(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB


which school/childcare are your elder child in now? i'm thinking of enrolling my #1 for classes/school.. give my mum and myself a breather during weekdays
oh issit..
i ve been boiling dem since day 1.. boil tgr wif the other normal bottles wor..
tink i ve 2 go n chk carefully c if any of my parts melted...

tanks 4 the no..
yeah slimz, better check. cos i only realised a small hole of the avent bottle melted when i checked after a portion of the cap melted.. luckily only one bottle affected (but i may have used to feed baby liao)... i just hope bb is ok.

my husband told me not to be so paranoid tho...
any of ur latch on bb tug @ ur nipples wen feeding?

mine does.. tink i'm doing it the wrong way?
tried calling kkh yenping..but no answer..need help on latching
managed to get yenpeng on the phone.. gg to c her ltr this aftnoon.. 330.. she said one of her patients gave up the slot .. so lucky .. else i will ve to tahan the pain of breastfeeding my gal till nxt week wen yenping is ava..
mrs wong is a parentcraft consultant fr tmc. very helpful n resourceful lady.

any idea if can see/call mrs wong if i didnt deliver at tmc but attended her class?
My c section wound is still red even though now comin to 6 weeks tmr.

Is it normal? Wat abt the rest óf the mummies?
mine already 5 wks n still red too.
yr lochia ended? i thought mine ended but yesterday spotted some blood again. like this cannot do pap smear right?
Naf and eve,

The surface area of my wound heals ard 3weeks. However, if u dun feel pain, should be ok. My inner side still hurts sometimes even till now whick is 8 weeks liao..

As for lochia, mine ended only a few days ago even though they say it woill end ard 6 weeks..
Choose somewhere near to your place. I lived in SengKang, Constance and mine go to the same childcare. Mine halfday childcare(7.30am-12pm) but I bring him to school at 9am. Our school is Character Montessori. But too bad, going to withdraw him. He is phobia of going to school liao. Hai, got to waste the one month deposit.

That is the problem when fully latch on... Difficult to go on holiday next time. My relative came to Singaporefor a short trip then dd crying for her teat till she got no choice but to make a U turn. =P

Me too stopped for weeks then all of sudden still stain a bit then gone again.
my lochia still on and off alto bb already 5 weeks old too.
my pap smear scheduled 8 weeks after my op. lochia shld have ended bah.

how old is ur kid now? My kids at Character Montessori at SK.

just now went to fetch my dd. She was sleeping while being carried by her teacher cos tired out frm crying. Teacher told me she cried almost immed after i left her at ard 9plus. refused to join in the activities at all.

hope 2mrw will be better...
mine ended ... den came again .. but was heavy flow ..
den i realise it could b menses .. but tot BF will delay menses .. tmr gg c gynae for pap smear.. if dun clear up, will ve to postphone it
hi missylan

i read u keen on eyebrow embroidary... hv u done it? is it natural looking huh, i'v always laugh at those aunty who go for eye brow tattoo hehe... but like wat u said, tired of keep drawing leh, n sometimes so lazy, dont even draw :p... how much does it cost to do eyebrow embr and how long does it last? will the colour "run" haha

so can call her up? anyone has her direct no? i wonder wat my MIL will say if i tell her i need to bring e bb for 'bottle training'..haaa..bet she'll shake her head. but i'll prob will if this goes on.
yah... still feel a bit achy inside after walking too long.

so do u go for the 6th week checkup or wait until the next visit when u do the pap smear? mine was scheduled on sat. if still dont clear, probably need to call clinic to ask.
yes. you can call her. sorry, i lost her namecard, if not can give u the no. maybe u can call TMC parentcraft tel line.
hi steffietan,

i asked the same qn to Mrs bb wong 4-5yrs back with my #1...i only rem her saying need patience. and when intro bottle, the mummy shld not be the one doing it, neither shld the mummy be within sight of the bb... otherwise bb will b confused why mummy is around, but cant breastfeed and will be very resistent to the bottle...tt's all i rem.

my kids are all forced fed with bottle :p...meaning i go to work, no choice, they had to take to the bottle. my mum comment its tough beginning... but after abt 2 weeks, they accept better... however they nvr really take alot from bottle even till 1+yo..always wait for mummy to ret from work to latch on.
my boy still demands to be carried to sleep. refused to be put back to cot. will wake up n cry the moment i put him down. has been carrying him since morning. so tired... nothing can be done. no chance to even express milk. what can i do?
how is ur sleeping arrangement with the kids now? We had problem at first. 3 kids, but only 1 mummy and 1 daddy... Now we try to schedule no 2's bedtime to b earlier so dat we still have time to coax kor kor and bb to sleep. really very busy with 3 kids. Ur new maid coming liao? How is ur daytime childcare arrangement like?
i hav e same prob w u..
bb being carried too often by his grandparents.. dunno wat to say... demands to be carried all e time when he's awake..

i jus heartlessly put him on bed and he cry himself to sleep...
then when awake, also e same.. heartlessly put him on his little cot while i do the chores...
cant be helped..

i will b puttin him in e care of nanny when i go bk to work.. am v worried nanny may complain.. so start "training" now... bobian...
Your dd in which class? Yalor, wasted... can buy 1 COACH big tote which I saw fr Coach factory outlet! =.="

No lah, me haven't do yet, asking whether here anyone did b4. Tatoo and embriodery is different. Embriodery is done on the surface of the skin, need touch up every few months.
so did he get better? i wanted to leave him to cry. but hubby heartache to see him cry. MIL will come running wanting to carry him. doesn't want him to cry. last night i let him cry a while. she insisted on carrying him n commented to him "aiyo, poor boy, cry until no voice". *so angry*

if i let him be, she will be the one taking care when i go back to work. later sure complain cannot handle.

i got same problem as u too...but got to respond n carry himcos doctor said he is colicky n got lots of air in tummy - he advised us to try lots of ways to soothe bb...even if it means carrying him bcos it mks bb more comfortable, esp when there is reflux.

for my son, he is terrible in the day... like u, i dun even have time to express milk... but after 7, he is much better,can sleep on his own in the cot!

PD said it will go away after 3 mths...hope all the bad habits of wanting to be carried all the time will go away.
eve & cloverluv,

i have the same problem as u too. my son likes to be carried & pat to sleep, thanks to his grandparents. hahaha
how do u know he's colicky? mine seems to have a lot wind too. always fart, a lot of noises fr his tummy after feed, will throw out milk even after burping.

i dont mind to carry & pat him to sleep if he can be allowed to be put into the cot to sleep. the problem with him is he will cry and doesnt want to sleep once i put him in.

really don't know how to handle him.

yes.. the symptoms are stomach hard, farting, vomitting milk etc. and sometimes after we have put him down to sleep, he wakes up shortly - screaming. I pick him up... usually carry him upright for a few mins, he will burp again and then can go back to sleep.

i suffered a few days when my son refused to be put down to sleep in the day. but it was mostly because he had bad case of colic and didn't get enough sleep so became super cranky.

nowadays, after his feed.. we burp him and also let him sleep on our tummy (his stomach to our stomach) for at least 15 minutes... usually, more gas and burping during this time. after that, we put him down... most of the time, he is ok... Maybe you want to try?

they say that colicky babies (with lots of wind) shld not sleep flat on their back because its very uncomfortable for them, so either put them on 45 degree incline or sometimes after feed, sit them upright for a while.
i let him sleep on my body the last few nights. he can really sleep well without asking for milk. but the moment i put him in bed, he cries already. seems like i better check w my PD this sat during his 1 mth checkup. u delivered in glenE right? who's yr PD?
my pd is doc.ngiam...
who is yr pd?

my boy just 6 weeks today. we did the one month checkup last friday...

actually, my pd describe colic as a behaviourial problem tt just some babies have...there is no cure although he said we can try rid wind drops to treat the wind problem
i'm back from yenping.. she's good :D
and friendly.. but .. it hurts .. haha..
wen she massage breasts, nipple .. no wonder she asked me to pop 2 panadol b4 gg .. heheee.. but i din lar.. mabbe dat's y it hurts..

now i noe how to do direct latch on correctly ..YEAH

my girl was having lotsa wind in her too and PD prescribe med for it wor.. and she farted alot aft taking the med..
but the past 2 days wen i direct latch her she farts alot coz my tummy press agst her's .. and she burps better too ..

and i agree dat wen bb has wind in tummy, dun put her down immed aft feed, ve 2 carry her uprite..mabbe u can oso break up ur bb's feed into 2.. dun let bb drink all @ one go .. ve half time intervals

will we be able to know if bbs hv eczema at this age of say, 2 mths? i'm not sure but my daughter's skin seems a little dry. i dunno if it's just dry skin..my MIL says i must use more strength when bathing for her to remove those dry skin.
hi steffie
my #1 was diagnosed w eczema at 5 weeks plus. Pd gave steroid cream to clear his ec. then, there was a crusty layer on his head n face after the pus and rashes dried up. only my hb dared to scrap it off bit by bit.
For ec, usu the rash will occur at the areas where the skin folds, eg underside of knees n elbows, cheeks and neck. Is ur dd skin red w rashes? If it's just normal colour flaky skin, then most probably is dry skin.

e slightly dry areas r behind her ears n under her neck. it's not flaky but dry to e touch, ie, rough. she doesn't hv red rashes just little dots which i guess are normal for small babies? i just hope its not eczema lor.

Have u called the auntie helen?


Mrs wong BB's hp number is 91593264 or u can call the thomson 24hrs hotline wich is 91193502.
hi ladies, i left my bm outside for 2 hours b4 putting in fridge. is it ok? cos too tired la... dozed off while waiting for bottle to store bm to be sterilised... heehee

hi constance,

past 2 mths was real chaotic coz i was maidless for 2 mths. she just arrived yday! now training her.

bedtime also shiong for me. i try to put bb to sleep first coz he seems to auto want to sleep abt 9pm. I'll breastfeed him, at the same time lie on the bed with my #2 on the mattress, so as to make #2 sleep also. #1, i will "order" her to sleep on her own. sometimes #1 will request her father to tell stories. she capable of sleeping on her own, but tries to be funny at times. its really see 1 step walk 1 step kind of situation...but #2 n #3 definitely need me to make them sleep.

today the beds are coming, we hv bot beds for the gals n ourselves downgrade from king to queen, coz i dont want any kid to sleep with me, will put the cot beside me for #3...#1 will sleep in her own room w her new bed..keeping my fingers crossed coz all sleep with us in same room till now. #2 though have new bed but i doubt she can sleep w/o me...

on day childcare.. i m on long leave till jun08..thus its me, my parents who look after 3 kids. bb is solely my responsibility, #1 goes to K1 from 11-330pm (school bus) and #2 in mar will follow sister's schedule in Pre nursery. maid will do hsework, minimal childcare. i'm still considering if to ret to work after long leave.. alot to consider, like if i stop work, i cant give my parents allowance, wld they still want to help me with the kids? if i go to work, will my parents b able to handle 3? sigh....
