(2007/11) November MTBs

Congrats Pig!

for me i oso wish to have a gal next time round but my hubby likes boys so tat he can play with them..actually i oso tink boys/gals all the same, most imptly they muz be fillial next time they grow up lah...and really the thought of the first 2 months after delivery kind of scare me off..haiz..

i oso worry abt finances if have more kids..my hubby wants 4 wor *faintz*..
after much persuasion he has compromised to 3..hehe

wah yany really super mummy, 2 kids still can bake so frequently...

ya yany must kudos to u and all SAHM.....i hv a helper and i think its tough to handle babies/children.Nowadays they're
lke us b4(my time hehheheh),my mum says we just drink milk and zzzzz.able to play with ourselves.....she kept tellign me my girl's very active(well she really cant sit still for long.)

me would like another bb boy too if able to....hehheheh thinking.then i can close my factory too
weishy ... yeah, my mum also keep telling me, last time put us in cardboard boxes and leave us alone also can .... hahaha....now, i walk away, my gal will "eh eh eh eh" and call for me liao ... want me to sit next to her and play with her ... no time to do other things!!!

me, i think i will stick to 1.... hahahaha... dun tink i can tahan going through another time... :p

i also think i look like a maid when i go out with family. i gotta carry haversack (all bb's barang barang inside) & push the pram. then i am short, small-build, short hair, dark -skinned, NO make-up & NO pretty clothes, look even more like one! i dun dare to hire maid, wait pple ask my HB, which one is ur maid huh??? hahahaa

my HB also like urs. everytime we wanna go out with bb, he'll just get himself ready, sit on the sofa & look at me busy preparing all bb's stuff. then by time i prepare myself, he already v impatient & will ask me y i so slow. how to have time to doll myself? just T-shirt, 3/4 pants & slipper. i wanna draw my eyebrow & put on concealer also cannot *sob*

weekdays also sama sama. i reach home & must immediately get ready for Jovan's bedtime. when i come out of bb's room after bb is asleep, my HB is already all comfortable on the sofa & surfing web. then i be busy doing housework (wash & sterilise bottles, wash bb clothes, prepare bb stuff for tmr) AND i still haven even eaten or change out of my working clothes. only time i get to sit down is when i eat dinner or pump.

AND bb Jovan is still NOT sleeping thru the night! he gets up at least 2x at night. i dun even dare to think abt #2.

y dun u speak to ur hubby??
ask him to help u out a bit lah, like wash/sterilise bb bottles quite simple, he can do mah...
prepare bb or pack his stuff when going out he oso can do mah...
sorry but i tink he shld not load everything on u, shld help a bit mah, else u will be very tired leh...
re: 2nd or 3rd bb
for me, 2 is enough and i'm pretty happy with 2 gals
but my hb doesn't mind hvning #3 for which i told him off... #3 who take care? sometimes ask him to take over to look after #2 or #1 for a while (while i do my things) he already so impatient... so, no way! hahaha

yalor, can understand your situation... haiz... dunno why hbs are all like that! men!

re: terrible 2
well, my elder gal juz turned 3 in July and i have been facing her 'terrible 2' since she was 2... and yany, you're saying there's a 'horrible 3'??? I think you're right!
everyday, she will repeatedly be asking questions about this and that... why, etc. and recently has started to have her own mind by retorting 'No' to things that we tell her to do! *arrggghhh* making me crazy!
But, interestingly my mum told me that when you educate/scold the elder kid, the younger ones will turn out better because they learnt that from young! and the reason my mum said that is because i was scolding my elder gal that day and Bevis was in her playpen looking all the while at me with wide open eyes and not smiling (as if want to cry)! hahahaha
wah cat... your hubby like that one ah. Next outing can bring him along? Then I slap him silly.... hahaha.

You ladies don't envy me lar. I have got helpers at home. One has been with me before R was born... so 7 years already. Very automatic... so no need to tell her what to do. Then after no. 2 started crawling (while I was still working), had to hire her an assistant coz she cannot cope. Nowadays, I can bake coz I don't have to do housework or cook... hehehehe. Only play with kids, do homework, do revision, take them for classes...etc. I only cook when I feel like it but I do make babyfood for them. Only after kids turn 1 that I trust my helpers to prepare their food. Since I don't have family here to help, have to rely on helpers. So.. now need to go back to work soon coz having all these is really draining on all the finances

I just hope when the kids grow up, they are filial man! hehehehe
Pig: Congrats on yr new minnie. Will be as cute and pretty like Kiros
. So yr EDD is in Nov?

zzz: Same here, my HB prefers 2nd one to be boy coz then E will have companion. But i prefer 2nd one to be gal. Hee..so now either boy/gal also can.

Cat: Yup, make yr HB help u in the prep of bb's bag, etc. And, u mean u and HB bring J out and u're the one to push the pram and carry haversack?

Yany: Where u from?
catherine: wow.. ur DH like that one arh.. if my DH is like that.. i sure tell him off into his face if he rush me off and dont even dare to think of no.2 too. my DH will help out to wash all the bottles while i look after the bb. after tucking the bb to bed, i can go sleep liao coz he will wash the bottles.

For outing, I still will do all the packing lah unless he is free then he will help to do the milk, bottles and hot water. So I think im on the lucky side.. haha.. i don think my DH wants me to look like maid when going out lah.. if not he where got face.. muahaha..

your hubby can help bit like carry JOvan while you pack or bit of this and that. Get him involve. Maybe he thot you didnt want to engage his help hence he jus leave it to you. Perhaps it will make him feel better if you ask him to help?

My edd 7dec. Ya, i fear that gal will look her daddy and then jiat lat liao..hahaha..

Until today, i see have neighbours asking me if Kiros is boy or girl. Aiyo, he really looks like girl girl meh?

My CL told me before tat kiros looks like a gal at birth, hence my second one will be a girl. Dont know if its coincidental or not.
till the day that I cut matt's hair, pple on the streets keep telling me he look like gal also. I dress him in blue, they still keep asking. And they also say my 2nd one sure gal. Wonder how true.
2nd bb's gender,
Oh dear, one look at my boy will know that he's really a BOY (cos' so far no one mistook him as gal), which means i will have another boy? sob sob..

Nope, not that my MIL and her mum like boys better, juz that they have this stong "instincts" that my next bb will be a boy as well, eg. he doesn't have inverted nipples (if inverted, means will have gal), he got this very visible line across his thunder thighs which many old folks think that it's a sign that that next bb will be boy...etc etc...it goes on and on..

congrats leh, pass some bb gal dust to some of us who needs here..hehe...actually kiros dun look like gal lah, the recent pic you took, he looks abit like ang moh bb

I think you pamper your hubby too much lah. After a few rounds of reminders, my hubby now more auto, usually i'm the one who pack the baby's bag when going out, he will help to change my boy. At night when I feed the night feed, he will wash and sterilise the bottles..the baby belongs to BOTH of you, not only you, so he shld play his part and lighten your load, juz my pt of view.
Hi Tinkabel,

Hope what the old people said are true then. And that Matt will have a baby sister in time to come.


What yr mil said about inverted nipples la, lines across of the thighs la, all these i have heard of also..

actually several people ever commented him looking bit like ang mo. i think maybe certain angles bah. i also dont know lei.

Baby Girl Dust. Baby Girl Dust to those of you who wants a baby gal.
Catherine, my darling boy also wakes up at least 2x at night... that's on a good night. sometimes, he'll wake up for no reason too.. I've gotten quite used to it though.
wah... i think all of u are very brave to have a 2nd one so soon. I'm waiting till he grows a bit bigger, because i dunno how to manage 2 small ones.

Anyway, what happened to the big birthday bash?
Anyone thinking of the 1st year old celebration?
Re: Hubby helping

I'm blessed cos my hubby helps out a lot with baby. After wk, he will bathe jaydyn, feed her. If she doesnt sleep, he'll read 2 her and play with her a while. Then study as he's doing his part time masters now. When going out, sometimes he'll help with dressing jaydyn/ preparing e bag. I guess he knows tt it's not easy 4 me 2 b a SAHM without help. We no longer have e part time cleaner. So I do all the housewk nowadays.

Re: Porridge
I need some advice. Has been giving Jaydyn cereals since she was 6mths old. I started making porridge for her since last wk. She doesnt seem 2 take it well. I dunno wat I did wrongly. I'm still trying to try various ways. 1 thing I know is she chokes if I make it lumpier. So I try 2 make it smoother. I usually add 2 veg and 1 meat and cook together with the porridge. Then blend it. I hv to resort 2 adding fruit to get her to eat she starts refusing to eat. Most of the time she can't finish. I also made veg stock. Didnt help.Should I make e porridge simpler? Like 1 veg and 1 meat? Should I cook the meat separately and puree it b4 adding to the porridge?
yo.. I lazy lah, just buy the snow pea seeds and throw into the soil and water ...oh tomatoes I planted before also , it's easy to plant too ...can try planting ..

yalor ,,go back sin sure bring back Sin dry food, where got bring back album ..haaaa... I married very old lah
...in end 2004 ...ya lor , she asked me to help, but I cannot leh, that time help with Coach , neglect Ethan, and husband also not very happy liao loh ...so cannot loh ...also good lah ..can go back to my normal self liao ...more time with Ethan ....that time so busy , run here run there ...yo ..like mad mum like that ...

my dusty album in Sin lah ....also don't want to look back liao ...haaa... old liao loh ...now can only envy young pretty babe here ...haaa.... congrats ...yoo ... girl girl ...make me drool leh ...I want a girl girl also but old liao ...engine cannot make it liao ...haaaa....maybe will try lah .....I also hope to have girl leh but hor I heard from my friends who have 1 boy and 1 girl hor, they don't seem to play togehter leh ...my mum was telling me when I gave birth to a boy that once I have a boy , want to give birth next or not also nevermind cos got a boy liao ..I was thinking : yo....why so old fashion ...does it mean that if I had a girl , then must try until got boy ah??? then have boy not need to try already lah??? ....anyway I like girl ...girl will stick to old mommy me ...heeeeee ...I think next time my boy will listen to wife leh , don't want to listen to me liao ...all about wife liao , not me
yooo....pig07, why look like your hb jiat luck meh??? your hb look handsome what ...... otherwise you won't marry him right ...haaaa....

wow, some babies advance to use mug liao ah??? Ethan still drinking from milk bottle leh ...stress ....
hey cat and gillian, TRAVIS still wakes up like 2x too! guess we must really resign to fate. hehe!

jay:: travis did not take to porridge well too. don't give up. We persisted and now he takes it okay. We give him a variety but for the rice, we will blend it first before we cook it. so it's easier to cook and the texture is smoother. So sometimes he gets broccoli and carrot and potatoes, sometimes pumpkin, sometimes toufu and french beans, sometimes sweetpeas and toufu, sometimes spinach and fishes like - threadfin, codfish and salmon. Haven't tried meat like chicken and pork yet though! so far just fishes for meat. Don't give up. initially we topped up with milk with whatever he cannot finish. slowly slowly. she can do it.
Poissons, is it true that inverted nipples means will be a gal? Sometimes, I am really amazed by things that old folks said. Then you better give birth to a girl to prove them wrong. Heehee….. :p

RE: Myth
Any ladies here heard of when you are getting married, you need to buy bath tub so and so. If not, next time when you can’t give birth, it’s your fault. Cos I heard that from my MIL who actually want to skip this tradition for her daughter (my SIL) when she got married but upon hearing this myth from those shop owner, she felt uncomfortable so end up she bought for her daughter when getting married. But when I got married then, I don’t see the need to buy those stuffs and keep and since my MIL don’t mind, I never bought then but I still give birth to a son. So she was saying those myth, really terrible. I told her in the first place, I don’t believe and it’s doesn’t sound logical at all. Its more like the shop owner want you to buy more from them that all.

Catherine & Gillian & Cindy, my son also still wake up at least 1-2 times at night for feeding. If not, he will also make noise when he drop his pacifier. I just put it back into his mouth, and he went back to sleep again. Sometimes I do feel very tired too! Guess I got used to it already.

ShaneDiao, my friends were all saying that I don’t need to stress since I got a boy already. Cos they were that I got a girl, then I should be stress. Cos 2nd one must give birth to a boy. I told them, I am not bother. Girl or Boy, I will dote too. Even if they have no other people to dote, they still have their own parents to dote them. :)
Re Porridge
My MIL said that my son can finish up the Nestle Brown Rice very fast. But when come to porridge, sometimes he will finish it up. If not, only half bowl. I also wonder why.

RE: Brown Rice
Ladies, I recalled you all are saying about SiShen Brown Rice. Is it the instant brown rice cereal cos I thought I saw it at NTUC. It’s from China one?
Yany, Ipoh famous for Mei Nu!!!

Shane, its like that one lah... Coz u invested money for the Coach Spree also mah!

Hehe, on the rumours of 2nd baby's gender hor. I looked like a boy when i was a baby, alot of folks told my Mum that her 2nd child will be a boy. Ended up i got a younger sis! So, the rumours just hear hear can liao...

RE: Waking up Twice at night
My cheeky gal resumed this again, so i fed her water. Then she bo bian, go back to sleep. Was reading from Babycenter.com that its normal coz due to teething or that they acquired a new skill and want to practise even in their sleep!

My Uncle was right, they have this saying, "3mths flip, 6mths sit, 8mths crawl and 9mths - a fox!" Now Claire is a fox coz she likes to prowl around the house and explore! Can't let her out of sight for even a second!
wah u gals already upgraded ur topics to bb no.2? Ha nout sure if ur also encounter tis but I always have ppl asking me wen I having my no.2 - I'm like duh I jus gave birth to no.1 not long le!?!! Me and my hubby wan 3 kids but hor we'll see how it goes man! Cos we're not young liao.. :p

Jay: for porridge i find dat if I cook wif pumpkin she'll take more - tink becos its sweet.
I usually steam the veg abit before adding into the porridge to cook so its soft enuf. Before i started giving meat/fish i use to give 2 veg. now I give 1 veg and 1 meat/fish.

Oh I'm goin to Perth tis Oct bought the tics from Qantas liao! so looking forward!!

BTW anyone interested in Rafferty Garden? I have extra 2 packs of Baby's bolognese with macaroni 170g (for 10mths onwards) bought by my aunt who jus came back fr Auzzie. Its $3.50 per pack, Expires next year. PM me if int.
Poochi, i think u can do a spree on Rafferty Garden's product leh since u going to Perth. Saw some forum ladies doing a spree on it, selling at least SG$5.50-$6

On porridge, Claire likes broccoli, carrot, pumpkin. Hates any greens (Except for broccoli) and fishy smell.
lasykat: i also came upon this deal on the spree. Saw the overview on the web and still considering shd I get for my girl anot. Nowadays I don know what kind of toys she interested in. She loves to pull tags from the carseat and scroller but bought a Tag book for her, she doesnt like it. -___-"..

Gelyn: yes, heard those myth b4 and I didnt buy those red tub, coconuts, brushes etc and put on the bed. Some even wants those boys to jump on beds so that can have many boys.. sigh.. I dont follow lah.. mine was just chin chin cai cai.

2nd bb gender:
I also heard from my SIL that my girl's nipple is not inverted, next bb must b a boy. then she looks like boyboy, also claim tt next one is a boy. Then when she put her foot inside her mouth, it's a boy too.. haha.. so many things claim to be a boy..

Poochi: wow go Perth wor~.. i always want to go Aus for short holiday but the air tax its sooo super ex.. always taken back by it.
i am thinking of getting 2 - another one as gift, with christmas coming soon, need to stock up gifts ahead, super KS! Cos nowadays dun hv luxury to go for shopping for long long hours.

My FIL just called to say my DD fell down fr their bed.. sigh. Just had some clashes with them yesterday and today this hv to happened! Gotta rush over during lunch to check on her.
k@ye u so cute.. ya dat way I can earn back some $$ for my airtics ha ha.. but dun wan la wan to go there and nua nua.

mambobb, its the airtics taxes dat kills!! But got it cos Qantas had promo. Actually SQ also got promo 800+ (incld tax) fly to perth but dates dun suit us.
hi poochi,
i just came back from perth.. nice place to bring an infant..slow and nice... keke.
i think my gal enjoyed there as it was cool.... in fact she slept a lot there...
update list:

Mega Birthday Bash Dates Suggestion!

1st Nov 08
1. Plumsource
2. Kaye
3. Mambobb
4. Langlao (prefer)
5. Poissons (cos 15 Nov is my boy's exact birthdate, need to celebrate for him with my families)
6. Grace
7. Mandy

15th Nov 08
1. Mambobb
2. Kaye
3. Queenaire
4. weishy(TBC but really loved 2,hv 2 wait til nov roster out :p )
ok.. got photos from my photographer liaoz... so here's clearer pics of the march-in

Very cute pic of arielle with her uncle:

with mummy

Cake Cutting
Hi Cindy!

Thanks for yr encouragement! I was also thinking of grinding the rice into powder form but needs to wash and dry the rice 1st before grinding ya? I think its troublesome. hehe! I add pumpkin/ carrot to e porridge cos she loves them. but didnt work. I think she's not used 2 cod fish. She gives e yucky look. when I gave her chicken, not tt yucky but also dun reali like. Will keep trying!

Other mummies, any other advice? Pls share yr success stories with me.
gelyn - on the si shen brown rice, Eu Yan Sang also sells it. i bot mine from them as don't really trust those "china brands" leh .... ;p heehee. only thing is, not sure if our babies will still like it. e.g. kaira she now prefers textured stuff...so even tho she enjoyed the si shen brown rice very much when she first started on solids...nowadays not so as its quite smooth after cooking. so, guess depends on your baby. juz sharing with u my experience.

wow -- mummies, u have started feeding your babies with meat and chicken and fish already? u use blender to blend them isit? i haven't given them to kaira altho i use pork (and today first time using chicken) to make the soup stock. in fact, i sometimes i give her juz plain porridge cos dun want to give her carrot everyday (and she doesn't like brocoli, cauliflower, peas) ... so dunno what other veg to add at this moment. heehee.
Gloomybear, i like the picture of Arielle with her uncle!! So cute!

Think Arielle resembles you more!

Kat, your gal will be alright dun worry. Nowadays our babies are curious cats so very accident prone.
Thanks Dreamer for sharing. Cos my son like the Nestle Brown Rice and he will finish it up fast but when come to porridge, sometimes he only ate half the bowl. Hence, I thought of the Si Shen Brown Rice that you all mentioned. The one I saw at NTUC is called Si Shen Instant Brown Rice and it from China. Just wonder if it is the same one. And yes, I also don't really trust those "China Brand". Thats why I need to double check.

Brown Rice Porridge
Any mummies cook Brown Rice with normal rice for your BB? And how to go about it? Do I need to grind it to power form and I can just put in slow cooker and cooker as normal?
jay, my gal tried porridge with fish and didn't like it... cried and scold me leh... then the tongue keep sticking all the way out, even after i stop feeding her. i think she hates the fish smell.. she's ok with porridge with vege...
sigh.. how how how?
gloomybear, jay -- think our babies all have their "character" ... for me, i was also "Stressed" previously when kaira keep rejecting the various veg that i tried to feed her.... but now i think no point stressing over what they don't like now .... they may change over time... so i juz feed her what she likes and continue to let her try new things ... like good...no like ... haizzz....waste $$$ ... ;(
thanks, she was alright, no vomitting nor bruise/bum, but my heart really sank!

gloomybear, wat fish did u use? i think cod fish quite fishy, threadfin still ok.. maybe u wanna try masking the taste of the fishiness with some more strong smelling vege? A is such a dearie!
gloomybear, yr description sounds so familiar. haha! Jaydyn did tt too! whenever she sees e spoon, she will stick her tongue out. Then I will tell her "Mummy is not feeding u poison. Can u pls eat?" What kinda veg do u give A? I give her broccoli, spinach, carrot, pumpkin. Can try xiao bei cai?

In terms of cooking the porridge, I tried 2 ways. 1st way is the put everything into e porridge while cooking then blend. 2nd way is to puree the veg and meat separately before adding into e plain porridge.

I also bought the brown rice powder fm the medical hall. I might try cooking it tmr. Tis wk I'm jus so busy experimenting with her porridge. Very busy! haha!
gloomybear, btw, u reali look radiant in your wedding dresses.
I think u shld change yr SMH nick. U r so smiley, I dun see the 'gloom' at all. haha! Oh, I hv 2 evening dresses, 1 ivory in colour, e other one is red as well! I wanna post my wedding pics but dunno how to resize. Tried using the shinkpicture website. After shrinking, e pics r so small!
lazykat -- glad to know that ur DD is alrite

jay -- u very hardworkig and good mummie
if kaira rejects her feed hor ... i will be quite discouraged ... then next few days don't feel like making her porridge liao ... juz give her cereal ;p cos i sianzzzz liao ... heehee.
gloomybear:cool !u look great really,so envious u can slim down so fast

and ur girl is so cute and pretty heeheh(jus like mommy :p

dreamer@ndl:u cn try to add alot of stuffs le(brocoli,sweet potato,potato,celery,spinach,tofu,egg yolk,pumpkin etc....)

thanks weishy ... i juz started adding egg yolk yesterday ... so far so good. here the normal supermarkt no tofu .. muz go oriental supermarket see have or not... so not easily available.

most of the "orange/yellow" fruits/veg tried liao ... she ok...but scared everyday feed her orange color she turn yellow ... ;p that's what happened to my cousin and another baby that i know....

k, next week try some spinach ... see if she likes... going to try lentils too .....

celery do u find it very fibrous?
