(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

talking about breast pumps,
my medelda mini electric plus which I used for closed to 18mths gave me a strange sound this morning while I was pumping. very scared that the motor will just give up like that.

my CL just left. my hb sent her to the woodlands checkpoint. now alone with baby.
yesterday had a full month celebration. so tired. baby slept almost throughout the 3 hrs only woke up briefly to suckle for a while. tonight got to sleep with baby in her room while hb take care of the elder one in our room. hopefully can manage.
sigh... i think i wrestle wif my ger during feeding times cos of my let down. too fast. hopefully can see lactation consultant on mon.
Wow! Such a surprise. Congrats to you. I'll PM you and we take our conversation offline ... don't want to bore the other mummies here.
I put my girl on her tummy just now at 1pm and she slept till 3pm before crying for milk. throughout the 2 hrs, she din't make any noise. normally, if she sleep on her back, she will make a lot of noise. I had time to take nap, mop the floor and bathe. u gals should try.
constance - is it becuz the one that yields more milk is with the avent petal massager? i tried with the avent petal massager, with electric pump at least got milk but funny when use this with avent, only few drops of milk and hard to get letdown leh...

botanist - when did u get your set?

robinsons said they will check with their supplier and call me back...
sigh...what a bad mum i am, today is the first time i intro pacifier to my bb...the 6pm drama kicks in again...yest and today..so today, i hv no choice but to give her the pacifier...she is taking it very well and quiet down very fast and now is fast asleep...

may i know who is giving their bb pacifier? is it ok to give?

and may i know which brand did you use? i hv both avent and NUK. i prefer NUK but the pacifier doesnt suit my bb cos after suckle for awhile, the bb face got the pacifier marks...so end up i hv to give avent...
Constance, Naf,

Got mine from Mothercare.

The avent petal massager is quite good. Tried liao and agree that the yield is slightly better. But I only got one petal massager cos I got the Avent Uno Isis... so must go back to Avent to get one more so I can use both with my Ameda.


I've been giving the pacifier to my boy since the first week. No problems there, he is not addicted to it... infact, sometimes when we offer it to him when he is crying, he will push it away. Most times, he uses it to sooth himself to sleep.

Am using the Avent one... lucky my son not fussy so he just take whatever I've been giving him. Actually, I read in the Baby Whisperer book that babies need to self-soothe so its ok to give pacifier, as long as you wean them off it before 2 years old. Infact, can wean them off it before 1 years old also.
hi pretty
yeah, i also think okie to give pacifier to bb. but my hb very adamant abt not giving. cos we had had a hard time weaning my no 2 off at 18mth. plus everytime she made noise, my mum will stuff the tu tu into her mouth. so she is permanently with one in her mouth. Hb doexn't want history to repeat itself.
I agree... actually must make effort not to always stuff tutu into bb's mouth whenever they cry (although temptation is there). Sometimes, I do let my son cry and wail a bit... only give him tutu as a last resort. But usually, he is the fussy one and dont always take the pacifier.
hi gals, thanks for the advice...feel much better after reading comments from you gals...i only need to give bb the pacifier at the 6pm slot...duno why this time slot is always so particular...as if she knows it's time to wayang...other times, she is ok...hardly cry...can easily coax her to sleep or play with her...duno what's wrong with this 6pm slot...sigh!
I have 2 bottles of GNC Nature's Fingerprint Fenugreek 610mg to sell. They are in original, sealed condition. I bought them as a standby but didn't use it. Please PM me if you're interested.
CNY is coming...
where do you mommies buy yr CNY clothings?
I ve difficulty finding it cos till date still didnt get back to shape
anyone using manual pump? any to recommend? wld using a manual one be easier? cos when i use my medela swing, feel the power not strong enuf. always need to squeeze my breast to empty more. so wonder if manual will be easier since also need to squueze n less all the wiring.

I bought my CNY clothes from metro and dorothy perkins...I also have difficulty finding clothes esp the bust area cannot fit..So all the clothes i bought are of elastic material at the top area..

Very furstrating and sad.
What is the fastest way to warm up EBM that's been kept in the fridge? My baby always cries till the house is falling apart whenever he is hungry. However, it takes about 10mins for the EBM to be warmed up. Anyone has a better suggestion?
I wake up to feed bb, when she finished n is fast asleep, I'll express the supply for use later in the day. If EBM runs out (when I just too tired to express), will feed bb wz FM. Usually for nite feed, we use FM. I don't have fix schedule to express, express when I'm free. But at least 2x a day to hv enuf supply for whole day.
hi valeriet
i use the avent bottle warmer to heat up EBM..easy lah..4 mins only, just nice during nappy change you put in milk to heat up then by time you finish changing nappy, milk is warm already..
NUK teat:

i'm still on this! last nite i went for dinner n again my baby refused e bottle (maid fed her). she only drank 1 oz of milk n chose to zzz. i can't believe it. is it possible that e milk is not coming out fast enough fr e teat? cz u know when we BF direct, milk squirts out fr many holes fr our nipple. i'm currently using teat 1 for NUK (0-6 mths) which is supposedly e correct size. how do i chk if e milk is coming out fast enough fr e teat? if i hold e bottle upside down, e milk will drip out becz of gravity rite? how am i supp to know how much milk will come out when she sucks?? cz e maid said that she seems to want to suck but gets frustrated when nothing comes out? i'm really worried.


i'm currently using e bottle warmer fr AVENT. my MIL initially was using e traditional way of warming but i realise that it's rather time consuming cz if it gets too hot, u must quickly bring e temp down again n when e baby is crying so loudly, u will b super kancheong.

with e bottle warmer, it takes abt 4 mins to warm up e EBM n the good thing abt it is you can almost immed feed e bb e milk as it is at e right temp (not too hot or cold). also if e bb doesnt finish e milk straightaway, u can put it back in e warmer to keep it warm.
Oh, so the bottle warmer only takes 4mins to warm milk direct from the fridge? Maybe it's time I invest in one instead of sticking to the old method of putting the bottle in a cup of warm water. Tks!
tanks on the info on nite feeding .. guess i too soft hearted le..everytime she turns in her sleep i will wake up n wait for her to wriggle more aggresively .. den i will feed her le.. wont let her scream @ all..

i'm using avent manual .. prefer it to PIS .. i borrowed PIS from a fren 2 try out .. oni use it once.. n went bk to my avent..
more control.. n powerful.. but its tiring on the fingers..

dat day my girl din poo 1 day and one of the mummies here mentioned its ok.. saying its act mean bb absorbing the nutrients..
my girl opp of ur's having diarrhoea

duno wat went wrong .. din feed her anyting different .. she was having the runs since fri aftnon .. yday den we went c doc.. coz din noe its diarrohea .. tot its poo + urine .. now she's drinking soy milk (per PD, its easier to digest) and i ve plenty of EBM ..
any moms any idea where to get cheap n gd milk bags? coz my girl ve to stop EBM for @ least 1wk, i need to store my EBM In milk bags in freezer .. yday went MUMS & BABES got Medela milk bags.. so expensive .. looking for alternatives.. can someone advise.. tankoo
i am using avent warmer too. Used to do it the traditional way too, but found it too slow. by the time milk is ready, bb is already exhausted from screaming & crying.
I think it's ok to introduce pacifier. in fact, I introduced 2 days ago during the evening when she was cranky but she didn't want it. I guess she is very used to my breast already.
I use pigeon pacifier. maybe I should buy avent pacifier since most babies are ok with avent pacifier.
The prices stated on the wall, eeer, are we talking about the same shop? I went to the one with the bb's water threapy tub.

Anyone knows where to buy electronic shaver, small ones?
Scense Washing machine
I decided to buy one coz I do not wish to wash BB's clothes using hands... already washing alot of things haha... Verdict? Good! But bear in mind that there is no spinning dry of the clothes so you still need to wring them or jut let them drip dry.

Ameda pump,
Ladies, I almost got myself the pump from Robinsons recently but stopped myself when I realised it is not included in the sales...

Can I check the efficiecy of this pump? I read that one must get the avent petal massenger to yield better results?
Sounds like I better go get myself an Avent warmer too. Am currently using the traditional method to warm milk over hot water. When bb screams for milk, we get super kan cheong.

How many times do u bathe your bb in a day?
i put my baby to sleep on the stomach too. she can sleep longer... so we have more free time now. but gotta turn her head occasionally....
anyone using Pigeon warmer? the avent warmer is it oni fit for avent bottles?
my girl feeding from normal bottles, if need to re-warm during feeds, can the avent warmer accomodate a non avent bottle?

frozen EBM:
may i noe if freeze EBM, do we ve to put in the coldest section? at the door cannot huh? if i put @ the door, how long can it last? i noe if in deep freezer can last 6mths..

milk bags:
anyone used this milk bags from korea before?
any comments?

yah i called robinsons two weeks ago during their sales and found out the ameda was not on sale.

in the end, i got mine from mothercare - with 10% member discount, paid only $315.
i got pigeon warmer but hv nt use yet. hee hee...
If u put EBM at the door, the temperature will change when u open the freezer so more prone to contamination. so it's best to put at the coldest section. i'm not sure how long it can last when u put at the door. i think it's best u consume those asap. btw, where is the coldest section? at the top shelf of the freezer?
robinsons called and said that supplier informed the extra valve was for a period of promotion worldwide...now no more extra valve in the package..

botanist - does your box indicate extra valve?
Think robinsons selling the ameda at $320..Both constance and my set dun haver the extra valve

phy - I find it quite good even though i still have my avent as a standby...esp now that one of the valve got tear.

sassy - added you to msn. But I dun really know how to add user yet...

Anyone using facebook can also add me [email protected]

hmm must go check the box. let u know later on... am alone w bb and he has been fussy the whole afternoon!! cant get anything done...

robinsons selling the ameda pump at 350.

i also have my avent as standby. its really useful to have a 2nd pump as backup... was going to sell my avent but decided against it cos i still use it everyday. sometimes, i just cant use the ameda, esp when my son is fussing... how 2 pump halfway then stop?? at least w the avent, its neater la..

my son gained just over 1.5kg... think its above average cos my PD commented tt his weight gain is quite alot!
Mine gained 2kg on that review day. Now he is botak, I named him fishball!

He was 5.4kg few days after he turned 1 month old.
