(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

Hi mummies,

Update on my baby:

cookiemz(Baby JunRui) 14 Nov - 6.8kg, 64 cm
steffietan(Baby Alexis) 16 Nov - 5.3kg, 60cm
rach11(Baby Isaac) 18 Nov - 6.4kg, 61cm
fanny(Baby cayenne) 22 nov - 6kg, 63 cm
Elaine(Baby Gabrielle) 23 Nov - 7.14kg
CryStaLZ(Baby Amberly) 23 Nov - 5.58kg, 63cm
Witty(baby Dwayne) 26 Nov - 6.6kg, 64cm
Etelle(Baby Evan) 27 Nov - 8.6kg, 63cm
Gloomybear(Baby Arielle) 28 Nov - 5.67kg, 58cm
tub(Baby Sumana) 02 Dec - 6.2kg
lynzi(Baby Faiq) 02 Dec - 5.8kg, 60cm
Idah(Baby Adlan) 05 Dec - 6.3kg
Cry Baby(Baby Kate) 05 Dec - 4.4kg, 55cm
bluelily(Baby Jerrell) 05 Dec - 5.7kg
hentang(baby Kaylen) 05 Dec - 7kg, 60cm
jeelomeelo(Baby Shawn) 05 Dec - 6.8kg, 62cm
slimz(Baby shirui) 06 Dec - 6.1kg, 60cm
Tricianbt(Baby Shania) 06 Dec - 5.8kg, 61cm
Linda(Baby Jovan) 07 Dec - 6.5kg, 63cm
alien(Baby Malcolm) 07 Dec - 6.9kg, 67cm
CSI_Fan(Baby Louisa) 08 Dec - 6kg, 61cm
jaz23(Baby jazzell) 10 Dec - 5.46kg, 58cm
Baby12(Baby Clarence) 12 Dec - 6.2kg, 67cm
Momo32(Baby Chloe) 12 Dec - 5.6kg, 60cm
ankh(Baby Emma) 13 Dec - 5.9kg
Petrina(Baby Mikaela) 14 Dec - 6.1kg, 60cm
kat (Baby Zijun) 17 Dec - 5.8kg, 58cm
belle_08(Baby Xenden) 18 Dec - 7kg, 64cm
BBnGG(Baby Joshua) 18 Dec - 6.3kg, 62cm
Botanist(Baby Dylan) 18 Dec - 8.26kg, 66cm
constancet(Rhaines) 18 Dec - 5.3kg, 63cm
eve(Baby Ethan) 20 Dec - 5.9kg, 6ccm
Noelle(Baby Natalie) 21 Dec - 5.6kg, 63cm
Ginger(Baby Andre) 21 Dec – 5.66kg
leejo(Baby Ethan) 23 Dec - 6.23kg, 62cm
Phy(Baby Ryan) 24 Dec - 7.5kg, 67cm
valeriet(Baby Qai Jinn) 28 Dec - 6kg, 59cm
claire_liu(Baby Yu Ru) 29 Dec - 7kg, 61cm
fairylander(Baby Cathrina) 15 Nov - 5.3kg, 63cm
yvonne (Baby Chloe) 30 Nov - 5.8kg, 60cm
ah_bie (Baby XuanXu) 5 Dec - 6.6kg
missylan (Baby JiaKai) 30 Nov - 8.5kg, 70cm
Joanne (Baby Rachel Wong) 28 Dec - 6.3kg, 61cm
Steffi (Baby Zhe Xuan) 19 Dec - 6.9kg, 63cm
Limko (Baby Caleb) 25 Dec - 7.2kg, 64 cm

visit my blog http://calebslittlemoments.blogspot.com

Brought litle one to pd today cuz he bough and runny nose....had his weight measured hee increase again and grown taller too...

cookiemz(Baby JunRui) 14 Nov - 6.8kg, 64 cm
steffietan(Baby Alexis) 16 Nov - 5.3kg, 60cm
rach11(Baby Isaac) 18 Nov - 6.4kg, 61cm
fanny(Baby cayenne) 22 nov - 6kg, 63 cm
Elaine(Baby Gabrielle) 23 Nov - 7.14kg
CryStaLZ(Baby Amberly) 23 Nov - 5.58kg, 63cm
Witty(baby Dwayne) 26 Nov - 6.6kg, 64cm
<font color="ff0000">Etelle(Baby Evan) 27 Nov - 9.65kg, 69cm</font>
Gloomybear(Baby Arielle) 28 Nov - 5.67kg, 58cm
tub(Baby Sumana) 02 Dec - 6.2kg
lynzi(Baby Faiq) 02 Dec - 5.8kg, 60cm
Idah(Baby Adlan) 05 Dec - 6.3kg
Cry Baby(Baby Kate) 05 Dec - 4.4kg, 55cm
bluelily(Baby Jerrell) 05 Dec - 5.7kg
hentang(baby Kaylen) 05 Dec - 7kg, 60cm
jeelomeelo(Baby Shawn) 05 Dec - 6.8kg, 62cm
slimz(Baby shirui) 06 Dec - 6.1kg, 60cm
Tricianbt(Baby Shania) 06 Dec - 5.8kg, 61cm
Linda(Baby Jovan) 07 Dec - 6.5kg, 63cm
alien(Baby Malcolm) 07 Dec - 6.9kg, 67cm
CSI_Fan(Baby Louisa) 08 Dec - 6kg, 61cm
jaz23(Baby jazzell) 10 Dec - 5.46kg, 58cm
Baby12(Baby Clarence) 12 Dec - 6.2kg, 67cm
Momo32(Baby Chloe) 12 Dec - 5.6kg, 60cm
ankh(Baby Emma) 13 Dec - 5.9kg
Petrina(Baby Mikaela) 14 Dec - 6.1kg, 60cm
kat (Baby Zijun) 17 Dec - 5.8kg, 58cm
belle_08(Baby Xenden) 18 Dec - 7kg, 64cm
BBnGG(Baby Joshua) 18 Dec - 6.3kg, 62cm
Botanist(Baby Dylan) 18 Dec - 8.26kg, 66cm
constancet(Rhaines) 18 Dec - 5.3kg, 63cm
eve(Baby Ethan) 20 Dec - 5.9kg, 6ccm
Noelle(Baby Natalie) 21 Dec - 5.6kg, 63cm
Ginger(Baby Andre) 21 Dec – 5.66kg
leejo(Baby Ethan) 23 Dec - 6.23kg, 62cm
Phy(Baby Ryan) 24 Dec - 7.5kg, 67cm
valeriet(Baby Qai Jinn) 28 Dec - 6kg, 59cm
claire_liu(Baby Yu Ru) 29 Dec - 7kg, 61cm
fairylander(Baby Cathrina) 15 Nov - 5.3kg, 63cm
yvonne (Baby Chloe) 30 Nov - 5.8kg, 60cm
ah_bie (Baby XuanXu) 5 Dec - 6.6kg
missylan (Baby JiaKai) 30 Nov - 8.5kg, 70cm
Joanne (Baby Rachel Wong) 28 Dec - 6.3kg, 61cm
Steffi (Baby Zhe Xuan) 19 Dec - 6.9kg, 63cm
Limko (Baby Caleb) 25 Dec - 7.2kg, 64 cm
Thanks ya
But you're coping so well being a SAHM
Maybe I'm not cut out to be one.. My sister told me it is a job mis-matched and said I should return to workforce.. Hmm.. I'm still thinking about it.. Ya, I like the CAR mat too!! Very nice to 'chill out' with BB and Hubby there!!

Thanks for sharing your story.. You see, I have many opinions from others on my baby's skin condition and because he's on full breastfeeding, I'm told (sisters, mother and doctor) to refrain from many food.. Now I only eat to provide for my boy.. haha, good also lah, don't have to think what to eat, I have it all decided for me by others

I'm trying not to blame myself but be extra careful with what I eat.. already gave up eggs and spicy stuff..

I really must salute you!! SAHM with 2 kids and no help!! My, I feel so small
Anyway, I've learnt to ask for help and not do ALL the things myself... Think when it comes to baby, I'm too possessive so must learn to let go...

Hee hee, ya I agree that I need to have ME time.. finally told my hubby that I need him to take baby and me out regularly so that I get to see what's going on outside our door!! haha

your sumo is abt as heavy as my #1 liao.. :p


if i'm able to make it, can i join u mummies for meetup too??

did PD say yr son overweight? Mine said quite blatantly that my son needs to go on diet leh!! He is now 3.5 months old and 8.26kg/66cm.


i also have thoughts of going back to work but my HB is sort of against it (and I kind of agree) cos my son is so fussy and difficult to take care of... better take care of him on my own. But if i can go back to work, I will feel so much more richer!! Hehehe
dunno how lah.. see how long i can last as SAHM
nt really true on feeding fm will become sumo leh, my cousin in law bf her son, he a sumo leh but mine on fm now, not sumo leh. he only ultra-mini sumo, ke ke!
I would say genes. My 1st on FM, always on the 97th percentile, my 2nd on BM&amp;FM for 6 months, always on the 50th or less, now 3rd on BM mostly, also on 97th or more. I think the height weight ratio is more important. My PD nvr ever ask my baby to go on diet... anyway, my 1st nvr seems to be able to gain weight once he starts solid and goes down on milk. Now P3 like a skinny bonny...
MissyIan, ok on lah. I dun mind chewing on any part of his thigh manz.

Gosh he will think this aunty is crazy to torture him like that. Kekeke
My bb on FM... only 5.7kg now.. 25th percentile only. I think depends on how much bb can drink too. Last weekend just managed to increased his milk intake to 120ml every 2.5 to 3 hrs! Finally... he hasn't increased his intake since he was a few wks old! Hope it can stay this way. Still cant compare to the sumo bbs here.. but I'm happy already. No more 1 hr fight when drinking milk!
Mine is on TBM but its a struggle to get him to drink milk cos he often goes on milk strike. I haven't been able to increase his milk intake, now only drinking 100ml to 110ml every 3 to 4 hrs (sometimes 5hrs depending on his mood).

But as long as he is happy and growing, I am fine with his intake. I gave up trying to get him to drink more liao.
I was guessing champion sumo hit above 9kg, I am so right! Hahahaha...

My sumo is sick, blocked nose and phlegmy cough, now he is on nebulizer, 3 hourly!!! He still can drink, play, pee and shit well! If not ok, PD is going to admit him to hosiptal liao. Me so worried....
you mean my sumo?? ha ha but he also got grow taller la not so bad ha ha :p

Sumo also down with cough and runny nose le...kena from the elder brother one...oor thing...
linda/dylan's mum/ cookie
my pd never said he need to go on diet le...he said as long as hr grows heavier and taller than alright if only weight put on then not so good ...hee he claim it's all baby fats so it's alright....
Mine also said that... as long as he wants to drink, give it to him. Feed on demand... He wants to drink no one can stop him! HAHAHA
WOW, yours definitely a super sumo!! Mine mini mini only haha


yours also not bad siah, think second place Sumo

I also asked PD if I got to reduce my boy's milk intake, he says no need.. hmm
If you say your boy is not easy to look after, then how do you cope at home? Guess you must be a very positive person

Haha, ya lor, going back to work will mean more $$, but I also wonder if $$ can buy back my boy's childhood so still at crossroads
the nurse at polyclinic said the bbs are so young, never say whether overweight or what one lah. maybe when they're older. My girl also cough and running nose so didnt bring for her 4th mth 6-in-1 jab. also dunno when she'll recover. been abt 2 wks already.
hihi mummies,
me been so busy that i hardly have time to log in.

Me very sad lei. For the past 1 week been unlucky.

my new 1 week old combi stroller that i bought from taka bb fair got stolen.
Went to clinic with my boy and left stroller outside the clinic as there were so many people.
When my queue no flashed i went in for like less than 10 minutes and when i went out my combi was gone.
Imagine how frantic i was.
And to think i was alone with bb without my hubby somemore.
The people inside the clinic said they saw this elderly lady pushed my combi away when i went in and they never said anything cos they tot that was my mum.
Went all around the mrt station to look for it while carrying my boy.
Really felt like i just wanted to sit there and cry my eyes out.

for the past few days when i reached my mil place my boy was still playing and cooing away happily.
But the moment he saw me or i talked to him, he would cry as if i whip him up.
Worse still, he refused to be carried by me or my hubby until like 1 hour plus later.
Do u think he's angry that his mummy and daddy left him to go to work?
Was so sad.
Cannot wait to resign and spend more time with him.
yeah lor ha ha my pd said u try stopping him from drinking milk ha ha he will tear ur whole flat down until u give in to him muahaha :p anyway my #1 also use to be bah bah ut after hit 12 mths he slim down le...now also slim slim de.

dun think ur bb is angry with the both of you. It's just that he is closer to his primary care givers...babies dun have complex mind like adults...dun hu si luan xiang okie?

as for the stolen stroller...wow the elderly lady has the audacity to push ur stroller away ah...think next time if u r alone its is more advisable to use carrier le...or maybe have to ask the nurse to look after for u while u go in for ur turn
etelle, missylan,

well, my PD didn't say that need to reduce milk intake (afterall, I'm breasfeeding - so abit hard to 'reduce' intake right?). But he did say babies will naturally 'diet' by drinking less or not drinking sometimes so told me not to worry too much if my son decides to go on milk strike, cos he could do with missing a few meals!!
He highlighted that he is overweight twice leh! Make me feel like I am overfeeding him.. !?! Gosh!


Yah, my son is actually a little monster. Sigh - according to the baby whisperer book he is a Touchy Baby. It really doesn't take much to set him off... he cries ALOT everyday and needs me to be 'stuck' with him almost 100%. He basically cannot let me out of his sight even for 1 minute...

So the only way I cope is by instilling a routine that makes sure he gets his feeds/naps on schedule. In between those feeds/naps - I need to find ways to 'entertain' him lor. Reading lots of books to him, playing with him (he hates music) or doing flashcards lor. Its very tiring so I try to put him to bed early, abt 6plus cos by then - I'm super exhausted!!

Luckily, my HB is supportive - he helps out alot on weekends and I get to go shopping or meet up with friends if I want to.

How do I cope? I try to tell myself that my son isn't the most difficult baby in the world lor! On top of that.. he is my son, and probably inherited all his stubborness and willfulness from ME. So maybe its retribution for me being such a difficult child when I was little.

So are you seriously thinking of going back to the workforce?? I am - but I think I will only do it after my son is a few years older. For now I just have to sit tight.


OMG! I can't believe yr stroller got stolen. Guess that is a reminder to us that we should get too complacent! Can't believe that old lady had the audacity to steal yr stroller... Dont let it get you down though... lucky its just yr stroller. Could be worse.

Are you thinking of resigning to spend more time with your son? Dont worry, babies have short term memory at this age so they forget stuff very quickly... so dun think yr son will be upset that you aren't able to spend too much time with him. Just do yr best to spend quality time with him when u are able to, that's good enough.

My cousin had to work overseas for a few months and wasn't able to spend any time with his newborn. But thankfully after close to a year, when they were reunited, they very quickly were able to build up the bond again... so I believe little kids wont be angry for long. Once u shower them with love, they will forget.
cookiemz(Baby JunRui) 14 Nov - 6.8kg, 64 cm
steffietan(Baby Alexis) 16 Nov - 5.3kg, 60cm
rach11(Baby Isaac) 18 Nov - 6.4kg, 61cm
fanny(Baby cayenne) 22 nov - 6kg, 63 cm
Elaine(Baby Gabrielle) 23 Nov - 7.14kg
CryStaLZ(Baby Amberly) 23 Nov - 5.58kg, 63cm
Witty(baby Dwayne) 26 Nov - 7.26kg, 66cm
Etelle(Baby Evan) 27 Nov - 9.65kg, 69cm
Gloomybear(Baby Arielle) 28 Nov - 5.67kg, 58cm
tub(Baby Sumana) 02 Dec - 6.2kg
lynzi(Baby Faiq) 02 Dec - 5.8kg, 60cm
Idah(Baby Adlan) 05 Dec - 6.3kg
Cry Baby(Baby Kate) 05 Dec - 4.4kg, 55cm
bluelily(Baby Jerrell) 05 Dec - 5.7kg
hentang(baby Kaylen) 05 Dec - 7kg, 60cm
jeelomeelo(Baby Shawn) 05 Dec - 6.8kg, 62cm
slimz(Baby shirui) 06 Dec - 6.1kg, 60cm
Tricianbt(Baby Shania) 06 Dec - 5.8kg, 61cm
Linda(Baby Jovan) 07 Dec - 6.5kg, 63cm
alien(Baby Malcolm) 07 Dec - 6.9kg, 67cm
CSI_Fan(Baby Louisa) 08 Dec - 6kg, 61cm
jaz23(Baby jazzell) 10 Dec - 5.46kg, 58cm
Baby12(Baby Clarence) 12 Dec - 6.2kg, 67cm
Momo32(Baby Chloe) 12 Dec - 5.6kg, 60cm
ankh(Baby Emma) 13 Dec - 5.9kg
Petrina(Baby Mikaela) 14 Dec - 6.1kg, 60cm
kat (Baby Zijun) 17 Dec - 5.8kg, 58cm
belle_08(Baby Xenden) 18 Dec - 7kg, 64cm
BBnGG(Baby Joshua) 18 Dec - 6.3kg, 62cm
Botanist(Baby Dylan) 18 Dec - 8.26kg, 66cm
constancet(Rhaines) 18 Dec - 5.3kg, 63cm
eve(Baby Ethan) 20 Dec - 5.9kg, 6ccm
Noelle(Baby Natalie) 21 Dec - 5.6kg, 63cm
Ginger(Baby Andre) 21 Dec – 5.66kg
leejo(Baby Ethan) 23 Dec - 6.23kg, 62cm
Phy(Baby Ryan) 24 Dec - 7.5kg, 67cm
valeriet(Baby Qai Jinn) 28 Dec - 6kg, 59cm
claire_liu(Baby Yu Ru) 29 Dec - 7kg, 61cm
fairylander(Baby Cathrina) 15 Nov - 5.3kg, 63cm
yvonne (Baby Chloe) 30 Nov - 5.8kg, 60cm
ah_bie (Baby XuanXu) 5 Dec - 6.6kg
missylan (Baby JiaKai) 30 Nov - 8.5kg, 70cm
Joanne (Baby Rachel Wong) 28 Dec - 6.3kg, 61cm
Steffi (Baby Zhe Xuan) 19 Dec - 6.9kg, 63cm
Limko (Baby Caleb) 25 Dec - 7.2kg, 64 cm
phy, wah, u really can "ren" as sahm w/o help leh. i long time back called for reinforcements (aka grandmothers) already haha!

botanist, ur HB very good! if i were to leave my baby with my hubby &amp; go out, think he'll end up calling his mum to come over and help instead LOL.

cookiemz, me ok with u joining in the sahm gathering. actually, i like bigger the crowd the merrier. hee hee, if too many sahms meeting, maybe have to go to outside to meet. last time when some of us met up at mac's, the prams took up so much space! dun think they can fit into someone's home and still have space leftover for babies and mummies hee.

hehe yah my HB is very patient with my son.. consider how my son is super difficult to take care of! U gals are lucky... I dont have any help cos my parents live abroad and my MIL is busy with the other grandkids, so its really me and me alone...

how how? when are u, miracle and babyetrelle meeting? gosh i feel so deprived... eversince gave birth to baby, hardly get to go out.. always grab the chance to met up with friends. HAHA.
Thanks mummies.

What u gerls said cheered me up.
Yah all of u must also take care of your stroller especially if u always tend to leave valuable things in the shopping basket.
Hi all,
Luckily didn't need to admit! So worried he will need admission... phew

Hahaha... Yours very big size also leh cos he is a 18th Dec bb... now chasing up for 2nd place liao. Hahahahaa....

Me also sick, sore throat... Sunday was worst, having the chills, insomnia and headache. Wa, went to PD for review then there are 2 night clinics there was thinking after my bb's review can go visit a doc who knows SO MANY PATIENTS!

yah u take care of yr little sumo... being on nebuliser every 3 hours is no joke! But at least it will help him breathe better.

Yes, my sumo is getting heavier &amp; bigger everyday. Yup i think 2nd place liao! I am always very scared to weigh him - maybe he inherited my genes on easily putting on weight.

Yah i also kenna headache etc. Damn jia lat. Ended up puking last night cos head too painful liao. Sianzz.. dunno why SO MANY people are sick during this period.

Ps Mummies - do you find that yahoo groups has been really wonky?? We dont get emails until much much later. I'm thinking that we should migrate our discussion group to Google. Anyone interested?? I could set it up.. keke

The more I should salute you!! YOU and YOU alone can raise a 2nd place SUMO on breastfeeding alone!!
Amazing!! Then how do you settle your meals? Housework etc? Guess you also have to pump milk so that your hubby can feed while you go out..

I'm on no-pay leave till end May... Still discussing childcare issues with MIL who insists BB to be placed at her house for 5 days a week and only goes back on Friday evening.. Well, both hubby and I are not agreeable and still thinking of options.. of coz one option is for me to take care of him myself... But hor, I hate cooking!!! and I need to sleep ALOT.. now sleep deprived actually..

haha, I was very naive and gungho few months back..thinking that if my friends can be SAHM, so why can't I? Then I plunged into the deepest end of pool so now I am fighting to stay afloat lor

Thank goodness that I finally swallowed my pride... and called for help

hahah my breastmilk full of fat lah! as my gynea puts it, i have LOTS of maternal stores so dun need to eat too much still got enough to feed baby!! Hahaha...

Err my meals? I really dun have complicated meals, I have a sandwich for lunch everyday, bread and more bread in the afternoon if I'm hungry and usually my HB will buy me a giant dinner cos I'm hungry in the evenings. I think this diet is good for me cos I'm finally losing all the excess weight I put on since I got married!!

Housework? Thankfully, my HB does everything
from the washing to the ironing! Phew... if not, I honestly dont think I can cope!

Hmm placing BB at yr MIL house for 5 days a week is not ideal lor. I think that its super hard to be a SAHM if you need to do EVERYTHING - take care of BB, cook, housework etc. But if you can just focus on BB and perhaps order food in, and maybe HB/part time housekeeper to do housework, then its managable.

Could you find a part time position instead? Or get your existing company to let go in only a few days a week?? My ex company gave me that option but I couldn't accept it at that point in time so now, abit hard to ask for it so many many months down the road.

u r not big size lah! u just have bigger assests(^^) than us or me lah! hehe!!!! midnite RA joke!!

i am interested in your google discussion group, pls include me!!!
congrats baby dwayne won the contest! hey purple bumbo seat nice right!? haha.. my towkay also cant sit for too long, he will lao nua all over the place...

re: sumo
my towkay had left sumo club. he falling sick lately (more than 2 weeks liao).. haben fully recover yet.. weighed him few days ago and he was only 7.2kg but nearly 70cm. all 12mos clothes' length cant fit him anymore. his milk intake has dropped too, sigh.. so sad...

nice mat! where is jas? *evil* haha..


yah yah me too.. so frustrating. must ask lynette whether she interested to migrate our discussion group or not. maybe google server is faster than yahoo...


wah you eyeing my assets ah!! Yes i do have big assets.. hahaha now bigger cos of breastfeeding! ok will include u provide i have everyone approval to migrate to google group.


wah yr towkay not part of sumo club liao. sigh, must have lost quite a bit of weight to not be able to wear 12 mos clothes hor... I think my PD will want my son to also lose that kind of weight. Too bad my son just get bigger and bigger... even when he was sick with fever, and his cold... still drinking like a thirsty baby in the desert!
