(2007/11) November MTBs

hi mummies,

long time no tok, wow, all the babies look like their mummies blowing air into them to make them so " filled up" like a balloon, so cute and chubby, ( i just love chubby babies :)

my kokomi turns 1 yrs old this month and my god, I used to complain so much about hanns and now hanns met his match, sorry, hanns cannot matched up with her, she is ....sigh.... at 1 yr, she already seems to have terrible 2 syndome and so active, copy everything the 2 boys do, running and climbing everywhere, screaming and snatching and fighting with the 2 boys. she started walking when she was 9 months old and that's not something good for her cos she is too handful.

Managing hanns:

He is very active, every enrichment class or kindergarten teachers complained that he is very active and cannot sit still so I got a referral to bring him to KKH child development unit to check on him. Ended he is perfectly normal, not just perfectly normal but scored very high on the evaluation and ended up, I got to go for parental course recommended by the doctor, she kept saying every kid is different and we got to be patience and teach them.....she even told me that most kindergarten teachers need to be educate too instead of branding a kid of too active, this and that. Given time, love and patience, they will bloomsom. canning is okay but the basis of it is love, if kids feel love from us, even we cane them is okay, they know but if they feel too much anger in us, then they will rebel.

Ladies, I've reached Helsinki... quite a few days back... but with two kiddos in tow, i rarely get any rest.

I already can imagine winter here! Now is almost the beginning of autumn and its just about 10 - 20 degrees... n it's cold liao....

After Jerome was born, Jave did act up a few times and I snapped one fine day. I whacked him real hard and after that I regretted. However, I think it's due to me tolerating his nonsense for a long time before snapping. So, nowadays, I will let him know when I feel his behaviour is really terrible and if required, will hit him for the behaviour. He knows when I really get angry nowadays ( think its cos I spend whole day with him now) he can see when my face is really black.

I implemented the cane at about 28months... but rarely hit him. If I hit, its very painful.So he knows when I show him.

Mummies, remember, sometimes, we hit for a reason, a wrong action that the kiddo did. Do not let the kid feel that there's guilt on ur part cos if he/ she feels it, then it will be used against u. Remind urselves that the caning is for an action that's to be corrected.

Any of you have problems connecting with your child?

My 3 year old detests me. When she wants me to be her playmate she looks for me but when she is in distress she chases me away and looks for her dad. She also looks like very much like her dad than me. Is this the reason?

I am very hurt by her behaviour. I cook for her, feed her, bath her, dress her, etc..but I feel she simply treats me like a maid and a playmate whenever she needs me.
i tend to agree with the doc, cant expect kids at this age to behave what we want them to. And some kids just need to move, and the current school setting is too inhibiting/stifling most of the time.

its strange if u r her playmate but she looks for dad when in distress? What abt when she is in distress when dad is not around, who does she go to then? I dun think she detests u, but maybe cos dad is always the "good guy" cos they r away fr home n thus more patient towards her when they return home unlike u who has to do the "dirty work"? Sometime, its gd to just break away fr the chores n gv yrself a deserved break, u realise all will fall into place when we r not too stressed up.

a new adventure begins.. hv fun!
Haha, ladies... today Finland is just about 10 degrees and two days later, the temp is 5/9 degrees... I dunno how, but we'll survive! Haha...

Tinkabel: we ended up with 99 boxes of stuff, in the air and ship freight... I dunno how to unpack, but they will apparently help a bit....

The Ng brothers
Hi Mummies, long time no chat. Have delivered my boy last Mon. Now trying to adjust our time and energy to 2 kiddos. Lucky I have my parents with me if not dunno how to cope.

So far Hazel displays mix reaction towards her bro - she will kiss and hug him, but at times she tell me she don't like baby.

Hope all mummies r doing fine!

K@ye jia you - dun tink so much ha ha...
Hi Lazykat,

When dad is not around, sometimes she comes to me but many times she screams and demands for her dad. She has been very attached to her dad since she's born. Lately, she's going beyond my comfort level and that's why I am getting worried. Last weekend she refused to allow me to feed or bath her. She wanted her dad to do these chores for her. I am very hurt by her bahaviour. I am also expecting my 2nd one so I tend to get very emotional nowadays and am worried will fall into depression.
poochi jia you!

CLtine -- take care and hugs. could it be a phase for your daughter -- eg maybe she knows you are pregnant and therefore also experiencing some insecurities?

smilemum -- 2 years after i moved to the netherlands i still had unopened boxes!! ;p kekeke. enjoy autumn! take care.
it's perfectly normal for hazel to behave like this.. more to come ;)

like dreamer say, the kid can actually start to feel insecure the moment u r preggie! So all the more they turn to the one they r most attached to. All kiddos this age also start to exhibit certain assertive behaviour so that's quite nrmal tho I know how frustrating it could be when u hv to constantly tussle wif her. Try to get more help fr in laws n hubby in the interim ok?

my kids also demand their dad to do things for them when dad around, I am very happy to be relief of such chores :) kids very smart, they love their mummy and daddy so when daddy at home, they will want his attention especially if your hubby the "hands on" type of dad but when dad at works, they will want me, very normal, think maybe pregnancy makes you abit stressful and emotional too. Think positively, dun worry and be happy for the time being to be relief of such chores, be happy and talk to your bb in your stomach and try to engage your gal to come and touch and talk to her little sibling too. what you described quite common lah :)
Smilemum: Wow 99 boxes... I hate to imagine what will happen when we eventually decide to move back to Singapore. Hopefully I will be able to do a clearance sale 1st here in Shanghai haha. Weather looks cool already. Shanghai's entering autumn too, although temperatures are still slightly below 30 deg but has been down by a lot since it was abt 39 deg at peak of summer. Sun's rising later and setting earlier too... Everytime winter comes, it reminds me another year has passed... There's always going to be a lot of temperature spikes or dips very suddenly, so you need to be prepared when you go out. Always bring a coat handy. Hope you have fun there cos Scandinavia has always been a place I wanted to go...
CLtine: be positive. I sank into mild pre-natal depression and saw a shrink cos I kept crying. Shrink prescribed some medicine for me, preg safe. but in the end, I decided that my mind can be stronger than this. Your #1 could be acting up cos u have limitations sometimes due to ur belly. They always have "crazy" moments. Like mine, sometimes, I say "you ke siao liao"... What to do? They are kids n they dun remember... My hubby was saying the only way to get back, is not to whack them. but to make sure the condoms on their wedding night have holes and they have 5 kiddos to do the same treatment to them.... of coz, ensure u stay 500km away and not 50m away...Hahahaha...

Tinkabel" Today is warm, 17 degrees... but tmr and friday, its gonna be less than 10 liao... I hope I will slowly start enjoying life here, since its a short stint. I also must make sure that my kids have fun, i have them in fleece n a wind breaker now, but think i gotta get some more real soon..abt the 99 boxes.... i will deal with it when it arrives... do i have u on fb? can add me: [email protected]
poochi - congrats!!

smilemum - wow, 99 boxes! Li Hai!!!
unpack slowly lah n dun forget to enjoy your time there with the boys!

k@ye - trying for rabbit boy ah? jia you ah. :D
smilemum, have agood leff & you'll feel better else start unpacking

brought A to the dentist today, luckily no decay
Ya... I have to get used to stuff slowly... Its taking me quite some time. and the shipment is LATE, so we r running out of chinese foodstuff....
hahaha.... yes. I realised that its peak season cos air shipment is taking 15 days...
Anyway, today we are going to the asian market to buy some neccessities. And, we found xin msn TV for my mum, so gotta get a cable to connect to TV. She's quite poor thing, dun dare to go out for long cos scared of the cold. It's beginning of autumn here and it's 8 degrees. I'm slowly adjusting to the time difference and taking care of children. and, i think i'll be able to find stuffs i want slowly... I believe that today is gonna be a better day. It's transition.
smilemum - jia you! you'll be adapting to the new place/environment soon and start enjoying life as a expat!

re: dentist's visit
i think i'll have to wait a little longer before i can bring C there - though she has very bad brushing habit; biting the toothbrush or using the other flat side to brush instead. argh!
which dentist did u bring A to? I also plan to hv ZY visit one by end of this yr. One qn is when can we use fluoride based toothpaste?? Cos i am still using those "edible types" but then she will tend to "eat" the toothpaste lor!

brushing teeth use to be a struggle - but i ask her if she wants her teeth to be painful and cant eat all the dessert n chocolate?? She will guai guai brush.. see wat tactic works on C bah.
lazykat, I brought A to the Kids Dentist which was recommended by Sharron previously. I decided to go when a few of my frens told me they spend $1-$2K for fillings & their kids are from 3-5 yrs old. My colg's girl was still using non-fluoride toothpaste and has to mend 8 molars. If the kid refused or scared of the dentist, then hv to put under GA. I just switched to flouride toothpaste & the dentist told us to put just a small drop. He mentioned kids A's age would prob not be able to gurgle so it's ok to swallow for now.
lazykat - bribing doesnt work coz C will whine/cry her way to get what she wants - another power struggle for me there! can i just chk what toothbrush u use for ZY? C kept complaining about PAIN when brushing so i'm not sure if the bristles r too hard/rough or she's just plain Gu Niang! she uses kodomo toothbrush.
my hubby's cousin ger who is 1 mth younger than ZY spent $2K for 6 fillings and 1 root canal lor! Scared the hell out of me.. so now i make sure i brush for her n gargle. I hv always used the toothpaste sparingly cos i believe brushing is more impt. How much is yr visit?

i am using the oral B stage 2 (pooh n frenz design) so far ok leh.. pain could it be ulcer? (I assume all her teeth shld be out by now..)
lazykat - nt even 3 n need root canal? so serious! poor gal... i will change C's toothbrush; about time as well and getting 1 that is not too hard on her gums.
Kat, damned scary... even my dentist also told me similar story before...

I guess mabbe i shd bring Claire to see the PD dentist. The one that Sharron recommended was highly recommended by my dentist too.
L went there on sep1. there was a 2 yrs old boy who needed GA to remove cavities. L has been using flouride toothpaste for couple of mths now, he can gargle n spit out so no problem but i only use pea sized toothpaste. He enjoyed his dental visit n had scaling done too, check out my facebook. He didnt have any problem w his teeth as we maintained good oral hygiene n eating habits. He doesnt drink milk from the btl, only cup. No sweets,choco or juice at all. He doesnt ask for it n we tell him he's too young to eat them. Dentist said we need to brush his teeth till he's 6-7 yrs old.

consultation is $70 n scaling $70 = $140
Thanks Ueno,
I saw those fb pics. Leroy has always been a brave kid eh. I also dun gv sweets too but she eats cakes n other sweet stuffs hmmm.. cos this mommy has sweet tooth. I still gv milk in bottle cos she finishes faster than if u serve her in cup. So a bit reluctant to switch. Which fluoride based toothpaste to recommend?
L takes cakes too. His fav is cheesecake! Dentist said it's ok to give during mealtime cos they produce enough saliva to clean the mouth but need to watch out for the snAcks given in btwn mealtimes. He uses orAl b toothpaste the one w the cars design. Maybe u can mentally prepare her n do some role play at home. Should help the dentist visit. I think 3 yrs old is a good time.
ueno, L did the scaling on the 1st visit? The dentist told us to go back in 6mths to do it.

Lazykat, I paid $90 for checking out the teeth.
Hi mummies, noticed that you all are talking about kid dentist. Can recommend me? Thanks!

RE: snacks
My son love cake too and snacks. I do try to control. Right now, I am still using those edible toothpaste but seeing you all talked about kids that were so younger already need to remove cavities. It kinda of shock me! Maybe I should get him to use those fluoride toothpaste soon.
yup. Leroy requested for that. Cos I did "scaling" for him when we role played at home. So he told dentist to use that machine w the loud sound. Dentist was reluctant but I said Leroy is ready to do it so he agreed. Leroy was v co operative during the scaling n did exactly what the dentist told him to do. After scaling his teeth became even whiter! So nice!

we went to the kids dentist at Camden.
hi mummies, i've popped and today's the 10th days of my confinement...
Here's a photo of my Brielle taken today...

Arielle carrying Brielle:

Arielle goes to St Andrew's Dental and Surgeons (Dr Low) at Amara shopping centre.
She had scaling done, and a crater filled (her crater is at 1 of her big front tooth). Cost $64
Hi mummies!! Long time no chat!! We just got back from Shanghai and today is my first day back to work.

Dentist - I brought Ashton to the Kids Dentist at Camden few weeks back. Dr Rashid commented that it was a little bit early for him to do a thorough cleaning on Ashton's teeth as he keeps on sticking his tongue out. So have scheduled another one in Feb next year.

MissA - We are also going to HK on Nov 20 for a few days and stay in the Disneyland hotel. Yes also for Ashton's birthday.

Isabella will be turning one year old next month. Time flies!!

Weishy - How are you? Seems like you hardly come online too?

Michviv, Poissons, Grace, Ueno - How are you ladies? Lets catch up over lunch soon ya.

Ueno - You are due next month correct? Jia you!!

ASHM: Funky and pretty babe you have there! =)Tell me how you find HK Disneyland cos we may go there next year when hubby is going for his Exams. Muahahaha...so evil right? He study, we enjoy...We are going to Perth this November. Yippee!

Dentist visit: To mums who have babes who have visited dentist, is it very important to do scaling as their milk teeth will fall out in a couple of years time. I intend to bring Ethan next year when he is older.

Gloomybear: Congrats on the arrival of your princess! Arielle looks all grown up now!
