(2007/11) November MTBs

Arielle is so cute with the pix she took with her uncle and you are fabulously radiant in the red evening dress.

Can just buy from Eu Yang Sang Si Sen Brown Rice its in powder form instructions shows that just need to add hot water and boil it.

Since we are at the topic of porridge, just share what I'm doing with my darling boy. We give him a variety or fish, chicken meat and pork. Vegetables, like broccoli, spinach, peas, carrots, pumpkin, potato, xiao bai cai are also added.

Our method of cooking is very simple. we simply wash the rice (either brown, or white, or mixed) and cook it over the stove, when it boils, we switch it to the slow cooker and add in the ingredients. We cook fish/ pork stock to cook the porridge.

The pork/ chicken are chopped up with a cleaver till it becomes like minced meat. then added in. for fish, we just cut into slices and put in.

Root veg will be cut up and put in to cook. FOr leafy vegetables, I used to cook and puree them. but nowadays, i chop them up and add them in to cook.

I also change the menu by skipping the porridge, just simply giving meat with root veg.. he seems to take it well. Also gave him mee suah (must wash many many times) and kway teoh.

FOr mummies with babies yet to sleep thru the night, we must treasure the time when baby still needs us... hahaha... console myself.

Lentils... i bought a pack, yet to try.. maybe will do so next weekend.. this weekend is packed.

Poochi, did u call for the Gymboree?
yeah weekend is here! Enjoyz...

gillian, nope not me!

Re:porridge. Besides porridge I started giving my gal pasta. Maybe u can try its easier to cook than porridge.
Thanks for all your lovely compliments. Wedding over liaoz... next party will be baby's 1st birthday party!

Jay, u can email me your pic if u dont mind. i can resize for you
[email protected]

WRT to fish porridge, the first time we tried it with spinach... doesn't work, so tried it with pumpkin (her favorite), still cannot. I used threadfin leh...
Maybe she's like her dad.. don't like fish. I love to eat fish leh..

we went fremantle, wellington street, swan valley and margaret river.

margaret river a bit rush for us... as we left the apartment at 1030am and then reach there at 3pm. go to 1 winery and we rush back liao...

swan valley nothing much.. only winery. fremantle can go.. quite nice.. we walk the capucinno strip, market and then went to cicerello
wow, dazzling lah you
and baby arielle is such a cutie

old oredi mah, so machine can get rusty very fast. anyway, i'll stop at 2 coz both will be HUGE INVESTMENT oredi. can't afford for no 3 unless i kena TOTO big time! ahahaha...

oh dear, hope your gal's ok now.
i'll sms you on the meet up for tomorrow @ YCK MRT but will be in the evening coz my HB change timing liao. sms me if you're ok.

oh dear, i understand you completely sista!

but i've started to 'train' my hb to be more involved so he's a bit more automatic when it comes to wash/sterilize bottles, making milk or checking up on my gal when she 'eh eh eh' in her sleep; usually is coz she drop her pacifier lor.

as mambobb say, if we dun make up when we go out; our hb wun have face n at the same time, their eyes will stray too! i no time oso bo chap; draw my eyebrow and put lipstick/gloss when i go out. he not happy oso i dun care liao... and ask him carry my gal while i prep baby stuffs. and HE carry the haversack while i carry baby.

have to give n take lah, u can talk to your hb to help out a bit lor. dun over pamper him, else he take it for granted. jia you, ok?!

your machine oso going to expire soon ah? hee hee... then we can both jia you liao. hopefully u get ur wish for a girl and i get my boy boy... then can match make them! ahahaaa... :p

me oso planning to go Aust but for next year coz still no confidence to bring chloe out before she's 1 year old.
too many things need to bring; leceh lah... i lazy mommy! :p
which airline tix u bot? F&E trip?
ya lor, machine expire soon cannot replace liao loh, no more warranty also ...haaa.... also don't know can guaranty to produce girl or not leh ....haa...

my boy also fell and he bumped on the back of his head I think 2 months ago ... It was my fault: he was sitting on my lap, and I was tyring to grap the toy piano for him with both of my hands, and "bong!" he went backback and hit on the carpet. It was so loud that my hb could even hear from downstair. I was so worried that he may suffer brain injury or what cos' quite loud leh ....but my hb said it's very commone for bb to fall on their heads cos' that's the heaviest part of the body, and we brought him to the PD, and she also said that babies though look fragile, they are actually very tough, especially on the head, and the brain is protected by their skull which is pretty capable of doing its job in protecting the brain, and that's what's it is for. Was told that brain injury has to be very very high impact, normal fall is fine. She even told me that one mommy sent her bb about 9 months to her cos' she fell from the shopping cart with head down first and also no problem .....Babies are pretty "nai yong" as my friends say ...haaa.....I was told that if babies fall, especially on their head, as long as they cry out loud, they are fine....the worry is that when they don't cry ....it can be a concern ....

regarding baby food
I just dump everything inside,and make into one pot mixed with carrots, califlower, avocado, zuccini, banana, and pear ..... just throw everything in that I can think of ....usually I steamed all the veg and fruits first ...mash them with fork ...and cook the rice cereal separately and when done, put in the mashed veg and fruit and mix them up ....like a gluey paste ...yucky !! but he manage to finish all ... I gave him 4 meals a day the same gluey paste .....hope it's not too much though ...want Ethan to put on weight leh ..he is now only 7.5kg ...still under weight ...haiz .... I have not started using pork or chicken yet ...
wow!! Love your multi-storey cake leh ....drooling now ...haaaa....you look gorgeous!!! A is sooo cute : )
shane - your one pot mix does sound yucks!!! hahahaha.... but as long as ethan enjoys can liao!!
how i wish kaira is more receptive to the vegetables i introduce her!!
juz to check, how much porridge are you giving your bbs now? i measure mine by the little cup that comes with the DOM bottle, he takes abt 3/4 of that cup for every meal (one day twice), is it too much?

cooking porridge:
mine's very simple, i juz dump the lean pork meat into the slow cooker with hot water, then follow by 1 or 2 veg (usually it's sweet potato, pumpkin, carrot, butternut squash, carrot, spinach, broccoli) then 1hr later, throw in the rice grains (either white, brown or mixed)..the porridge will be ready in an hr's time. for broccoli or spinach, i will usually add in 10 to 15mins before i serve so that they are not overcooked. For fish, i only introduced threadfin so far, my mum will slice them for me and put them in the freezer, i will juz need to take out a piece, defrost and steam (or juz put inside the slow cooker for 10mins before serve), so far my boy eats whatever i cook. i haven't try chicken yet cos' he juz recovered from a cough.

Hi Mummies,
Kiros has been stepping on the 'x' of his walker and then lean forward to try pick things on the floor.
I can forsee that he is going to fall out from his walker if he continues to do that or if not under supervision. So if yr babies are using walkers, do watch out for this.
Hi Patty,

really been very long.. If i am not mistaken, you were the only mummy with twins when the Nov07 thread jus started right?

Yr gals are so fair. And identical. I couldnt tell any difference at all.

I have a pair of indetical twin nephew and a pair of non-identical twin nephew. And they dont look identical.
hi pig

yeah u r right it's me, hehe nowaday hardly have time to log in cos bz with twins and works..ya my gals inherited my skin color hehe cos hubby has darker skin color..
Kitty, u can bring Chloe overseas one! Look at Ueno, she is the most garung one.... Bought Leroy to Aust liao and now going to US in Aug! See, she gave us courage!

My Mum just lectured me on bringing Claire overseas! She told me no need to bring her to so many places coz Claire wont know about things. For me, i just wanna bring Claire to see things and be exposed to diff envt so that her immunity will be built up!
Gloomybear: U look dazzling! And A is so cute with her tongue sticking out. Gee...

Patty: Yr gals look so identical! So cute. Def will ivite lotsa stares:) Not easy to handle bbs huh.
Hi Elaine,

I think ecreative has good range of 3D cake.
The blueberry flavoured cake is yummy. You can refer to the below link. http://www.ecreative.com.sg/

The only one thing i don't like is certain cartoon characters on their cakes look fake (like wrong colouring etc). That could be because they aren't the rightful/licensed shop to use that particular cartoon on cake.

Otehrwise all else are ok.
my gal likes tabs too! she'll purposely search out the tags in her stuffed toys and even bolster. geez. then also not so interested in toys as in the things we use..ie remote control, books, papers, hp etc etc

my mil started Eliza on porridge a few weeks back and she's taking to it well. pumpkin & sweet potatoes are the preferred vegs. usually we cook the porridge in pork stock with 1 or 2 veg...and then i'll eat up the pork lo. i realized the spinach makes it taste a little bitter. also, after half bowl of porridge we'll have to distract Eliza to eat, ie open drawers to let her check out, use clothes pegs to distract her etc. hai....sometimes i feed until pekchek but she still eats, so it's good lah.
ya lor..after mixing everything, I feel yucky too ..but surprisingly he loves it. I give him the chinese small round rice bowl 3/4 full, and he eats 4 meals a day and also drinks 3 ounces of milk 3 times a day , but still underweight leh ...maybe got hook worms in tummy???

DOM cup quite small right if I am not wrong? wah!! I give Ethan those chinese rice bowl 3/4 full 4 times a day, mi si over eat liao?? Is it too much ah? My PD said by now he should eat about 4 tablespoons of rice cereals but I only give 1 tablespoon, and the rest I mix with veg all about 3-4 tablespoon bah ....now you tell me your bb eat the DOM cup 3/4, then I must be given Ethan too much liao .....by the way , mommies , how much should they eat? My PD says 4 tablespoon, like a lot or not???
shane, to my understanding for babies now, milk is still their main source of nutrients and solids juz complementary.....so mebbe u shud feed him more milk than solids? i dunno... tat's what my mum tells me lah.

and compared to ethan, kaira drinking alot of milk leh ... aiyo ... now i worry if she's drinking too much! she drink 4x6oz a day sometimes 5x depending on how hungry she is! she has lunch and dinner (usually porridge, 3/4 of a combi bowl). and a snack mid afternoon (usually some fruit e.g. avocado/banana/apple. if she very hungry, then i give cereal.)
dreamer:havent try celery yet,think will just let her chew on it hehehheh.

My girl still prefer puree type for her food,tried to chop chinese pear into tiny bits she also dun like.today my helper tried puree with oatmeal and she finished all.
Her 2nd bottom tooth's cut too hehehhe,so cute hohohoho.
Ladies pls add me in facebook:weishy@hotmail for more recent pixs of her.uploaded loads cos digital free mah hohoohohoho
haha..think you have mistaken, i meant to say the rice grains, i gave 3/4 cup of the DOM cup, when it's cooked, it's abt 3/4 full of our chinese rice bowl, so same same as Ethan, he takes 2x porridge a day but 3x milk feeds only.
Hi Mummies,

then maybe i am overfeeding kiros? for 24 hour, he will have 6x milk, 1x fruit, 1x cereal, 1x porridge.

His fruits are pretty standard. Either banana, or apple, or pear or avocado. This i use spoon to scrap.

His cereal will either be nestle brown rice, or nestle rice and veg, or nestle rice and chicken.

As for porridge will go with spinach, or carrot, or potato, or pumpkin, or brocolli or plain with bovril.

I really run out of ideas on what to give him liao. Sooner later he will be bored by the same 'dish'.
pig, me so run out of ideas for porridge .... yesterday juz bot tofu... next week will try adding the tofu into the porridge.

today i tried to make something different....but not very successful ...heehee. i shredded potato and boiled then. then shred cheddar cheese over it and baked it for kaira.... but the cheese, when cooled...became quite sticky...i scared she choke... any mummies tried giving cheese, in particular cheddar, to your babies before? any advice?

maybe i shud juz grate the cheese and let her have them straight. but i wanted to "spice" up the potatoe cos she doesn't really like potatoes....
Hi dreamer,

for potato kiros will eat it either scrapped and spoonfed, or smashed and mix with his porridge.

The one time when it was scrapped was actually my portion from my carrot and potato soup. I suppose it's slightly salty hence he liked it. But i do understand that salt is out until at least 1 year old.

Last friday he tried whipped potato from kfc. Gravy only very very little.

According to my mum, potato is hard to digest, hence try to give it earlier part of the day.

If you want the cheese to melt, you can try mozarella cheese? I think places use such cheese for their potato gratin?
pig -- i bot the plain ones. i bot one soft and one firm ... dun realli know the difference...so going to try them out.... think the egg tofu will give it a miss...cos i dunno if they use whole egg or juz egg yolk? cos egg white supposed to be after 1 year old i think...

mozarella can give them? actually i also thinking of it. but dunno if can or not? maybe i try parmesan ... see if it works better.
wow, your gil eats so much milk, Ethan doesn't like milk but like solid food , also don't know how to get him to drink also ....

ops! misunderstood you ...haa...then now I think I under feed Ethan liao , no wonder he never puts on weight ...sigh ...

I was telling my mum about me having to think very hard what to give Ethan, know what, she said just give him anything that we eat loh ..I said what!!! he can't eat adult food, and somemore he has eczema, cannot anyhow give him food also ....she said last time when she took care of my niece, she would bring her to the market, and let her eat chicken rice, kway tiao soup, dried wan tan mee, etc followed what she eats ...and said if babies eat everything now, next time they won't be picky about food ... I was thinking ...yoooo..... she will anyhow feed Ethan if I go back to visit her this NOV, and if I am out with hb shopping, then Ethan will anyhow eat cos she will anyhow eat him ....die lah .... tell myself, cannot leave him with my mum ....
shane --yarh, me thinks my gal is a milk guzzler too.... thatz y so heavy ... abt 9kg and she turns 8 months tmr (21st). :p

mebbe u can prepare the meals for ethan and hv your mum feed him the meals u prepared while u r out...then u will know what he eats! old folks is like that one...

but hee, now i also abit laxed with kaira ... sometimes don't stick to the 4 day wait rule... ;p
Pig, salt is out till 10 mths old!

Dreamer, mabbe the weather in ndl makes Kaira wanna eat more? Assuming that its not as hot and humid in Spore?

Shane, mabbe u can try this with Ethan, I fed Claire rice cereal with equal portion of milk powder. So, i will feed her 6 scoops of rice cereal + 6 scoops of milk powder... Sometimes, i will add in mashed bananas or apples...
hi mummies,

wanna check with all of u if can feed bb spinach??
the ang moh type and the chinese type??
some websites mentioned abt some nitrate poisoning or something...
i juz made spinach puree this morning leh, dunno shld ask my mil not to feed

kaira has found her match, hee. My gal also drinks 4 x 6oz (first feed of the day is 7oz!) on top of her lunch + dinner and snacks! Maybe cos Kaira is tall, cos weight i think not so impt so long is of a gd proportionate weight. Mine also approaching 9kg

thanks - she always hv some knocks here n there & we take it quite alright, but this time think i more gan cheong, glad its over and she is ok again.

sorry for the change of plans on my side too, hope to pick up the PP stuffs by then, cos one of the items is meant as a gift.

Re: serving size
I saw my measuring spoon says 15ml = 1 tbsp (tablespoon) so I suppose this is int'l standard? Cos i usually use 1 scoop of this amt rice grain and throw in at least 3 types of vege incl 1 fish to double broil. And it can amt to quite a lot. Sometimes I use 2 portions to cook 2 meals at 1 go, hee. But I realise she is harder to please now, so will hv to give some variety in order to entice her to eat more.
Dreamer, I'm giving my gal cheddar cheese i usually add into the potato or pasta when its hot so it will melt. For potato i will add unsalted butter & cheese. I make it abit moist if its dry she wont like it. Yesterday I added cooked egg yolk to the mash potato.

Matt seems to have grown. What's his weight now?


Aiyo, Garreth has this cheeky look. You are right, he wont be mistaken as a gal anyhow. confirm the boy boy look.


where did you bring yr gal to? She is all wrapped up and yet so happy. Btw, what's her name?
Matt's about 8kg now. He was 68cm and 7.7kg at 7 months. He looks chubby although he is actually not that heavy.

He doesnt like to crawl. Keep wanting to stand up instead. He just learnt to hold himself up on the sofa over the wkend. So active, I am so tired after every wkend when I take care of him myself.
poissons, where did u buy the float for garreth??
is the float those normal ring float or those where he can sit in it?? i rem when i was young, i had a float tat i can sit in, and it sounds when i squeeze the head leh, dunno if such floats still avail..

i wanna get a float for aaron soon cos wanna bring him go swimming but dunno where to get leh..
i went to toys'rus in Tampines but dun seem to find anything suitable there leh...

can they use normal ring float??
Dear mommies, Would like support for the following event! Pls join in the synchronised breastfeeding session!

Looking for mothers who have been breastfeeding for 6 months or longer... and want to have a once in a lifetime experience to be part of History. Come participate in Spore largest synchronised breastfeeding to create a new record!

Breastfeeding. Is it for me?
Date: 23 Aug 2008 Saturday
Time: 2.30-4pm (Synchronised Breastfeeding starts at 4pm)
Venue: Suntec City Convention
Cost: Free!
Free goodie bag worth $50 provided!

More details: Mary/Shan 62588816

There will also be talks and Q&A sessions, including:
1. Help! I don't have enough milk! Overcoming common problems in breastfeeding. By Sister Kang, Lactation Consultant, Mt Alvernia.
2. Working and Breastfeeding: Is it possible? By Mrs Wong Boh Boi, Senior Parent Craft/ Lactation Consultant
3. The Role of the father in Breastfeeding. By Mr Edwin Choy, Centre of Fathering.

Organised by:
aLife, Anmun, mCYS, Centre of Fathering and Singapore Planned Parenthood Association.
Mummies, Have u all planned for your little ones bday party?

I think its about time to start sourcing for venues (and i have actually booked mine!) I want to get some party supplies from USA websites like Oriental trading etc...anyone keen to join a spree with me? I dun wan to post in the Overseas thread cos i wan it to be manageable so sharing amongst the Nov mummies here....do email me if u girls are keen so we can share the shipping cost...
Mandy, ur daughter is so cute!

Poissons, Garreth is so happy in the pool!

Tinkabel, i also find it tiring to run after Claire. She can crawl quite well now n likes to find things for support to pull herself up!

S@l, i just fixed Claire's birthday celebration date leh. U re even better, fixed the venue! Do keep me informed abt the party supplies spree. I see whether i can get anything too.
you said "then Ethan will anyhow eat cos she will anyhow eat him", you meant feed him? hohoho...make me LOL!

dreamer & pig07,
my gal also drinks 5x 6oz of milk a day as well, with 2 meals (lunch & dinner), plus fruits in the midday. my friend commented that my gal is like eating all the time. milk, 2hrs later lunch, 2 hrs later milk, 2 hrs later dinner, 2 hrs later bedtime milk. but thank God she's not too heavy..i think it's cos she was sick twice previously, and that slowed her weight gain. now she's abt 7.9+kg.

aiyah..now she dio4 this fake measles virus and greatly cut her milk intake these few days..no appetite to eat her cereals also. so i think she'll stay this weight for a while...else i thought i was feeling that she was getting her double chin back.
pig07: I brought her to Perth in mid July.. quite cold so wrapped her up.. keke..
Her name ah.. Kaelyn...

I have started planning for her 1st yr... Will be at my house though... already ordered things from celebrateexpress... but got 1 customised banner wrong spelling.. sianz.

skye, lazykat : heehee -- our gals can hi-5 one another on their milk intake... makes me feel better. kaira was 70cm when she's 7th month .... now i dunno. and my PD never tell me how many percentile she's in one...juz tell me... u r feeding her well and she's growing well ... that's it. so i also dun know is she tall or not?

k@ye -- i tink mebbe u r rite abt the weather making her hungry. cos the temp ave 15degrees these few weeks (and this is summer!) ...even mummie is always snacking!!!

poissons : garreth is so cute!

how i wish i can bring kaira swimming here.... but i feel cold leh ... hahaha...

mandy : ur gal smiling so sweetly
and she looks tall too!
