(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

How to bathe even with the hot water? Does that mean we have to bring the bath tub too? Won't that be funny. I wish I live in a condo, then can bring back home to bathe immediately. Looks like the only way is to shower my baby a bit and the bring her home to bathe.
I usually bathe with the fan turned off and door closed, so no draught at all and I can bathe her for as long as I want. Tho' I don't take all day as well. Just enough time to get her to enjoy her bath. When I sprinkle water on my baby's face, I use pure water, so if she drinks it, it's ok. I'd only turn her over and let her lie on her tummy in the water. I'll hold on to her upper body to prevent her head from going into the water and drinking it.

I think if you keep carrying your baby before sleeping all the time, she'll relate that to sleeping. I've been allowing her to sleep on her own and she's been 'trained' to do that now. I hope this will continue tho'.
rachel, i like the idea of swimming together =D
is Toapayoh the oni pool with indoor pool? else ve to apply sun block .. or go early morning b4 11am ..
ok! Managed to squeeze in some time to vote for the babies...
hmmm...see if I have time to submit pics of my baby or not. hahaha...

ok, back to work. zor gang...
Does Toa Payoh have an indoor pool? Is it new? I never knew it had one. Indoor pool is best for babies who are very young, tho' the noise then will be amplified. For outdoor pools, need to apply sun block and allow baby to play only for 15-20 min and 30 min max. in the water. Can't let them be in the water for too long. Pity, there aren't many indoor pools in S'pore. The only other two pools I know are at Singapore Recreation Club and Overseas Family School ( I coached there once). Both of which are not accessible to the public.

So serious, need to suck out the phlegm. Mine also phlegmy cough... no choice got to soften the phelgm first. PD gave him a powdery orange stuff, mix with water to soften phlegm.
i heard its indoor there wor .. but i suspect its the SAFRA TPY one lor .. not the public one ... ..
i jux did a google check on it .. it seems that only jurong west has a sheltered pool, not indoor.. the rest all got sun ..
anyone sty jurong west area, care to comment?
U poor mummies whose babies having phlegm.
Hope they will clear up soon!

I vote for google group.
Could it be that we have to clear the yahoo group posts as there's too many and that's why its lagging in sending the email??
I don't know.
Maybe CSI as the moderator can try to look into it.

About my stroller, yah till today i still reminisce over it.
Still looking around for the same Combi stroller, the CAS C1 2 model in mint.
If u visit WTB, u can see how urgently i'm looking for someone to sell me theirs...haha.
Any mummies here who knows of anyone letting go of it please kindly inform me.

I also want that rompers!! haha...shopping bug strikes again.

My boy had the withdrawal symptom again yesterday.
Worse still, he fall asleep in my fil's arms so i only got to carry him home in the car and he was fast asleep till 3am...sigh.
So sad.
Today don't know how it will be.
Will be fetching him later and we will see how it goes.

thanks for voting for my son.
Was going to hospitalized him but luckily, he reacted well during his 3 hourly nebulizer, today 4 hourly... still coughing but not breathing is way better... thx for the concern!


did you meet up the girls in the end? yup his fever is better! PD said most babies wont get fever.. so i guess i not so lucky!

thanks to all mummies who voted for dylan
BB swimming

heard from my colleague aquaducks not bad. i never try before. but i throw my kids into the public pool when they r ard 4-5 mths old
You really throw them into the pool?!? You mean dunk them?

I went to Aquaduck's trial when my son was 8th mth old. They got this private pool at Suntec. Ok lor, sing song while swimming, don't interest me though...
hi mummies,
voted for your babies... Shawn didn't win last week. anyway thanks for your votes... :p

my colgs n i were planning for a playdate but after the fhmd alert, we tot better postpone until this season is over. better be safe than sorry... hope and wish all the mummies and babies who are not feeling well, get well soon!
lynzi, u still haven found a replacemet? Hv u tried the one i told u at Bugis? Hope u cn find one soon..

Botanst, voted liao! Yr boy is sooo cute!

Aquaducks only sing song for few mths. If they think yr baby is doing well, they'll let him move on the next one. There's another one- Marsden Swim School. Not bad! Private house=private pool. Best is, the pool is heated!
my baby also coughing and blcked nose le..brough him to pd he was given medicine le how come mei mei cannot take medicine le?

thanks thanks.. i think my son is cute too kekeke.. but too bad he dun really look like me!! only got my chin...

marsden swimming school good? I like the idea of a heated pool...
maybe will send my son for that one.
marsden swimming school sounds good! only can enroll when baby turns 6 mos.

where is our gymboree session? no news liao?
rachel...i know what u mean abt associating carrying with sleeping...i oso don't wish that.

the funnie thing is, before this, all i need to do to get her to sleep is to put her in the cot when she's sleepy, turn her to the side, give her pacifier, pat her and she will be able to sleep.

then, we moved back to sg from hkg. and after a few days in sg, when we did the same thing, she started crying and won't stop crying! sometimes can cry for half an hour type. then bo pian, heart pain leh, have to carry her. from then on, everytime must carry her for a while. before she "guai guai" lie in bed and sleep. best part is, she seems to only want either me or hubbie to carry her...anybody else, she also will cry. that day thought muz "train" her...let my MIL do it...wah jialat jialat, cry and cry and even after i carried her...she cried for more than half hour ...like protesting and complaining to me like that... until i step out of the door of my MIL place she immediately stopped crying!

well, i hope she will get over this phase and start sleeping on her own again sooon....
voted liao!

dunno leh, maybe coz he's GP? was saying mei mei too young, better dun give meds, let her body develop the antibodies itself. but like v poor thing. dunno if shd bring to PD instead.
voted le.. veri cute leh .. =D

tanks mummies for voting for my shirui last week...she din win thou.. =P
maybe your baby needs to adjust to the new environment...she probably felt so secure and very familiar already with her home in hk,thus she needs to adapt to her new environment in sg...
botanist, voted! Ur bb v handsome leh..

dreamer@hk, ur bb sounds like she can recognise places and ppl. Maybe she's not used to the cot/room here, that why so sticky to you and hb. Maybe she will get better after a while when she's used to the environment again?
yes, I agree with dinut. Your baby is now in a new environment and needs adjustment. Just carry her and comfort her to sleep for a few days and gradually let her sleep on her own. After putting her on her bed, just put your hand on her to assure her that you're there till she sleeps. Try that. I do that and it usually works. Hope it helps.
tks dinut, bluelily and rachel...will see how things go. u r rite, most impt to let her feel secure

we are back for abt 3 weeks liao ... still no improvement...but of course hoping that it will be better for her soon.

thanks for all your suggestions!

sigh i'm damn stressed abt this baby sleeping thingy. my son really is 'parented assisted' everytime he sleeps. plus he goes into this rage and screams until hoarse whenever he needs attention and isn't picked up/ or is left on the bed to sleep on his own. Placing my hand on his chest etc all doesn't help, I can PU/PD for more than 2 hours also no use.. he is super stubborn (probably inherited from me)

Last night, after his 3.30am feed, he woke up at 4.30am and didn't wanna sleep in his cot anymore... fought with him until 6plus still fighting... Both of us are so exhausted this morning we slept 2.5hours from 8am until now!!

sigh dunno what to do liao..
Thanks thanks to all mummies voting for my cutie pie. Hehe but he is not in the top 3 cos i didn't get enough people to vote. HEHEH

U r a SAHM rite? I'm a SAHM.

I also have similar problem wz my bb. She goes into this rage n scream til hoarse too. I carry her til I hurt my arms. I don't hv any help at home in the day so can be quite stressful. Couple of times, I broke down lor.

Am still learning the art to how to cope wz the bb. I keep reminding myself to stay calm, esp when bb is crying her voice hoarse. I try music, vaccum cleaner, fan sound, carrying, apply lu yi you, etc etc (all that is recommended by friends n books). Gonna try giving her colic medicine too. Its really trial n error to find ways to calm her down.

Oh, my bb doesn't like to ride in the car. Strange hor?

i'm a SAHM too.. yes yes my bb hates car rides too!! I think our babies hv similar personality type - Touchy baby (read baby whisperer). sadly my son hates noises, infact noises trigger him into another tantrum (i.e., music or other sounds).

So in the end, must carry lor... can pacify him everytime but its causing me to do stuff that is technically 'wrong' like carrying baby to sleep etc. Its caused him to get used to it and now can't sleep on his own.. sigh

Wanna meet u leh. Think we got a lot in common lor. I'm really struggling wz my bb. I've been keeping track of this thread to learn frm all the other mummies, still unable to build a routine for my bb though. How to manage har? Sigh, I still got to do housework n take care of the older one. I also lost all the extra weight that I gained since marriage/the last pregnancy. Most of my relatives, friends, even neighbours commented that I lost a lot of weight, must be bcos of taking care of the bb.

Oops, so engross reading this thread, super late in picking up my older one. Gotta run...

i brought to PD le. Was advised by friends for kids younger than 3 years old better bring to PD and not GP le...think better bring cuz babies hor sick very xin ku one le
