(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

hi mummies
so sad
just now i invite my next dr neighbours to my bb's full mth celebration 2mrw. she was like "huh, you gave birth oredi?" sob sob. i guess i still look preg to her. but i am 4kg away from my pre-preg wt leh

hi mongs,

my ILs r not pro abt swaddling the baby. they keep tinking that i am over dressing the baby that's why there are rashes on his back. But the thing is, what will happen if baby catch a cold n fall sick?

ah bie, my baby also has rashes at the back. I think it's heat rash. But my ILs still insist on swaddling her (with some thick cloth that my MIL bought)...I highly suspect it's coz the cloth makes it too warm for her. Each time she's swaddled in that cloth, my gal will fidget and cry (probably coz too warm). I wanted to swaddle with those cloth nappy cloth...but not allowed. Hehs, so in the end, I swaddle her with nappy cloth when not in ILs presence. heehee...

my similar story: was at e bulgari shop wif my HB some 3 weeks ago. i eyed a bag n was lookg at myself in e mirror when e salesgirl v happily asked my HB, "is ur wife pregnant?" i guess she was trying to 'close e deal' by askg a 'happy' question. no doubt i was rather sad (as i was wearg a loose blouse) but i still found it hilarious. needless to say, i didnt get e bag. =P

i tink we shld cut ourselves some slack here. it hasnt even been 2 mths since we gave birth. what we've put on for 9 mths ain't going to disappear in a mth or so.
I'm not taking any supplements, only drank a lot of papaya fish soup during confinement. I try to drink lots of water, esp during n after expressing, super thirsty. My milk supply also reducing liao. I just expressed before logging on n I only managed to express ard 150ml per breast. That means I only have enough for 2 feeds. If like this, it means I must express every 4hrs, else not enough supply for bb (but I'm feeling too tired to express these days). All this while, I've supplement bb wz FM, cos when bb wants milk, she cried so loud as if screaming her lungs out, we give her FM which is faster to prepare. Anyway, must hv enough rest, eat well n try to be stress free. Those days when I din eat or sleep well, my supply is miserable. I ever only managed barely 80ml per breast when I was so busy n tired.

My gal is 40days old, she has used up 1 pkt of Pampers newborn, 3 pkts of Drypers S, half pkt of Pampers newbaby. We r trying out different brands of diapers. Just bought Pureen S cos on offer at Giant. My gal poos a lot, n we r changing her diapers almost every 2-3hrs. So need to source for most economical ones.

steffi, I started to use pacifier. My gal was crying almost every 2hrs, seems to be asking for milk. But her tummy so big & round, so I scared I overfeed her. So instead of giving her milk, I give her water, then if still cannot work, I use the pacifier to calm her down.

My gal got running/stuffy nose. I think my #1 may have spread it to her. Can't give her any medicine, worried if she can recover by herself, hope she strong enough to "fight" the virus herself.

quite alot of the young kids are sick these few days.. my #1 is down and my #2 appears to have runny/stuffy nose + hoarse voice.. so poor thing..

was your supply also quite abundant for your #1?
My #2 also runny/stuffy nose + hoarse voice.

For #1, she latched on n I can't remember how much can I express liao. I also supplement #1 wz FM. And I only BF her for 2mths cos I was working then.
hi const
thank you. i will buy one packet from NTUC to try it.
you are only put on 4kg. so envy! i put on about 8kg. so sad. wonder when i can go back to my pre-preg figure.

hi naf,
my girl also did the similar test too. it is more for assurance. right now, my daughter is recovering from jaundice. fyi, my niece recovers from her jaundice after three months.if your son is on tbf, the jaundice will not go down that fasts. dun have to worry.

hi cookie,
my girl is like your son. sometime, she will poos and urine during the midst of changing diapers and create a huge mess. Lucky, i have maid to clear up the mess otherwise i will go "crazy".

hi steff
sound interesting. :p

hi dear,
wat is NAN1? wat is it for?

my girl is suffer from mild eczmea. the ped recommends me to use baby johnsons lotion but i dun it works. any remedy for it?

do your babies stretch and exercise alot? my girl keeps on stretching and exercise till she is having umbilicord hermina. headache! dun know when it will be back to normal.
I still did not get yr pm. maybe u can email this a/c instead [email protected]

where can i get more info on the package T from Gobi? I also want to get a big cake for everyone and they distribute themselves. No risk of missing out someone.

Really envy u. can express so much. i can only express at most 60ml fr both sides on gd days. sometimes only 10ml-20ml on bad days. now trying fenugreek. hopes things improve.
Pain in boob
I'm feeling a stinging pain in one of my breasts. It's especially painful when engorged, but even after I've emptied it, it still hurts a little. Any wise crack at what might be my problem?

Good for you & your hb. My hb thinks my nipples are too big (and scary), and the pregnancy pigmentation turns him off. Sigh.

Full month celebration
Can I ask if you invite guests to the buffet reception, do you still prepare cakes for them to bring home? Is it just one or the other, or both? Can those who have just celebrated their babies' full month share with me what the practice should be?
eve, does your bb latch on? If your bb latches on n u expressing 60ml on top of latching, then its ok. For me, my gal is not latching on, she's on bottle feeding using my EBM, so maybe that explain why my EBM is more. Supply dropping though...
hello mummies,
for those who are latching on full time, does your baby drink in the wee hrs of the morning? eg, 3-4am, if not, do you wake up and pump?
my baby last feed is around 10-11pm and she will wake up at 3-4am but she won't empty both my breasts and I will sleep with one quite engorged breast. her next feed is 7-8am and she again will be quite sleepy to empty both my breasts. so far I managed to pumped out 120-150ml after her 7-8am feed but was thinking that I should pump at her 3-4am feed to yield even higher supply to store.
I was also thinking of feeding her water at 3-4am to train her to sleep from 11pm to 7am when she is slightly older. any baby sleeping thru the night already? she is slightly more than 3 weeks now.
tricia - 2 wks back the jaundice dropped to 186 but last Fri test shows it went up to 200...now waiting for urine test as they called me yest to say that blood test shows is normal. did you give your gal FM? How did u manage to reduce the jaundice?

for my elder 1, jaundice wasn;t so serious and not sure whether it is becuz he is born close to full term

what did the doc say? where do you send your son for checkup? i put my gal under the white fluroscent light with diaper only and also park her in the bright area. i had also tried out chinese remedy like boil 7 red dates, make white rock sugar for her to drink and etc. I did give my gal FM. did your son poos and wee frequently?

you dun have worry too much as it will go down.
my #1 is ok with #2, she will sayang didi whenever she is back from nanny's place everyday...next week will be the real challenge, when CL goes back
high five eve.. me too .. yielding same qty of EBM as u .. i jux bought a bottle of fenugreek.. haven start taking it..coz not sure if i shld take it w/o Dr's prescription.. ..
mongs, my gal's last feed will be around midnight.. she doesn't wake up at night to feed. First feed in the morning will be around 7-8am, and only on 1 breast, and I'm too lazy to pump out at night. Breast used to feel more engorged, but doesn't recently.. maybe milk supply dropped. But still sufficient for my gal.

anyone here bathe their bb early in the morning? My mil insist it's good for the bb... but I don't wake up that early ar.. only to feed, and bb go back to slp together with me. I only bathe her once a day in the afternoon...
hi mommies,

Anybody here experienced the NUK latex teats discoloured after a few times of sterilisation? Is tat normal? How often must I change new teats?

How old is your girl? You are so lucky tat she doesn't wakes up in the middle of the night for feed. But aren't you worried tat its not enough for her?
sassy, she's almost 7 weeks old now.
It was out of a sudden that she doesn't wake up in the middle of the night for feed... when she's about 2 weeks old. She fuss alot from 8pm - midnight though.. wants to be fed every 1.5 hours. Read somewhere that it's call "tanking up" for the night

As long as she's peeing and pooing and growing, no worries about milk not being enough for her

I really envy you leh... may I know how much milk do you feed her before she sleeps? My girl is 4 weeks old and cry for feeds every 2.5-3hrs interval throughout the day.
sassy, i don't know how much milk she takes in as I latch her on... I would like to know how much also. Perhapes one of these days I will feed her EBM and see how much she can drink before bedtime.
eve - the address is Blk 828 Tampines St 81 #01-238 under Baby & Child Medical Group.

Tricia - nurse only called me on sat to inform the result, never said any other advice from pd. I sent him to Tampines Baby n Child clinic. We did ask pd whether can put him under those lights if no sun but she said no leh. I just heard of the red dates from my hubby auntie, does it really work?

ya, he poo and wee quite frequently, got to change him every 2 to 3 hrs...also feed him ard every 2 or 3 hrs...
so you just latch her on totally and don't pump out at all even when u feel engorged?
Ya, actually after a while if we don't pump in the wee morning when baby doesn't consume, our body will tune to produce less during that period. I was thinking to pump out during that period to feed her more in the daytime so that she may drop the night feed. I will still wake up to pump but at least she won't disturb my hubby and her sister.
hi ladies, just to share. A lactation consultant told me could pump out the hind milk and feed bb after each feed. then they'll take the calorie rich hind milk 4 sure.

jeelo, jia you! u can do it! i was also at a loss when CL went home and hubby started work. but slowly lor... will adjust one.

ladies, can i also ask if your babies perform wayang everynight? mine will start at the 6pm feed. the ritual goes like tis:

1. push away breast at 6pm feed. (she suckles well during the day)

2. we offer bottle... then she'll cry after drinking 30-40ml. don't want bottle.

3. cry... console... cry... console...

4. 9pm feed same thing...

5. this continues till 12 midnight. feeding on and off...

Hi all,
Back... where got relax/enjoy? Cos bringing my #1 along mah, hubby thought I can rest and he regretted bringing #1 along cos he was cranky.

Though, I got maid if #2 soiled his hanky/clothings(burp milk) I will ask her to rinse off the soiled area later then wash everything. My laundry area is a headache no direct sunshine for 365 days, if rains then laundry very difficult to dry indoor when got sun got to bring over to my balcony. So I will ask maid to wash when soiled clothings fill up a small pail of NB clothing. #1 I did use cloth nappy then think me very fussy, feel abit wet cannot liao, then NB got lots of wee wee leh. Currently using MP and Pampersize S. His pee too much liao, cannot tahan after 3½ hours, ah boh will leak liao. So night will be using Pampers, slightly more absorbent than MP.

<font size="+1">Nepia got promotion at NTUC, 2 packets of M is like $0.25 cents only! Lelong Leong from NTUC</font>
maybe she is tired. give her a bath/ massage her with calendula cream (calming effect) and then off the lights, hold her close to your chest and pat her to sleep.
my girl also very alert at night after her feed, her eyes very big, I thought she is still hungry as she only drink 1 side of my breast and she is very cranky, I don't know what to do and I brought her to my CL and she sat down and pat her to sleep in the dark. she fell asleep very quickly. sometimes they are over simulated and hence very cranky.
My baby also had pimples or infant eczema. My PD gev me some cream to apply on his face. She says it is baby pimple cream and now most of the pimples are gone.
really envy u. my girl sleeps in the day and is wakeful and fussy at nite. last nite (or this morning) she got up at 3am, and was settling her down up til 530am. really felt like just leaving her there to cry but her crying is so damn loud, i think the whole block will come and barge down my door.
she's super windy, always have to burp her and sometimes no feed she ngeh ngeh, also must burp her otherwise the previous feed will come up. really tiring esp at nite; last nite she puked 3 times, got her clothes and mine all wet. she latches on at nite so every time she pukes, get hungry, by the third time, my supply almost gone, she's desperate, wah, both of us end up in tears. was telling my hubby that since she's born, i havent had more than 4 hours consecutive sleep!

ur ILs are opposite of mine! haha

mine dun encourage me to swaddle. even swaddle with cloth nappy oso make them feel uncomfortable. hahaha
nepia promotion still hv?

coz compared to ordering from Nepia directly, the promotion at NTUC is much more attractive n cheaper.
on nepia diapers,
can i know how do u all decide when to change to next size? my boy coming to 4 wks old. still wearing nb. ordered 2 packs of nb n 2 s, now finishing nb. wonder if shd order some more nb or can try s already.

do u all shave yr bb's hair 4 full mth? can just cut a bit for yi shi yi shi? mine is v long already. a bit heartache to shave all cos he got v black n lots of hair.

last night i tried letting my boy sleep in the sarong. seems like he doesnt really like it. will cry once i stop rocking m keep fidgetting inside. MIL keeps saying he hasn't get used to it. wonder if i made a wrong decision to introduce him to it cos also a bit worried next time he must b rocked to sleep n not b able to sleep easily if bring him out. really desparate to find a way to let him sleep soundly at night. still refuse the cot. prefer to sleep in my arms so much that he can forgo his night feeds. really tired... anyone has advice?
mongs, you're right! I tried pumping @ around 8pm (this breast has not been fed on for the past 10 hours) and it yielded only about 30ml! I was shocked! thought my milk supply dropped so much! But I tried pumping 4 hours later, I manage to get about 100ml.
So our body does tune accordingly.
my bb last feed is roughly abt midnight.
then he will sleep till ard 2am &amp; starts making "small" noises...N I ve to prepare his FM.
I will feed him with FM once he wakes up at 2+ else he will be screaming.
Fr then, he will be awake, self entertain himself for few mins b4 he starts crying..
Nightmare starts...
He will jux cry N cry. In between, he will jux take a 5mins nap or look around the surronding.
N its all the way through abt 11am.

But today abit too much, till now going 1pm, still havent sleep...
1 way to console myself is at least he has been quiet for 30mins while I m surfing the net now
nepia diapers cutting seem to be smaller as compared to pampers new baby.

my son can still fit into pampers new baby size S but when it comes to nepia size S, the cutting is a bit small for him. can see the red mark on his thighs after using. as such, i had to upgrade him to nepia M size.
its good to hv a mixture of sarong &amp; baby cot so that baby will not grow too dependent on either one. alternate btwn both of them so that baby can get used to it.

the key is not to rock the sarong once baby fall asleep. eventually, baby will get used to it n can even fall asleep without the rocking!
my ger also same lah... hoping that it will b better s the days goes by... hve been 'sufferring' for e past few wks...

my ger wayang story
start in e eve smtimes about 7plus, smtimes 8 plus. cry in bet feeds. drinking 30-40ml. don't want liaoz. cry... console... cry... console... 9pm plus or 11 plus feed same thing... continues till 12mi till smtimes 2am. feeding on and off...

i cut my ger hair on full mth just for yi shi only.
i agree with the NUK teats.. we wanted bb to use the NUK silicon teats rite from the begining.. but the hospital fed her FM with NUK latex..and since den my bb reluctant to use other teats ..
i tried my avent teat, NUK silicon teat.. all she no wan ..
i ve thrown 3 since bb born .. and she's oni in her 5th week .. coz the rubber gets sticky and color changes etc.. the instruction on the packaging says to change every mth ...

i'm now training her 2 yse the silicon teat.. but wen she's ultra hungry, she refuses it.. den will fall back to the latex ones..
my mum wanted shave all my girl's hair on full mth but muy MIL din .. so end up oni cut a little for yi shi..
but my mum says on 40th day .. can cut again..

another ting abt the NUK latex teats.. my girl tends to suck on it .. not suckle.. and den will fall asleep during feeds..so irritating..
dear ladies, i see we all are having the same problem...my little boy also had this wayang thing going on during the night,..i was desparate for a solution...problem was he'd sleep throughout the day then stay up crying all nite... sometimes he'd get cranky and cry for no reason... my dad bought me a series of cds called the mozart effect from the success shop in peninsula plaza and i swear it works wonders. after playing a few times, he now shuts up immediately when i play e cd n then starts smiling...so freaky. to prepare him for the night, i feed him a little gripe water mixed in warm water to prevent tummy upsets n rid him of wind. Then i make sure he drinks bout 90-100ml of ebm. then after his mega burp, i play the nighty night mozart cd and his eyelids start to droop. he will sleep deeply and only wakes up for feed once. every baby has his own unique character but i find doing this helps. they are usually cranky becos of wind in the tummy. make sure u burp them well n massage their tummies w a little oil to ease discomfort. the cds were a good investment..cost botu 20 bucks each.. my dad also bought me a book from tt same shop bout putting babies to sleep...very useful, am in the midst of reading it. i think the book was only 9.90
Hi PB,

My son has the same problem. Lots of wind in his tummy but when I burp him, he does not burp for the longest time. Can you share how you massage his tummy? Mrs. Wong has taught us how to massage bb's tummy, is it the same method? Just write I luv U on his tummy?

mongs, i think she's tired 2... will try your method tonight after last feed and get her to rest in the afternoon. she usually doesn't zzz in the pm. maybe tat's y cranky in the evening. so scared at first i tot she was rejecting my breast..

hazel and jasmine, ya lor... just hv to tahan and tell myself that this will pass... ... my mum was saying will get better my 3rd or 4th mth. sigh... i think by then, i'll become panda liao.. :x
