(2007/11) November MTBs

k@ye, ya i got a pl at the Tanah merah country club...nt sure the actual name of the pl yet. but i need big space lo and dun want to do at hm..so hv to book early...in fact i m only left with that only date to choose from for Nov!

and u can email to me ASAP for the things u wan?

take a look at this:

nt sure if its a good pl for supplies, but i m still looking ard....prefer to get at one stop if possible.

Mandy, its a website u ordered from? shipping ex or nt?

Hi S@l, hv been thinking of u 4 e past few days. hehe! Cos hvnt 'seen' u ard. Happy to 'see' u here! u booked a plc at tanah merah ctry club? Aiyoh, need to prepare for 1st yr celebration so soon ah? I hvnt thot abt it. So things to prepare for will be e venue, food, party deco, bday cake. Wat else? Wat kinda bday is nice to look at and eat? haha!
Newmummy: Thanks for the info. Just saw your reply.

Kittybride: For me, machine rusty or not, my max. is 2 kids. Don’t think I can handle 3. :)

Shane: Saw your receipt for Ethan…sounds yucky! Did you try the taste out yourself? Just wonder… :)

K@ye: Keep me informed if you are ordering any party supplies. Will see if I have anything to order cos haven’t plan how to celebrate yet. Thanks!
weishy, its USD. shipping rates thru Vpost, cos i dun hv other acc..

Jay, ya been super busy la...for venues if the pl u hv in mind is very popular then u hv to book earlier to avoid disappointment. i very kiasu la and first princess for me hehehe so i wan to make it a nice party for her...for my own pleasure.furthermore this pl is with compliments from Mischa's Godma and she said the slots are all taken up...

nowadays alot of ppl order bday cakes from Pine gardens, no doubt the cake quite nice..but i kinda sick of it cos almost all the bday i attended this yr, the cakes are from them! i most prob will get from somewhere else. be prepared to pay a bomb for nice cakes esp those with trademark characters. if u nt particular abt the looks of it, then u should choose base on the taste of the cakes...
S@L i got from birthday express which i tink is cheaper if u compare prices with celebrate express. Theres birthdy direct but it no longer ships overseas unless someone in states to buy for u. : )
hi mummies

Thanks for the well wishes. My gal is better already. finally i'm back at work today after 2 weeks out of office. Was reading the thread, think i'm under-feeding my baby on solids?
She's drinking 6 x 6 oz a day with 1 porridge and 1 cereal. Is that too much on milk?
kittybride jus read ur post I'm flying by Qantas cos they got offer. BB tics is $440. I love to travel so am keen to bring bb everywhere I go! Tink jus bring the necc the rest we'll go there & buy. We're goin F&E self drive abt 9 days, so activities wise up to us.
Hmm, if wanna get things from Birthday direct. Mabbe we can ask Shane to help? Calling for Shane!!!

Gelyn, hehe its S@l organising the spree lah.. Not me.

Re: Birthday Cake
I was thinking of getting one from Fullerton Hotel. But i dunno how much it costs, i go more for taste than design... Coz design too nice... Not willing to cut the cake leh! Haha
poochi : check u with ... then when the mash potatoe become "cool" liao ... will ur cheddar become sticky sticky? when u shred is it like one strand one strand? or even smaller? (like grated?) mine was one strand one strand, then melt liao ok...but once the food turn cold...become like very sticky... mebbe i add in too much cheddar... aga aga how much cheese do u put in?
re: rusty machine
haha... so now i know i'm not the only 1 wif a soon-to-be rusty machine

last nite talk to HB abt no. 2 and told him maybe can wait till my gal's about 2 then at least wont feel like short-changed her of our 'complete' love & attention. coz if we hv no. 2, sure will divert attention.... and she's a VERY DEMANDING gal...
wah... pengz!

oic, i wait for NATAS fair n see how is their offerings.

ya, gloomybear really tok kong, bring baby arielle to japan n entice all of us with her trip photos

now so many mommies also flying wif babies... makes me so gian~~
kittybride: yr hb so cute!!! last nite i was also asking my hb abt no2... 1 thing is becos our current kid is borned during yr end la... we had wanted 2 yrs difference ideally... so the next one should be due in 2009 which means ideally we can start trying liao!!! faint.. i find too fast lor... but then on the other hand i also find my biological clock ticking as my 1st baby took a while to conceive.. i worry next bb if like that how leh....
my menses came back liao leh.. 2 times.. but not monthly still.. 1.5mths apart.
wah... so many pictures to look at.. lol

I haven't had much time to take Kyra out with the exam on Sat... and another this coming Sat. Took this picture at home....

Her hair sooo messy!! lol

yany, how u make the "peaks" ah? looks yummilicious!

kyra has very very very nice skin
and wish kaira has hair like hers!! heeheee
kaira still abt botak botak like that...lol
hehe... I pipe the mash on top so the cheese won't overflow ;) I have to hide lots of vegetables in as hubby and son no. 2 don't eat them. I even added sweet potato and cauliflower to the mash potato.. hahahaha
i bought the float in chiangmai's carrefour..was there for a working trip last mth. i saw some nice ones at tom and stefanie, some got shade over the head, very nice, less than $20, so tempted to buy but in the end no buy cos i reckon my boy will outgrow the float very fast..hehe..

oh, my car float got 2 holes, so juz need to slip both legs inside. dun think they can use the circle float yet cos' got no support.
your shepherd pie is making me drool lots! can share recipe? i have been wanting to make shepherd pies but juz plain lazy (and bz..)..haha..
poissons & zzz,
the float is from Toy R' Us, right? hee..actually i got the airplane float for Eliza but it's still in the wrapper cos i haven't got a swim suit for her to go swimming yet! it was on sale cos the tag there wrote $9.95, but in e end i got it for about $5.95.

yr kyra got pretty curls! if only Eliza can grow a lil more hair! hehh..
Kyra does have curls... and she's the 1st since both my boys have straight hair. But hor... her hair now so long, poking into her eyes. I'm sooo tempted to cut her bangs!

Oh... and look on the bright side, all Nursery kids have nice hair... hehehehe
re: 2nd one

Hi mummies,
initially i felt this sense of guilt too as i felt i might/will be shortchanging Kiros. Like the attention will be diverted and perhaps i will not be able to carry him while being pregnant. And the list goes on... But mummies, trust me, the guilt will go away.

re:1st bday
Am i seeing things? booked venue and supplies already? oh my..i hvnt really think of how to celebrate for kiros. Plus 2nd one will arrive in dec and baby shower will be in Jan09.. hence making invitation bit tougher as it will be like double invitation for certain guests which i feel paiseh about.


i like yr gal's hair.. and the pie too.. hee hee


yr gal has this enchanting smile. I cant find words to describe. But it could be because she has beautiful eyes.
My shepard's pie.... anyhow do one

I use butter to sautee the big onions and garlic first. Then add in beef cubes (instead of mince beef as we like some texture). While that is happening, I put some red and yellow/orange capsicum in the oven to roast.

Then I add in chopped carrots, celery, zuchinni, peas and whatever I find in the fridge. Today, I even added pear... lol. I fry mushroom separately and added later (coz hubby don't take). Just let it stew for a while with some bay leaves. Meantime, boil potatoes to make mash ;) Season to taste.

My mash today: 5 potatoes, 1 sweet potato, a head of caulifower (mash with butter, salt and some milk)

Once roasted peppers are ready, I remove the skin and cube them... and then add to the beef stew mixture.

To thicken the gravy... I add bristol

Once beef is tender and gravy is thickened, put in pyrex, put mash potato on top and into the oven it goes
If you like cheese, sprinkle mozarella on top before baking in oven....

I always make a huge portion and freeze some. Lazy to cook all the time ;)
I juz come across a recipe from Simply Her on Shepherd's pie and u did it again! I must say u hv a natural flair when it comes to cooking.. "anyhow" do also comes up like a masterpiece. pei fu, pei fu..
Yany, I like savoury stuff! U make me hungry again!!! Grr!!!! Kyra is so cute, i m so jealous of her curls!! Wish Claire also have more hair like her!

Grace, Ash dun hv eye bags lah and she looks so sweet & girly! U shd look at my Claire, she got eye rings when she dun hv enough sleep and she looks like a boy.

Kitty, ur hb so funny! But hor, i still think shd enjoy our no 1 for at least 2 yrs if possible.

I sometimes envy Pig for having no 2 fast but the thought of going thru confinement really sucks big time!
poochi -- tried your method of adding the cheese to the potato mash... heeehee...thanks ah...much better than my first attempt! :p think the last time i put too much cheeeeeseeee......
Hi Yany

Wow...your shepherd's pie is so yummy....yes i agree with everyone, your anyhow do stuff always end up looking so professional...i like the idea of piping the mash.....makes it so pretty....i pierce my pie with fork and do the scraping of lines to create a more textured look

Let me share with everyone my seasoning...i use oyster sauce, light soya....and lastly i add BBQ sauce...it adds a sweet tangy twist to the pie and it doesn't make it so jelak.....

I'm not familiar with ang mo sauces....does Bristol taste the same like BBQ sauce?
grace and yany, your little girls are sooo cuteee!! I loove yany's girl's hair and grace's ash's eyes! and grace:: ash's hair is soo cute. haha!! and have received the adidas outfit!

tinkabel:: matt is still my ever fav model. haha. travis is also quite light still, about 8.3kg at 7.5months. so i guess they're quite the same?

poissons:: garreth is really looking CHEEKY!

Long time didn't post here.. hah have beeen REALLY busy! and well, don't know if u remember me still but hope you remember TRAVIS! ehh!

Hi Sowie,
Your seasoning sounds very asian
I bet it taste great.
Bristo comes in powder form and you add water to thicken and flavour the sauce... to make it more like gravy
I use it for shepherd's pie, beef stew and oxtail soup
It doesn't have the smokey flavour of BBQ tho.

Oh.. and I forgot to mention... I add a can of stewed tomato so you get that sweet and sour taste a little

Travis look like a big boy! Very cheeky smile like.... watch out, I'm gonna splash you!
Hi Yany

Yes...i'm a cheena cook.....my ang mo cooking attempts also got asian influence (dun faint but i actually add light soya sauce on top of salt to my bolognese sauce)...luckily i never thought of using soya sauce on my aglio olio.....hahahhah.....jus use good old sea salt....yeah i saw yr pie had some reddish liquid, was going to ask if you added tomato paste or not......

To thicken my sauce, i actually use corn starch solution...kekeke....can i find bristo in ntuc or cold storage?

Yeah, bbq sauce got smokey flavour...which some may not like.....
Cindy, Travis is so cute!!! Think he looks more like you leh!

Claire is on milk strike again. Dunno isit due to teething or i passed my flu virus to her?
you are so funny... hehehe. The reddish stuff could be roasted pepper as well

Bristo I think contains some corn starch... coz it thickens the same way... but with additional flavour ;) I usually buy from cold storage as no NTUC near my place!

You mentioned "again" in the milk strike. Claire did this before?

your gal has lots of hair
and the pie make me hungry. I loved potatoes (my gal doesn't like though)

any mummies giving chinese medicine to your babies for teething? bao ying san?
Yany, yup. She went on milk strike when she was 6mths & a few weeks b4 she sprouted her first tooth. Now, she continued again. We saw 2 whitish spots on her upper gum.... So, we suspect its teething... IF not, its my flu virus.
All the babes here are so cute!!!! Hair or no hair, they are jus adorable.......

Hmm....let me go dig my brains on how to post a photo...can share with u my girls' pics.....
Mandy: K has thick and nice eye brow! Did u draw it for her? Gee...

Tinkbel: Matt can stand very well huh. He stood up with one hand support, steady!

Poissons: G has so many teeth liao ah. Eagan finally "wu gay" le. Found little whitish tooth sprouting out. Finally!

Yany: Wa, yr ah gal's hair so thick and dark. Can "play around" with diff hair pcs. Now that my E has a bit more hair, i can use baby oil to style his hair when we go out. Too bad i cant use clippies on him. Else...hee hee...

Grace: Ash drooling ah. Always love her big round eyes.

Skye: Elize bian zui, so cute. Her skin very fair too huh.

Cindy: Long time no see. So Travis double eyelids are out? The last time u mentioned one came out right? Mine thik no hope. But it's ok:)

Gemini: Glad yr gal is ok nw.
cactus, mine still bo gay leh

s@L, me interested in the birthday supplies. which site is better?

btw fox is having storewide 50% sale. I bought many many clothes there!
cactusnah, yah matt's "garung". No fear of falling down. Last sun, I sat him against my back during dinner and he was pushing so hard against me that he almost fell off the cushion bench seat we were sitting on. Luckily I managed to grab him. Sigh.. I cldnt eat after that, so frantic. Mine also no hope for double eyelid already (just like his dad) Sigh...

Cindy, travis' my fav too. Ya, same same, both not putting on much weight. Matt doesnt want to take much milk lately too. sigh, used to drink 200ML. Now only 150ML each time. but he is taking more solids though.
oppss...didn't realise my caption didn't come out...

the above is a more recent shot of my girls.....nemo is 7 plus mths in this photo...the dress she was wearing has been worn by 5 other girls and is more than 10 yrs old...this is my fave dress.....

Hey Yany...thanks for the compliments on Jaeanne...

Kyra is also babelicious...ai yo, her curls make her so dolly-like....pls keep long hair for her...next time tie pony tail, u can pull her hair and it'll go boing boing upwards....
