! yay! hands up to those who love motherhood!!! =)
tub, no worried abt bb small size lah. As long as she's healthy. Me and hb also v tall.. but my bb only 59cm at last check up. Only grow 0 to 1 cm in a month! Hai... Bb lighter easier to carry mah... hahaha.. I got no muscles! :p

Btw, finally set up bb's blog. Abit late though.. haha

Hb say I crazy over my bb.. Think I really obessed.. so much work to do still blog. Better go back to work.. zoooom!
wah both my kids KO liao....thank god thank god thank god thank god.......

im now stuffing my face with chocolates...its my only comfort food...boohoo....
great to hear from u. i remembered last time u mentioned that you're bringing baby back to sg for jabs.. are u doin that or you found a pd that you're comfortable with in china?
re: gina ford

why can't we keep baby awake for more than 2 hrs after last feed?

how to drag sleeping time according to her?
Hi Botanist and other SAHMs,
I guess all babies are different. At the beginning, I always had to carry my baby when she didn't want to sleep. At times, she may not even sleep the whole night and boy, that was very stressful. These days, she sleeps by 10pm and all I had to to do is leave her on the bed and even when she's fully awake, I'll leave her alone and let her fall asleep on her own. After awhile of being alone, she gets tired and falls asleep. Of course, to help her along, I let her sleep on my bed first with some soothing music on. I've been playing music for her since in utero, so she's used to sleeping with music. Also, the CDs I have can really make you drowsy. After she sleeps, I'll carry her back to her cot and hold her till she is alright in the cot.

My girl can sleep with a lot of noise around her, but at night, even my footsteps can wake her up. I guess it's cos it's always so noisy where I live that she can take a lot of noise and still sleep. She actually thrives on noise to sleep.

I know it's really tough having to juggle taking care of the baby, who is cranky, and housework and cooking and also being stuck at home. I can go mad sometimes as this is the complete opposite from the lifestyle I used to have.

My girl has her good days and bad days. A few nights ago, she slept through the whole night whereas last night, she kept waking up and was so alert. My hubby and I took turns to take care of her till we decided to return her to her cot and let her play on her own till she sleeps and she eventually did after some time. I guess the trick is to be ready to let go and let them be. It's not easy for me at the beginning as I always have to see my girl asleep before I can go to sleep. But, now even when she doesn't, I just let her be. But, we try our best to give our little ones the best we can even when it means making a lot of sacrifices for them. I don't follow any routine but I just 'design' a schedule according to my baby and, so far, it works.

We are not lucky people. Being a SAHM is not an easy job. I would loved to work, but I'd rather stay with my child and watch her grow and sacrifice the income loss. Why don't you stay at home to take care of your baby too?
voted for dylan and ayden

botanist, voted dylan wif hub's email as well. good luck ya!

linda, am back!!

alien, mi still *beam beam* on ur bumper mat but sadly my hub still shake head n said no. :'(
To all SAHM, I salute you. I think that is the world toughest job. I feel better hearing that your babies are the same as mine, who will fuss before sleeping! My hb keep asking me why does our son cry so badly when he wants to sleep?


My son will need to cry himself tired before he is able to fall asleep. He will be all sweaty and red in face from screaming, yes screaming and with tears from his eyes.

I will carry him and rock him in my arms and keep changing position until he stop crying. If I am lucky enough that day, he will stop crying within 5 minutes and be sleeping in my arms in some arkward position he chose, like last night, a standing upright position with his little nose plaster on my chest.

Everyday is a challenge cos I dunno what to expect from that naughty boy and i no longer have routine, anything goes when the boy is willing to sleep without crying.
botanist, hen, rachel
me another mummy dun follow the book. actually i bot the book but no time to read it, haha.. it is getting easier looking after my son nowadays. althou he still cant sleep on his own yet but we are doing more evil thing to him. we fed him to sleep!! tanking up before sleep really impt. i noticed if he slept before tanking up, he tends to wake up at least once for milk milk. while feeding him, his eyes usually half closed.. soon KO liao..

being a FTWM plus TBF (ebm) never easy too. i need to wake up at ard 2-3am for a session. then again at 7am to prepare for work liao.. i wonder if i am a SAHM, i may hv chance to sleep longer as long as baby is sleeping too. my son sleep at ard 10pm+ but i sleep at 12am+. i need to have some personal time to do my own thing. sigh.. 24/7 really not enuf for me..
what u said is sooooo true.
now that i'm working 24hrs is really not enuf.
so many things to do and so little time.
every nite i have to wake up around 2am to feed and by 5.30 i'm awake again to go to work.

even my colleagues said sometimes i'm walking around like a zombie.
do things all on auto mode...haha.
luckily my hubby agreed to take turns.
since last nite was my turn, tonite is his turn to wake up..wahaha.

i contacted taising.
the price they selling at is the same as metro or kiddy palace.
i called cheong choon and they are selling at $180 for it.
don't know if worth to make the trip as its in chinatown.
if they offer free delivery then i will consider.
high 5! 24/7 really not enuf

i'm oso FTWM + TBF .. ve to wake up @ 6am every morning to bathe myself, pump/or BF baby.. by time i get to workplc is oredi 830..
den ve to rush thru lunch to pump once @ work..
den leave work @ 6plus instead of 530pm sharp coz its to make up for the time i spent on pumping .. boohooooo ...
nvr tot of gg out aft wk, jux rush home straight to 'unload' BM .. like dat dun ve to pump 2x at work ..
hehehe, alien, i nvr even bot the books and i just trial and error. Now that my boy had been sleeping thru the nite for the past 1 mth or so, at least peace at nite. But i did one evil thing to him every nite - tank him up before he meet his baby zhou gong! hehee!
Even though i do not have to tbf him anymore but still, being a ftwm is nt easy. I wish i can be a SAHM and doing something p/t which is my interest, sighhhhh
cheong choon got free delivery for $150 and above if they never change ... Fyi.

do online store or something like that?
My bb refused to be tanked up before sleeping leh. Nowadays, after his 7+pm feed... 8+pm he'll go to zz liao. No need much coaxing.. just put him on his bed, put in pacifier. That's it. Then 10+ which is supposed to be his feeding time... he'll be zzz like a pig. If u wake him up... he'll cry n cry.. at most he'll drink is 60-80ml. If 10+ din wake up.. he'll wake at 12+, then 4am, 7am... Not gd leh.
although my boy do cry when he's tired (before sleeping), its not the screaming type or cry till red faced.. phew... dunno is it bcos he's older or we know his temperament, its easier to take care of him now
looking forward to seeing him every day at work. I also do not follow any rountine, just so long as he's fed, sleeps, play and is well!
sleeping through
i also tank my bb up like linda le..his last feed is usually 10pm then when i am gng to bed ar 12+am i will feed him milk again. Then now he can sleep through all the way till next day about 7am then drink milk then sleep again till about 9-10am then wake up to play heee

trial and error works for me in finding my bb's pattern le...
mummies whose babies are sleeping after 10pm and until 7am...

how many naps does yr baby take in the day? and for how long??

my son goes to bed around 6.30-7.30pm provided he has enough naps in the day. if he doesn't nap, i have to put him to bed around 5.45pm!! If not, he just cries and cries until i put him to sleep...

Then he can sleep until midnight but this is where the problem starts! I have trouble tanking him up here cos he is so sleepy.. he will only wake up to feed for abt 15 min (breastfed) then fall back asleep and wake up around 3-4am...

Then of course he will usually traumatise me with his crying at 4.30-5.30am cos he wants me to carry him to sleep... then he will wake up promptly at 7am for feed!!

Not sure if I should drag his bedtime later, although dunno if he can take it cos by evening time he is damn cranky liao...
etelle and cocoangel, ^5, i find trial and error works for me too! As long my boy is fed, sleep, play and smile, i'm contented le!

Re: tank up
Think jovan had already got a feeding pattern at nite before he sleep. Let's say if he feed at 8pm or 9pm, before he sleep at 1030pm, he will auto cry for us to tank him up wor, even though he is drinking 160-180ml every 3-4hrly, he will still drink abt 120-140ml (for tanking) before zzz. I guess he used to be feeding before sleep.

bluelily, jerrell so notti har!

etelle, online store har, still thinking but nt sure to do or nt, cos i may do my p/t studies, have to find balance between work, study and family, siong harrrrr!

*sigh* My headaches also started when hubby and I decided to stop swaddling my boy when he naps or sleep... Now daytime naps got to fight with him too.. He'll cry till voice hoarse and face red..

Think we have to retrain him to sleep on his own without the swaddle..

Sleeping through
My boy feeds about 5 to 6 times a day, 3 to 4 hourly. It depends on what time he gets up in the morning. But no matter what, I try to let him go to bed by 9p.m. Bedtime routine starts with feeding him around 7pm.. play for an hour.. then giving him a dry bath (wipe down) and change him into PJs.. then play soft music, dim lights.

In the past with swaddling he could fall asleep within 10 minutes on his own.. now can't, we got to pat pat him to carry him to calm him down..

If all goes well, he'll sleep by 930pm. Then 1030pm I'll feed him again, either direct latching or EBM 150ml.. then he'll wake up around 7 to 8 am the next morning..
STORING EBM in milk bags

Hey ladies, I'm very blur here.. those who have experience on the issue, please shed some light

1) can combine 2 different timing EMB (chilled in chiller) in milk bag to store in freezer?

2) if need to feed baby 180ml and milk bag's capacity is only 160ml. What do I do? Can combine 2 different timing frozen EBM for bb to drink?

i'm no guru, but fr wat i see, ur son retires too early for the night. for now, my bb is sleepg but she will wake up for a 7pm feed. fr then now, i will not let her go to sleep till abt 9ish, where i will feed her to 'tank up' for e night. n becz she missed her nap after her 7pm feed, she'll b soo tired n sleep str thru after her feed at 9ish. she will then be able to zz thru 5am or sometimes 6am. by then, when she wakes up, it will b pure feedg becz she's hungry but she usually plonks back to dreamland thereafter n wakes up at 8ish.

u can let him take his nap if he's sleepy. i mean, if he's sleepy, let him zzz. but try not to allow him to sleep thru. cz that will just mean he'll b recharged after his lengthy sleep n 'terrorise' u when u're abt to sleep!!

just my 2c worth!

thanks.. i'll try to push his bedtime later. at most let him nap for 1 hour when he cries around 5plus to 6pm. I've actually tired to let him sleep later, like 7 or 8 plus but the same cycle still occurs.. he wakes up around midnight for feed and again terrorises me in the morning!! alamak!

actually i'm ok with him getting up at 7am cos that's when my husband wakes up for work. my only problem is the terrorising at 4-5am when he wants me to carry him to sleep!!

1) u shld not combine milk of diff temps together. always wait till they r of e same temp b4 combining them n freezing them.

2)frozen milk all hv e same temp. if i were u, i will defrost e 2 bags at e same time; n only pour out 20ml fr e 2nd bag into a bottle. since all 180ml is of e same temp, u can then proceed to warm e milk.

my ger taking 3 naps in the day... she sleep ard 8 - 8.30pm. And ard 11pm i will give her tank up but she oso wake up ard 4 or 5am and not asking for milk but want me to make her sleep... last time she can sleep till 7am but now she milk strike so not drinking enuff milk and keep waking up at nite.Wonder when then my ger will drink more milk... haiz

Opps, the other day I combined a freshly pumped milk and chilled one together in a bag and freeze it!! Oh dear!! But I can't remember which bag..

Defrost the 2 bags and take only 20ml out.. then how about the rest? Discard? By the way, how to defrost? Just dump the bags in water for how long? Sorry so many questions, I'm a newbie at freezing milk..

my ger start drinking lesser milk since she is 3 months old... now already 4th month ler... i really dunno when then she will drink more... any mummies have this problem? Sigh...
Hi 5 Linda! every baby different mah so we must trial and error to see what suits ours best

I wanted to do something I like and stay at home at the same time too, also thought of taking part time studies but dun think its easy to juggle :p

yea, let him take a catnap if he really needs to. in e daytime, let him hv his fair share of naps but twds e evenings n nites, do not make sleep too comfy for dylan. sounds v mean but no choice, it's better that he sleeps when you and hb sleep at the same time.

just to share my bb's routine for a typical day*

8am Alexis wakes up and plays by herself
830am Feed
9am Morning shower
9-1030am Playtime
1030am Nap (notice that it has been 2 hrs since her feed so she's extremely sleepy by now)
12pm Feed
1230-130pm Playtime
130-3pm Nap
3pm Feed
330 - 430 Play
430 - 6pm Nap
6pm Feed
- will keep her awake till she cannot stand
630 - 8pm Playtime
8pm Power nap
9pm+ Last feed
10pm+ Sleep
5am+ Feed

the above wrks for me now at least. =) of cz, sometimes she takes longer naps, sometimes shorter. i play more by her cue.
*sigh* really hope all goes well for you too.. hope it gets better when our babies get older each day...
My hubby goes to work around 620am.. usually when I wake up, it is just baby and me... kinda lonely at times..
phy, can combine if the pumps r within 24 hours of each other.

if u want to combine thawed milk, should b ok.

i also find it tuff to be a ftwm and tbf... nowadays oni got energy to last pump at 9-10pm. then wake up at nite oni latch but bb oni wants 1 side. wake up at 4-5am to pump. after which hv to go work at 6plus am. i walk around like zombie sometimes too... zzzzzzz can't tahan... got so much work to do!!!!!!!!

sorry i realise i forgot to add that u shld defrost e 2 bags in the chiller (not rm temp or in warm water). hence e remaining 140ml will still b cool n can be consumed w/in the day.

sorry need to add that if u want to defrost bags in the chiller compartment of the fridge, it normally takes a very long time for the milk to 'melt'. i hvent tried it but my fren said it cld b up to a day or so.

thanks.. then what is your practice in thawing and combining thawed milk? You discard the unused milk?

Also, I've combined freshly pumped milk with chilled milk once or twice.. what may happen if baby consume it?
Hubby told me can combine

By the way, one more question, frozen milk can be kept for 3 months in freezer right? Sigh, wonder if I should get a mini freezer, got meat and fish sharing the freezer with the milk bags..

If you dun need to store so much BM, just put all freezer items in their own boxes, ie. fish in fish box, meat in meat box, BM in BM box, which is what i've done. I take 1 more kiasu step. After pumping BM into milkbag, i place milkbag in another plastic bag b4 placing it into BM box. Kena contaminated BM in my baby's 2nd month, so extra scared now.
Now 2 kiddos down with phlegmy cough! 2 kiddos on nebulizer! If #2 not getting better this Fri, he is going to admit to hospital! This 1 week, both kiddos' fee almost $500 liao, somemore not using CDA. Need to get set up a new account first, sian... 4 hourly for both kiddos... tiring!

If I happen to missed any e-mail or MSN, please pardon me!

I went to baby breeze at Square 2 today. It's the venue which some mummies wanted to go for Mum & Baby yoga. They've got baby cafe every 2nd and 4th Wed of each month from 11am to 2pm, $6 per pax. It's to gather mummies to chit chat about BF and mothering issues. Drinks and finger food provided. Need about 10 mummies to start the gathering. Anyone interested? Place quite nice, also got area to change diaper

To all mummies,

baby breeze has got post natal yoga starting 12th April at $260 per pax for 8 lessons, every Sat 1.15pm - 2.15pm. I'll probably attend this class. Also anyone interested?

babyterelle, chocolate is also my comfort food! every time unhappy i go hunting in my fridge and cupboards for it ;p ;p ;p
lynzi & slimz,
i know i know... it's all abt motherhood! work, baby, family, housechores... really dun hv personal time dun talk abt personal life.. i reckon when was my last time sitting comfortably for a show at home? history liao... nowadays i even taobao my work back cos i simply cant OT.. work performance definitely affected
my frozen milk bags also sharing freezer with meat n fish. What i do is place the milk bags in an additional big ziplock bag to prevent the milk bags from touching those raw frozen stuff lor. On thawing milk, like what steffietan says, i will defrost in the chiller compartment, but nid to put there one day in advance for the next day feed.

I am like you, fed bb until drowsy, then put in cot for him to KO!! Sometimes even if my mum bottlefed him ebm just before his bedtime, and he refused to sleep, i will latch him for awhile. He sure KO in less than 5 mins time! I realise swaddling him actually helps him to sleep till morning, so will continue to do it until he can't fit into his L size swaddleme wrap.

my bb sleeps thru the nite since 6 weeks ago. His nap time during the day is very short. Usually sleep only 30-45mins x 3 times a day. Maybe that's Y he is so tired at nite.
your boy slept too early liao. my towkay used to sleep at this hour too last time. then everynite woke up 2x for feeding. but since dunno when he adjusted himself to sleep at 10pm+.. then all the way till next morning we wake him up at 7am+
we cant do anything to chiao them, they will chiao themselves when they are ready..
you very good, still wake up at nite to pump. I am too lazy to do that....

oh dear, must be very tiring for you now. poor gal.

h5 linda! my towkay also used to tank up himself before go play with angels. he will auto cry for more milk after normal feed. i made him FM for his last lap cos i dunno how much he wanna take for extra. dun wan to waste ebm if cant finish..

my towkay sleeps lesser in daytime (during weekend, i taking care ourselves). but according his baby sitter, he sleeps 3hrs after each fed!
