(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB


5 in 1 and 6 in 1 difference is 6 in 1 added Heb B inside if i'm not wrong.
2 months later u can take the 5 in 1.
6 in 1 more prone to fever thats what my PD says. So take it only when the child is older which is the 5 month i think

Heb B injection won't cause fever, thats whats my PD says.

hi mommies...
my bb "pimples" r recovering...
think the wash is quite gd..not the elomet cream.
The cream is meant for his infected ear & chin & its recovering too.
The "Wash" is fr my PD too... its like a shower gel N it can be used as shampoo too.
So, I used it on his face & head...n can see the red "pimples" almost gone after 2 washes
fanny & crystalz,

thank u for ur advise!

How big is your bb boy now? How much u pay for the pneumococcal and rotarix vaccinations? The rotarix is oral medi or jab?

crystalz, thanks
Have u all heard of 7 in 1 jab? The additional medicine added is to prevent prevnar.

The pneumococcus is a bacteria that causes serious infections in adults and children, including pneumonia, blood infections, and meningitis. This bacteria is also the number one cause of sinusitis and ear infections.
(extracted from http://www.keepkidshealthy.com/prevnar.html)

I wonder this additional jab found in 7 in 1 is the same as the pneumococcal included in the 6 in 1 jab. Any mummy can advise?

fanny, crystalz,
6 in 1 can take oni @ 2mths rite?
does dat mean if i opt for 6 in 1 for my bb, her 2nd Hep B jab will be delayed abit??
now can see this thread moves slower heeheehee seems that everyone is busy with baby

i'm not sure which form of assistance my gynae used for my delivery.i just saw this bell-shaped thing that seems to be made of rubber.i almost fainted near end of labour...did you have problem pushing? i pushed so many times til lost count...no energy! maybe coz i didn't have chance to eat brakfast and lunch! then my baby's heart rate dropped that's why gynae decided must use some assistance.but my baby didn't have cone-shaped head or any red marks after delivery.

anyone has problem making baby sleep in his/her cot? my DS seems to prefer co-sleeping with us and right after i put him in his cot will cry unless he's very very sleepy.i dun want him to continue co-sleep with us til he's big! what can i do?

also nowadays especially at night i must carry and rock him to sleep,this can take up to 2-3 hrs! so tiring...thinking to get a sling/pouch...any recommendations? which one is better? moms in mind's or little pods'? but will it be hard to get baby off the sling later? or is it ok to just 'spoil' him at the moment coz he needs the feel secured?

Ya, if u opt for 6 in 1, then have to delay the hep B 2nd dose. Then in the meantime, dont bring ur bb to crowded places b4 the injection.

If u dont want to delay the 6 in 1, then go for the hep B 2nd dose. After that have to go for the 5 in 1 liao.

sorrie, my mistake. Is if u dont want to delay the hep B 2nd dose. Then have to spend a bit more $$ for the 5 in 1 @ a later date.
is rotarix an oral vaccine? my PD also offered this additional vaccine together with pneumococcal on top of the 'usual' rest like hepatitis B,DPT/DT etc.

fanny is rite. If u take Heb B after 1st month, 2nd time injection will be 5 in 1.

If u take 6 in 1, u take it when the bb is 2 months old.
fanny, thanks for the advice on heat rashes. thk i will follow ur method to leave it alone. coz bb skin sensitive in case i apply anything and leave marks!
sorry for the late reply wrt the cream. It was the nurse at the SBCC clinic who told me that the cream is available at pharmacies outside. So far I only saw the bath foam version of the same medication being sold at Robinsons Centerpoint/Raffles City.

Today I brought my boy for his jabs. Super ex man!! 6-in-1 costs $150, Pneumococcal $170, consultation $40, medication $20, total w GST $407!!! ***gulp***

I asked the nurse at the clinic to help me feed my boy paracetamol. I see the way she feeds, like super easy leh. She uses the syringe, ejects the medication into his mouth 2-3ml, and he will just swallow slowly, then eject another 2-3ml, until all finish. She says, if pump all at one time, almost sure spit out. So trick is little by little.
have not heard of 7 in 1 jab yet. Pneumoccocal is not a compulsory jab yet while the 6 in 1 jabs are all compulsory jabs. Can they mix?

my elder kids also co-sleep with us from infancy. Yeah, the moment you put bb in between you and hubby, they won't wanna leave your bed anymore. My #1 slept with us till 2 yrs plus when his meimei come along. Now #2, who is 20mths old, is still sleeping with us.
fanny / dinut,

my boy was 7 wks when he took the 6-in-1.. the PD said okay to take slightly early. rotarix is oral vaccine.

his vaccines were done at KKH :
Immunisation package (2/4/6 mth) $458
Pneumococcal 1st dose $142
Rotavirus oral vaccine 1st dose $89

above includes PD fee and growth assessment

my #1 also slept with us till she was almost 1 yr old, then we put her into a cot next to our bed to prepare her when #2 comes. now, #2 sleeps in the cot with us at night and #1 sleeps with the maid. #2 does sleep much longer if i cuddle him to sleep, but i think this will spoil him in the long run. i have juz started the cold turkey treatment... intend to let him cry it out until he sleeps by himself at night. i simply dun have the energy to rock/sing him to sleep everynight... ;)


ur son taking so much paracetamol? the PD prescribed only 2ml for my boy leh..

How come your immunisation package so expensive? Beside vaccines, got include other things in the package? My friend went to the clinic @ dawson place. Her 6 in 1 pkg costs $280, whereas my GP charge $110 per jab. So total only $330
my ger bcum v colicky.... anyone koe any remedies of how to get rid of the wind? has tried giving her stomach wind medicine but she keep spitting it out, even though giving it bit by bit... has tried putting ru yi oil but still got a lot of wind... can anyone pls help.... thanks
think cookiemez includes consultation...tats y more ex...
assume her PD consultation is $50 x 3 times = $150 + $330= $480...the price almost there lor...

have u tried inject into the milk?
else u can try this Friso Comfort milk powder...
It can prevent colic too
Hi Mummies,

I'm from Jan MTB thread. I have some complimentary Rustic Nirvana's Adventurine Green Kuasa Tummy Slimming voucher, meant for post-natal, to be given away.

It says: Adventurine green kuasa is concentrated at the tummy area, followed by a stress relief tummy massage plus tummy wrap. This wrap may be kept on for the next few hours. Also helps banish toxins and water retention, improves circulation, retaining heat and keeping inches at bay. (U.P. $120)

Should you be keen, pls pm me. Thanks.

so far e waiting time for kids below 7 yr old s okie cos they hv priority. yes heb b jab only $15 at poly clinic. As for 5:1 cost $290.40 and 6:1 cost $326.10 at poly clinic.

my boy also loves to stretch and grunt all the time.. until his face turns bright red.. so far milk came out from his nostrils a few times coz he "overstretched" himself.. but i think it shd be ok, as long as you quickly sit him up and burp him... milk coming out of nostrils quite painful leh.. my boy will cry very loudly when that happens. same as your #2, he also likes to tilt his head backwards when i burp him, in fact he curls up like a chicken.. difficult to grasp his chin and burp properly.
Looks like I only got time to catch up in the middle of the nite when I wakes up to feed bb n express BM.

missylan, cookiemz, my gal also stretches n grunt all the time. She tends to turn her head to one side when burping if in sitting position. As her neck quite strong liao, I tend to carry her upright, letting her head to rest on my shoulder to burp her. She used to throw up milk, n the milk also comes out from nostrils. But better now, lesser such occurence.

I was at Bt Batok Polyclinic for bb's hepB jab at 1mth. The jab costs $15. The staff nurse explained to me abt the immunisation thingy. 5-1 basically covers the standard childhood immunisation vaccine plus HIB n cost $290.40. 6-1 covers what 5-1 covers plus HepB n cos $326.10. The HepB jab during the 6th mth is incorporated into the 5mth jab for 6-1, so lesser jab for bb. For polyclinic, they don't do development assessment for 1mth. They only do DA during the 3rd mth jab.
m currently feeding her on expressed breastmilk....

my ger cried non-stop yesterday night, hubby n i didnt sleep a wink... damn tired. wad to do now/ i put e colic medicine into the milk bttle n feed her. but, she didnt finish e milk plus when i burp her halfway, she vomit a bit of milk out... how can e medicibne get in?
tried expressing milk only today am... nothing came out. no time to express out yesterday night s ger keeps cryiing... how ah?
wah...vaccines very ex...my PD dun have packages some more...all this 6 in 1 costs,refer to the whole course (til last dose)? or only the first one after discharged from hospital? (i.e hepatitis B 2nd dose,DPT/DT 1st dose and oral sabin 1st dose)

honestly, I don't think the medication is very useful. my sis told me that during the 1st 3 mths, her son was very colicky and cry for long periods of time without any reason. they fed him the medication for wind as per prescription but it's not useful at all. end up he took a lot of medication but there is no improvement. after 3 months, he just suddenly decides to stop crying. same for my elder girl. she fuss and cry a lot during the 1st 3 mths and we have to keep changing person to carry her, bring her in and out of the room but after 3 mths, she is ok and gradually fuss less. I think it's a period that they have to go thru.
You can read on the article about why baby fuss in the evening.
If it's really wind, let her sleep semi-upright in a rocker and apply the ru yi oil once or twice a day, you need to put 2 or 3 drops on your palm and rub till your palms are hot and apply on the side of the tummy and on top of the tummy.

For my case, my hubby will inject the colic medi (the brand - rid wind) given by PD into the FM, then stir the milk using a long spoon. Then it will mix w the milk. My gal will sleep more soundly and longer when we put the medi into her milk.

Maybe u can give her pacifier when she cry non-stop. Sometimes the bb wants to suck for comfort if you dont want to offer your breast.One night, my gal was crying non-stop till she choke on her saliva, then we so stress till don't know what to do. In the end, let her use pacifier. It works!!! She sucked and went into dreamland herself. She will spit out the pacifier when she don't need it. But remember don't pull it out, she will wail.
pacifier is something like epidural...
works wonder...but my MIL dun let us use...

my bb also cries non stop...till now still awake!
N had been rocking him round e hse...
my hands r tired n pain...
can see my veins coming out
will inject e med at night if he still cries tonight
prob is i dont feel e engorgement... is not hard... tried pumping for e last 1 hr.. e milk output super pathetic... is like 10 mls after 1 hr...

mongs n fanny,
i have applied ru yi oil on her tummy whenever i bath her, change her diapers...etc
has put the medicine inside my expressed milk n feed her, but she spit it all out. refusing to drink. tried using a syringe n feed her direct into her throat... but, within seconds she spilt out e milk ? medicine 2.
s for pacifier, once she start crying... e pacifier seems like no use, has offer her my breast for comfort. she rejected.... urrgh... me gg bersek le
my mil keeps insisting me to give her gripe water... can i ask do u think if giving ridwind 4x/day n giving gripe water.. would it cost overdosage?
missylan, cokkiemz, hen, my gal also like to stretch, grunt (till face red red) and arch her back. Sometimes I carry her and she arches her back...I so scared I drop her. heehee...now at 1 mth and 2 days old, she's almost 5kg liaoz. I got no more strength to carry her (me small size. It's HB who's tall. BB must be taking after the daddy).

Gripe water - hmmm, okie, will try that to make BB feel comfortable. Hopefully she stops crying for long periods. I carry her until my lower back ache and hips ache. (HB just play his computer game. So pissed off with him.) Gave my gal pacifier, she suck, then when she's drifting off into dreamland, pacifier will drop from her mouth (coz she let it go), then she will wake up and wail again! haiz...

Hey mummies, is it necessary to have a 1 mth check up? Coz polyclinic dun have check up at 1 mth. Then my parents also asked when's her check up. I was like, "what check up? Polyclinic never say leh". Shd I just bring BB to a PD just like that? I mean, BB is not sick or anything...
hi all,
can share what's yr bb's sleeping/awake pattern like? tryin v hard to let him sleep less in the day n sleep more in the night. but just cannot catch the right timing... so tiring
missylan/cookiemz/hen: mi gal oso stretches and grunts alot even in her sleep till some milk will flow out of her mouth. some times she stretches in her sleep til face all red and as if she gg to cry but den still go back to sleep.

cookiemz: u took the kkh package too den? i oso chose it but the vaccine only in feb when she's 2 mths.

jasmine, mi gal behaves the same too! she will be ok in the day, and then evening onwards start crying non stop to the point of screaming her lungs out. we have to take turns to carry her but to no effect. now trying to put ruyi oil aft her bath everytime to see will help not.
gripe water: have tried it and i thk it works for her coz yest nite after screaming few hrs, we fed her a bit from a spoon and she finally fell alsp.
me 2... my ger usual routine...
9am - milk
10am - sleep
12pm - milk
1pm - sleep
3pm - milk
4pm - sleep
7pm - milk
8pm - sleep
8.30pm - wayang starts
9pm - milk
11pm - milk
1+am - sleep
3am - milk
4am - sleep
5 am - milk
6am - sleep
my ger also stretches n grunts alot even in her sleep till milk will flow out of her mouth. esp when she wanna pass motion... her whole face bcums red.
Erm..think most of the babies here has the habit of stretching and "geking" till face red red..My boy also the same..Sleep also stretch numerous times with all "sound" effects..So in order not to disturb our sleep, we put him in his own room now. So only when we hear from the transmitter his crying voice then we go over..hehhe
i think 1 mth check up is up to you,if u feel it's necessary you can see PD when baby's between 4-6 weeks for 4-6 wks assignments to see how baby has developed so far.i think the PD will check baby according to what's laid out in the baby health book (given by your hospital after delivery).

i tried to do the same,but so far doesn't work.baby has mind of his own heeheehee and trying to keep him awake in daytime just makes him more cranky plus doesn't make him sleep more at night.so i've given up ever since and just go with the flow...people been telling me as baby grows older later can change his sleeping pattern easier coz rite now being newborn he still has no sense of day and night and has tendency to sleep most of the time.
what r the tactics that you all use for getting your babies to sleep? i got problem getting my girl to sleep now. She can nap after feed, or when i carry her, or when carry + walk around. But when put her in her cot, she wakes up again. like that i'll have no time to do anything else
ankh, regarding getting bb to zzz. My mum swears by only 1 tactic.. which I'm rather reluctant to use. The pacifier. She always pops into my bb's mouth when I'm not looking! Other than that.. I also gotta carry bb till he in deep sleep liao then put him down. Luckily at nite when he's tired enough he can zzz by himself. Or you can try patting him to zz or zz beside you on ur bed? It works for me sometimes
I have the same problem too.. esp. at night when my boy wakes up for milk..then after that he refuses to go to sleep.. Now I resort to letting him latch on for a while (10 minutes) whenever he does that after a feed... Then detach him.. then let him continue to sleep in my arms for another 5 minutes b4 putting him in his cot... So far it works (keeping fingers crossed)

Baby laundry
Hi, check with you ladies, how often do you wash your BB's soiled clothings? Now I have my MIL to help but soon I'll have 2 handle everything on my own.. feel like buying a mini washing machine already...

Do you ladies change your BB's diaper when it is a little bit soiled with his poo? My BB quite notti, after I changed him he'll poo again, haiz.. Just now b4 feeding he poo and urinated and leaked... then I changed him into napkins(first time doing it, think bundled too loose) Then I fed him... who knows he then do big business and it leaked onto my pants Haiz.. got more washing to do now...

My massage lady gave me this oil called Telon and asked me not to use Ru Yi Oil.. She also taught me how to do baby massage using the Telon oil.. so far my boy seems to like it

Oh ya, forgot to mention, my massage lady also said that we can use a particular leaf (dunno the name) then put a few drops of Telon oil onto the leaf then place it on BB's stomach.. She told me my neighbour has the plant.. later I go take a picture to show you ladies
Hi mummies,

I fm july'08 thread would like to check if any mummies have use CL by the name of lily during confinement coz would like to enggage her services. any comments???
my baby does the stretching & grunting too. according to the PD, its bcoz of the wind in the stomach that is making them uncomfortable.

initially, we thought that he is doing big business. hahahaha

tink its impt not to pat, rock the baby too often coz eventually, it will become a habit. babies r smart. without the patting & rocking, they won't wan to sleep. it can be quite "siong" esp at night or when u r alone at home, trying to coax the baby to sleep.
