(2007/11) November MTBs

thank you all cactus, yany and kaye! hehe and cactus yes only one eye and sometimes have sometimes don't have but MOST of the times u can see one eye big and one eye small. haha!!

sowie:: She's super duper CUTE!! pinch her arms! ehehe..

and dear all, I've got something to announce, and thanks to pig07's encouragement... hehe hope u see this pig! I'm announcing alraedy! don't keep asking me to announce ha! haha...

I'm pregnant again! Yes, i'm possibly the next courageous one close to pig haha but too bad our bb will be a yr apart. Mine will be March bb..

Hi Cindy

Wow....congrats!!! Enjoy your pregnancy 2nd time round...

In case i got everyone mixed up...Momo is my older gal and Nemo is my bb.......
cindy"congrats!!!!!!!me also trying hehehhehe hopefully within 3 months hehehhe if not then i'll go slim down hehehehhe
Hi Cindy,

You are finally here and announcing the good good news. My neck so long waiting for you. CONGRATS AND CONGRATS AND CONGRATS AGAIN.

Hi Kaye,

Ya, the thought of confinement really..sigh.. plus my edd is 7dec meaning my xmas and new year will be spent at home. Unless i opt for c-sect this round. Then probably I can have it sooner than 7dec.

Some qns for Mummies whom went thru c-sect,
is it true that for scheduled c-sect, it has to be done prior to the 40th week?

is it true that the tummy will take longer to flatten vs normal delivery?
thank you everyone!
haha weishy:: i hope you succceeed! and we have bbies in the same year! keep us updated.

ueno, gloomybear, sowie i do hope it'll be a girl this time!!! i can't stand 2 monsters at home...

pig:: no la not true. i use csect as u know... as for tummy.... now still have la, but not gigantic type. haha next round i will still choose c sect. and yes def before 40th wk. and yes FINALLY HERE! haha i was thinking how long you can BEAR with me not saying it out LOUD! ahahaha.... and yes today went back to see gynae can detect heartbeat, so i guess, all should be fine from now on.. HOpefully!

langlao:: it's due march 11
congrats Cindy. Really admire u and pig haha... haiz I think of having number 2, but then guess what, I went back to Spore for a 4 months break when i had Matt and this year when I had my perfomance evaluation, my boss kept mentioning the fact that I was away for 4 months, even though actual fact, I had probably supported the Shanghai transactions in Singapore for a good 1 month. I can't imagine his reaction if I have number 2. Sigh...

Weishy, jiayou! Btw, u actually resume your figure fast leh... I still have a big spare tire!

Hehe, so a Rat baby for Pig & a rabbit baby for Cindy!

Tinkabel, it all boils down to how career minded you re at the end of the day. My boss also said funny things to me during my performance appraisal but i heck her lah. IMO, Claire is more impt than my job. Plus, i think in your line of work, u got more options than me if u ever wanna switch jobs!

RE: C-Section
I dunno how true this is lah, my fren's wife told me that her gynae helped her to trim away some fats ard her abdomen when she went for C-section the 2nd time. She has no choice but to go for C-section coz both her gals are 3.8kg at 37 weeks.
Should be cow baby for cindy. After that tiger then rabbit. U skipped 2 years haha. Haiz, boss is man, no choice, although at the end of the day, my performance evaluation still came out good. Talk about being career minded. If u ask my friends, they will all agree that I am and I am also a workaholic. Honestly it's hard to give up, else I would become a stay home mum.
Tinkabel, heheh... Help to fast forward the years! I hope my next child will be a Tiger baby!

I got an ex colleague, she gave up her career and opt for a part time job in order to take care of her daughter when her daughter enters primary school. So Tinkabel, dun hv to totally give up, got options one!

My younger Sis is working in EY told me that one of her colleague trsf from auditing to conducting courses or what lah... So that her working hours are fixed and can go home on time to look after children.
Congrats on bb no.2!! so exciting!! :D i want to start trying soon but DH not so on about having one so soon...gosh it's me or him taking care of bb? but i'm hoping for a cow baby..heh..

Ashless looks so excited! caught her in action at the right time :p

she got her fairness from her dad, tho he doesn't look that fair now! Eagan also looks quite fair? hehe..can be gd friends with Eliza :p
Hi Cindy,

for the fun of it. I have got a chart to determine the gender of baby. both times accurate for me based on my age (not lunar age).

You all can also refer back and see if its accurate boh.

<center><table border=1><tr><td>

chart.zip (7.0 k)</td></tr></table></center>
cindy:how do i calculate my ovulation days har????issit 21 days from 1st day of menses?

K@ye:no la i still hv 6 kgs to go le........still cant fit into my old uniform size........

Pig07:ya i did my c-section when she's 38 weeks(heard from some of my other friends they did it when 39 weeks,so....may be different le)
the nurses told me i dun hv any fats for themt o remove after i came out le......but surely my hips etc hv expanded....child birth~aren't we ladies and all others GREAT!!!!!!!!

tummy ar....hummmmmm not too flabby la mine quite tough but hv looooo( i should start doing tummy trainings hehehhehe)

LAnglao:Ashlee can stand already!!!!!!wow!!!!!she seems to enjoyed the session hehehheh

having a 2nd child....hummm money wise can u guys manage it???franky its not cheap now and basic stuffs are going up and up and up
weishy:: hahaaha... u calculate ovulation from the first day of your menses. For eg: if you are a 28 day cycle person, and your M came on 1st june, then you count 14 days to the ovulation day. so 14th june should be your ovulation day. Aim for that day if you want a boy. If you want a girl, then try around 11 to 12 june.

pig: I tried... hahaha it's B again! okay never mind, we'll wait till another 13 wks more. HAHA!

skyeskye: haha you must persuade your DH lah! hahaha eliza needs a playmate!

kaye and tinkabel: haha yes it's a cow baby, wonder if he or she will slog his/her guts all through his/her life haha but i won't be so mi xin haha! and yes i also worry about the leave thing again but then who cares, it's my life my family. i decide again when the time comes haha!
weishy, ashlee sitting down, she can only stand with support but she always want to stand so end up always fall. In fact she behaves like a boy, cant sit still.

cindy, u muz be very excited. I oso wan to try but at my age will be quite hard to conceive.
Hi Cindy! Congrats! happy for u! haha!

Since we r on this topic, I also wanna hv another. But doubt can try so soon leh. Sigh. I'm currently on no pay leave to look after jaydyn. Actually intended to extend it further but decided to go bk teaching on a half load basis. But currently the sch has no vacancy. Also the management has not firmed up wat's the scope of a half load. Sigh! But I went ahead to apply and wrote in to the HR. I'm gonna miss Jaydyn a great deal when I go bk to work next yr. Wanna do tt cos wanna 'take advantage' of the maternity benefits as we will try for baby next yr lor. Am I being too practical? Cos once hv 2nd one, I dunno whether I still can be a SAHM. Feels sad whenever I think of it. Strange right? Cos everyday is so busy. Do hsewk, attend to her, cook... Though so busy, I still enjoy every moment with her, seeing her grow and develop. Such joy!
wah .... all the mommies, talking about having another... lol. Once taken the plunge with no. 1, so easy to accept having no. 2 right? My case, I have to threathen hubby so he would agree with no. 2. Then kena accident with no. 3... hahaha. Such is life

Congratulations to Cindy! I love being pregnant... but 3 is more than enough for me! I'll live vicariously through you &amp; pig... lol.

Better try now ... as later, no chance liao. You talk about being old... erm.... how old ha? As old as me? hehehe
Ash looks sooo happy at Gogobambini.

Hayley looks so grown up..... like a toddler! awww.... aren't they growing up way too fast?

Arielle looks so cute! She can still fit in the bumbo! Kyra never liked it... and now, her thighs cannot fit liao... hehehe
Weishy, i m actually back to my pre-pregnancy weight but still can't fit into my old clothes, especially the bottoms!

Langlao, Claire can hi-5 with Ashlee liao. Claire super active, can't sit till and always bounce up &amp; down. Ever since, she knows how to pull herself up to stand. She has been doing that!

Yany, Claire inherited my thunder thighs... So her legs will get stuck in the bumbo seat too! But she s still ok in the bumbo seat!

Sowie, I like the nicknames u gave to your daughters!

Claire has many nicknames but my all time fave is "Sweetie pie"!
yany, u are right i better start planning for #2 else by the time 2nd baby comes, govt also offer me elder shield at the same time haha.

k@ye, ashlee's thunder thigh also get stuck in bumbo seat esp when carry her out, the whole seat follows lol. She doesn't like to sit in it and most time struggle to get out.

gogobambini was ok except they put a plastic rocking horse in the play area &amp; ashlee actually knocked her head against it &amp; cry buckets.
cindy:eek:hh like tat ar so i calculated wrongly liao hehehheheh.cos need to la,me in hkg and hubby in sin....difficult to meet up

langlao:hayley too always fall b4 btnow alittle better,she uses her arms to support herself on those high places kekekkekek.she can stand a longer time now.sometimes tryign to be heroine and let go her hands......me?i jus let her fall loooooo,its my helper that sees and felt heart pain kekekkekek

yany:ya loooo she dun hv baby fats nor baby looks.chk out my facebook,more pixs hehehehheh
[email protected]

K@ye:now some of it cn fit but no time to go buy tops.....i hv larger arms now le.....always buyin her clothes and me always wearin e same Ts
Weishy, for me hor.. Its larger hips, the chest expands also but not the cup size! Same here, always buying clothes for Claire, while i wear the same old clothes!

Langlao, which gogobambini u went to?
K@ye: Haha…thought it was you organizing the spree. I guess to speed read till I blur already.

Sowie: both of gals look so sweet. I like the photo that you submitted for bb competition. Seem that both of them look so alike when they are 5mths +.

WOW!!! Congrats Cindy!!!

Weishy, we will be waiting for your good news soon! :) JiaYou!
wow cindy congratulations

my hubby bugging me for another one also. But i'm like langlao, dun know at my age can or not. plus dun know got energy to handle another one...


sama sama, everyone keep asking me whether i'm pregnant coz of my big tummy. tried using wrap, osim etc but not very consistent so results no good. tummy still like 3-4 mths pregnant
k@ye:my cup size increase kekekkek used to be 32A now 34B....but my body also bigger looooo.

Gelyn:hopefully soon but hehheheh hv to wiat till next month then since i calculated wrongly hohoohohoho.some mommies mentioned that its easier to get preggie again after delivery....issit true????how long after??hehehheh.after 8 months issit still quite fertile?
so far my menses' quite regular,used to be not ......my work and life style i guess....or alot of ladies hv those lumps/cysts....problems too.
thank you gelyn!! hehe!!

langlao and gemini:: PLEASE doo try for another one! we could certainly do with more little moomoos next yr!! hehe and can one can one. AGE is not a factor.
lazykat, aiyo, good that your gal is ok after the fall... very heart pain when know of them falling right?

congrats congrats to Cindy! hehe, good if got a gal this time round, else if boy, also good, can have a lot of hand-me-downs

do keep us posted once u know the gender, ok?

langlao, u're so funny about the elder shield part! i was laughing away when i saw ur post and couldn't resist posting :p

it's been pretty busy busy for me, work and personal... haiz... and my 2 gals are sick, one after another and hvnt recover yet... Bevis is still coughing away at night and still hving running nose... haiz... lucky my mum now helps to take care of her on wkdays nights... while i take care of the older one...

re: back to pre-preg size/weight
haiz... i still not yet back to the pre-preg size definitely... weight wise i hvnt been weighing myself so dunno... can fit most pants tat i bought after my 1st pregnancy, but not those that are b4 1st pregnancy! haha
i believe that 2nd one is easier to conceive la... cos for my case, 1st one we tried at least 6 mths... then for 2nd one, 1st attempt ganna already... hahaha
Thanks Gelyn....all bbs are adorable at this stage...

K@ye: Momo came about becos when she's born, she looked like a little peach...momo is japanese for peach.........as for Nemo, this nick came about becos she was conceived 1 day before we brought momo to watch the Nemo on Ice show last yr....haaa...at least from my calculations...
Hi Weishy

Ovulation normally will occur 14 -16 days before the start of your NEXT menses.....so if you have irregular menses, it'll be harder to guess....this method works best for people with regular menses........

I know alot of people say it's 14 days after start of current menses, but this only applies if you are on a 28 days cycle....so if you're like me, with 35 to 45 days cycle, you have to start trying much later....

Alternatively, you can examine the discharge on your undy....in normal days, it's opaque...but if u're ovulating, it should be clearer like egg white.....
I think as a general guide to ovulation, its actually the midst of our menses cycle. I think you will know it lor, for me i find myself very horny lor....

Gemini, i told my hubby that i will close factory after no 2. My Mum told me to be brave and close factory after hvg 3 kids. I was like duh!
Weishy &amp; mummies who are already trying…I really judos to you all. I do want no. 2 but maybe after my son is 1 yr old. Oh, my gynae was saying that it’s better to wait for a year to have no.2 if you c-sect the 1st one. Unlike natural birth, can try the 2nd one immediately. Did anyone of you have c-sect and your gynae told you these?

Weishy, I did hear before that it’s easier to get preggie after the 1st one. But how true, I also don’t know. I think so long as your menses is regular, shouldn’t be much of a problem.

re: back to pre-preg size/weight
I am back to my pre-preg weight but dare not said about the size. Some bottom seem tight….sigh…maybe hip expand already.
Hi Mummies,

For those of you whom want to have a 2nd child hor, try to have when you can la. I mean can plan la, but cos we tried for a while for Kiros, then makes me realise that what my mum always nag about has some truth. She is always saying that to not want a baby is easy, but when you want to have one it doesnt come instantaneously. She is always saying this to my sis and myself. As she is worried we have the kind of mindset like have a kid in year 2007, then second one 2009, then so on and so for. Somehow, i feel some truth in what she is saying.. but again, financial, work commitment are considerations hence comes the planning too. Its no more like last time when can chin chye chin chye. Just insurance policies for kiros is a killer. Not forgetting diapers and milk powder.

I also realised that my cup size seemed to have increased. Not sure if its the post natal effect, or my currrent pre natal effect. But i just dont like this effect.
Hi Weishy,

I heard that one is most fertile within the first 6 months after delivery. I got this second one when kiros was 3-4 month old.
wow, everyone talking abt having second one...peifu peifu! and jiayou k! i wish everyone success!!

heehee, seems like me only one who doesn't want a second one....heehee..

langlao -- kaira not only bo hair....also bo-gay!!
thank you plim! haha ya la all go ahead lah! having kids with a closer age gap is really going to be a lot of fun in future. imagine they can play with all their friends together instead of finding their younger sibling a nuisance. HAHAHA!!

i do agree with pig. $$$$$! just the insurance alone can kill. i really don't know how to get more MONEY! haha so no matter what, it's really STOPPING at 2.
k@ye, We went to dempsey coz nearer to my house ma.

plim, i will laff at my frens who get the elder shield notification but in a few yrs will be my turn liao, so sad
langlao -- u and me same boat ...

din know so fast will get elder shied notification until u mentioned... jialat ... me trying to escape from reality .... hahahaha
actually quite a few 'experienced mommies' (aka aunties wif teens/adults kids) told me not to be too picky when feeding babies and it's ok to let them try the adult food at 8 monhts.
the other day when i was having breakfast of kopi &amp; toast w hb; the cleaner told us can feed my gal the half boil egg! *GASP*

i told her cannot lah, doc says only hard boiled eggyolk when baby is 10m n above. she said last time she took care of babies as well and she fed them half boil egg when about 6m, eat congee/porridge, etc when 7m, now the kids oredi 10 years old, all strong and 'bak bak' where got problem....
sigh, hb &amp; i just smile at her and eat our breakfast...
so like the old folks say; "lak sap jiak, lak sap tua", babies brought up this way less chance to get sick...

baby pics ~
aiyoh, all the babies have grown up to be so handsome &amp; cutie... so envy those wif headful of HAIR... esp yany's girl... so buay tahan those curls and fair skin, so cutie cutie...just the very opposite of my chloe! hahaha...

and sowie, your 2 gals so.... pretty!
your momo's hair so stylo too! :D

our gals can hi-5 on the botak-ness...
no prob on the change of date/time.
good news, PP#2 loot arrived this morning... and all items tally!
if u need them urgently, i can mail them out for you later this afternoon.
my HB will only go YCK this coming sat, maybe too late for you oredi?
* me at home now, on MC for runny nose &amp; cough bah... but still go online! hiak hiak hiak... *

i cook spinach (the chinese type, wif round leave wif reddish color in the middle) with congee and once cooked, just take out the vege stems but fed my gal wif the mashed up vege. no prob.

re: no. 2
Cindy, Congrats ya!

mandy &amp; k@ye,
agree... clock's ticking... tick tock tick tock... and lazy me have yet to find the time to dig out the mag where they indicate the month of conception will yield a SON based on age... ahahaha... dun wana disappoint my HB &amp; his family CLAN in the whole of HAINAN ISLAND mah... ahahaa... and yes, TTC for #2 may not come easy even though my mense came back long long time ago liao... now still charting my cycle. hopefully can also STRIKE this time round.

i oso wana let my gal have ALL our love &amp; attention for as long as she can lor, but at the same time, dun wan her to be spoilt coz now i find that her temper is so.... irritating at times. nappy change is always challenging; and she gets spanked almost 7 out of 10 times coz she kept misbehave... i think she's immune to being spanked at her legs liao... i must thk of smthg else oredi.
so bad hor, this mommy!

langlao3 &amp; dreamer,
count me in on the boat too! ahahaa... i think really have to heed my hb advise and start to 'oil' my machine 1st. hee hee hee... but the thought of sleepless nites all over again and maybe for another 2 years... wah, scared man!!!

me oso C-sect. initially my gynae say ok to start after 6months but when i went back for check up, different story... ask me to wait for 2 years the best.

but some friends told me is ok if wana have no.2 within 1 year even wif C-sect, just have to take extra care of our body/womb and the food intake (jin bu a bit more).
