(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

i thot using the boiling method means every time before use, you have to boil the parts?

ic, maybe i try your method later. Thanks!

My gynae already remove the plaster covering my wound 14 days after op.
Now the end of my stitches itch more than hurt.

Btw did any of the c-sect mummies manage to see how long your stitches are?
Mine is 17cm, getting longer with each delivery.

any idea if we can do pap smear at polyclinic? we will need to go back to our gynae to do pap smear at our 5th week but I don't feel like going back to him because his consultation fee is $55 plus pap smear, think will be close to $100. the last time I saw him last sat, he gave me a spray for my stitches at my vagina which I thought was not very necessary and it cost me $100 for the bottle. have not even start using it. any gals interested to buy from pharmacy, I can post the name of the spray. I think it will help those who have c-sections.

My gynae tries to do pap smear yesterday but found that i still have discharge in my vagina. Then i still have to pay $30 for the procedure. She asked me to go back 6 mths later for the pap smear. I think i will give it a miss.

My gynae really knows how to earn our $$, asked me want slimming pills, whether want to implant IUD? She also prescribe me 2 bottles of spray and cream 2 wks ago. Yesterday, she prescribed me cerederm silicone dressing to make my scar nicer.

Everytime i go to her clinic, have to spend $100+ and above. Haiz~
dun worry clover its normal tat u feel pain at the end of the stitches coz i have the same problem as u also.my gynae told me its bcoz they tie a knot at the end of the stitches tats y we feel pain there.i gave birth at 15 nov07 now i dun feel pain anymore.
so far i tried ... not very effective for me :p
now waiting for e more milk plus to be delivered to try to boost my milk supply
anyone can teach me how to feed my ger wif medicine? wanna give her stomach wind... gripe water... but, she keep spitting it out n den puke a bit of milk out... how ah???

akso, anyone koe how to get rid of the phlegm?? my ger seems 2 have a lot of phlegm...

i still feel some slight pain on the wound. mine is ard 3 weeks too. for the past 2 weeks, the pain was on my left side of the wound.


how come ur wound still red line? when did u deliver?


wah... 17cm very long leh. is this ur #2 or #3? my c-sect wound is 10cm.


wat spray is tat? since its for the vagina then i think it will be useful to those tat delivered via natural.
wat a nice weather to hide underneath the blanket and sleepzzzzzz... but i cant. im attending to my little princess as she just refuse to sleep. dun know why so cranky and awake at night
Hi all, really finding more n more difficult to keep up wz this thread - no time to log on these days!!! Super busy wz the kids, household chores, super tired...

Got the full mth thingy out of the way. I ordered some stuff frm Melrose for my in-laws & parents. Went to my parents' place for lunch, followed by dinner at in-laws place. Got headache that nite, probably due to the noise at in-laws' place.

On Mon, went to polyclinic for bb's hep B jab. On Tue, went back to KK for bb's hearing test (she failed the hearing test when they did it on 6Dec, a day aft she was born). Luckily, she passed the hearing test this time. Whew! What a relief, been worried that really something wrong wz her hearing for the past mth.

Sigh, elder daughter just went back to sch on Mon, then she came down wz running nose n skip sch on Tue. Probably got to keep her at home til she's better, don't want her to spread to other kids. That means, more work for me.

My bb can't sleep through very long on the bed. She can sleep better on the bouncer at an angle of 45degrees. Am sleeping in the living room wz her at nite, cos when put her in the bedroom, she just can't sleep through the nite. Maybe its the aircon.

Gotta stop here, bb is awake. Need to change her diapers n feed her liao.
jeelomeelo, I also find having to sterilise the manual pump, VIA cups & lids after/before each time very troublesome. But no choice lor. As I sterilised it together wz the bottles, sometimes, I leave it in the sterilizer til when I need it. And I use my hands (of course after washing) to assemble the parts. So its not 100% super clean lah. But I think its ok to introduce some germs to the bb, then the bb will build up immunity to fight the germs mah.
Got to organise a small birthday party for my elder daughter. Anyone got recommendation for caterer for simple hi tea?

i deliver on 22/11. The sprays that mong mentioned in the above post are for c-sect mums. I also have 2 bottles prescribed from my gynae.

Can anyone here teach me how to
1) insert animated icons eg: different kinds of smileys
2) change the sentence into another colour
3) and how to bold the words

The spray that my gynae prescribed for me is called the Dermatix, it's a silicone spray for scar reduction and it's stated that it's ideally suited for scars such as those related to burn injuries. I think it's also applicable for the c-section scar. I am going to ask if this can reduce the stretch marks. I have a low of stretch marks. so ugly.

thanks, so must call and make appt at the polyclinic and can't just walk in the take a number. I see. think I will do that. probably find some excuse to say that I still have discharge when I am suppose to see my gynae in 4 weeks time.
Clover - what you mean open up? you mean you still cover your wound with dressing? no should remove liao. In fact, after the 7, 8 days of Op, you should remove it to air it liao.
hi, i realised if i pump after every feed, bb would be faced wif an empty breast wheb she wakes up 4 milk. this is esp so in the pm. any advise
actually not true, if you pump immediately after every feed (latch on), what you are doing is to empty the breasts. this will also signal to your brain that your baby needs more milk. in a few days time, your milk supply should increase.
Our breasts are producing milk continuously, they will store the milk that is not remove but baby won't have a empty breast just slower flow and smaller quantity so your baby may need more time to suckle to be full. you should still have let down when your baby suckle.
our milk production drops in the afternoon and evening so we should rest more and drink more fluid. I realise that after every rest, eg if I managed to sleep 1hr in the afternoon, my milk production can increase. or maybe you want to try taking fernugreek. for me, drinking annum milk in the afternoon is also good for increasing milk supply.
Dis one is 3rd delivery. My 1st one around 10cm also. Yeah lor, i think 17cm very scarily long too.

yeah, having 2 kids is very different from just one. Gotta divide your time by 2 times. For me, the worrying part is always when the elder one kenna flu, whether from sch or eslewhere, cos the younger one may be infected too.
tub... me have the same experience.. how many weeks are you at now? me better now.. my breast is much softer .. but when i need to feed her, the milk is still there. you must feed at around the same time. I also always drink fluid before and after bf. sometimes when I think my milk is low, I drink hot milo. or take a 1 min warm shower.
try this.
My #2 terrible bb man. Cos he likes to be HULK mah... stretch here and there. U all know, now he knows how to support his neck quite well leh. Then purposely make his head fall behind then it is difficult to handle him while burping. Few times already, he burped and milk come out form his nostrils. Alamak... anyone got same case?

my bb alway cry when tryin to poo but his poo not hard leh but he cry as if the poo super hard to come out..anyone got this problem too?
fanny, deerdeer,
i am still having my plaster on cus of slight infection at e 2nd week...

fairlander, constance..
i v cartoon one, i dare not see my wound, so i dunno how is it.. i told e doc i wan to take out the plaster only when its closed up... so dr says since dats e case, and also of the infection... she will remove the plaster only after another 2 weeks... so i am still plastered lor..

u can try sweetest moments. the feedback rec'd so far on the full month cakes r pretty positive. they provide free delivery oso.
Had given hep B jab (2nd dose) to my gal on 23/12. Going to b 8 wks on 22/1/08. So when can i give her 5 in 1 jab? What id the diff between 5 in 1 and 6 in 1 jabs?
Dear mummies,

I have the following for sale. not sure if any of you are interested or any of your friends. Help me ask around ya. Thanks!


Things for sale:
1) GRaco Stroller
2) Bum wear
3) 'The First Years' milk bags (4 packs)
4) Sofa set
5) 2 bags of milk caps for those glass milk bottles obtained from hospitals.
6) "Lindam" safety gate
7) Nuk Nuk and Pigeon milk bottles

Please PM me or sms me at 9489 9008 for fast deal if interested.

jacelyn, both chocz and sweetest moments cakes are nice. I ordered from sweetst moments for my boy's full mth on sun, the swiss roll and packaging are well-liked by relatives and colleagues.
By the way, regarding the prob of my bb falling asleep half way through his feeds, I've changed the teats to size 2 avent teats as so mummies suggested.. But still the same leh. Hai.. bb stil takes 1 hrs to finish his 100 ml. Zzzz.. Once he fall asleep, impossible to wake him up.

Then now I got rashes all over my body.. Think it's hong mo. Dunno y like tt. V itchy n uncomfy. Hai.. Add more problems.. grr..
cookiemz: the borobudur ang kukueh so far is the nicest we have tried, the peanut filling is oso the most. but quite ex, itz 60cents a pc though. mi mum ordered 80!

eve, im taking GNC fenugreek, so far i find it ok, coz at the beginning i used to have blocked ducts and totally no milk for the first few days. now got offer, buy 1 the next bottle half price.

CSI, mi bb gal oso got a lot of wind leh, even when pooing like machiam machine gun sometimes coz the wind come out. last 2 days she was crying non stop the whole day so we gave gripe water (abt half tsp only) coz bb not one mth yet.
she seems to be much better after taking it.
anyone know what to do for heat rashes? leave it alone??
mi gal got some on her forehead and neck area due to perspiring esp during those humid days, i perspire she oso perspire. makes the rash pop out
ah bie

checked her tempature (no fever) but a bit hot and she kept crying. Maybe not comfortable. Doc never prescribe medicine for her 2. If u are worried, then ask doctor to give kids panadol. I think is in liquid form, or else how to feed her tablets?


So cheap @ polyclinic!!! I paid $35 for the hep B second jab. Then need to wait for very long for the jab coz polyclinic always very crowded. Then are u giving your baby 5 in 1 jab or 6 in 1 jab and can let me know the prices for these 2 kind of jabs


My baby also takes one to one and the half hours to finish the milk and felt asleep. She keeps the teat in her mouth but never suck the milk. This is mouthing. U have to turn the bottle to make your baby suck the milk or u use your finger to stroke his cheek to wake him up.

Another matter is maybe your baby is not hungry so takes a longer time to finish the milk. U can reduce the volume of the milk and increase his feed every 2 hrs instead of 100ml every 3 hours (guess).
if i've this stingy feeling in my nipple.. wat does dat indicates? its stingy + pain .. i been continuing pumping milk despite the pain.. din wan any block duct watsoever de..

For my baby's heat rash, i just leave it alone. Or u can clean the baby's face with warm water.

My colleague and friend taught me some methods, maybe u can try coz i never try before.

1) brew any kind of tea leaves and use the water to bath the baby

2) use carlsberg or guinness black stout to bath the baby as they are cooling herbal drinks for the ang mohs.

3) can check w those chinese medical hall whether they sell the herbs for heat rash. Then have to boil the herbs with water and use it to bath the baby.

4) use refrigerated xue hua gao to apply. But my mum says it may be 2 harsh for the baby's fragile skin.

Hope that help.
didnt know there's such a big price difference btw private and polyclinic. do u hv to wait very long? is it true that for newborns, they give priority in q?

How abt the 1 mth check up? is it done separately?
ah bie

If u seldom bring your baby out to crowded place. Maybe try to delay the hep B 2nd dose and take it altogether as 6 in 1 jab. I think the difference between 5 in 1 and 6 in 1 jabs are the hep B 2nd dose. Heard from friend that 6 in 1 is not prone to fever but 5 in 1 does. Another thing is u can save a bit of $$$ lah.

I let my gal takes the 2nd dose my mum takes cares of her. She has to travel to and from my house to my mum's house.

There is a $20 diff between private and polyclinic. I bring my gal to private coz no need to wait.

For the 1 mth check up, i read from other threads that the doctor in polyclinic do the check for the newborns. eg: their motor development. The doctor who administered the hep B jab for my gal does not take the initiate to weigh my gal until i ask my hubby to put the baby on the weighing machine. Then he say "ohhh, ok then u weigh lor".

Mommies, remember to bring the health booklet and baby's birth cert to the clinic for 1st time jab. Subsequently, just bring the health booklet and remember to get the doctor to update the details.


you are right.. the difference between 5 in 1 and 6 in 1 are the hep B dose. my boy has taken his 6 in 1 jab, pneumococcal and rotarix vaccinations last week. his temperature went up abit after taking the vaccines, but lucky no fever.
