(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

milkingcow, good ar u, finish confinement liao!

i'm not sure if you new moms have the anxiety, on whether you could handle the baby well without the CL, say, all alone. just beginning to feel the stress

congrats phy! mahjong baby eh!

same as constance, PD advise to put some moisturiser for my bb boy as he's also shedding quite a lot of skin...

same here.. i jus try to increase the no. of pumpings and latchin on..mine worse.. still a pathetic 20-30ml each time..sometimes even lesser, i tink i will jus keep on trying... dun giv up so soon ya..

congrats on ur xmas eve bb..

same... i hav another situation comin up, both my mum and mil not gg to look after my boy..stress not jus whether i can cope but also if my boy is gg to be well-looked after...

anyone has any recommendation for nanny in e east side? preferably hougang/sengkang/buangkok area... or aljunied area... Thanks in advance..
hi missylan
no lah. i only never wash my hair or go out.
cos my mum n CL around mah. I still bath every day and on tne aircon at nite.
thanks for all the advise on storing EBM when going out.

pretty, my BB shed skin as well when she's about 2 weeks old. what I did was apply baby moisturizer. PD says it's normal.

i had PM u about the nanny.

Dear mummies who are using Nepia pampers

please cut out the little red baby seal found on the packet. Once u had collected 10 seals, send back to the company and they will give u a NTUC $10 vouncher.
For those who had c-sect, do you all use abdominal binder? Was advised by friends to use 1 but my gynae said no need. Where can we get one and what's the purpose?
Hi eve

The purpose is to hold your tummy when your wound heals so when we walk, is not so painful. And it can help u to loose the fats accumulated @ the tummy. I never use so my tummy still looks like 3 mths preggy.
hi eve
when i woke up from my c-sect opt, gynae oredi wrapped the binder round my abdominal. yeah, i think it is not so painful w the binder in place.

hi jaz
why u wanna sell the sling away?
I find the MIM and hotsling very useful when bringing bb out. My bbies usually sleep very soundly in the sling while out shopping.
hi slimz,

yes to me, i think best stimulation is bb latching on. I have experience of solely pumping round the clock when i went to the states for work for 3 weeks when my #2 was 8mths old.. with everyday, i was pumping lesser n lesser, till the day i returned home.. my supply was simply pathetic. i had to take few days leave just to spend time with bb n keep latching her on. after that my supply return to normal.

i fully understand ur agony, coz my #1 bb was the same situation as u. i really had so little milk that even bb wong asked me to supplement w FM. i did not, just like crazy woman.. keep latching bb on, n after each feed, just pump, and dont care how much milk. after 1 mth, i succeeded.. i know how tough it can be... drove me nuts n i cried buckets, but i persisted coz BF is impt to me. ooh you try drinking lots of liq.. n drink warm water/milo at the same time when pumping.. it works for me

hi constance

yes confinement ended 1 week ago. wah 3 kids w/o maid is madness ah... fortunately my mum stays nx blk.. so the gals will go there in the day when i was in confinement. now conf over, i join then at my mum's, so i can look after them too.

hi all,

have u all managed to loose wt... i m loosing pretty slowly, so pathetic.
hi fanny, constance, linda,
thanks. but does the binder really help to shrink back the tummy? mine is a little flabby now. sometimes when i press, it feels a bit numb.

the binder u had on after the opt is only sticked on to the front part of the tummy only or all around the whole waist? Mine was a bit like bandage sticked to the tummy tightly at the front only. On the day of my discharge, my gynae came & remove it.

It's 1 wk since my delivery. Lost 10kg. Still got 7kg to go. Hopefully breastfeeding will helps me to lose more.
eve, e binder do help me a bit. U need 2 b hardworking wor. I will bind e tummy during nite. U need to lie down, get ur hub to bind ur tummy n breathe in while binding.
Regarding losing wt, i still hv 3kgs to go.
Hi eve
my binder is wrapped all around my waist. I have it on all the time, except when i bath.

hi blessed
yeah, me too. Wt loss very slow. I think it's the rainy season lah. Weather too cooling liao, so not perspiring much. Last 2 times can still lose 1kg per day for the first week, cos sweat like siao. Now, still got 6 kg to go.

Pre-Preg wt - 54kg
Wt b4 delivery - 66.8kg
3rd day after delivery - 64kg (My bb is 2.805kg, funny hor?)
Today (12th day) - 60kg
6 more kg to go......

i can't imagine life w. 3 kids n no maid. will go crazy ah. u nt gettin anymore maid in?
TMC shop do sell the abd binder... think it cost about $26.

anyone koe where to get more_milk_plus? heard dat it will dble e milk supply...

my ger dislikes e sling... has tried but she cries a lot when put her in... o mayb i haven get e hang of it... don't want it to go into waste.. so, m selling it.

regarding losing of weight..
e last time i weigh.. still hve 4kg to lose... has tried to fit into my pre-pregnancy clothes... finds them tight wif fats bulding out... OMG.. CNY just round the corner...
yeah, regarding the MIM sling, i agree it is not easy to use at first if you have not gotten the hang of it. I bot one for my first bb, but dunno how to use, so gave it to a friend. Then i saw other mummies slinging their bbies with such ease, went to buy another one for my no 2. This time succeeded and by the time bb is 4-5 mths old, she would smile if i bring out the sling, cos sling means "jalan jalan" to her.

btw, i thot the website you post on more milk plus sells this pdt?

Naf, did you manage to get the Ameda Pump?
yucks.. me still got long way to go to lose weight ..
oni wt lost was my girl's wt and the water bag .. haha..
still ve 6.5kg to lose .. dun even wanna try fitting into pre-preg clothes and make myself more depress..
Any mummies interested in the below items. Collection at Bedok.
1.Daifonai (Herbal Bath), 17 pack.
2.Friso Gold Step 1 (900g), 1 can
3.Frisomum (400g), 1 can
Interested mummies can contact me at 92789982.
hi constance

I managed to get the ameda pump. Went to baby clinic at tampines yest morning then reach robinsons abt 12pm. Left 1 set there and a display set. Then a lady was opening up to see and SA told me that stocks will come in today or tmr or can opt for delivery. But offer is while stock last and it was very fast snapped up in the morning.

I asked the SA to on the motor for me to check whether workin fine. And to my surprise, it is really quite quiet for an electric pump. I hAve not went to sterilize the pump yet. Prob later will do it.

You still deciding whether to get?

My pre-pregnancy weight was abt 55.8kg and weight before giving birth is ard 64.5kg. 1 wk later went to gynae and I was 61.2kg though baby weighs 2.145kg at birth. Duno how heavy is the placenta and water bag. Yest went baby clinic and weigh abt 60.3. Thus, left abt 4.5 to 5kg to lose.

Can only start my massage 2 wks later, duno whether the lady will help me to tone down the tummy.

Mums who went thru c-section, is your stomach or tummy still bloated? Mine is less...depressing to see this cuz I dun have tummy when giving birth to my 1st one via natural. Now scare this tummy wont go away leh...
Mine is still bloated. It's been a wk already. Feel the skin there very loose. Dont dare to touch or press too much at the same time too cos it still feels a bit numb. Wonder how to get rid of it too.
ya.. the web site do sell the product.. but, is not stated in the web dat they do ship to SGP.

do u hve any idea how much r they selling?
hi all,
my MIL told me that storage of milks in glass bottles would actually cause the antibodies to get stuck to the glass bottles especially when frozen. She said storing in plastic bags/milk bags would be a better choice. hhhmmm... look like i'll start to use bags instead liao. i'm so happy my MIL is in town at least she can share with my mum on breastfeeding myths and facts. i finally got someone other than my husband as my ally.

i diarrhoe big time today, 3times liao. but still latch on baby. dunno why wor... so when mymum ask me what did i eat wrong, i said, the only thing i eat different from everyone in the house is the 'bu' food
trying to push the blame to all the confinement food :p terrible ya
Hi all .. Mia so long already .. My baby boy is born already .. Will update with my birth story one day ..

Isaiah born on 24 Dec 07 7.52am
3.10kg at Mt A
C sect With Epi
any mothers here storing/freezing EBM? ppl normally say to store by dates, but what if e volume expressed out is different? my whole freezer is full of milk bags as i hvent really started utilising them (since i direct feed most of e time) n it's gettg messier. =( i currently store them accordg to ounces chronologically.

any tips on how i can neaten my freezer??
hi jaz23
I think the website is a local website leh. Px are in SGD.
you go to their payment, delivery details, you will see that it's actually located at dairy farm rd.

yeah naf
i was thinking of getting the pump when my milk supply more establised. Hope there will be another pre-CNY sale.

btw, my tummy also still like 4mths preggie leh. Gotta wait for a while before it come down.

how to know when to add extra milk for the bb? Is it when the bb wake up early for milk? or when bb keep sucking on the teats when they finish their milk?
yeah! i managed to latch my girl on this morning :D but its with the help of a nipple shield.. else she cant hold on to my flat nipple .. but still feel so happie..
realy like the feeling of BF .. shall try again ..
mothers who are on exclusively EBM..wat breast pumps u all using huh? i using avent manual pump.. but duno shld i get a medela PIS coz its said 2 b more effective..
actually you can mix them if they were at the same temp if they were pumped out on the same day and you want to store for longer period of time. what I do is to make up to the quantity that my baby consume and I mix them together. I will put the freshly pumped milk in the chiller for a while and then pour into the bottle that has frozen milk. if you are using milk bags then maybe you want to collect the milk in bottles in the chiller before freezing them in milk bags.

seems like a lot of mummies have only a few kgs to lose. I still have 9kg to lose to my pre-pregnancy weight of 57kg. this time round, I gained more compared to my first baby. tummy also still big, around 3-4mths and skin very loose. going to ask mdm sadiah to come next week for the massage. Have anyone of you used her already? how is she?
sigh, my panda eyes getting worse... haven't been able to get much sleep at nite. BB has been very cranky, every nite wants to be carried to sleep, the minute put her down, she wakes up crying n wants to drink again n making a lot of noises during her sleep. I'm going nuts!!! Too tired to even stay up to express milk in the middle of the nite.

slimz, I'm exclusively EBM. I'm using Avent manual pump, am considering to buy the Medela motorised one where there is 2 side, so that can pump both breasts at the same time. Come Jan, hb going back to work, not sure how I'm going to cope taking care of 2 kids, so need to find ways n means to maximise my time to accomplish so much chores.

pretty, my bb also shredding skin, esp hands & feet. Suspect cos more friction wearing the mittens & booties.

My bb cries whenever bath time. Anyone wz same situation?
hi mummies,

its been sometime since i last posted in this thread..

still trying to get used to having a bb girl around.. but it gets very depressing in the night when she's awake for 3 - 4 hours at a stretch and it always seems that she's crying for milk though she has already exceeded her milk quantity amount..

when she cries for a long period of time.. i will feel so frustrated and cry also.. and then blame myself for not being able to put her to sleep.. my hubby will then have to put her to sleep coz it seems that she sleeps better in my hubby's arms.. i feel really bad that i've got to trouble my hubby when he has to work the next day and it sucks that i can't put her to bed myself..

getting more and more depress as every night goes pass..
mummies...pls advise
i use to be able to pump out twice the amount of milk fr my right breast than left breast. but don knw why since last night my right breast is producing v litlle milk. its hard so i guess its engorgement (finally?? after 16 days...possible?)i tried pumping for 20min but it only soften up a little and milk flow is like little droplets.
what shd i do? spend more time pumping d right breast than left breast so that it will soften up and engorgement will go away?
Hi mummies,

Anyone started their massage yet? I got played out by my massage lady who was highly recommended in the other thread, Madam Katijah.

She told me to sms her when I given birth and she will arrange to come on day 4 for my massage and I have been calling and sms-ing her. When she finally reply, she said will come tomorrow and never turn up and when I call her, she said she need to be in family court so postpone till next day and next day I sms her for the timing and she told me her sil passed away from cancer so cannot come.

Geez... It has been 11 days and no news from her and I have given up calling or sms-ing.

I hope all other mummies have better luck than me.
my bb also cry during bath time but once into water seems pretty alright then outta water cry again. Have to talk to bb while you bath lor and also make sre you pat some water on his/her chest before starting to bath. This is to like give them a "cue" that bthing gonna start.

new borns for the first couple of days or some weeks take time to adjust and set into a routine. And they could be awake cuz they want to feel secure like sleeping in a parent's arms to feel the warmth or so. Sometimes just have to trial and error before we get them into the right cradling position. so don't be upset okay. Everyone of us is learning. As days go it be better.

i used sadiah for my massage and apparently after 5 session of massage my weight came down quite a bit. And her massage is very comfy and her wraps are more comfy too that you can leave it till the next day. Thumbs up
And cheap also only 45 bucks

m exlusively EBM, m using medela PIS.. hve tried avent manual b4.. find medela better... if u wanna get, get it from first few yrs. is cheaper ther.

hve tried mad sadiah.. find her not bad.. she is pretty gd at massaging n i like her tummy wrap..

thought i m e onli 1... haven't been able to get much sleep 2 esp @ nite. BB has been very cranky, every nite wants to be carried to sleep, the minute put her down, she wakes up crying n wants to drink again n making a lot of grunting sounds... m gg bersek...

y not try b4 u put ur bb in.. pat her wif a bit of water on the chest n tell u r gg to bath her... my ger now much better to water.. think she is starting to get used to it le...

hve u tried putting a warm towel n massage ur breast b4 pumping out... bear e pain when u massage n continue pumping.. e milk will slowly flows out...
increase in feeding:

hi mummies when u ladies start to increase the feeding of the bb? my boy was born on 15dec premature bb..he usually take like 45min to just finish 35ml of milk per 2.5hr ..but this 2 days he had been eating more..like 50ml every 2 hrs and he only take like 10mins to finish drinking
slimz, your bb very good leh. Drink 90ml then can zzz for 3 hrs. My bb (3 wks old too) drinks 90ml n the eyes still big big staring at me. Even if she falls asleep, she wakes up in the next 1-2hr crying for more again. Sometimes, I got to feed her another 30-60ml to make her go to sleep. I very scared I overfeeding her cos her stomach looks very big & round. Also, a few times, she threw out milk when blurping her.

etelle & jasmine, I do a lot of talking & also pat her wz a bit of water b4 I lower her into the water. Sometimes, when in water, she'ok but when taken out, she screams again. Guess she needs more time to adapt to bath time.

petrina, hang in there! For me, though its #2 for me, I also need time to adjust. (my #1 was 5 going 6 yrs ago) I do feel depress too, esp cos I failed to bf directly. My bb also been crying on n off n needs to be cradle to sleep. Both my hb & I don't hv enough sleep n we get quite frustrated.

blessed, I salutes u for your determination to bf & succeed in the end. For the past weeks since bb born, I secretly cried (didn't want my hb to worry abt me) a few times when bb just wouldn't suck. Then I kinda give up cos if I continue to struggle wz it, I know my hb will be stressed out too.

constance, my SIL passed me a MIM sling too but I don't know how to use. I put bb inside n she cried terribly. Now trying out another one from Born & Bond which my gf passed to me. The material is not so thick & softer, trying to bb to get used to it. Probably will get help from BIL's maid who uses it to carry my niece very well.

Its been 3 wks liao since I delivered and I'm still having a bit of menstrual bleeding everyday. Is this normal?
Etelle, jasmine,
glad that you find her good. intend to ask her to come next week. some mummies said that it's better to ask them to come in the morning when they have the most amount of energy. by afternoon, these ladies may have done a few massage and very tired already. what you u gals did the massage? I think afternoon massage is more suitable for me because morning I need to send my elder girl and afternoon, my baby gal sleeps better.

my girl also cry before and after going into water. my elder girl used to cry when she is in the water. ya, like what etelle says, it's better to keep talking to them and have some eye contact. till now, my toddler still cry when she is bathing, think it's a something that some babies enjoy and some don't.

you are not alone. don't be depressed. my girl is also like that at night. it seems like babies are fussier at night. what you can do is to keep them awake for longer period in the daytime so that they will be more sleepy in the night and can sleep better. but if you intend to let her settle herself to sleep, u need to read her cue and put her in her bed before she is too tired. when she is too tired, she will need our assistance, like suckle pacifier, carry to sleep. my girl was awake from 6pm to 12am last night. she kept rooting the whole night and I was like feeding her from left to right breast then left again. so tiring. but good thing is that I feed her lying down and occasionally sit up to burp her. she managed to sleep from 12am to 5am before making noises for her feed. think she is tanking up for the night.
don't feel guilty about asking for help. your hubby should help out occasionally. it's perfectly alright. next time when you go back to work (I assume you are), he also need to chip in at night, right? now my girl is sleeping like a angel and no matter how I disturbed her for her feed, she doesn't nudge. aiyoh, don't know what to do.
Cradling to sleep was what we started for my elder gal but it doesn't work all the time so when she was 1 month old, she started to suckle my breast to sleep which is perfectly fine for me. when she was 17mths old, I weaned her off my breast and she was carried to sleep again, trained my by MIL when I put her at my MIL place to wean her. she was really too heavy to be carried to sleep every night was so tiring for us and i was 3 mths pregnant so I told her to go to bed on her own and she managed to roll around with her soft toy and fall asleep at 20mths. now at 24mths, she can sleep on her own in the night time if she settle in early in her bed, if she missed her bedtime, she will be very cranky. be prepared that you may have some prob to stop carrying her to sleep in the future. I think it will be wise to let them settle to sleep after 3 mths when they can burp on their own. however, really everyone is diff, some babies settle themselves wo adults trying to do anything, some simply cannot be controlled. take care and cheer up. tomorrow is going to be better.

had my first bath today and wash my hair for the first time after 10 days. I think it's not very useful because I perspire immediately after bathing. sianz but at least the hair smell nicer. heehee!
Etelle, jasmine,
glad that you find her good. intend to ask her to come next week. some mummies said that it's better to ask them to come in the morning when they have the most amount of energy. by afternoon, these ladies may have done a few massage and very tired already. what you u gals did the massage? I think afternoon massage is more suitable for me because morning I need to send my elder girl and afternoon, my baby gal sleeps better.

my girl also cry before and after going into water. my elder girl used to cry when she is in the water. ya, like what etelle says, it's better to keep talking to them and have some eye contact. till now, my toddler still cry when she is bathing, think it's a something that some babies enjoy and some don't.

you are not alone. don't be depressed. my girl is also like that at night. it seems like babies are fussier at night. what you can do is to keep them awake for longer period in the daytime so that they will be more sleepy in the night and can sleep better. but if you intend to let her settle herself to sleep, u need to read her cue and put her in her bed before she is too tired. when she is too tired, she will need our assistance, like suckle pacifier, carry to sleep. my girl was awake from 6pm to 12am last night. she kept rooting the whole night and I was like feeding her from left to right breast then left again. so tiring. but good thing is that I feed her lying down and occasionally sit up to burp her. she managed to sleep from 12am to 5am before making noises for her feed. think she is tanking up for the night.
don't feel guilty about asking for help. your hubby should help out occasionally. it's perfectly alright. next time when you go back to work (I assume you are), he also need to chip in at night, right? now my girl is sleeping like a angel and no matter how I disturbed her for her feed, she doesn't nudge. aiyoh, don't know what to do.
Cradling to sleep was what we started for my elder gal but it doesn't work all the time so when she was 1 month old, she started to suckle my breast to sleep which is perfectly fine for me. when she was 17mths old, I weaned her off my breast and she was carried to sleep again, trained my by MIL when I put her at my MIL place to wean her. she was really too heavy to be carried to sleep every night was so tiring for us and i was 3 mths pregnant so I told her to go to bed on her own and she managed to roll around with her soft toy and fall asleep at 20mths. now at 24mths, she can sleep on her own in the night time if she settle in early in her bed, if she missed her bedtime, she will be very cranky. be prepared that you may have some prob to stop carrying her to sleep in the future. I think it will be wise to let them settle to sleep after 3 mths when they can burp on their own. however, really everyone is diff, some babies settle themselves wo adults trying to do anything, some simply cannot be controlled. take care and cheer up. tomorrow is going to be better.

had my first bath today and wash my hair for the first time after 10 days. I think it's not very useful because I perspire immediately after bathing. sianz but at least the hair smell nicer. heehee!
i using sadiah too. She really gd, aft 3 sessions, my tummy shrunk a fair bit. N she give me tips on hw to flatten e tummy.
I using avent manual pump but find it tiring to pump so i got e mendala mini electric which can use plug or batteries so i can use in office as well.
mongs, why i gave up latching cos i didn't want hb to stress out n feel terrible abt me struggling wz bf (i cried secretly when alone). He very heart pain when see by crying like crazy. His mood will turn very bad (his anger is scary) when bb cries non stop. I do agree that 100% latching on directly is so much more convenient than EBM (my #1 managed to latch on n bf for 2mths). Maybe I'll try again when hb goes back to work.

You so discipline, 10 days later then take bath & wash hair. I bathe on day 3 n washed my hair on day 7 (for my #1, I bathe immediately after delivery n wash my hair the next day). I perspire a lot during confinement, esp after expressing milk. How can not take bath everyday??? When old, I probably gonna suffer pain & ache all over.

c that u bought 2 bttles from them.. u tried it b4? issit realli dat effective?

i act prefer am s after she bind ur tummy... u can remove it at nite...

any of u facing e same prob s me? my ger vomit a bit out dis few days... m on TBF, wonder issit e storage of milk not correct o temp not there... how ah?
