(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

hey mummies,
thanks for your inputs. There are so much to consider...haiz. headache. Had wanted to get a maid before delivery, then parents' maid now then changed her mind...wah...sianz. I'll take into consideration what you gals have shared about your experiences. Thanks!

Wah alien, you good leh...sick and supply can go up. I was down with flu on Wed...my supply dropped ah....lagi sian.

i want to stop using breastpads but i still leak milk...
i dun think soft breasts mean your supply has dipped...i learned from TMC BF consultant that after a while BF mummies breasts will be soft unlike early days but got enuff milk
hi, for all those bbs borned in nov, hv u started them off on a little cereal yet? my mil says tt i shld feed my bb a teaspoon everyday (for her to try-try) so that by the time she's 6mths, she'll b able to eat a full bowl.

wat do all of u reckon?
there are few signs to look out for to determine baby's readiness to start on solids:
-baby can hold his/her head up well
-tongue thrust reflex has disappeared (reflex that causes young infants to push foreign object out of their mouths)
-baby reaches for/shows interest in table foods
-ability to execute back-n-forth movement with the tongue as well as up-n-down ones
-able to open mouth so food can be taken from spoon
-baby begins to drool as excess saliva aids in swallowing
if its really $90 for the yoga then please count me in.

when are we going for the gymboree trial lesson?
Is there any due date for the voucher to be used?

paging for linda...
when are we going??
miracle, count me in for the yoga too! I can only make it on sun as i work on alt sat. I have a good feeling we are able to get more than 10mummies for the yoga class!
re: CC yoga ($90 for 10 or 12 lessons)

1) alien
2) ankh
3) botanist
4) cookiemz
5) petrina
6) cocoangel
7) lynzi
8) linda (sunday)
Shichida Method School

Finally managed to make a trip down to Shichida school. The next enrollment for our babies will be in July (3rd quarter) as we have missed April enrollment which just started. A small group of 4-6 babies needed in order to form a class. We can form a private group if we are able to hit the head count, ie 4-6 babies. Below are fees involved, this one is more important right?

1) Annual registration fee - $50
2) Term fees (quarterly) - $780 (weekend), $745 (weekday)
3) Parent Edu course (compulsory) - $170/pax, $290/couple (at least one parent got to attend the course. Fee will be refunded if our babies are on their course continuosly for 3 terms)
4) One time deposit fee - $300 (fee will be refunded at anyone time we withdraw our babies from the course)

Where are the lessons held?
They have 4 centres, 2 at Springleaf Tower, 8th & 9th floor (near Tanjong Pagar MRT) and 2 at Toa Payoh HDB Hub, 12th and 19th floor.

They are having a talk on 19th April 11am at Springleaf Tower. I have registered myself, hubby and baby Malcolm to the talk. Interested moms, please call 6254-9555 to book the seat.

Pls fill in your name to the centre that convenient to you:
HDB Hub - Toa Payoh
1) Kim (confirmed)

Springleaf Tower
BABY CAFE - change in date and time
Date: Tue 8th April
Time: 1.30pm - 3.30pm
Cost: $6 (for drinks and finger foods)
Interested mummies pls reconfirm attendance
1. botanist
2. ankh - confirm
3. miraclebaby
4. Rachel Wee
5. babyterelle

Anymore mummies still can join in?
rachel, my gal is basically very easy to look after. She's those kind who will auto 'off' herself if her time is up. Like afternoon nap, when its her time, put her in bed then she'll just sleep.

thought we have 12 mummies liao? who supposed to call?? think we lost the list liao.. buried somewhere in the archive...
Mums + Babies Yoga
Yoga Teacher: Rita (Indian)

Weekend Classes
Cost : $90 for 8 lessons ( sorry mummies not 10 or 12 lessons), 70mins/lesson, min 10 mummies.
Venue: A room in Bishan RC centre, Blk 154 Bishan St 13.
Date: Sunday 11am or Sat 1.30pm

Weekday class

Cost : $80 for 8 lessons, 70min/lesson, min 8 mummies
Venue:Rita's house (Blk 144 bishan st 13)
Date: thur
Time: 10am

Please indicate your choice date:
1) alien
2) ankh
3) botanist
4) cookiemz
5) petrina
6) cocoangel
7) lynzi
8) linda (sunday)
Mums + Babies Yoga
Yoga Teacher: Rita (Indian)

Weekend Classes
Cost : $90 for 8 lessons ( sorry mummies not 10 or 12 lessons), 70mins/lesson, min 10 mummies.
Venue: A room in Bishan RC centre, Blk 154 Bishan St 13.
Date: Sunday 11am or Sat 1.30pm

Weekday class

Cost : $80 for 8 lessons, 70min/lesson, min 8 mummies
Venue:Rita's house (Blk 144 bishan st 13)
Date: thur
Time: 10am

Please indicate your choice date:
1) alien
2) ankh
3) botanist
4) cookiemz
5) petrina (Thurs or Sat)
6) cocoangel
7) lynzi
8) linda (sunday)
For mummies who want to attend the gymboree i'll make the appointment with them .. Tml i'll try to find that list out .. Haha .. And we will see which day will be better.
Mums + Babies Yoga
Yoga Teacher: Rita (Indian)

Weekend Classes
Cost : $90 for 8 lessons ( sorry mummies not 10 or 12 lessons), 70mins/lesson, min 10 mummies.
Venue: A room in Bishan RC centre, Blk 154 Bishan St 13.
Date: Sunday 11am or Sat 1.30pm

Weekday class

Cost : $80 for 8 lessons, 70min/lesson, min 8 mummies
Venue:Rita's house (Blk 144 bishan st 13)
Date: thur
Time: 10am

Please indicate your choice date:
1) alien
2) ankh
3) botanist
4) cookiemz
5) petrina (Thurs or Sat)
6) cocoangel
7) lynzi (sat or sun)
8) linda (sunday)

I found the Gymboree class list:-

1. Botanist (no voucher)
2. BBnGG (no voucher)
3. poohbaby1223 + Bluelily (with vouchers)
4. mel (1 voucher)
5. Slimz (2 vouchers)
6. Baby12 (no voucher)
7. Petrina (no voucher)
8. Belle (No voucher)
9. cookiemz (no voucher)
10. alien (no voucher)
11. Elaine (no voucher)
12. lynzi (1 voucher)
13. miracle (no voucher)
14. constancet (3 vouchers)
15. fanny (2 vouchers)
16. *Raye's_Mummy* (no voucher)
17. Rach ( No Voucher)
18. valeriet (no voucher)

anyone being left out?
I've found the list. I'll call tml and check the details.

So mummies who wanted to go

Please Let me know the timing and day u prefer

Weekday Or Weekend?

1. Botanist (no voucher)
2. BBnGG (no voucher)
3. poohbaby1223 + Bluelily (with vouchers)
4. mel (1 voucher)
5. Slimz (2 vouchers)
6. Baby12 (no voucher)
7. Petrina (no voucher)
8. Belle (No voucher)
9. cookiemz (no voucher)
10. alien (no voucher)
11. Elaine (no voucher)
12. lynzi (1 voucher)
13. miracle (no voucher)
14. constancet (3 vouchers)
15. fanny (2 vouchers)
16. *Raye's_Mummy* (no voucher)
17. Rach ( No Voucher)
18. valeriet (no voucher)
Mums + Babies Yoga
Yoga Teacher: Rita (Indian)

Weekend Classes
Cost : $90 for 8 lessons ( sorry mummies not 10 or 12 lessons), 70mins/lesson, min 10 mummies.
Venue: A room in Bishan RC centre, Blk 154 Bishan St 13.
Date: Sunday 11am or Sat 1.30pm

Weekday class

Cost : $80 for 8 lessons, 70min/lesson, min 8 mummies
Venue:Rita's house (Blk 144 bishan st 13)
Date: thur
Time: 10am

Please indicate your choice date:
1) alien
2) ankh (Thu/Sat/Sun)
3) botanist
4) cookiemz
5) petrina (Thurs or Sat)
6) cocoangel
7) lynzi (sat or sun)
8) linda (sunday)
Thanks ya
You managed to reassure me


Thanks for your advice. I'm trying to latch one side and pump the other. Already started today. Shall see how it goes..

Heard you have extra dreambag to let go?
Britax (safe and sound) car seat

Anyone using the model Omega? Is it good? Thinking of buying this one..
Mums + Babies Yoga
Yoga Teacher: Rita (Indian)

Weekend Classes
Cost : $90 for 8 lessons ( sorry mummies not 10 or 12 lessons), 70mins/lesson, min 10 mummies.
Venue: A room in Bishan RC centre, Blk 154 Bishan St 13.
Date: Sunday 11am or Sat 1.30pm

Weekday class

Cost : $80 for 8 lessons, 70min/lesson, min 8 mummies
Venue:Rita's house (Blk 144 bishan st 13)
Date: thur
Time: 10am

Please indicate your choice date:
1) alien (Sun)
2) ankh (Thu/Sat/Sun)
3) botanist
4) cookiemz
5) petrina (Thurs or Sat)
6) cocoangel
7) lynzi (sat or sun)
8) linda (sunday)
Mums + Babies Yoga
Yoga Teacher: Rita (Indian)

Weekend Classes
Cost : $90 for 8 lessons ( sorry mummies not 10 or 12 lessons), 70mins/lesson, min 10 mummies.
Venue: A room in Bishan RC centre, Blk 154 Bishan St 13.
Date: Sunday 11am or Sat 1.30pm

Weekday class

Cost : $80 for 8 lessons, 70min/lesson, min 8 mummies
Venue:Rita's house (Blk 144 bishan st 13)
Date: thur
Time: 10am

Please indicate your choice date:
1) alien (Sun)
2) ankh (Thu/Sat/Sun)
3) botanist
4) cookiemz
5) petrina (Thurs or Sat)
6) cocoangel
7) lynzi (sat or sun)
8) linda (sunday)
9) Elaine (Sat or Sun)
i am so upset...

running high fever and i decided to stop giving my son ebm... all ebm will benefits my plants.. argh!! i dun hv frozen ebm to give him... *cry*
Mums + Babies Yoga
Yoga Teacher: Rita (Indian)

Weekend Classes
Cost : $90 for 8 lessons ( sorry mummies not 10 or 12 lessons), 70mins/lesson, min 10 mummies.
Venue: A room in Bishan RC centre, Blk 154 Bishan St 13.
Date: Sunday 11am or Sat 1.30pm

Weekday class

Cost : $80 for 8 lessons, 70min/lesson, min 8 mummies
Venue:Rita's house (Blk 144 bishan st 13)
Date: thur
Time: 10am

Please indicate your choice date:
1) alien (Sun)
2) ankh (Thu/Sat/Sun)
3) botanist
4) cookiemz (Thurs/Sat/Sun)
5) petrina (Thurs or Sat)
6) cocoangel
7) lynzi (sat or sun)
8) linda (sunday)
9) Elaine (Sat or Sun)

dun be upset, take good care of yourself... you can continue to give Malcolm ebm after you recover. is he okay with formula milk?

re : formula

i have started to introduce FM to my boy for 1 feed a day... so far, i have tried Similac, Friso Soy and Mamil gold on him and he pukes out his whole feed within 2 hrs after taking formula (40 ml of dilute FM also can make him puke). he does not puke when he takes EBM...
going to bring him to see PD later, dunno if it is indigestion or allergy to cows milk. now very stressed, coz my supply goes up and down and on some days, can't meet his demand..
dun be sad. The high fever due to engorgement? maybe if you really wanna continue, can still pump out and benefit your plants. Once recovered, can still feed Malcolm.

Did you try Isomil?
my no 2 also allergic to cows milk. taking Isomil since i weaned her off bm.

err well, not really. I use the covers to tuck in tightly around him because I have nothing at home that can use to swaddle him. He is abit big and long lah.
I shld have bought the L size swaddle... although that would probably make him very angry! He usually grunts and groans until he works his way out of the swaddle,... then he will sleep.


wah, quite stressful leh. if he really allergic to cow's milk, then Friso Soy shld not make him puke right? But looks like u need to experiment even more.

My son used to be on Mamil Gold... err but havne't fed him FM in more than a month, i'm sure he forgot what FM taste like liao and might be fussy again (like how he forgot he used to bottle feed, so now only want to latch on).

Eversince i stop pumping and fully latch on.. supply drop liao. Sigh, so must work hard and pump some more so i can start storing...
Weekday Or Weekend?

1. Botanist (no voucher)
2. BBnGG (no voucher)
3. poohbaby1223 + Bluelily (with vouchers)
4. mel (1 voucher)
5. Slimz (2 vouchers)
6. Baby12 (no voucher)
7. Petrina (no voucher)
8. Belle (No voucher)
9. cookiemz (no voucher)
10. alien (no voucher)
11. Elaine (no voucher)
12. lynzi (1 voucher)
13. miracle (no voucher)
14. constancet (3 vouchers)
15. fanny (2 vouchers) = weekend
16. *Raye's_Mummy* (no voucher)
17. Rach ( No Voucher)
18. valeriet (no voucher)

My mum had already started to give rice cereal to my gal the day she reached her 4th mth. I gave her the Heniz cereal instead of nestle.

Now my gal likes to "bian zhu" and start to cry loudly if we dont give in to her. After we give in to her, she will start to "complain" and "bian zhu" at the same time.
cookiemz and constance
my fever is due to throat infection. this AM was 39 degree!! hb scared till death and we decided to stop giving ebm at the moment althou all med that GP prescribed are baby safe.. but to play safe.. sigh.. malcolm used to have 1 feed of FM (similac) per day (last lap of the day to tank him up).. now he has to be on total FM until i recovered.. very strange, my ss has a sudden increased these few days, partly because i drink soya bean milk bah?
since decided to stop giving ebm. shall i take "adult" medicine to fasten my recovery? been taking baby safe meds which are very mild.. pls advise

alien, u can pump and dump. give bb ebm that u store last time. stop two doses of medicine before u give bb milk again .. This is what i do what i have food poisioning .. Check with PD he said it's okay.
