(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

how do u burp him? my husband burps him cos my wrists hurt and i can't support his head. my hubby sits him on the lap, supports his neck with one hand and uses the other hand to stroke his back firmly, resulting in scary mega burps. otherwise he takes ages to burp. the gripe water helps to relieve wind as well. i massage him with baby oil in a circular motion, then put him against my shoulder to calm him down. the crying can make u desparate, but must really keep calm n massage n rock them... during feeding time try not to keep the baby waiting too long, that's when they get wind in the tummy. they won't drink the full feed n get restless.


can i ask if any mummy is bringing their bb to thomson paediatric centre for their bb's jabs??

my pd is charging $1461 + $40 for a package from 2 months to 19 months that includes the new jabs, rotarix and prevenar.. is this ex??

if without the 2 new jabs.. then its $660 + $40 only..

anyone signed the package??

or should i go to the poly clinic or neighbourhood pd for jabs? will they be cheaper?

actually i'm so confused by all the different jabs.. haiz.. really need some help here..
My gal also wayang a lot in the evening. Typical day goes like this:
Betw 5-7am - wake up for feed, then go back to sleep
Betw 8-9am - sleep in the sling as I walk my #1 to sch
Betw 10-11am - will bathe her, follow wz feed
Betw 11-12.30pm - sleep in the sling as I go n fetch my #1 back frm sch
Betw 12.30-1pm - another feed n then sleep
Betw 2.30-3.30pm - wake up for feed, then sleep again
Betw 6-7pm - wake up for feed
Betw 7-11pm - eye big big, must carry n walk around, will only sit in bouncer for short period of time, another feed ard 9pm, crying for attention (usually we will feed her milk or water) almost every hr
Betw 11pm-12 midnite - by this time, she must hv drank almost 180ml of milk, then she'll go into dreamland
Betw 3-4am - wake up for another feed
Betw 4-6am - she makes a lot of sound in her sleep, causing me to stay up wz her all the way, I'll burp her if I see she's like very uncomfortable
Coming to 6 wks liao, I've been sleeping for only 3-4hrs every day.

Jasmine, my gal sounds like she got phlegm. For sure she got running nose, her mucus is green colour. We think its the FM. I hope by feeding her water will help to get rid of the "heatiness".

eve, I'm tempted to let my gal sleeps in sarong cos she startled a lot during her sleep in the day. The other option is to let her sleep on her chest but I'll hv to watch her sleep, in case, she turns her face down.
I'm also like you... confused over all the jabs. My pd had asked us to go down for the 2nd dose of hep b jab. Had called other clinics to compare prices. 1 had advised that i take the 6-in-1 jab so that can hv 1 jab lesser and dont hv to take so early. Not sure which is better too. And the price difference can be quite a lot.

anyone's bb experience growth spurt at wk 3?
eve - not sure whether i told u the price for 5 in 1 at my pd...

5 in 1 is $90
6 in 1 is $120
hep b is $35

where do u bring your baby for jab? you stayin in east too?
Jasmine, rdg phelgm -
My book from PD @ Singapore Baby & Child Clinic mentioned the following abt phlegm:
Qn - My bb sneezez very often, breathes heavily, makes gurgling noises. How to clear the phlegm?
Ans - Sneezing is the way bb blows nose. Is a reflec reaction and occur 10-20x a day.
MUcus is produced in our nose all the time. THis helps to trap the dust dat we breathe in. As adults, we blow our nose regularly to clear nostrils but bb too young to do tis.
Hence bb sneezes to clear nose of the mucus.
H/w this sneezing reflex is not veri efective n hence some mucus remains in nose causing blockage. This creates a lot of noises when bb breathes. THey always sound much worse @ nites.
These loud nasal & throat noises r wrongly taken 2 mean bb has lots of phlegm in the lungs, in fact they r harmless, requiring no treatment.
if nasal blockage is severe, interferes wif feeding, u may instil 2-3 drops of warm water or normal saline in each nostril. Aft 1 min, use a sof rubber suction bulb to suck out, or a cotton swab 2 wipe out the loosened mucus.
U need to bring bb to Dr oni if sneezing & noisy breathing is accompanied by freq cough or fever.
any mommies' bb 5weeks old le? how much to feed at tisage huh?
been feeding my gal 120ml since 4th week..
h/w oni c her tummy getting rounder..the meat @ her thighs, calf, arms .. not getting firmer leh.. my ma says its coz she drinks too slow.. almost 1hr per feed..
last night when i put him in the sarong, he was making a lot of noises while sleeping. as if v uncomfortable. i keep waking up to see n rock her. end up fr 4am onwards, i let him sleep on my chest. he was so comfortable until didn't wake up 4 milk. i also end up unable to express my milk. going on like tis, my supply sure drop n i'm going to accumulate 2 white elephants in my bedroom.

i also let him try sleeping on his chest... but i hv a tendency to keep waking up to watch him. v dangerous cos i ever seen him trying to turn his head.

haiz... so tiring. night time cant sleep becos he refused to sleep in cot. day time got to pacify him to deep sleep before putting him back to cot. but he'll only sleep in it for 15mins to half an hr, then i hv to carry him. like that, i also dont hv to sleep. sometimes when i thought i can quickly take a nap, he cries already. if i really get a short nap, other things dont hv to do already. so chiam.... feel so helpless. life daily is revolving pampering him to sleep only. seems like a long time since i enjoy watching tv, read newspaper, tidy up room, etc. even eat n bathe also got to rush. really pei fu those who can manage alone at home.

think i grumble too much here already....

btw wat kind of sling r u using?
Thanks for the info. Yes. Staying in the east. Bedok Reservoir Rd.

I've not brought my son for jab yet. only those taken in the hospital. Due for 2nd hep B soon. I called one clinic at tampines st 11. The lady advised me to take the 6-in-1 jab instead. then dont hv to take the 2nd hep B during 1st mth. The PD that i'm seeing is assigned by my gynae. It's @ Singapore Baby & Child Clinic. Not sure if i want to continue going back there cos it's a bit far and ex.

which PD r u seeing at Singapore Baby & Child Clinic?
eve, u r not alone going thru the phase where life rovolves ard the kid (for me, its kids). It is sleepless nites for me all over again aft 5yrs. For my #1, I'm thankful that I got my sis & parents to help take care when I returned to work aft ML. So, I really din feel much stress wz #1. But this time round, I'm a SAHM n am doing everything myself. Feel the kind of stress n hv the same kind of problems that most mommies here face.

I'm using 2 slings, one from Moms in Mind, the other from Born N Bond.
my bb's c-ing Dr Koh .. but its SBCC @ AMK .. i've asked in another thread n learnt the 6-in-1 is $150 (+GST) per jab.. for total of 4jabs.. the PD assigned by my gynae is in thomson..not fan bian .. so i din wan to go bk..
my girl will b taking her 2nd HepB jab taken @ 1.5mths tgr wif the rest under 6-in-1

but i tink SBCC is ex.. .. my fren did researched..but i'm too lazy 2 find other alternatives le
Hi PB,

My son has the same problem. Lots of wind in his tummy but when I burp him, he does not burp for the longest time. Can you share how you massage his tummy? Mrs. Wong has taught us how to massage bb's tummy, is it the same method? Just write I luv U on his tummy?
sorry ah... anyone koe how to make payment via paypal??? i have ordered smthing on a website but not sure how to pay... anyone can help? thanks
i brought my ger to polyclinic for the jab s i find TMC too ex... but, polyclinic dont hve jab for rotavirus n prevenar.... i chose the 6 in 1, cost about $300+... s for 5 in 1 cost $200+.

but me m feeding her via expressed breast milk le.. would it hve heatiness???

hep B jab in polyclinic cost $15.

thanks for the info... my ger now gg 5 wk... onli drink 90mls per feed....
i brought my ger to polyclinic for the jab s i find TMC too ex... but, polyclinic dont hve jab for rotavirus n prevenar.... i chose the 6 in 1, cost about $300+... s for 5 in 1 cost $200+.

but me m feeding her via expressed breast milk le.. would it hve heatiness???

hep B jab in polyclinic cost $15.

thanks for the info... my ger now gg 5 wk... onli drink 90mls per feed....
hi all,
my baby din poop today. i counted his diaper change, pee super a lot, but no poop.. i wonder if tonite would be one big bomb in the diaper... anyone encounter this b4? my baby is totally EBM now.
eve - really ah? my parents house is at bedok res rd too near the telok kura school! my own house is at Jln Tenaga, near kaki bukit.

hazel - $35 for consultation...

jaz - thanks...but they do jab gentle or harsh ah?

my baby didn't poop for 3 days in a row last week (she's on total BM as well). i freaked out too n called e PD. he told me to monitor for another day and see how it goes. fortunately, she pooped on e 4th day.

PD said tt as long as there's pee, its fine. Not pooping also means that e baby is absorbg all e nutrients and as they grow bigger, they do not need to poop everyday. he even said tt some babies only poop once a week.
I stay 2 bus stops away from you. Near the mosque.

Yr PD's charges sound rather reasonable. Is he/she good?

hehe we are so near..

ya...have been following this pd for 2yrs liao....is her consultation considered cheap? not sure how much other pd charge though...
yrs cheaper than mine.
my hb said ours is $40 for consultation but when I asked the nurse, she said its $35.
So, I dunno if its $35 or $40 per consultation.
Naf & Hazel,
your PD charges is cheaper than mine.
my pd is charges $50 for consultation. really expensive. hubby kept saying to go back to her for jabs but even if we pay for the package for 5 in 1 or 6 in 1, still have to pay consultation, very "xin tong".

you baby sounds like a fussy baby. very similar to my elder girl. I was very stressed out when she was younger too. there are 20% of the babies who will be fussy or very fussy. it's almost impossible to schedule them. we used to let her sleep on our chest as well so that she will get some rest and we can also get some rest but it became a bad habit and she needs to be rocked and carried to sleep in the daytime. she won't even allowed us to put her down after she is in deep sleep. my MIL who is her caregiver carried her for her nap till she is about 12mths. then she was quite heavy to be carried for long period of time, so came the pram and we have a pram that my MIL used to push her to sleep. night time, I will let her suckle to sleep. I think it's better to let your baby lie on his stomach to sleep. if he can turn his head already, dun worry about him lying face down. dun place any pillows or soft toys around him and he should be fine. babies have much greater survival instincts then we know. my elder girl also slept better on her chest but also not for long. the crying part cont till she was 3-4mths after which she is quite a cheerful and happy baby though sleep is still a problem.

huh, polyclinic no rotavirus? wanted to give her that. I think some GP offer that. maybe bring her to GP.
e nurse who gave my ger jab ok leh... find her pretty gentle...

i find polyclinic much cheaper... i brought my ger for her 1st immunisation... given hep b 2nd dose n plus c dr for chk up cost about $19+ onli... in e long term, dink is much cheaper... but, m still bringing her to c PD if she is sick la... just that for immunisation m bringing her to polyclinic... thought of giving her rotavirus at GP at a later stage... c how it goes ba.

my ger didnt sleep the whole night yesterday.. been screaming her whole lungs out... both me n hubby take turns to carry her... she onli doze off dis am at 7 plus... now, just woke up for another feeding le... damn stress man....
my PD charges $50 & above. That's why thought of changing.
Just called to enquire abt the jabs:
5-in-1 $120
6-in-1 $150
Hep B $30

can i know for $120, does it mean $120 4 all doses or $120 per jab (ie $360)? if it's the latter, does it means cheaper to take hep b n 5-in-1 separately?

which polyclinic u go to? r their waiting time v long? i thought they dont do 1mth checkup?
I'm trying to feed my boy 80ml of EBM. He's coming to 4 wks in 2 days time. Everytime i feed him thru the bottle, he has a tendency to vomit out the milk. The vomit is mixed w a lot of his saliva. Does it mean I've given him too much? He did not stop drinking, just carrying on whatever amt i give him. Thought they will stop once they r full. No prob when i latch him on.
Just brought my son to the pd for his 6-in-1 jab and also pneumococcal jab. 6-in-1 package at 780 and penumococcal and rotarix at 770. Spent thousand over dollars just like that. Not easy being a parent hor.... My pd charge is $50 for consultation.

kiddy palace shd have but think veyr little...i also clueless about buying CNy clothes
Anyone facing problems with mum or MIL with regards to caring for the baby? My mum is so insensitive. Everyday, she'll make certain comments, such as I don't feed baby enough, I don't sing to baby, I don't change his diaper, etc. Just now, she smugly told me that my baby doesn't like to be carried by me. To quote her "Your baby doesn't like you to carry him. The moment I carry him, he is calm and quite."

I found that very hurtful because I feel that she's trying to tell me I'm not a good mother and that my baby doesn't like me.

I personally do not agree with the way she coaxes my baby - she swings and shakes him all the time and uses baby language. I have told my mum many times from the beginning that her doing so will make things VERY difficult for me in future. Moreover, she's always 'snatching' baby away from my hb and I ... thinking that she's best at coaxing baby.

yeah, i think the elderly can be quite insensitive with their words. The other day, my mum also say bb dun have enuff to drink when he cried even thou i had just finished latching him. I was abit pissed cos I only managed to pump out abit of excess and in normal pumping sessions, i can easily pump out 2x his feed if i dun latch. Which means to say, bb already drank more than his normal portion!
But come to think of it, they make this remark also cos they care about bb. Plus our post natal hormones are still adjusting, hence we will be more sensitive to other pple's comments, even thou they mean no harm. Dun be too bothered by wat they say. Just enjoy your time bonding with bb.
my mum was also very insensitive when making comments when I was doing confinement for my elder one. I think they meant well but just that they don't know how to put it across properly to us. I told her straight that I don't like her to comment so much and it's affecting me. I told her I need her encouragement and not all the questioning. she always asked why the baby is crying, is the baby hungry, did you feed her FM. For my 2nd girl, she made less comments but she still call and asked if I gave my girl FM at night. I told her flatly that why everytime, your question is about FM and told her the baby has enough to drink and she is gaining weight and have enough wet and dirty diapers. I think the old generation still think FM is the best. Talk to her nicely and tell her that for certain things, you prefer certain ways of doing things. Also remember, it's a bit difficult but sometimes we have to give and take. My elder girl was being cared for by my MIL and I close 1 eye to some of the things she does, eg carry the baby to sleep, told her not to do that but she cont and end up she suffered. now for my 2nd baby, she kept asking me not to carry her too much. haha!
aiya, just now my baby vomit out like a merlion and dirty my sofa. she was cranky and I thought she was still hungry, latched her on and she was sucking away with her eyes big big, then when I sat her up to burp her, she vomit out all the milk and now she is sleeping soundly. think she has wind and is finally comfortable.
ya lor, but luckily this time, I have quite sufficient supply. last time with my elder girl, don't know why, just have enough for her and every drop is very precious and sometimes when she vomit out milk, I will say she waste my BM and my hubby will be like "huh! she is so uncomfortable, it's better for her to be comfortable." he will also say it's our adults fault that we don't burp her properly, blah blah blah. he is very protective over his girls.
hi mummies,
jus pass my confinement.. tot my lochia is clearing up already.. has mainly clear discharge for past few days.. today suddenly see red again... anyone e same.. not really heavy discharge.. does tis call for e need to visit gynae?
Hi Sassy,

My PD prescribed Benzac AC 2.5% Gel. It does not have any brand, just comes in a small plastic container. Maybe you can ask your PD about it. I think my baby's pimples come from sweat cos now I see some on his shoulders and scalp where he sweats the most
hi, any of you hv bb being looked after by maid only? i need to know how you manage the maid in looking after the bb at night? does the bb sleep in the maid's room or in your room?
Stupid me! $0.25/piece

hi all,
Have you all read about the incident regarding maid bathing for NB and knocked his head against the toilet bowel and the NB found dead the next day? I didn't got to read, heard from my mom. So sad!

Kekeke, got a snap shot of him this morning...

wow!!, your son can do his "tummy time" already. How u train him? When i put my gal on her tummy, her head will not lift up.
yeah, i saw this news in the papers. so sad, the maid was scared abt being scolded, so kept quiet abt this incident. mayb if she report to the bb's parents, the bb might still be saved.
wow, your baby's head is quite stable already. is it momentary or he can actually do it for quite while?
Ya, I read about the incident regarding the baby from the newspaper. very sad. the maid didn't tell the granny that she knock the baby's head against the toilet bowl but the judge judgement is that even if this was told to the granny, the consequence cannot be avoid. it's a mishap.
so we have to be very careful when handling baby. I make it a point to on the lights when I go the the rooms with my baby at night, don't want to knock her head unknowingly.
anyone has recommendation for ordering cakes 4 full mth? intend to get 1 or 2 big cakes 4 my colleagues to share as my dept has 60+ ppl.

My son can do his tummy time liao! Very fast! I was shocked too. His developement is way faster than my #1 when he was a NB. But he cannot do it for long, cos he hates it. I manage to take around 10 photo while he did it, so is it long? He manages to be able turn his head from left to right when sleeping on tummy. Hahaha, how to train? I so bochap 1...

So sad man... Maybe can survive if she told the employers BUT these maids are like that one. So I dare not let her handle my NB. Especially my NB loves to tilt his back backwards. I told her she can only carry him with bb looking forward and back against her chest. So scared of them! I told my maid do wrong things must admit. Wrong liao, we scold but do wrong liao don't say or do anything about it worst! Hahaha... me follow my maid too long liao, all broken engwish!
