(2007/11) November MTBs

rachel, She is sooo cute!! does she look like you or hubby? How is Issac towards her? ahaha! She's called Katie eh?

and here's trishelle

Really wish to join u all at mac's but hubby doesn't want. So i think i will try to convince him later on..

Thanks mummies for all the baby dusts.. hopefully strike jackpot soon

Unfortunately, its ZY's turn to catch a chill, and hence she is kinda hard to manage these 2 days, finally slept by 8pm+ (nap time barely 30min today!)

Cactus, K@ye,
thanks for volunteering and getting so much info within 1 day!

why not leh? Ask him another day when he is ain a good mood again.

congrats! With E so lovable, i think its fine if the next one is a gal or boy

Now i start to think i want 2 gals.. after seeing how tough some boys can be!
dunno what kind of bad luck occurring now, Hanns is suspected to be having HFMD :-( so close to my delivery...sigh.... got fever this morning and there is a blister like pimple near his mouth, thought i saw some rashes on his palm but when took him to Paed, the Paed saw none and said most likely it is not, but after came back from Paed, i saw the rashes on his palm getting more obvious and now the foot seems to be having some faint rashes too.... worse is his body started to have more rashes and especially his testicle also got red spots which is definately not diaper rash :-(
HAppy, chickenpox?

Kat, Cactus is the one who did the booking!!!

Cindy, *MUAKS* Trishelle!!! HEhe.. she is so cute and looks exactly like Travis (Machiam like Travis in a dress... opps)
Nov's Toddlers - 2nd Birthday Bash at Mac!

Venue: Kallang MacDonald
Dates: 1st Nov 2009
Time: 12nn - 130pm
Gift Exchange budget: SG$20

Cost: $9/per child (Assume b4 GST)
Deposit: $15 (non-refundable)

1. Weishy
2. Kaye
3. MissA
4. Grace
5. Mambobb
6. Cactusnah
8. kittybride
9. Lazykat
10. Poissons
11. yoko - 31st will be better.. If not 1st Nov morning Cos will be celebrating Jordan BD on that day
12. Ueno
13. smilemum
14. poochi
15. Rachel18
16. Gloomybear
lazykat:: aiya he antisocial de la. HAHAHA!! will try to make or trick him later on loh.
plus that wkend also might be celebrating Travis's Bday cause his is 3rd nov. so maybe cannot too. we see how later on. ANd yes boys are TERRRRIBLLLEEE! very rowdy and loud! buay tahan. but actually, in retrospect, Travis is a much easier bb to care for than trishelle ley. she sleeps very late and very demanding! travis can fall into routine very easily de. Sighsss. JIA YOU and all the best on TTC!

kaye:: many ppl think so toooo!! thank you so much! hahaha!!!
Hi All mummies

Very last min need to admit to hospital after my check up. C sect again as usuka. But this time round is so much more painful. Hardly can walk, sit. Baby is 3.05kg at week 36. 30th July. Will be discharge on sunday.

Cactus, will post her pic later.

Cindy ur gal eyes so round lei. So cute.

Birthday bash I don't mind at 12pm.

Need balloonist? i hv one charge abt $200 for 11/2 hr.
yoko:: i also do agree the second round is much more painful. but don't worry all be over soon. Hugs to you. JIA YOU!

looking fwd to see her picture!!
Hi all ladies...hope u are all fine! I hv been MIA for a really long time...lots happened for the past weeks....busy juggling work, kiddos and my house issues. Only managed to speed read thru the archives.

Was hoping to join u all for the bdy bash in Nov but i doubt i can. i will prob be busy moving house by then, so i cannot commit to the date.
now my weekends are all burnt with kiddos and hubby full time at the restaurant. I m kinda used to it liao, so i avoid going out with them unless i m super bored!

Smilemum, happened to see ur post abt breast pump. jus want to share a little since i hv tried almost all the reputable brands. Still thumbs up for Avent DUO if u are thinking of keepin up ur milk supply n BF on a long term basis. Aft that the resale value still not bad so aftall is worth to splurge on this pump. u can ask Tinkabel/Grace i think they will agree! However the Avent UNO(single) is not really as powerful as the duo.
as for inverted nipple, i heard from frens that gyna/doc advise to prepare the nipple BEFORE ur bb is due. cos it will be very difficult to BF with inverted nip.

Cindy, abt ur blog, i hv posted a web in my FB, try it and it worked for mine. i also didnt post pictures for the past few weeks becos the icon was missing!

Yoko, congrats on ur delivery...hope to see ur princess' pictures soon! take care and rest well...hope u can BF successfully this time!!
Yoko, congrats & rest well okie! Wow, ur gal quite a good weight... I cant imagine her weight if u carry till full term.
Nov's Toddlers - 2nd Birthday Bash at Mac!

Venue: Kallang MacDonald
Dates: 1st Nov 2009
Time: 12nn - 130pm
Gift Exchange budget: SG$20

Cost: $9/per child (Assume b4 GST)
Deposit: $15 (non-refundable)

1. Weishy
2. Kaye
3. MissA
4. Grace
5. Mambobb
6. Cactusnah
8. kittybride
9. Lazykat
10. Poissons
11. yoko - 31st will be better.. If not 1st Nov morning Cos will be celebrating Jordan BD on that day
12. Ueno
13. smilemum
14. poochi
15. Rachel18
16. Gloomybear
17. Plumsource

Thanks ladies for organising!
Cactus: we have to stay outside to watch over our kiddos huh? Like that I dont think I can make it coz my girl is a koala bear to me one. If we are able to go inisde.. heehhee. then I will join in.. paisey hor..

Actually I want to wait till the confirmation of my bb gender then will post it here.. heehee.. since Cindy has mentioned it, will make it BIG BIG here.. haha..

<font color="aa00aa">my #2 bb EDD is on the 15th Feb 2010. </font>
kaye: me still hoping the bb comes out on the 14th feb instead.. haha.. but after searching google and it seem like there is not much 'sponsorship' of diapers and milk powder leh.. haha
aiyo, your girl has so much hair and such BIG eyes!! So pretty lei.

Katie looks more like me.

Isaac will behave like a big bb sometimes. So we need to take care of his needs also. How is Travis reacting to Trishelle?

Thanks for organising the party.

my friend has thyhoid as well. Heard from him, can do some test e.g drink some liquid stuff and thyhoid will be ok one. Why don't you try it?

Yoko / mambobb,
dreamer, thanks for your concern. yes she's better now. But due to medication she has been really cranky and whiny at times hope this week she'll be back to her normal self. And I lost my camera in HK :p but we did enjoy ourselves in Disneyland catching all the lifeshows, rides &amp; fireworks.

Mummies, I must say the HK disneyland is very small compared to US and Japan. But good thing cos you can cover almost all the things.

cactusnah, thanks for organising the party - you're are so efficient and detailed. : )
Poochi, aiya.. so sayang to lost ur camera...

I was thinking of bringing Claire there when she is 3 yrs old, then she knows how to enjoy the stuff there!
s@l:: thank you for the link! WORK LIAO! heh!

rachel: haha thank you! Trishelle, frankly speaking, didn't drop as much hair as travis. He drop till almost like botak. but hers not lo. but she didn't have much to start with. sighh. HE loves her, i think. Ocassionally will ask to carry her and kiss her. But will tend to fight for attention. Whenever i want to carry trishelle, he will fake fake ask me go away help him with something.
hi all, managed to steal some time to log in aft settling my clingy girl. sigh...both kiddos down with fever, few days ago was my boy, today princess M got it....super tired!

Cindy, works hor...i was so desperate and mad that i googled every possible way to rectify it..thank goodness i found n and tried.

K@ye, i m still staying in my flat, hvnt moved. most likely will be moving sometime mid oct-Nov...so prolly this yr both my kiddos birthday will be jus a small affair at hm!

mambo, congrats!
Michviv, congrats to u too!

poochi, personally i had higher expectations of HKG disneyland...hahha...was kinda disappointed with the rides and space! Hope to hv a chance to visit Japan's version as well as Puroland..
S@L, I don't think i can BF. I have stopped liao. Today the engorgement is terrible. Went to TMC for the massage. Also my wound hurts. Didn't want to get paranoid like last time. So hb also asked me to stopped. Kinda of waste cos i gt gd milk flow. But what to do. SCare pain la. 3rd day I latch her already sore nipples. ALso blood flowing. Milk become watermelon juice. ALso hv to discard cos nt gd for BB. Sad!

mambobb, congrats....

will post BB pics soon
S@L;dun be cos.......its differnt la.....they gonna hv phase 2 too so some of u may wanna wait til later then go one shot

Mambobb:congrats!!!!!! join us la if can
will be fun
Yoko, even dun latch... can pump out the milk to ease engorgement...
That's what i did when i got sore nipples...

Sal, i see.. I was thinking u hv not got a new pl yet so u staying where... Mai stress hor... slowly slowly will be able to find ur dream pl okie!
Abit out of topic here.. i just had my wisdom tooth taken out, all 4 of them. i cant eat...swallowing is painful too. drinking my straw works luckily so i am on a liquid diet... so hungry neh!
grace:hey great for weight losing le not bad :p just joking har......u take care....maybe make some soupy porridge la
or those campbell soups?????
grace, poor gal..u must be drooling hee hee. Eat mash potato?

k@ye, yes will be fun, even now Hazel is enjoying herself dancing along during the parades.

S@l, yes u must go japan disney. The atmoshpere is the best!! actually i prepareed myself not to expect too much for HK disney- but it was small enough for us to cover everything and wif a small kid, was ok la. But I guess for u not enuf cos u got 1 bigger kid. and yes puroland-must go one day!!!
weishy: me also want to go leh.. but if I leave cailyn inside and me stay outside.. i dont think she want lor.. I think she would rather koala me than playing inside with other kiddos..
Grace, wow 4 at one time! Painful leh, drink cold or cool stuff to soothe the pain... Milk is the best.

Poochi, Puroland = HK land?
S@l: Take good care of your boy &amp; Princess M.

Yoko: Don't be sad. FM is equally good lah. Take care ya and don't stress. *pat pat*

Grace: I can't believe you had 4 wisdom tooth taken out together! OUCH! I still holding back to just take out one.
i took out 4 so that i can go under. i dont want to see the jab 4 times individually...

yes great for losing weight lah. lost 1 kg already..but hungry u know...

Cold milk is best...
grace:i know la i cant skip a meal myself kakkakakak :p

hey the new term for pds is 11th aug......wanna book the left over 2 lessons together?ladies anyone?
mambobb: Congrats again! =)

S@l: Thanks! Hope your little ones feel better soon.

Grace: haha...I did the same crazy thing in my 3rd year of uni. Enjoy your ice cream and yoghurt! Can eat some porridge right? Hope the swelling goes down soon.

Weishy: Yes! Lets do that!
u gung ho lor.. i still dun dare to touch my 1 and only 1 yet, tho it did give me some problem during last pregnancy...

guess u will be busier now. Bf or not, really a personal choice. More impt u need to recuperate well so u hv more energy to handle the little ones' demands!
Yoko: Forgot to mention earlier that Medela lanolin ointment was a lifesaver for me during my initial bf-ing phase. You have to apply after every session to help prevent sore nipples. Safe for baby to consume so don't need to rub off before feeding.

Pumping also helped me ward off engorgement. It got quite bad in the first few days but luckily E managed to clear that out for me. =)
Haha grace: u not the only one. I did it in JC1. Face was swollen for 1 week and both sides of my jaws were blue black. Now i think back, wonder how come i had the bravery to put on braces (hence remove 4 teeth) and another 4 wisdom teeth at one shot. I must be mad then... hahaha...
michviv:will sat be oki???cos hayley goes to childcare now...she can skip tat though
or go later etc.....let me know when u guys can la
then we can do it together loooo
michviv:will sat be oki???cos hayley goes to childcare now...she can skip tat though
or go later etc.....let me know when u guys can la
then we can do it together loooo
ok ok me want to book the 2 leftover sessions together. i wont be continuing the next term unless the swim class gets switch back to 12.30pm hopefully. we keep missing the last 15mins of class.. so wasted. btw, do u think JG is better?

haaha, so i am not the only one.

i decided i better get it over and done with. the upper 2 already decay, and bottome quite impacted. so might as well lah.

u had braces before ah, i was thinking very hard, cos doc ask if i want to take out the extra 4 teeth at the same time since i was going under. but i decided not to proceed this time... think more first.. =)
k@ye, the last time don't latch oso pump till bleed.
Anyway i don't want stress myself like the last time also. Jordan only hv 1 week of BF. And tks to s@l. for her extras. Hehe...

Gelyn, what u said is true also. So maybe my perseverence not good enough. Felt bit guilty. U know I don't sore everywhere lei. Painful at the wound. Later breast pain sore nipples. Now i have lumps at both my armpits. Damn painful. Must massage off.
michiv, i tried before last time. It doesn't work on me.
Then after that i hv lumps inside my breast that had milk in it. Have to take anti biotic to see if it subsides. If it still have, must use neeedle to remove the excess milk inside my breast. Ouch can u imagine tat? SO i am kind of freak out already to think of my past experience.
Weishy, grace and michviv, ok to go tog for the last 2 sessions. In fact i still have 1 make-up not sure if they can allow me to do that. Let me know wen ur going.

PDS Mummies: Saturday is ok with me. Same timing right? If no one else is continuing, then no point for us to continue too. I'm sending E to childcare in November so let him take a break first.

missA: Has Ashlee started class at Mindchamps? Any feedback? =)

Cindy: Tell Jeff that if he agrees to go, then I will drag Shang along as well. haha. Its all or none! =P

Yoko: Aiyo. Poor thing. Have you tried visiting the lactation consultant at Thomson Medical. Mrs Wong Boh Boi? Heard she's really good help. All my friends with problems bf-ing or engorgement went to her and were ok after that.
