(2007/11) November MTBs

Kitty, okie will check~

Cindy, good one! As much as i think the T-shirts are cute but i dun think i will want to wear them.

Thanks for sourcing. Gd to know that they can get it done in time, but when's the deadline to submit our order? But depends if the rest of the mummies want it. Personally i find it cute, special mah. Will be very nice when they take the grp photo. Kee kee..
weishy, I also dun think my hubby will want to wear it.

Dun mind buying 1 for A if that's the "uniform" for the party:
I'm 2 t shirt ($24) or family sets ($74)


Is 2T big enuff??
babes.. get 3T. I got 3T for travis n just a bit long but shoulder n sizing wise, easier.

kitty:: haha!!! you try lah!!

kaye.. cute wor heee. reconsider? piggy n pirate king.. hahaaaa
this is the tshirt u are talking about. My friend bought it n complained that the material is v lousy. It tore after 1 wash. The one that L has, the material is v good, i am trying to ask my friend about the contact. Not sure if she can find it
Weishy, I totally agreed with u!! Haha.. or mabbe we go buy those iron on labels to put on the T-shirts!

Not only tt $24 is not worth spending on such T-shirt mat'l either.

Plim, no problem..
K@ye:ya can also...btu where to get those white Ts??? whte is oki guys???? should be cheaper mah?????

saw from Daiso they hv those iron on alphabets.. :p
<font color="ff0000">Party funds of $20: Payment to Kaye's posb savings ac 062-23570-5</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Nov's Toddlers - 2nd Birthday Bash at Mac!</font>

Venue: Kallang MacDonald
Dates: 1st Nov 2009
Time: 12nn - 130pm

<font color="119911">Cost: $9/per child (No GST)
Deposit: $15 (non-refundable)
Booked under Cactusnah name, Elaine
Gift Exchange: SG$20
Deco: MacDonalds
Birthday cake: Smiling Orchid, No 2 (Sesame Street), MissA to collect! Thanks!</font>

1. Weishy -NUggets (Paid)
2. Kaye - Nuggets (Paid)
3. MissA - Nuggets (Paid)
4. Grace - Nuggets
5. Mambobb - Nuggets
6. Cactusnah - Nuggets (Paid)
7. ASHM - Nuggets
8. kittybride - nuggets (Paid)
9. Lazykat - Nuggets (Paid)
10. Poissons - Nuggets (Paid)
11. Ueno - Nuggets (Paid)
12. smilemum - Nuggets (Paid)
13. Rachel18 - Nuggets (Paid)
14. Plumsource - Nuggets
15. Gloomybear - Nuggets
16. PLim - Nuggets
17. Catherine - Nuggets
18. Happi - Nuggets
Weishy, i cheapo mummy.. U think Daiso will also hv the white T-shirts? Haha... Let me go source source ard... Since its just for fun!
morn ladies,
I've ordered a Letter 2 cake with Sesame Theme. Vanilla and choc layers &amp; strawberry filling in between. Wording: "Happy Birthday to all Nov' 07 Toddlers". It's in Freash Cream.

The lady warn me that the cake can only be in aircon room for 1 hr and best put in a fridge. I've to collect the cake at 10.45am and proceed to Mac from thr. Very scared the cake will be all melted.

Cactus/K@ye, can chk if thr's a fridge at Mac to put the cake? The cake is 14" x 20".

We still hv time to change to butter-cream. Let me know.
Weishy: I'm ok with anything for the t-shirt.

MissA: I just called Mac. Unfortunatley they cant help us store the cake for 2 reasons. 1 is for mishandling issue (they received complaints from customers for mishandling their cake and that created some unhappiness); 2nd reason is for food safety issue (they dont know whr we got our food from and there's concern abt contaminating their fd and vice versa).

Alternatively, we can also store the cake in my fridge and i'll drive home (2mins away) to collect it when it's time for cake cutting. Hw?
cactus, u hv a big fridge? The cake is 14" x 20", u can chk the size of ur fridge 1st. Else we just order the butter cream cake (last resort &amp; not so troublesome).
Ladies on the personalised T-shirts.. I got another cheapo idea...

U know hor those wet mkt white t-shirts that sells like 3 for $5 that type? MAbbe we get those &amp; put those iron on labels (from Daiso) on it...

Any comments?
k@ye, wet markets sell plain T @ 3 for $5? I saw those with prints (elmo etc), 3 for $10.

btw, Daiso sell T-shirts? I can chk out tmr lunch time.
k@ye: sorry.. have been busy lately.. will tsf to you tmr
going off for course shortly..

any mummies know where to get those small cloth cone to cover the boy's birdie when changing the diaper? I saw one BP on this before but seldom selling it.. where can buy huh?
Mambobb: Not sure was it Weishy who posted the link for the cone? Actually no need to buy the cone, we used tissue/wet tissue to cover the birdie when changing for him. Save $ and usually by the time he is few months old, he'll know hw to "control" and not shot when u're changing diapers.
k@ye, sorry for the delay...have been so busy the past few weeks. Tried to transfer the $$ but IB seems weird and refused to let me transfer. Will try again later...
<font color="ff0000">Party funds of $20: Payment to Kaye's posb savings ac 062-23570-5</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Nov's Toddlers - 2nd Birthday Bash at Mac!</font>

Venue: Kallang MacDonald
Dates: 1st Nov 2009
Time: 12nn - 130pm

<font color="119911">Cost: $9/per child (No GST)
Deposit: $15 (non-refundable)
Booked under Cactusnah name, Elaine
Gift Exchange: SG$20
Deco: MacDonalds
Birthday cake: Smiling Orchid, No 2 (Sesame Street), MissA to collect! Thanks!

1. Weishy -NUggets (Paid)
2. Kaye - Nuggets (Paid)
3. MissA - Nuggets (Paid)
4. Grace - Nuggets
5. Mambobb - Nuggets
6. Cactusnah - Nuggets (Paid)
7. ASHM - Nuggets (Paid)
8. kittybride - nuggets (Paid)
9. Lazykat - Nuggets (Paid)
10. Poissons - Nuggets (Paid)
11. Ueno - Nuggets (Paid)
12. smilemum - Nuggets (Paid)
13. Rachel18 - Nuggets (Paid) )
14. Plumsource - Nuggets
15. Gloomybear - Nuggets
16. PLim - Nuggets
17. Catherine - Nuggets (Paid)
18. Happi - Nuggets
k@ye, Daiso sell 2 types of white T Shirt; round and V neck. The quality may not sustain the 1st washing. I din see any alphabets iron ons.
POISSONS:: haha the prints on the tshirt is very nice. but the tshirt quality is YUCKS! like what ueno's friend commented, the tshirt quality is not so good.
cactusnah:hehehhe ya enduring!!!!!! never never ask helper to go on holidy if u hv no help......or rather never handle 2 kids at a time with no help wakkakakkakak.esp age group so close! :p

no la i went to the fu jian hui guan......but cant find my birth cert! haiz so cme back empty handed
