(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

you can call nepia at 6 2262650 to order.
they will deliver to your place for min order of 4 packs at $15 per pack regardless of size.
If you wanna try first, can buy from ntuc


i bought the osim slimming bekt n bind my waist but me never realli bind for everyday.. but, it does help in slimming down my flabby tummy...

i haven weigh for quite a while since my ger last chk up... wonder i still put on weight anot...

i was thinking for CNY, need get new clothes but find wastage leh... scarely, i lost weight den the clothes cannot wear le...

me also still having lochia... wonder when it would end...

haha... was thinking of when would i resume back e sex life s now got wound there though it heals le but scare torn... haha
my ger nowadays dont sleep much throughout e day, how ah?

anyone facing e same prob.. she sleep about half hr e most
tks botanist for the advice...i already tried to massage very hard, still couldnt get the hard lump away...very sad...milk flow is so slow because of this blocked duct...when u say very hot compress, meaning what huh?
how old is your girl? 1/2 hour is very short! can imagine how hard you have to entertain her...on top of that still have 'night shift' to do later on.

past few days my boy who's 2 wks old also has been sleeping less,although not as little...he sleeps in the morning til bout 11 am then the engine starts running til abt 3 pm n never sleep a wink.previously he wld sleep throughout morning,afternoon all the way til abt 11 pm at night (after that night rounds begin).
the thing is when he's up in the afternn he can be quite fussy,even if falls asleep the minute i put him down he will start crying.can be quite tiring for me especially after only sleeping 2 or 3 hrs in the wee hrs.
hi tricia
Tried this method a few days ago and it did help to relieve the blocked duct. There seems to be a drop in my milk production recently as well, hope that if I continue to pump frequently, it will help.

i used hot towels at first but found it wasn't that good. then i used the medical type, like the kind you can put in the fridge if u prefer cold compress, then the type you boil if you want hot compress. Think its 3M brand.

later, my massage later sold me a hot stone which was even more effective, cos it stayed hot longer.

maybe u want to consider calling a lactation consultant? cos you have to get it unblocked... or else infection will set in, and of course your supply will be affected. Now that i have unblocked mine, supply is much better!
for those who hv blocked ducts, i was told by one of my fren (who consulted an LC) to put hot water into a milk bottle (as an alternative), instead of using a hot towel.

if u've been using hot towels, i'm sure u know how fast e towel cools down. by using a hot bottle, e temp is kept in e bottle for a much longer period of time. u can then roll e bottle on ur twin peaks to unblock e ducts. however, do b mindful tat e bottle will b very hot so u may want to wrap e bottle wif a thin hanky or roll it on ur blouse instead of putting it on ur bare skin.

if ur ducts still remain blocked, u got to really press e ducts really really hard. get ur husband to do it as we tend to use less strength when we start to feel pain. rem, when u start pressing, press it towards the areola.

initially i was worried that i may 'damage' e milk ducts but wat my fren said was, "u would rather damage ur milk ducts then to suffer fr an infection."

once e ducts 'burst', u'll feel v good n even better when u see e milk spurtg out.
my girl into her 6th week.. oso zzz-ing lesser.. a book i read says @ 1week - 16.5hrs, 1mth - 15.5hrs, 3mths - 15hrs.. .. not sure isit useful 4 u 2 gauge if ur bb zzz-ing enuf anot

Me too .. still have lochia on and off. ve 2 ask hubby 2 tahan somemore le =P

tat time i had blocked duct, my MIL poured hot flask water into those medicine bottle and asked me roll it against the lumps..it did help..but really ve to tahan the pain.. 2 get rid of the lumps ..
aside fr breastfeedg, which is probably e world's most sacred job for now, yea, hvg sex is prob at e last thing on our minds now. but guess wat, to share, i've resumed la..its so much more erotic (yea, tts e word to use)..after mths of 'celibacy', u can imagine how a man feels..haaaa..plus bigger boobs n all..fwah..he's like a teenager all over again...muaahaaaahaaaaa...start seducing him w sexy lingerie...trust me, he'll get u anythg u want.. dun worry abt e flabby tummy..once u lie flat, e skin will b flattened out..anyway, his focal point ain't going to b on ur tummy or cellulite-laden butt. *winks*

good luck. oh, btw, u can get him to unblock those ducts too!! haaa..but make sure he's not lactose intolerant!
hi all
today my 1st day alone at home with baby. my mum just went back to m'sia. wahlau, kelam kabut! i get quickly steam/boil my lunch at 2pm luckily. whole morning schedule was messed up. i dunno why but he didn't seem to have enuf to eat. so after 110ml, i latched him on. he would nap awhile and scream for more after like 15min-1/2hr. after some 2hr marathon, i gave in and gave him a 80ml from the bottle. i want to pangsai oso cannot! i wonder how are the other days would be like home alone with him in the day time!

so far i had not ventured out shopping with him alone. think may be this weekend would try to do some outdoor activities while hubby is around. faintz...

how many packs of diapers have u ladies used? my boy 37days old already used up 1nepia NB, 2S Nepia, 1mamypoko and now into 2nd mamypoko liao. Am i over using diapers? coz i see a bit of poo oso i'll change...
you are so funny in your description.

actually we didn't have sex until months later ( I think maybe about 4 or 5 mths) after I delivered after my elder gal. simply no mood to do so. baby was fussy all the time plus it's our first kid and we were very stressed out by her. I was on TBF and I simply cannot tolerate him touching my breasts, too sensitive to touch. my poor hubby. I think it's better to start after your lochia has stopped. I read somewhere ( I think young parents magazine) that it's better to start after 6 weeks.

think your baby is consuming a lot of diapers but that is common if you are using only diapers. my baby is using nappies in the daytime and nepia at night. so far only used 1 pack of pampers premium (from hos) and less than 1 pack of nepia. she is 3 weeks old today.

my boy is 27 days old... already used up abt 3 packets of pampers NB, and we are on our 2nd packet of Nepia S and Pampers S.

Dont think u are over using, i think we use abt the same already. I also change diapers frequently, mostly becos baby always scream when poo/pee, and wants a change. I guess also good la, cos cleaner, wont get diaper rash
steffi, I'm fully EBM as bb won't latch on properly since day 1. I started out to express every 2-3hrs, then as bb demands a lot of attention, I got tired n cut down to 3 times a day. When confinement over n I started going out, sometimes, I only express 2 times a day. At the moment, still manage to express abt 200ml frm each breasts, but sometimes much less. It takes me abt an hr to express, so I find that I got no time (other than bb, I still got #1 to take care n cooking n household chores, no maid) n very tiring. BB's intake has increased quite a fair bit, she's drinking almost 180ml every 2-3hrs. I supplement her wz FM, esp nite feed. Its not easy lor.

CSI_Fan, Bt Batok Polyclinic said they dun do 1mth check. When u bring the baby for 2mth jab, they will then do the development assessment. My next appt on 6Mar.
wow, that sounds like a lot of diapers. Oops, maybe I'm not changing her diapers soon enough. My hb buys those big packs - 64 diapers in 1 pack, 80 diapers in 1 pack...so we've only been through 2 Pamers NB, 1 Petpet S and now halfway through Drypers S.

Hen, wah, 200ml from each breast...that's a lot...me both breasts also not 150ml. Your baby is really drinking a lot...

yah, the polyclinic dun do...I was wondering why...oh well, wait till march lah. My appt is 11 Mar. heehee...
wah 180ml every 3 hrs is a lot leh...hw did u manage to express 200ml per breast each time? u take any supplements like fernugreek

btw, any mummies using sarong and pacifier already? my mum and cl have been psychoing me to use them..say it will make my life easier!!

where can i buy the spare parts for medela pump? my cl broke the funnel to my mini electric pump..has affected my ss a bit

Haha, you are really funny
Wow, you still got energy to engage in extra activities now *wink*.. Take my hat off you, lady! haha

I also bought the hot stone from Mdm Rokiah and use it to massage boobs b4 and during expressing. Find that milk flow is better now though volume not fantastic.. getting Fenugreek from GNC now... I can't seem to pump religiously...prefer to let BB latch on for about 40 to 50 minutes.. after that too tired to pump liao..

About Nepia diapers, think can order on line at http://www.nepia.com.sg/english/order/index.html

Baby laundry
Think I'm gonna buy the Scense Mini Washing Maching.. Think finger joint pain partly due to touching cold water too often!

For the pain at my finger joints, now I resort 2 using hair dryer to blow hot air on them.. Seem to relieve some pain... I do it whenever I wash my hands at night...

Pierced & Constance,
About nappy, I think I forgot 2 buy the covers! So that's why soaked through the liner, the white cotton sheet and onto my pants! Blue me! haha.. thanks for shedding light on my predicament

Think I'll try out using Nepia for day and see how.. will ocassionally use cloth nappy to let bb's bottom breathe
So far I have gone thru 3 packet of Pampers NB, 1 pack of fitti NB and now halfway thru Nepia NB. My baby likes to poo after every change so no choice but to change him again.

Wah Hen, pei fu, pei fu you can yield so much from each breast.

Steffietan, you are so funny. I am also worried abt tearing my wound than anything and plus both of us are really tired from taking care of baby at nite.
Question again : My BB breathes quite heavily.. just checked and saw that one of his nostrils got this big piece of dried mucus stuck up there..
What should I do? Should I leave it alone or?
actually some mummies purposely dun let bb wear nappy covers cos they may be too hot. How do you manage to hold the nappy together without the cover?
hi mommies,

Are we suppose to wear loose clothing until the c-sect wound is fully healed? or can wear tight jeans??? sorry ah, im abit vain... trying to squeeze into my pre-preggie clothes.
Already told my maid to chuck the preggy clothes one side.
wow.. really alot leh .. me oso total EBM sice day1.. n my production yield for both breast is not even ur 1 side...
so long nvr post liao!! hang on, jeelo, u will be able to take care of bb as time goes on and wont gan cheong, can understand your stress, i been thru tat!!
talking abt diapers usage, so far i have used up 1 pampers nb (hosp), 1 nepia nb, 2 mamy poko nb, 1 huggies S(going to finish next week) and now into using 1 mamy poko S and 1 nepia nb.

you are working damm hard... pls share with us how you manage to express 200ml per breast? im doing tbf but seems tat my milk supply is reducing leh... dunno why.

u can use cotton bud to dig the dried mucus out. get those thin thin type meant for babies. wet the cotton bud b4 using. hv to be very careful when u dig them out coz u might end up pushing them further in.

pigeon or tollyjoy has one type of cotton bud tat comes with the ear digging stick at the other end. u can use tat to dig out. much more easier compared to cotton bud.
mine sleep much less dat... how to coax her to sleep???

hahaha.. u r so funny.

my ger is 32days old. hve used up 2 NB dryper, 1 NB nepia, 1 NB mamy poko. Now, already opened up 1 S nepia n 1 S mamy poko.

180ml every 3 hrs is a lot leh...my ger onli drinking 80mls every 3hr leh. btw, hw did u manage to express 200ml per breast each time? did u take any supplements like fernugreek o more milk plus?

ur ger so cute n adorable.
Hi Mummies,
I am from Nov07 MTB thread.
I have an extra package of Medela Breastmilk Bags (20pcs) to sell @ $24. (bought it at $29.50)

Each bag is pre-sterilized and can pump directly into the bag, no spillages and mess etc. Ideal for mummies who need to express milk at work, etc.

Pls email me [email protected] or PM me if you are interested!


medela spare parts can be bought at the First Few Years at KKH.

how's #1 coping with #2? my #1 is ok with #2 now.. she likes to carry his bottle to the kitchen once he finishes his milk and likes to hug him... but we still keep an eye on her, coz she dunno how to control her strength and sometimes ends up patting di di's head too hard.

wow, 200ml per breast! do u take supplements? if i can consistently get 200ml per pumping session i will be happy liao. i also dun pump religiously.. sometimes once in 4 hrs, sometimes once in 5-6 hrs, my yield varies from 160-250 ml and it is just nice for my boy who's drinking 130ml every 3 hours.

re: diapers
my boy is coming to 2 mths old and he only used 3 packs pampers NB, 1 pack mamypoko NB, 1 pack mamypoko S and now into 2nd pack of mamypoko S size.

my boy also has very smelly and loud farts and when he poos, it's like a train rumbling thru a valley, can hear and feel thru the diaper! we also kanna his poo a couple of times when he farted when pooing while we were changing his diapers.. does this only happen for boy babies? i remember my elder daughter quite si wen last time..
today brought baby for 1st hep b injection and pd said that baby at 4 wks old still look yellow, so took another special blood test and urine test to check on liver. so heart pain to see him cry so badly when pd withdrew so much blood and also when he kena the hep b jab...

have only recently started this mon to sunbathe him and tues bathin him with those flowers supposely to lower jaundice. but he is still yellow leh...blood n urine test result will only be out next wk, wonder how it is...haiz...

have been tbf though pd advise to alternate with Fm but very hard to feed my baby with fm as he spits out most of the time..

sassy - your baby gal is born early and how is her jaundice now? gone?
hi mummies,

do u let ur baby wear long sleeve clothing or short sleeve clothing to bed at night if u r sleeping in a non air-con room?
a few of the mummies are talking about acne on baby's skin. This is a article from Babycenter.

My newborn has tiny white bumps on her nose and cheeks. What are they?
They're called milia. They're harmless and they're very common — about 40 percent of newborn babies get them, most often on the upper cheeks, nose, or chin. Some babies have just a few, and others have many of them.

It can be upsetting to see your beautiful infant's skin covered in these little bumps, but they aren't painful or contagious. And they'll go away without any treatment in two or three weeks.

You may spot similar bumps on your baby's gums or on the roof of her mouth. These are called Epstein's pearls, and they're also harmless.
What causes milia?
Milia occur when dead skin becomes trapped in tiny pockets near the surface of your baby's skin. When the surface of the bump wears away, the dead skin is sloughed off and the bump disappears.
What can I do to help clear them up?
You don't need to do anything at all. The bumps will go away on their own, without treatment, in a few weeks, although it's possible for them to last a month or two.

Doctors recommend that you not put any creams or ointments on the milia. And don't try to squeeze these pimple-like bumps to make them go away faster — that could cause scarring. Vigorous washing and scrubbing isn't a good idea either: It won't help and it could irritate your baby's sensitive skin.

Try to be patient. Your child will soon have her baby-smooth complexion back.
Does having milia mean my baby will grow up to have acne?
No, your baby isn't destined to have acne. Genetics is thought to be a predictor of who gets acne. If you or your partner had acne as a teen or adult, your child is more likely to get it when she hits her teenage years.
my baby wear long sleeves and long pants and we swaddle her in the nappy cloth at night. she doesn't use a blanket. we on the fan for her but it's directed to the floor. she is alright with the temp in the room and can sleep for 4-5 hrs in a stretch.
it takes a few days b4 u c e effect... my ger also like dat... try not 2 worry.

just brought my ger for immunisation just now... dr did comment dat bb w/o poo for a few days is ok... s they will absorb e nutrients....

oh ya, anyone koe e diff bet 5 in 1 jab n 6 in 1 jab?
Just brought my boy for jab this morning. Opt for 6in1 jab n total $108 including med n physical assessment. Went to my hse nearby gp.

Jaz, e diff is e hep b, 5in1 do nt consist hep b whereas 6in1 consist hep b. It will b worth to take 6in1
hi mongs,

thanks! i am a bit worried abt over dressing my baby as he has some rashes on his back. ILs keep asking me to let my son wear short sleeve to sleep at night. at a dilema now ...sigh
how many jabs r there for 6 in 1 huh?
on top of the 6-in-1, bb has to take another jab at 15mths for MMR issit??
but the 6 in 1 jab diff is only 1 jab r? which is the 6 mth hep b dose. i weigh my ger today... she is 1mth n 2 day old... she weigh 4.26kg...
tink its 2 hepB .. ther are 3 hepB .. 1 taken in hospital .. the remaining 2 will b part of 6-in-1 hence bb will get 2 lesser jabs..i.e. pain too
if he has some rashes, maybe you try to dress down a bit but still swaddle him. some babies are more afraid of heat.
