(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

oo, ok, fanny, i tot of getting from ntuc income too.

i usually wont wake my boy up for feed at nite. Ytd was his first time sleeping for more than 4hrs w/o waking up to cry for milk, hehe! he usually slept zun zun 3 hrs and wake up for feed and his nite feed is usually twice per nite.
so happy my boy can nurse longer now...though nt all the time yet,hope to slowly train him.
lactation consultant at mt e told me at this tender age let baby feed on demand first then later we can schedule him/her...so every night when i hear my son starting making sounds i quickly feed him before he cries (but when i'm very sleepy,it's his wail for feed that wakes me up heeheehee) but now i can even set my alarm in case i dun hear him coz he wakes up at usual hours every morning,first around 2 am then 4 am and lastly 6 am.so if your baby sleeps without asking for feed i think just let her be but if she starts cooing,being restless in her sleep probably she's hungry.
someone mentioned her baby can't keep still while being fed (can't remember who,cldn't find the posting)...my baby too! unless he's very sleepy i have to 'wrestle' him during feeding time...and lately he seems to choke when i nurse him...anyone knows why? how to make him swallow smoothly without choking so often?

yah i'm using them for my bb's first month hair cut. we are not doing the paintbrush... but opting only for the umblical cord stamp, so part of service involves cutting some hair off... so they coming to my place later at 2.30pm to do hair cut.
mine does wrestling at times when he's v hungry. will keep waving his hands here n there, pull n push my nipple into his mouth, fidget here n there, sometimes even choke n milk flow all out fr his mouth. what i do is to tell him to slow down n drink slowly. it works 4 him.
aiya, I am happy too fast. she woke up half an hr after she fell asleep by herself. her nappy is wet. I nursed her and burped her again and now she is sleeping again. I am sure she is not hungry but she is cranky after waking up
i'm abit confused on the nite feeding logic..

if bb dun wake for nite feed, it means she not hungry..if she's not hungry, does dat means the last feed b4 she slept she had 'tanked' up? but i din feed her xtra last nite b4 she zzz wor..

or she din wake up coz she's on diaper? last nite was the 1st time she zzz thru wif diaper, had been using nappies all tis while .. on diaper she dun feel wet n uneasy so din wake?

n if she skips nite feed she will b veri hungry early morning 1st feed huh?

bb dun wake up for nite feed... is ok... there isnt a need for u to tank up s u wouldn koe whether bb will wake up anot... smtimes, if u overfed the bb.. they will tend to vomit out...

s for the diaper, i couldn comment much s i have been using diapers ever since the first day of birth.
yup yup, i agreed with jasmine, it's k for bb who dont wake up for th nite feed, i once try to feed my boy and end up he vomit out, i guess i overfed him le..
Same as jasmine, i have been using diapers since first day of birth, i cant comment much either but i guess if the diaper is too soiled, the bb will "scream" for u to change for them, :p
dinut/eve, mi bb oso will wrestle with mi sometimes when she's latchin on. dunno why, and then make all kind of sounds as if she is unhappy. have to fight wif her.

slimz, i oso dun try to overfeed mi bb unless she cries. she too full will vomit out. i leave it as she feeds before she sleeps ard 11 plus and now she only wakes up at ard 4 for one feed and morn 8am.
oh ya, slimz, i use only nappies in the day and diapers at nite so maybe that's one reason too ur gal can sleep better coz if nappy wet at nite frequently, den u have to keep changing it.
csi_fan - i have replied your email on the lansinoh milk bags

constance - last night 1 of my ameda valve tear! now left with single pump instead of dual...must wash the valve gentlely...
my baby also wrestle with me at some of the feeds but I think there are 2 reasons
1) the milk flow is too fast and she is unhappy
2) she has wind in her tummy and doesn't want to drink until the wind is out.
My girl squirm and wrestle around when she has wind in her tummy to try to get the wind out by herself. she was like that this afternoon and managed to burp just when I pushed my nipple into her mouth. she was a little cranky during that feed and after 1 breast, I thought she is hungry. actually, she has wind in her tummy. babies are really quite clever.
i'm in trouble.

my baby doesnt like to drink fr e bottle. Sorry, i shld say she hates to drink fr e bottle.

everyone says i shot myself in my foot cz i feed her direct way too often..but if dun feed direct in e first place, how to establish supply? (wah lao)

anyway, she really battles n cries her lungs out whenever she's given e bottle. she even chooses NOT TO DRINK. my MIL has kinda given up as well. SHUCKS...how to go out like that? sometimes i only go out for some 3 hrs n when i return, my MIL will shake her head n say, she wants ur neh.

i really think i'm in trouble. any solutions? shld i be tough n bottlefeed her fr now on? i hv so much milk for her but if she doesnt drink fr e bottle, i pump out also no use.

tankoo mummies.. for advice on nite feeding ..
guess i've been feeding my girl too much liao den .. hehe.. coz everytime she wakes at nite, we change her diaper n feed her .. and she alwys zzz 1/2thru the feed .. mabbe full liaozz

no wonder she put on 1.5kg wen PD said normal range is 1kg =P
hi ladies,
has anyone bought the Senze washing machine?
thinking of getting one cos my MIL washes my bb clotes with the washing machine every night.
I think quite a waste of water N electricity
cos only small little clothings
my hb 2 yrs older than urs. Aiya, his support getting weaker and weaker. For BB no 1, very on the ball. bb fidget abit he will wake up to check. always boost to me he is the first one to change his son's soiled pampers. 2nd one, he only wake up occassionally when bb wailed. Third one, todate, he plays "dead to the world" even when bb screams and wails in middle of nite.

I tell him he is becoming deaf liao.
i've dat problem too but not nipples & teats (coz neber latch on).. its old teat vs new teat..
dey r both same type of teat jux that the old one softer hence bb prefer..
wat i did was i prepare 2 bottles, i is water the other EBM. use the soft teat for water n new teat for EBM .. let bb ve the water first. Once she accepts it, settle down...den pull it out replace with EBM (new teat) .. has work a few times for me.. not sure for nipple vs teat will wk anot thou

Did you try with NUK latex teats? i use it to feed my baby for EBM. Shape looks similar to nipple baby has latched on ;p. REalised if i feed her with Avent teat (round tip type), she doesn't know what to do with it. But i still have to be patient with the NUK teat cos she'll play with it during feeding. Very cute, she always got puzzled look on her face.
ankh and slimz:

Yea, thanks for ur advice. I actually went to get the NUK teats earlier fr Kiddy Palace. hope she'll get tricked tis time. yea, i agree. e avent teat cld be too stiff for babies who are used to being breastfed directly.
hi steffie
i agree w ankh. do try the NUK teats. much easier for bb to suck. mine also dont really know how to use avent teats.

anyone knows how to judge if the teat holes r too big or small 4 baby? mine always seems impatient when drinking fr bottle. thought could be hole too small. but sometimes his mouth is full of milk that he doesnt seem to be able to swallow in time n spill out. so is it too big or small?
My son has been using Level 2 teat(Bfree) for over 1 week liao. Before changing to level 2 teat, he will be frustrated when drinking. Silly me didn't think of changing to next level until my SIL told me to. After that, he don't get as frustrated as often liao. I used the teat pincher even the stage 1 is too big for my NB. So no choice, travel to Balestier to buy Bfree teat.
If the teat is too big, milk flow out of his mouth when he suckle and looks like he is catching deep breath.
Maybe you can try to give him milk 15-30mins earlier than his normal feeds so he will not get as impatient. Hope this helps.


"Show you the muscles"
per my PD:
hold bottle upside down. The 1st few drops from the teat is rom gravity .. thereaft .. there shld b milk dripping from the teat hole.. if the milk flows freeflowing den its too big, if no milk dripping at all, den its time 2 up its teat hole..
any idea other dan fever, wat other side effects would the HepB 2nd jab ve?
my girl has been veri different since she took that jab on wed.. she zzzzzz alot.. wont wake up for feeds.. wen feed, she dun finish and zzz 1/2thru.. poo alot despite not feeding more..
quite worrying..

my girl's happiest time of the day:
Hi mummy...

Anyone feeding your bb with Friso 1 GOLD? My bb can only take Enfalac AR as she always regurgitate after feed. Therefore PD recommended to take Enfalac AR.

Bought it at $28 a tin. Willing to let go at $20. Interested mummy can email me at [email protected]
tried e NUK teat today.


she didn't get tricked. !@##$#@($#) it's better than e AVENT one but she's not suckg as enthusiastic. i supp i got to give her more time. what i also did was to feed her direct then quickly bottlefeed her. dunno if i'm adding to her confusion. haaaa...
Hi Hazel,

I have a BN Senze washing machine, my pil bot for us thinking we can use to wash bb clothings. but end up we din use, coz just dump his clothings with his sisters's la, its ok... so always can make up a good load of laundry, thus i cant comment if its good, though it looks quite stylo..haha..

how much is it retailing outside? am thinking of selling it away at a discount, you keen?

Hi Slimz,

I read that your bb wear nappy at night... personally i think wear diaper better, so the wetness will not disturb her sleep.. i learn this for my #1, she dont sleep well even in the day coz on nappy. then my #2 n #3 i go full diaper..they sleep better.

On night feed,

Mrs wong taught in antenatal class that bb from 3-4mths onwards do not need night feed anymore. coz they should learn to shut down their "factory" at night like adults
... i learn the hard way out.. my #1 nvr sleeps thru, always wake for milk n i "happily" feed her all the time... thus till 1 yo still wake up, in the end i hv to let her cry it out 3 days..then from then i got peaceful uninterupted sleep

my #2 from 2+ mths sleep thru liao.. but at 6mths she kana bronchitis... keep waking up coz uncomfortable, i used the breast to comfort her..sigh, she develop the habit of waking for night feeds there after!! so same as #1 i endure the night feeds till she 1 yo, then let her cry it out.. she took longer, abt 1 week, then i get peaceful sleep again ..haha..so i think they wake up for night feed coz its a habit, not so much of hungry once they hit 3mths
hi steffietan,

i have your problem for my #1 n #2 when i return to work after ML, as during ML i always latch on direct.

i was advised that if intro bottle, the mummy shld not be the one doing it. also dont let the bb know u are around when trying to intro, coz they will be more resistant. it wont be so easy... my mum took abt 2 weeks to intro the bottle to both my gals... thereafter, both of them take to the bottle but so so only... will take a long time for them to finish a bottle of milk, but wont cry.
constance or any mums using ameda - could i check whether your ameda sets come with a spare valve? some mummies in another forum told me theirs come with a spare valve when they bought from robinsons.

want to confirm before i call up robinsons to check.


I m not sure abt retail price as I didnt manage to find it outside.
My hb said e-bay selling at 60+...
