(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

similar to Kat, mi gal didnt poo for one day too even when she was on FBM, finally poo yest evening with a lot! was wondering how come with BM, she oso cant poo, and as if she got constipation. trying to strain her butt to push out the poo.
the poo is now not so watery but sticky and thick kind. Is that normal?

linda/missylan, wah, all ur boys so big liao, cross 5 kg mark!
Thanks, crystalz & slimz!
slimz, I got my milk bags from moms r us, costs around $19 for 25pcs. If the EBM is not for use within 48 hrs, you should store it in the freezer. I am currently using my pigeon warmer to warm my EBM, takes around 5-10 mins.

i check liao...ameda box doesnt indicate extra valve. so u going back to ameda distributor to get replacement?? do u have their contact? if so, can pass to me too?? thanks

I sometimes also have the same problem with NUK teat, my son will suck vigoriously but nothing comes out..So what i do is to shake the bottle to prevent the milk from coagulating, and to use a toothpick to poke the teat hole and the "air system" hole..it works for me..U gotta look at your baby, if she is sucking hard and yet the milk level dun seems to drop, most probably is the milk is not flowing..

I got my breast milk bags from first years, 19.90 per pack 25. Pigeons also have, ard 16 bucks but 20 packs only. I prefer first years cos can store more milk and it can stand on its own. I will usually store above the designated 150ml mark cos still got space so dun waste. For first years bags, u can get from robinsons, pigeons one, i find that KKH sells cheaper than other place..
I warm the breast milk using pigeon warmer, think its gd as its temp can be controlled. Tollyjoy and lucky baby ones cannot and the milk might be too hot after the "buzz" went off. Breast milk is best heat at 40 degrees..cos all the nutrients will be gone and it will become clotty if overheat.. Thats wat the nurses told me at KK.
seems that avent warmer is a good investment...how much is it?
btw any mummies here bring EBM when out n about? how long can the EBM last in a cooler bag? need to refrigerate/freeze before putting in the bag?
what's the quickest way to warm the bottle from the cooler bag?

Thanks for ur advice. i see where u're coming from. i din notice e 'air system' hole until u told me. e hole in e teat seems rather small rite? breast milk usually doesnt coagulate, yes?
ya, missylan, the little piglets! pierced, bb getting heavier and heavier, lol!

So happy! my bb start to wake up at nite for 1 feed instead of 2 from last weekend till now. Hopefully he can sleep through the nite without asking for nite feed soon.
Jean & Kat,

Why don't u join the milkbags spree in the forum? It's cheaper. I bought the Lanoish milk bags cost abt $10 for 25 bags.

How do u thaw the milk in the bags? Overnight in the fridge or soak in water?
I just realised last night that my Philips 3-in-1 nutrition centre has a bottle warmer function too. I'm so sotong, been using only the steriliser and was looking up the Internet for Avent warmer when you gals said it was useful. Started using it and found it so much more convenient and baby doesn't have to cry so long anymore

When the milk doesn't flow despite the baby sucking hard, pull out the bottle ... you'll see bubbles and air pressure being released, then re-introduce the bottle to baby again. It works for me.
just bought a teat hold puncher...very cheap, $7 plus...now bb use avent teat for 1m...the 0m ones are too slow for her...
hello mummies,
I called polyclinic to make appt for the hep b jap. I think someone has shared the 5 in 1 and 6 in 1 package prices from polyclinic bf. can someone please share that again. understand that their package start from 3mth onwards after the 2nd hep b jap at 1st mth. a bit diff from the pte PD.
where did u get the teat hole puncher?

my boy is having problem with bottle feeding. Was ok with it the past few weeks. These few days onwards, he gets very frustrated when drinking from it. Will cry after trying to suck a few times. I thought that it's due to teat hole being too small. So i changed 1 size up. But he's still struggling with drinking. Will cry until face very late and refuse to drink. Wonder what's wrong.
hi eve, i got it from kiddy palace @ bishan junction 8. They still have a lot there. I have too many 0m teats. So will start to punch holes when bb is around 3-4mths old. then the 0m teats wont go to waste. heeee
oh ok... will go n get one if we past by kiddy palace. now i try to enlarge the holes using tooth pick. But i think the effect is not good.
hi missylan
today is my dd's 2nd day in cm. I have been accompanying her since yesterday. Do you send your son to sch every morning? Mayb we have seen each other in school.

Btw, which outdoor equipment you r saying got rust? I looked looked see see, dun have any leh. Most of the play equipment are made of polyprepylene, only got one climbing frame that is metal looking, but no rust leh?
my husband accidentally dropped a packet of frozen BM on e floor n fr e impact, e bag has a slight crack (at e base of e bag), causing tat portion of frozen BM to be exposed.

it's good ol' 7oz of goodness. is there a way to salvage e situatn? if not, i'm going to kill my husband.

my SIL suggested putting it into a ziploc bag n then overturng e bag when defrosting it.

any other suggestions? i really dun wish to throw away this bag.
<font size="+1">Constance</font>,
Alamak, sala! That one damn x!

You know my son not enjoying his session in CM. I stayed with him for 4 days then following days, I will leave him immediately when I assist him to place his school bag and lunch box. He will automatically look for the assistant and cried byebye to me. Then he will go to the outdoor playground area where he can see the carpark and cry byebye to me again. Though he didn't cry throughout, he is not enjoying and will cry every morning when he opens his eyes. Telling me he don't want to go to school "because JiaLe is not happy, JiaLe got no friend." But it is HE who is anti-social, saw one classmate offered his a cube cheese and he ignored him later steal from that classmate.

How aah? Hubby now considering to stop his school cos today he went peep peep. He said that my son wasn't involved in class and was standing at the classroom's door, waiting for us to fetch him home. Dunno is it stress or what, since he went to school, he hasn't been eating well. Slim down liao. Heard of such thing as toddler got stress when schooling?!? Haiz...
Botanist - robinsons said that distributor said now dun comes with extra valve so I got to go n get the replacement on my own lo. Suayz!

You need to contact the distributor ah? I dun hav their contact no. Why le?

Constance - you did your hair liao?

My boy gain abt 1.4kg when he is 4 weeks old. But as his birth weight was only 2.145kg, so still small size even though gain weight!
hi mummies, i boiled my avent parts and discovered that a portion of the cap and a tiny part of the bottle has melted. then i threw away the water and reboiled using fresh water. is it ok to use the rest of the parts in the pot? would baby have consumed the plastics? thanks! i'm worried.
hi missylan,

are u referring to do the embriodery now during bf or did embriodery b4? if you referring to later, then i hv mine embriodery.
i oso read the bb whisperer bk and hve been following her routine.
today my gal slept frm 11pm [dream feed] to 5.30am. noww headachhe dunno how to start the 7am routine..
that is very good. you should give a smaller feed at 5.30am so that she will wake up before 7am for the next feed but she will be quite hungry at 5.30am so if you give a smaller feed at 5.30am, she maybe unable settle down to sleep at 5.30am. alternatively, can she drink more at 11pm? maybe she will be able to last longer to 6 plus am.
my gal is still waking up at 2am and 6am for her feed. her last feed in the night is 10plus pm and her eyes will be still big big. not much of a routine yet.

my gal made alot of poo just now after I made her do it. I followed my CL method to say "ummmm" to her to make her poo but my MIL says it's not good to train them to poo at our wish at this age. actually I feel that it's very good because I know she is uncomfortable with all the poo in her intestine so she will be more comfortable if she clears it. amy mummies doing this as well?
I'm going bezurk!!! My bb has been cranky for the past 2 days. When she's awake, she wld cry n cry. The kind of cry that is like almost screaming her lungs out. Tried carrying her, rocking her, singing to her, talking to her, applied ru yi oil, massaging her, bathing her, n feeding her more often (reduce to smaller feed so as to feed her more often). She wld quiet down when fall asleep after feed. For 2 nites, I never really sleep liao. And hor, she very good lor, choose to poo big time in the middle of the nite. Day time never poo at all. At nite blur blur n still got to clean the mess. Can faint lor.
what bb whisperer bk r u talkimg abt? want to read up some books om educating babies. any recommendation?

a bit worried abt teaching child the right things now since the r at an age where they pick up habits fast now. me feel that i've cultivated all the wrong things to my son.... rocking to sleep, carry when cry, etc. want to learn the right way to kick off such habits n let him learm the right ones.
pretty, eve,
I also hv problem wz bb 2 days ago. I thought its bcos I change to new S size teats frm Pigeon. The flow is slow. So I try L size. She also dun like. Then I tried poking the S size. She still cry n struggle during feed. Then, she started being cranky. Now she's ok wz S size ones. I'm not sure what's wrong.
is she going thru a growth spurt? last time the lactation consultant says they go thru it at 3,6,9 weeks old

This is what the nurse at the polyclinic quote to me.

5-in-1 is $290.40
6-in-1 is $326.10
The difference is that the 6mth Hep B jab for 6-in-1 has been incorporated into the last jab during the 5th mth, so 1 less injection for the bb.

The 1st jab starts in the 3rd mth, aft the Hep B jab in the 1st mth. Followed by 2 more jabs in 4th mth n 5th mth respectively.
how frequent r yr bb drinling now? mine is 5 wks old now. he's still demanding a 2hr feed, night time will wake up 2-3 times after midnight for milk. how do i slowly stretch the feeding time n night frequency?

u can buy the book at kinokuniya
its title is The baby Whisperer
the book did teach you how to make bb sleep... but to me its seems hard leh... i use my own method in sleeping keke as in carry and pat her if she is cranky, if not i just put her on the bed, give pacifier and pat her to sleep keke but the book is good and no harm buying to read it up.

sometimes baby crankiness during feed could be due to the wind in the stomach. try burping the baby in btwn feed. once the wind is out, they will feel much better n will continue with their "drinking session".
mine was drhinking about 100ml when he's at 4wks +, then 120ml at 6wk.

how come polyclinic so expensive? my PD only charges $115 for 6in1.

i was anti pacifier, but my hubby cannot tahan my bb cranky/crying so we ended up giving him pacifier. bb's initially treating my nipple as his pacifier. anyway, bo pian. now we're using avent one.

my baby got mild enzecma. sian, then face, neck, body oso got little red dots. luckily it's not irritating to him but see oso heart pain.

how to make bb poo on demand leh.. i trying to make my boy poo coz he usually poos abt 2-3 times a day and past 2 days never poo... makes him very cranky coz he can't poo. i hmmm to him while massaging his tummy, but he only farts and no poo, then he will cry after each attempt. see him so ke lian
does anyone noe when is it ok to start excersing again? like swimming n aerobics? I was doing crunches the other day and the massage lady said shldn't be doing that.
Anyone any ideas?
hi mummies

your babies so nice to only wake up once or twice in the night. Mine is like still every 2 hours or worse still every 1 hr need feeding...sometimes I am so tired that I failed to wake up when he is cryin for milk unless really cried very loud then I will be wake up to bfeed him...
i have done eyebrow embrodiery b4 this last preg. did it at no 1 salon at bishan. u thinking of doing also?
actually, last time when my ds first started childcare (not CM) at 2 yrs old, he also cried for almost a mth. HB told me every morning when he drove the car into the carpark leading to cc, my son's tears wld start 2 roll down his cheeks.
I guess gotta ren xin abit.
2day is my dd's 3rd day. She enjoys the activities, but cries immed if i m out of her sight.
2mrw is my turn to be heartless n leave her alone in sch...

no time to go salon yet.
what abt u?

i think ur pd charge of $115 is only for one jab rite? 6 in 1 requires total 4 jabs.
me also starting to adjust to 1-2 times feed every nite, except for last nite. kept me awake from 1-5am.

I fed my bb ard 20ml more for his last feed of the nite. This way, he won't wake up till 4-5 hrs later. Maybe you wanna try also?

botanist, constance -

i asked another mummy in another forum...she bought the ameda pump fr robinsons on the same day as me and hers got the extra valve...!

am so suay...robinsons said they cant do anything since distributors said it is depending on which shipment and the box does not state whether got extra valve or not...

haiz....now got to wait for the valve which i order from overseas and duno wait for how long...
