(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

hi all!

just started with my massage today...massage lady said i got lots of wind at my shoulder area...

btw, those who got mastitis, do u realise the milk supply dropped a lot? Ever since last Wed, think my left breast milk supply dropped a lot and am not sure whehter due to mastitis or not leh...try latchin my boy more frequent on that for few dsays liao but dun seems to help...

csi_fan - thanks for geting the milk bags...din receive the email though...

deerdeer - i gave my son nestle nan ha 1 in hospital. I bought 1 tin but hae not open it up to use yet.
Hi Naf :0 thanks... me too.... I just started on antibiotics today. yes.. my milk supply drop drastically. so sad... feeling a little depress. LIke as if I am not giving her the best. Naf you also got mastitis? on antibiotics? are you still bf? safe?

hahaha.. we are all tired mummies liao.. sometimes do things also dunno if got do or not.. its okie lah.. no worries at all.. just remember to let me know how much to pay and give me ur account so that i can transfer the $$ over.. many thanks..

hi eve,

the link is here..


though i already got 2 boxes from CSI.. thinking of getting another 4 boxes just in case no spree is organised again leh..

u wanna get them too?


whats mastitis? today i realised that suddenly my milk supply drop by half leh.. dunno how come also.. is this mastitis??
hi deerdeer, petrina

think my mastitis lasted for a day on last wed...left breast was very painful to touch though not hard...think like swollen...then later kept shiverin and felt cold, temp was still ok...went to rest and covered myself with 3 blankets, woke up a while later and had fever ard 38+ or 39 (can't recall)

i just kept on breastfeeding my baby cuz lactation nurse did tell us during hospital stay on wat to do when this happens. Lucky it was gone the next day so din take any antibiotics....

deerdeer - how r u feeling now? can continue to latch baby on...did you doc say anythin?

petrina - stress and not enough rest will cause bm supply to drop.

also dependin on my milk supply later on, if really gd, then may get more milk bags to store frozen bmilk. r u storin any now? i am usin glass bottles though..
my girl's supplemented on S26..but alot of frens say its heaty n bb on it grow fat fast.. not sure abt my girl's wt now..nxt wk go c PD for her HepB jab will noe..

i had mastitis during my 2nd wk of confinement..milk ss did drop a few days but thereaft its back to normal le..u ve to continue latching/pumping thou it hurts

act dat time i din noe its mastitis, din even noe it exist! my GP gave me medication wich he says is mild enuf for me to continue BF. i din noe who else 2 double confirm so i sent an enquiry email to Breastfeeding Mothers Support Group (singapore) and asked. dey replied say can..

thereaft i researched on some online sources that say mommies on medication will reduce BM production..but will improve aft awhile.. no worries :D
does that mean we can still bf? even if we are on antibiotics? ya.. I keep pumping every 2 - 3 hours... still low supply. very demoralising.

I also used mdm rokiah! damn good! i only took 5 sessions + 1 additional lactation session when I had mastitis. she is really good... likewise, I wanted to have more sessions but she said no need cos tummy went down already. Hahah got business to give her, she dun wan...

yah, she also told me medela no good. she is full of praise for ameda, that's why i decided to try it in the end. But cos i was on antibiotics, my supply super low... now just starting to increase slightly again. hope it gets back to higher production soon!
Hi mummies
Can I just check, does your confinement lady leave on the 28th day or does she leave on the next day?

Hi naf
Where do you buy those glass bottles for storing breast milk? TIA
gee, kat,
i also have the same question. my CL was saying that she does confinement for 4 weeks so I am wondering if she will leave on the exactly that day or the next day.

Ya, she's really GOOD
Gave lots of advice also.. Hee, I managed to get 7-day session though she said 5 will do.. Just had my last session..haha, actually asked her just now maybe I should do 10sessions! Haha she said no need lah, save $$

She mentioned abt a client of hers recently asked her back to see abt lactation.. think it's you lor

Ask her abt latching on pumping, she said after breastfeeding must pump immediately no matter how little the amt is..this is to increase supply plus clear block ducts

I'm so for post-natal massage...Really give me the time 2 relax mentally and physically... Think I might continue to do it perhaps 2 times a month
Still got salary during maternity mah so still can indulge in it..

yup! its me... i was sooo desperate after kenna mastitis and not willing to call lactation consultant from hospital, so sms her to beg for help.. haha. Yah, must pump after every feed. Only problem is, its hard to really tell if your breasts are really empty or not... sometimes got to spend extra time to hand express. Very tiring...

Agree the massage is super relaxing physically. i feel so good after every session. Am contemplating more.. but got to ask HB to sponsor lah, cos i not working..
maybe u wanna chk with ur bb's PD if u can cont BF wen on antibo.. dat time i did chk with GP, the Breastfeeding MOthers support group and my bb's PD too..

can anyone gimme mdm rokiah's contact? i've a fren giving birth in feb..mabbe can recommend to her..you gals make this mdm rokiah sounds so great .. shld advertise her to my fren.. :D

she even gives lactation advise .. so knowledgable..
Hi Botanist,

Can share which Parmacy sells the mustela cream u mentioned in ur earlier post?
I went Guardian, Watsons and NTUC's pharmacy but all dun have.
act those glass bottles .. u can get them from the hospital.. and buy the screw tops on ur own ..
not sure if u can go bk now to get coz u oredi discharge..

dont think it was me who mentioned the Mustela cream but I think you can find Mustela products at the baby dept in Robinsons, Taka and even Kiddy Palace... so they should stock the cream you need there. Can call first to find out also.
Hi mummies, seems like a lot of u are on msn, can add mi too. [email protected]

i so glad confinement is almost over for mi up to fri! , can do normal stuff.

sassy, mi mum ordered ang ku kueh from this shop in bedok, supposed to be famous, called Borobudur.

I dun know how some of u mummies can find time to do ur own things! even with mi mum helping out, i hardly got time to do anything much. i got loads of serials which i tot can save till confinement to watch. haha! should have watch bef bb come out instead.

also, these 2 days mi gal seems to be colicky cry non-stop thruout the whole day till late at nite when she tired den conk out to sleep. didnt even wake up for feed.now have to deduce is it the food intake that cause her to have wind.
Hi all,

Haven't posted for a super long time though I still come in regularly to view all the discussions. Hardly get an opportunity to post as my elder child would also want to type whenever I'm working on the PC.

Seems like some mummies are concerned about their milk supplies. As mentioned in all books, when there is a demand, there will be the supply. So make sure you latch on your baby or express your milk out regularly. From my own experience, I found that if I were to pump out my milk irregularly, my supply would be affected. And it would take a while to regain the original supply.

Secondly, make sure you have a balanced diet. I understand some mummies are trying to regain their pre-pregancy weight before CNY. But don't do it at the expense of starving yourself. Don't cut back on your food intake. Of course, I am not asking your to eat more than what is required. The amount that you consume will also affect the milk supply.

To increase supply, I used to do latch on my elder one on one side and pump the other side. The latching on definitely helps to bring about a faster let-down. It also stimulates more let-down than if I were to use the pump alone.

If you are able to, try to latch on your baby instead of expressing your milk out. Cos our babies are the best 'milk extractors' - our little ones beat all types of pumps.

Last but not least, perseverance is the way to go. You need a lot of perseverance for breastfeeding to be successful.

Just my 2-cent worth of humble opinions.
hi botanist,

tks! ya..i think it was higgledy. hee...I'll call and check!

Hi Higgledy,
Can u recall which pharmacy sells the mustela cream u mentioned?
my hubby went to guardian at causeway point but they don't have that. I am not sure if other guardian at other places have it.
Forgot to ask my hb to check if kiddy palace has it.

I guess some of us can do our own things because we have CL helping out. MIL no matter what is still a bit diff. my MIL helped me with the first confinement but actually she was just cooking and washing baby clothes and nappies only, I do all the rest such as bathing, cleaning of baby bottom and feeding (bf), burping, making the baby sleep blah blah blah. with CL, I only concentrate on bfing the baby and resting. everything else is done by the CL. Hee hee.
same here.. i've plenty of shows haven watch..
and the lady whom we got to do confinement laundry .. today last day.. sobzz..wich means i've an xtra chore 2 do frm tmr on..wich is wash bb's nappies.. shall try use diapers..(but so ex..) haizz.. wonder if my MIL will volunteer ;P

2nd time mummies,
do u all read 2 ur first kid? i read somewhere dat reading can b done even @ tender age of a few months..but..will bb appreciate it? coz my gal's either zzz-ing or crying or feeding .. cant c any appropriate slot 2 read 2 her =P

thou there r times wen she's happily talking 2 herself..but these times r rare .. and i would b bz bb-talking wif her..
hi mummies..
i remember some of u frequent Balestier for durians right? which are the recommended stalls and do you have their contact no.s? thks

borobudur ang ku kueh nice anot? it is also recommended on tv, but have not tried.

re : glass bottles
i have quite alot of glass bottles from the hospital... anybody wants them? my supply is juz nice for my boy these days, so no need the bottles liao.
Yup, agreed. Massages are such a relaxing affair. I even indulged in pre-natal massages a few times before delivery.

yup, me and hubby take turns to read to our elder kids just before bedtime. I started flashing cards to my 2nd kid when she was 7 mths old. I think this is a much better way of entertaining her rather than letting her sit in front of the tv.
any idea how to reduce colic in babies? I burp my gal after every feed and sometimes in between...but she still cries non-stop. very tiring.....haiz.
i was pumping irregularly past weeks. just a few days ago i started to pump more often 2-3hrs interval. Last two nites yielded about 150-160ml at 1am pump. The rest of the day would be about 100ml. and my baby drinks about 100-120ml each time. i latch him on when he still wants more towards the end of the feed. Typically i'd wake up and pump for 1 letdown 1st then when he's awake, feed him on bottle. then continue hoping for the 2nd letdown.

what's leceh is having to wash the parts after every pump. i don't even sterilise after every pump nowadays, just rinse with cooled boiled water. and has anyone tried pump already then store the parts in the fridge then use again for the next pump?

my CL ask me to use ruiyi oil if got wind. anyway, i'm using bfree bottles now. so far so good (except i'm complaining about washing up the bottles which is quite leceh la). everytime i try to burp him, i've not gotten any burp so far. might be doing it the wrong way thou. anyway, my baby farts big time.

ladies,i tried the playtex liners, so far so good. anyway, i find that the volume markings on the bags and milk bottles seem to differ. dunno which one is correct. since i'm using ameda pump, i take it as that's the right one.. haha
hi T&P,
regarding the mustela cream, u can find it in NTUC pharmacy, mothercare or kiddy palace.

for my case, i gt another cream fr pd cos my son gt infected...

I called up Mustela distributor, u can check out Causewaypoint Watsons. I am told the dermo range is only available in selected Watsons stores besides PD/Clinics. West/North side only Causewaypoint. Others are Parkway, Ngee Ann City, Compass Pt, United Sq, Tampinese. But they said they do not know if Watsons still have stocks.

I went to NTUC pharmacy, but dun have leh. Which outlet u went to?? called up a few Kiddy palace, Robs and Taka also dun have.
Can share what is the cream u r using?
My son's face like "Xiao Hua Mao"
i think not a good idea to rinse the pump parts with cool boiled water leh, cos bb's immune system is still not mature yet. But i have heard of other mummies storing the pump in fridge after use and using it for the next round.
hmm..i din get any sterilizer leh..all these while is boil bottles, pump parts in water..
aft each use of the bottles n pump will wash n put them into the same pot of boiled water..
boil 2x-3x a day wor..
tis is the old traditional method i suppose.. coz i rem my mom doing it for my younger sister .. and my sis is oredi 21 this yr ..

i dun store in fridge coz my MIL's fridge got alot of funi tings .. cooked, uncooked food etc .. wich i dun tink is hygienic..
Me engaged Mdm Rokiah too, now my MIL engage her staff every week 3x for massage too. Kekeke... MIL said she is better than Mdm Rokiah. =P
Post-natal massage
I'm also doing the massage and it really has reduced the size of my tummy! I realised it helps me to purge too - air and water.

My massage lady said that even after the massage session, we should wear a tummy binder for 8-10 hours a day, for up to a month. This is to keep the abdominal muscles in place because they had separated during pregnancy.

Hope you ladies find this 'tip' useful.
PD prescibed Elomet cream for my bb...
my hb went NTUC pharmacy in bedok but the staffs said its out of stock.

Bedok Watson & Guardian dun carry Mustela
hi valeriet
any idea where to get the binder?

hi petrina,
thinking of getting. so much cheaper than those in the market here. but i think i got no permission to post there leh
Dear mummies,

I have the following for sale. not sure if any of you are interested or any of your friends. Help me ask around ya. Thanks!


Things for sale:
1) GRaco Stroller
2) Bum wear
3) 'The First Years' milk bags (4 packs)
4) Sofa set
5) 2 bags of milk caps (10/bag) @ $5/bag for those glass milk bottles obtained from hospi. Pix not on website.

Dear mummies,

I have the following for sale. not sure if any of you are interested or any of your friends. Help me ask around ya. Thanks!


Things for sale:
1) GRaco Stroller
2) Bum wear
3) 'The First Years' milk bags (4 packs)
4) Sofa set
5) 2 bags of milk caps (10/bag) @ $5/bag for those glass milk bottles obtained from hospi. Pix not on website.

Please PM me or sms me at 9489 9008 for fast deal if interested.

Haha... Will update again, now in office.

Elomet is quite strong. It is not advisable for long term usage cos my #1 got eczema. So when his eczema is reddish and like got a thick skin. He got to use Elomet. Think use 1 time the skin will get better cos Elomet got steriod, it will attack the problematic area but will thin the skin if use for long term. If you are looking into non-steriod creams, his skin specialist intro us Protopic. But damn x, a small tube $65.
When I mean wash, I put my BB buttocks under the running tap (Warm Water) and use my hands to wash it and not using cotton wool..Cleaner this way..

Elomet has higher concentration of steroid than hydrocortise 1%. my PD also prescribed that for my elder girl when she has very bad eczema. can only use once a day.
Hi mummies,
got a dummy qn to ask..
do u all open up and check the c-sect wound?
does it still feel pain like after 3 weeks?

these 2 days feelin kinda pain at e ends of e wound.. dunno if its e infection or not.. but dare not open up and see.. mayb hav to call my gynae tomr and ask liao...


What do u mean by open up and check? Mine is still a red line. My gynae says if your wound is infected, u will have fever and has pus at your wound.
