(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

hmmm..gg for chkup @ gynae tis fri..mayb can pop by Mark&Spencer look c the bra..
my nursing bra (from perfect mum) wich i bot during preg..too small le

but will wearing bra result in blocked ducts or anyting? or so long its not wired it will b safe?

My MIL no allow me bath or shampoo..i oni towel clean myself twice a day..
but my MIL went for her acupuncture session tis aftnon and i went to shampoo and bathe :D my HB was my accomplice .. hehe .. its my first bath & shampoo since bb arrival (6dec -- almost 3weeks)

so irritating..i told HB if we gg ve a 2nd child..i dun wan do confinement le ..
haha slimz
Actually i "cheated" also. I washed my hair in hospital on the day of discharge. hehe.
Your MIL dun allow you to bath using those herbal bath??
For my first confinement, i was also not allowed to bath or shampoo. But for 2nd and this one, i went ahead to buy those herbal baths. Since spent money already, CL bobian, gotta let me use lor. But wash hair still a NO NO.
slimz, wah! you really can tahan ar?! dun bath for almost 3wks! i one day never wash hair i already cannot tahan. my mum keep nagging me but i still wash
i bought those which r wireless... they r pretty comfy.

thanks.. will chk it out again

so envy u guys... has been taking either biscuits o mee sua for b/fast. lunch o dinner either steam fish, chicken soup (only started dis wk), pig kidney n pork... all w/o salt... tasteless... don't koe where my mum heard... cant take salt during confinment... haiz

hasn been bathing 2. onli allow bathing onli when i get to c my gynae which is 2 wks back... OMG... can't wait to shower...
jasmine, ya, my CL oso never use salt. coz she said the wind would accumulate in the bones causing pain. Anyway, she uses soya sauce. think think think soya sauce oso got salt ma...
constance - i am also thinkin of getting ameda pump. Apparently Robinsons at centrepoint havin a promo for this pump this fri. Probably will get my sil to help me check it out.

I just fed my son with FM earlier abt 7+pm, he suckle a bit then vomit all out. I tried again and it is still the same. Now duno whether it is due to the avent teats or he dun like FM at all. Any advice? Btw, once cord drop off, will there still be yellowish thing inside the umbilical part? Seems like his is coming out but I saw the yellowish thing inside and dun dare to pull umbilical to clean inside with the alcohol swap.
i bot the herbal leaves too..but cant use at all..MIL dun allow me bathe..all use towel clean..haizz now duno wat to do with the leaves..

dun tink shld pull the cord leh..jux let it fall off on its own..my ger's cord came out on its own, did not have any yellowish discharge leh..
PD gave the powder for us to apply on it aft we told him it fell off le..
hello mommies! I was due on 6th Jan 2008 but gave birth last monday, 17th Dec. natural with epidural at kk. baby girl was 3.266kg..so happy!
hear a lot of you on confinement with your confinement foods..so interesting! I am malay and maybe less restricted than you gals..for malays, can eat anything just not too spicy that's all..

me pumping milk for the moment..have a slight cough so don't want to accidentally have to pull her off me if she latch on..night feeds i supplement with FM (Enfalac-but i dilute a bit coz i find it too thick for her coz i can hear her a bit throathy when drinking FM)..babygirl has slight jaundice but on downward trend..

i find as a new mommy the littlest things worry me but i also realise sometimes you just have to keep the faith..right mommies?

really suay leh... dunno y spoilt.. ya lucky i still have the medela pump if not gotta hand.. but using hand very long.

i bought it on july.. just used for a month plus haha think i suay lah.
my mum told me sometimes morning milk may turn "sour" overnight... so i will try to pump out some before i try to latch him in e morn...

finally can bathe ah.. so gd.. mu hubby wun allow me to de...
my CL only allow me to bathe after 15 days and she says its "discounted" already cus she dun normally allow mummies to bathe...

congrats mamarumi,our kids share e same bday. i delivered on dat day too.
Hi cloverluv
I dun think morning milk will turn "sour" overnite, cos it's in our body mah.

wow you really suay man. only use for one month. But shld have warranty to cover motor rite?

Hi naf
I bot the playtex milk liners to store EBM. Not opened yet, but received feedbacks from other mummies that this brand is better than Avent.
On Ameda pump, can let me know how much is the discount? Cos 2 weeks ago, when i went down to Robinsons during their 20% sale promotion, this pump is not on sale. according to the salesgal, the retail px of $350 is already special px.
opening my letters for the first time since coming back home from hospital. feels like i woke up from zombie sleep hehe. aiya, gotta pay property tax already. income tax filing next!

yeah, my hubby just went to their company for servicing.. that person says the rubber spoilt.. explaination is wear and tear. If after warranty spoilt, the servicing cost $30 pengz. my hubby say if every month spoilt then every month have to bring down ah.. hahaha
hi ladies,
juz saw in today's papers, the Amenda pump is having sale @ Robinson... going for $299 with free gifts... check it out! :D

i dunno ler... but i read from other thread that the pump motor not so durable.. haha or maybe i suay lah... bought the not so good one.. keke
dats y m thinking... thought soyasauce also got salt...

me haven bath for days liaoz... can't wait to shower... i also bought the herbs but mum say cannot.. plus no fan n aircon... urrgh

me notice a decrease in production of milk... how ah? my ger doesn't seem to wanna latch on nowdays... mayb used to the teat le... any recommendation to increase the supply? anyone still has the fish papya recipe?

regularly pumping at 3 to 4 hours interval will help to increase the milk supply. besides that, drink more fluid. use hot towel to massage the breast b4 pumping. hope that helps!
finally my confinement last day! Yeah! Can drink cold drinks eat anything i want liaoz but it's also the beginning of my home alone with 2 kids...hope i can handle and manage well....
constance - my fren just told me today ST featured the ameda pump at robinsons centrepoint at $299. Offer starts tmr at 9.30am!

Think I gota chiong there before goin to Tampines baby clinic.

Are you intendin to get too?

Crystal - is ameda good compared to medala?
any mummies here feeding on total fm? any idea which brand of fm is better? im thinking of feedig on fm after bb reach 1mth since im going back to work in feb i dun wanna have leaking breast when im back at work..
jaz, u may want to do away wif the bottle altogether. your ger may have nipple confusion, just like mine. but hor... must be determined. cos it's ez to just say give the bottle when bb is frustrated. if not, try pumping more regularly.

i am so angry wif my CL for widening the hole of the teat without telling me. so i told her no more bottles. only direct latch on.

ladies, can i ask how long you gals latch your bbies on per side? if milk flow is more constant, does it mean she'll take shorter time to finish?
tub - so far my bb only latch on abt 10mins per side and saftop liao. So normally will have to pump out on the other side.
naf, yeah... mine also soft after 10 mins... unless it's in the morning when it's engorged. but i was afraid to stop after 10 mins... cos may not get enuf hind milk. but if i dun pull her out, she'll comfort suck. :x
Hi naf
yeah, i just saw the Ameda adv. in the papers after mama_ash mentioned (thanks! mama_ash)
The free fridge to go is a good deal. I used one to store EBM from ofis back home last time too. Can last 12-16hrs. Still hesitating whether to get leh. HB nagging leh. Have been using the Avent Manual pump since no 1. Last time got the Avent Uno, end up suction no good. This time round when i told him i wanna try the Ameda, he is like "3rd one already you still wanna get new pump? what if turn out to be like Avent Uno?" Sigh. Still thinking...., esp after crystalz's complaint....

tub, yeah, how can your CL widen the teat hole? BB may choke if flow is too fast.
I'll have a wet t-shirt every morning when I wake up. Coz BM leak! Haiz, looks like I have to set alarm clock to wake up earlier to pump liaoz. Very sleepy leh...

btw mummies...I'm only opening this up to the mummies in this thread (coz I'm not allowed to post on overseas spree - not 1 yr old member yet. hehs). I'll be getting some milk storage bags (Lansinoh) and getting my cousin to bring back for me from US. Anyone else wants the bags? Think I can add some more boxes (to her luggage...heehee...). Ok, maybe not too many boxes lah, sekali she overweight (from milk storage bags?? haha). If any mummies want Lansinoh milk bags, let me know by tomorrow (Friday) yah? Can PM me (in case this thread moves so fast I miss out ur post).
I'll most likely be getting from Amazon.com. If there's another online place to order from, do let me know also...
Had a scare yesterday when bb refused to latch. CL has been bottle-feeding him EBM for every feed. I tried to latch him at least once a day since discharge, but didn't manage to for the last 2 days. Last nite, he kept pushing my nipple away with his mouth after he suckled once or twice. Had a hard time coaxing him to drink.
Looks like i gotta make it a point to latch him for at least one feed every day.
heard nan is gd.. s is hypoallergic 2...

thanks.. will try

till date i don't give her the bttle... my mum n my hubby r usu the one who feed her.. i onli get to feed her during latching... but, my ger doesnt seem to wanna latch s she often fall asleep half way. guess is pretty comf.. haha
umm.. just curious y does she need 2 widen the hole?

anyone can tell me about the free fridge thing??? m interested 2...
hi csi_fan

I am interested in the milk bag. How many pcs in 1 box and how much? Sorry, haven never use milk bags before.

split - i fed both my elder one and baby with Nan HA.

constance - like u I also used my avent manual pump x 2 for 22months. If this time round use manual, scare I may give up soon as worried of the expressing time at work.

avent uno no good?
Hi jaz23
The free fridge-to-go is a portable fridge to transport EBM. The model i got can last 12-16hrs coolness. You will nid to collapse the fridge and place in the freezer overnite (ard 8-12 hrs). After that, you can take it out for use.
What i used to do was, I will place it in my freezer overnite. Then in the morning, when i go to work, will transfer it to my ofis's freezer. After my pumping session during lunchtime, I will store the EBM in the portable fridge-to-go. From then till i knock off at 6plus, the bottled EBM remains cold in the fridge. Personally i find it very useful.

But i am not sure how long the free fridge-to-go is able to last its coldness. Diff model diff hours.
Hi naf
but if you used your manual pump for 22 mths, means you expressed at work for your elder kid also rite? how come this time round you r worried?
Yeah lor, Avent Uno no good. My initial plan was to use Uno on one side and manual pump on the other side. But the Uno I bot had very weak suction. The EBM i expressed was so pathetic compared to when i used the manual pump. In the end gotta sell it off.
Thks for the recommendation of bb dermatologist few days ago. In the end I bought bb to Dr Ong Ai Tin at TMC. She's gd. My bb's rashes/pimples clear off liao. Though now face still red.. but much much better!

Talk abt milk bags.. I still havent received mine from the BP. Ordered 100 bags... then hor... now bb's demand increase n my supply decrease.. not even enough to feed him liao. Think I won't need so many bags liao. Anyone wanna buy from me can PM me.

Anyone's bb still with jaundice? Brought mine to polyclinic to check last Sat.. the level is 164. Then doc say go back check 10 days later. I'm thinking still need to go back anot? He dun seem yellow now.. then if go back polyclinic.. definitely have to poke him again rite?
jaz, aiya... my CL wants the milk to flow faster. she did it out of goodwill but i had to undo the mistake lor... cos bb will not want the nipple once they realised the teats have more milk and faster too!
thanks ladies..will get nan for a try..currently feedin him partially with similac special formula for premature baby..but find it abit heaty..if totally feed on similac bb will have constipation
Hahaha... me going to sell off my Ameda soon cos think my milk suuply is getting lower each day, think by 2nd mth going to dry up. Dunno why... Haiz...
me 2... seems like dryingup.. m gg to try to consume fengereek.. wonder if is gd...

thanks.. think is smthing like a cooler bag r?

my ger also hve pimples on her face... can i ask wad cream did she prescribe for u? my ger tends to like to rub her face wif her mittens den like to bite it 2..scare it would poison her...

but y she wanna the milk to flow out faster?? to shorten bb feeding time?
Constance, I have same problem as you...bb sometimes refuse to latch. She will push away after sucking a couple of times...and scream! wah...I also frustrated. hehs. but just have to tahan I guess...

yap, the Lansinoh one is the one with ziplock.

Naf, I also never use milk bags before. heehee...the one I saw on Amazon.com is 25 pcs in each box, and they come in a bundle of 4 boxes (i.e. 100 pcs) for US$20.99 (This is the one with free shipping to a US address. The 50 in 1 box packaging has shipping charges.) I guess if you dun think you would need so much, can share around lorh...e.g. 4 of us, each one 1 box, then it'll be US$20.99 divided by 4 lorh. heehee...

I'm hoping the delivery of the milk bags will reach my cousin's home before she comes back to SG in Jan. If not, will have to wait till her HB comes back to SG in Feb. So, mummies interested in the milk bags, please note the time frame horh...that's why I mentioned to let me know by tomorrow. Heehee...
Bluelily, if u bring baby back to polyclinic for 1 more check, yah, baby will get poked again lorh. I guess the doc just want to be sure, but if ur baby doesn't look yellow, can dun go back lah. My gal's jaundice was 119 (had a yellow-ish tinge to her skin). Then a few days later, she didn't seem yellow anymore. But we still went back to polyclinic. Ended up, the doc who attended to us, started laughing...says she obviously dun look so yellow anymore, why still come back? Ended up, her jaundice leve was only 58. hahaha. So he was right lah, why we bring her back to get poked...?
hi fanny,

how was it? ur bb got contripation? im afraid bb will have constipation when go on total fm cuz fm is harder to disgest as compared to bm

my bb has no problem w this FM. Her poo is very nice (all mustard yellow). There are 2 diff types (1 w additional immunofortis, then 1 is w/o).

my bb has no problem w this FM. She has been drinking this in the hos so we continue w this brand. Her poo is very nice (all mustard yellow) and of course must feed her w water too.

there are 2 diff types (1 w immunofortis and 1 w/o). My bb tried 2 types and the 1 w additional immunofortis made her poo quite nice.

constance , naf

i still prefer ameda though... I use the medela dual pump i can pump out abit more... ameda just more gentle to my breast so i prefer ameda...
