(2007/11) November MTBs

poissons, dokie,
thanks... my gal seems slightly better, but still, tonight will bring her to PD to check...

and yes, i'm back from states

did so much shopping and bought so many clothes for my 2 gals :p

Hallo ladies!

My poor gal can't sleep well yesterday and was like the Monkey king, scratching her face due to the eczema... Sigh, dunno how long will it take to recover from that!

Dokie, i think from 3 mths they can see colours liao coz my baby tends to look at bright colours. Best part is she starts to recognise ppl & places... She dun smile as often as before unless the person is someone she knows!
anyone using only B free bottles? I am not. what other brands are b free other than dr brown ?
Contemplating whether to switch.

Came across the below article:

Heating Baby and Plastic Bottles
Releases Gender-Bending Chemical

When it comes to Bisphenol A (BPA) exposure from polycarbonate plastic bottles, it’s not whether the container is new or old but the liquid’s temperature that has the most impact on how much BPA is released, according to University of Cincinnati (UC) scientists.

Scott Belcher, PhD, and his team found when the same new and used polycarbonate drinking bottles were exposed to boiling hot water, BPA, an environmental estrogen, was released 55 times more rapidly than before exposure to hot water.

This chemical, BPA, is toxic and may even alter one's sexual characteristics.
hi everyone, need your recommendation.. luke hasn't pooed pn his own for a month already.. we've been fleeting him every 5 days or so... when the poo comes out it is normal as in paste consistency, not hard, he also has 10 wet nappies on an ave in the day.. he is TBF and i've been giving water.. also dr recommended giving orange juice that i've been doing.. still doesn't help.. thinking of bringing to kkh to see a paed specialist.. anyone has any comment or input? i'm at my wits end, don't know what else to try.. thanks..
hi dokie
does it mean that the Avent or NUK bottles that we are using which is not B Free will pose a danger when exposed to hot water?

Hi mummies,
my baby is now 2.5months old but is only drinking averagely 60ml BM on bottle during the day in my mum's care while i am at work. I think she drinks more when latch on. I can see she dun quite like drinking from the bottle but I am really baffled how come she only drink that little? Anyone with same situation?
1) tweety- baby Luis - 6.01kg on FM anud BM
2) grace - baby Ash - 6.5kg on BM
3) rast- baby Jadon-5.6kg on FM (12wks 3days)
4) Jules - baby Natalie - 6.18 on FM
5) Kaye - baby Claire - 6kg on FM (3mth 1 week++)
6) Ueno - baby Leroy - 6kg on BM (3mth 1 week++)
7)Poissons - baby Garreth - 6.5kg on FM (2 mths 2 wks) Gosh! I think he is overweight!!
8) baby40 - baby Nicole : 5.1kg on BM (11weeks)
9) michviv - baby Ethan: 7.1kg on BM (11 weeks 4 days)
10) Plim - baby Bevis - 5.2kg on BM (11weeks)
11) Tinkabel - baby matthias - 6kg on BM (2 mths 2 weeks)
12) S@L - baby Mischa - 6.9kg on BM (2mth 3wks)
13) Yami - baby Kaelyn - 6.6kg on FM (3mths)
14) Superhappymum - baby YongWei - 6.9kg on BM & FM (3 months )
15) Beloved_daughter-baby Matthias - 6.5kg on FM & BM (3months 1wks)
16) Skyeskye - baby Eliza - 5.9kg on BM (9wks)
17) Catherine - baby Jovan - 6.7kg on BM (mostly) & FM (bedtime) (2mths 2wks 4days)
18) Cindy - baby travis - 6kg on FM and BM (13 weeks)
19) fanny - baby cayenne - 5.5kg on FM (10 wks)
20) Jadefeet - baby Ethan =- 7 kg on FM (10 wks 4 days)
fushiastar, how many days u wait before u do it?
From what I know, baby at 3rd months old can don poo for up to 10days.

summer, yes. Actually this article is not new. there is also discussion at this forum over b free bottles. But no motivation to change then.
actually glass bottles are also good if u don want to buy b free bottles.
skye, S@L, received the items. Can pm your address to post or would your prefer self collect?
S@L, u can collect from my auntie 's house. she stayed in sengkang. U want?
1) tweety- baby Luis - 6.01kg on FM anud BM
2) grace - baby Ash - 6.5kg on BM
3) rast- baby Jadon-5.6kg on FM (12wks 3days)
4) Jules - baby Natalie - 6.18 on FM
5) Kaye - baby Claire - 6kg on FM (3mth 1 week++)
6) Ueno - baby Leroy - 6kg on BM (3mth 1 week++)
7)Poissons - baby Garreth - 6.5kg on FM (2 mths 2 wks) Gosh! I think he is overweight!!
8) baby40 - baby Nicole : 5.1kg on BM (11weeks)
9) michviv - baby Ethan: 7.1kg on BM (11 weeks 4 days)
10) Plim - baby Bevis - 5.2kg on BM (11weeks)
11) Tinkabel - baby matthias - 6kg on BM (2 mths 2 weeks)
12) S@L - baby Mischa - 6.9kg on BM (2mth 3wks)
13) Yami - baby Kaelyn - 6.6kg on FM (3mths)
14) Superhappymum - baby YongWei - 6.9kg on BM & FM (3 months )
15) Beloved_daughter-baby Matthias - 6.5kg on FM & BM (3months 1wks)
16) Skyeskye - baby Eliza - 5.9kg on BM (9wks)
17) Catherine - baby Jovan - 6.7kg on BM (mostly) & FM (bedtime) (2mths 2wks 4days)
18) Cindy - baby travis - 6kg on FM and BM (13 weeks)
19) fanny - baby cayenne - 5.5kg on FM (10 wks)
20) Jadefeet - baby Ethan =- 7 kg on FM (10 wks 4 days)
21) Sowie - baby Jaeanne - 7kg on BM (2mths 1wk)
Cindy, i bought it at john little $69.90 I am not sure whether good or not? I bought it to help my mum when I am at work
bumbo seat can buy from robinson, taka, mothercare etc. most dept stores have. think there is alot of 2nd hand bumbos for sale in the wts section.
hi dokie
that time i saw NUK glass milk bottles and was thinking whether to buy or not. So with glass bottles, no potential hazards of this nature. But i am just concerned over rough handling and breaking the glass bottles.

my gal only poos once a day or once every 2 days although she is on TBM. I checked with my friend and the lactation nurse and they said it's normal coz it also means baby is absorbing well. But then, i feel more than 2 days is not within my comfort zone. Also, they taught me to let baby lie down and do cycling motions with their legs to help bowel movements. Do it a few times a day and see if baby poo in a short while. I tried on my gal and sometimes it works. If Luke still maintains at 5-7 days poo once, i think it's advisable you bring him to see a PD about this condition.

My bb, Javier this week is his 12th week, on TBF. I tried to latch him on for the midnite feed.. but sometimes he will just yell & yell, turn his head here & there, kick & kick! Think he is too used to the milk flow of bottle, so when latch on, only the initial flow is fast, then he get pek chek!!

Re: Feeding & teats
He is on a 4hrly feed for 3weeks already. Drinking 150ml/feed. + maybe 30ml of water per day. Any of you using teat size no. 2 already?? Sometimes i think he suck until very poor thing for the milk, so thinking of changing to teat size 2. wat do u all think??

Re: Nap times (sarong - yaolan)
After waking up for 1-1.5hr, he cannot tahan, sure wanna zz. If dun give him his nap, think he will tear the whole house down.. haha
His nap time is usually between 1hr - 2hours+. If wake him up hor.. he will be very cranky then i will surrender, let him go back to zz. LIKE NOW!!! Wake up 30mins, cannot tahan liao. I have problem entertaining him while he is awake too. He always wants to be carry at upright position only!! And I have to WALK around! Once i sit down, he'll cry liao. So tired ah!!

Re: sleeping thru the night (baby Cot)
Me not as fortunate as some mummies here. He is not sleeping thru the night yet. His feeding tims is usually 9.30am/1.30pm,/5.30pm/9.30-11pm. He usually will fall into deep sleep after his 5+ to 6+ feed, and wake up at 2-3am for milk, so we tried to keep him awake or give him milk at 9-10.30pm if possible. I realise he can only zz 7hr straight maximum for 1 time, after which will back t0 4hrly. So if his last feed at 9.30-10.30pm, he usually will wake up at 5am for milk. I just cant seems to break his 4-5.30am feed leh.. any idea how to change his routine?
Getting him to zz at nite is a challenge too!! If he did not zz immediately after feed, I usually got to carry & swadle him to zz. But he'll just wail non stop when I do that, and always got to hold on to his pacifier so that he manage to suck it. He will fall asleep usually after 10mins of wailing.. dun understand why too!! Any mummies having the same problem??? He never zz on his own ah, even i put him on cot and pat him also not working!

Re: mittens & booties
same like some mummies here, he just like to suck his mittens, rub his eyes.. aiyoh.. how to dun wear mittens!! But in the meantime he shld be exploring with his fingers already. He hor, will use his hand to push away pacifier then put his hand into his mouth ah!! And aways play with saliva, or suck my top when im carrying him.

Pig07, Javier also seeing Dr ''Lilian at RM kids clinic..

S@L, Mischa seeing which PD?
thank you dokie and grace! ahahah grace, i saw the WTS section le!
but the colours i don't like le and most are sold already! hahha kiddy palace have ma? later i go check out. hehe...

and grace:: the bb fair thing i am interested! but still early to say which day i am gg le.
dokie and summer, my baby already seen 2 gps and 1 paediatrician, told to feed water and fleet
then suggested refer paediatric gastro.. think paed doesn't know what's wrong..

forgot to add that i'm already doing the leg bicycle motion and massaging stomach
summer, it's a medicament that is inserted up the baby's anus which will cause baby to poo..

fanny: saw the link, the maid is really horrid!!! glad that the parents found out.. poor baby..
fushiastar: in that case, i feel it's no good to put baby on that for long term. should seek help soon coz he can't be depending on that to poo everytime.

joey: since now you latch baby on he already pek chek with the milk flow coz milk bottle is much faster. if you change the teat to no. 2 wouldn't he reject your breast even more coz the bottle is now even faster than before and your milkflow is still as before? My elder gal also gets very pek chek when latching on after she started on bottle feeding in the afternoon. So in the end, i have no choice but to express and give her TEBM.
hee.. dunno why the pic no caption leh! I got typed in leh. 1st Pic taken when Javier is 9weeks. 2nd pic taken a few mins ago.

yah loh, i also thought the same. Hee... I let him latch on in the middle of the night, coz to save myself the hassle, got to warm up the milk, feed him & i got to go pump!
summer: yes you are right that's y if still can't by this week gonna bring to kkh already.. just wondering if there's anything else i can do
1) tweety- baby Luis - 6.01kg on FM anud BM
2) grace - baby Ash - 6.5kg on BM
3) rast- baby Jadon-5.6kg on FM (12wks 3days)
4) Jules - baby Natalie - 6.18 on FM
5) Kaye - baby Claire - 6kg on FM (3mth 1 week++)
6) Ueno - baby Leroy - 6kg on BM (3mth 1 week++)
7)Poissons - baby Garreth - 6.5kg on FM (2 mths 2 wks) Gosh! I think he is overweight!!
8) baby40 - baby Nicole : 5.1kg on BM (11weeks)
9) michviv - baby Ethan: 7.1kg on BM (11 weeks 4 days)
10) Plim - baby Bevis - 5.2kg on BM (11weeks)
11) Tinkabel - baby matthias - 6kg on BM (2 mths 2 weeks)
12) S@L - baby Mischa - 6.9kg on BM (2mth 3wks)
13) Yami - baby Kaelyn - 6.6kg on FM (3mths)
14) Superhappymum - baby YongWei - 6.9kg on BM & FM (3 months )
15) Beloved_daughter-baby Matthias - 6.5kg on FM & BM (3months 1wks)
16) Skyeskye - baby Eliza - 5.9kg on BM (9wks)
17) Catherine - baby Jovan - 6.7kg on BM (mostly) & FM (bedtime) (2mths 2wks 4days)
18) Cindy - baby travis - 6kg on FM and BM (13 weeks)
19) fanny - baby cayenne - 5.5kg on FM (10 wks)
20) Jadefeet - baby Ethan =- 7 kg on FM (10 wks 4 days)
21) Sowie - baby Jaeanne - 7kg on BM (2mths 1wk)
22) Joey - baby Javier - 6kg on BM (11weeks)
it just dawned on me that your dr told you to give orange juice. i thought baby can only start on other food after 6 months so as not to trigger any allergies? Sorry but it sounds a little too young to give them orange juice.

Your boy looks much older than his age, like a very big boi esp the one you took miins ago. Yes, i also latch on whenever i m with my gal... so far she is ok and i find she prefers the breast to bottle.
haha the PD also commented the same when we bring him for his first jab. Think he is a long bb. He is 62cm & 5.6kg when he is around 7weeks+
summer: yah i also commented on that, was told to try a few drops and see if allergic or not.. ok then give half tsp daily.. so far no effect anyway..
1) tweety- baby Luis - 6.01kg on FM anud BM
2) grace - baby Ash - 6.5kg on BM
3) rast- baby Jadon-5.6kg on FM (12wks 3days)
4) Jules - baby Natalie - 6.18 on FM
5) Kaye - baby Claire - 6kg on FM (3mth 1 week++)
6) Ueno - baby Leroy - 6kg on BM (3mth 1 week++)
7)Poissons - baby Garreth - 6.5kg on FM (2 mths 2 wks) Gosh! I think he is overweight!!
8) baby40 - baby Nicole : 5.1kg on BM (11weeks)
9) michviv - baby Ethan: 7.1kg on BM (11 weeks 4 days)
10) Plim - baby Bevis - 5.2kg on BM (11weeks)
11) Tinkabel - baby matthias - 6kg on BM (2 mths 2 weeks)
12) S@L - baby Mischa - 6.9kg on BM (2mth 3wks)
13) Yami - baby Kaelyn - 6.6kg on FM (3mths)
14) Superhappymum - baby YongWei - 6.9kg on BM & FM (3 months )
15) Beloved_daughter-baby Matthias - 6.5kg on FM & BM (3months 1wks)
16) Skyeskye - baby Eliza - 5.9kg on BM (9wks)
17) Catherine - baby Jovan - 6.7kg on BM (mostly) & FM (bedtime) (2mths 2wks 4days)
18) Cindy - baby travis - 6kg on FM and BM (13 weeks)
19) fanny - baby cayenne - 5.5kg on FM (10 wks)
20) Jadefeet - baby Ethan =- 7 kg on FM (10 wks 4 days)
21) Sowie - baby Jaeanne - 7kg on BM (2mths 1wk)
23) Adelinechew - baby Amber - 7.1kg on FM ( 3mths )
Summer, a little bit of orange juice is fine unless the baby kena eczema.. Then anything acidic is NO NO.

Dokie, i did let Claire try on the Bumbo seat, she seems to like it but i just want to get some feedback on it. As long as the baby can support her head (per the seat packaging instructions), can use liao!
see which day u prefer then mayb a group of us can go jalan jalan at the baby fair.

this is a pic of ash in her bumbo seat like a month ago. just for picture taking. today i put her in her seat again she definately sits better already and head more stable.

zoe + luke,

my 2 cents worth of thoughts. you might want to see a gastro pd in KKH, of all the clinics, i still prefer KKH cos they are the only hospital with children operating theatre and the equipments and specialise in children. I always look for the head of the dept, as it is a public hospital, there are alot of medical officers using training there so you might be frustrated if you are seeing one, in the end, if got more serious problem, ended refer back to the senior consultant too.

however one thing in KKH is that with senior consultant or head of dept, the appt can be very long so they will always ask you to walk in, and you will not be seeing the senior or head lor. nevertheless do try to call their appt line to check
hi mummies,

Not sure if all of you are aware of this store so I just wanna to share a store that sells alot of bb stuffs and toys, their price are cheaper and do delivery to your home if it is $150 or more if i remember correctly, you just need to call them and ask them to send to your place if you know the model.

for bumbo seat, their price is $68, those LG prime or bumper mat that BP is selling, their price is cheaper too, i enquired about rainforest jumperoo and they quoted me $225 with delivery, promo retail is at $239, they have stuff that bb kingdom and hyperstore selling too.

Cheong Choon Store
Tel: 6532 3855
Is it silly if I buy another 2nd hand double pump for use at home and on weekend outings if I already owned a Medela PIS ?
I suddenly have this idea. Rather than carrying my PIS to and fro from/to work , if I have another set, I can simply leave my PIS in office. I don have to carry so many things.

Anyone can help me with my thought process? Not very convinced. Need some inputs
dokie, i actually wanted to get the bumbo in pink or purple but my hubby wants blue. He thinks its too much pink in her wardrobe already so i let him win..grin..

as for the pump,i cant contribute as i have not gone back to work. Also not sure if i will stop then or to lug my avent duo..its so heavy...so i totally understand abt buying another 1 for office.
grace:: sure lah! i let u know nearer to the date. u remind me also okay! hah i bought a seat from kiddy palace today but it's not jumbo seat. it's by this princelionheart or something, can fix a tray in front de. but i put him on it he doesn't seem to like it le. maybe try again a few days later or tmr. HAHAHAHAs!! btw, ash is really cute. and my hubby just commented that she looks REALLY LIKE YOU!

dokie::i would if i were you, since you are gg to BF a long time, worthy investment. if not lug here and there so tiring! for me, i am pretty determined to stop, i'm a bad mom, oops. but i'll try to breastfeed partially. trying to train body not to produce milk in the day and nurse him only at night and for nightfeeds and before i go to work. hopefully i succeed, if not stop totally. hahas.
Happy, is this Cheong Choon Store located at Chinatown?

Taka is selling the Bumbo seat for $69.90 and $79.90 inclusive of the tray.
I had similar thoughts like u. So much to lug to and fro, so I just bought myself another avent uno to leave the motor and adaptor in the office, so that I will only need to bring the funnel and milk bottle to and fro work.
Omygawd, just saw the Baby Abuse video in the news! The maid is horrible!! How can anyone do that to a baby???

Thanks for sharing about paying your mum to look after your baby. I think I'll try to work out a comfortable amount and see if she's ok with that.

RE : Bumbo seat
Do you mummies only put baby in the seat after their necks are stronger? My baby still can't really hold his neck upright for long when sitting up. Can I put him in the seat?
This is horrible. I feel so heartache for the mummy, but just wonder why the mummy so fang xin to let the maid take care of bb alone at home. Poor baby...

Ya man.. horrible.

but i am sure somewhere out there in singapore, there will still be some of such cases happening without anyone knowing. Sigh.. so sad. see already also heartache.
