(2007/10) October 2007 MTB


ya.. i think 4 yrs gap is good also

u not old by then la...


ya, snake hubby very shrewd, but he meets a high competitor, im monkey! haa!
my dad is rabbit, also super nice papa! he is very gentle and he very loving, he still hold my mama's hand when they shopping... my hubby very envious of them... he said i always dun let him hold my hand coz i busy grabbing stuff when shopping :p

wahahah, dodo, abit true leh. hahaha! my hubby is complain i always carry xavier then dun wanna hold his hands liao! hahaha.. he is jealous of his own son!! crazy daddy... =X
my side is my nephew and my son are "zhu peng go you" cos xavier is piggy and my nephew is dog. i am dog also.. so i am "zhu peng go you" with my son!! hahaha~

my hubby is "se shu yi wo" with my FIL. cos one snake one rat!
my sil n bil + their kid consist of snake, dog, rat. If they had tried for one pig, then really can form the chinese idioms liao
I don't think I cn manage ox and I have enought stubborness in the family liao .... so if I try for another, likely will be tiger liao .. then we will have the "san zhi lao hu" in the family sharing one pig ... poor kelly ... ha ha
hey...tiger and pig will be "da fu gui".

Haha, my husband said that it will be "long zheng hu dou" if I am having a tiger baby. So I said make it tigeress so will not win him.

ox and me cannot click leh,so play safe not to try !!!

my hubby and FIL also "she shu yi wo"! haa...

chintz, unice & totoro,

decide to go fox sales instead of toy r us liao... may bump into u all there later.. haa :p
yah .. taking the NEL and tooo tooo tooo to Kovan ... almost like going home ....

1st may
I'm thinkin of marchie ... actually anywhere also can as it's still quite early so shld have no problem looking for space

what abt 3 tigers and 1 pig leh ... will it be da da da fu gui ....:p
dodo, if i reali decided to have another one, i'll join u for rabbit!! cos pig + rabbit + goat are "good" friends in chinese horoscope! btw, which shifu ur hb goes to?

gingerleaf, join us la..
marche soubds good, but one thing is, they dun have long tables with chairs. Their long tables are with benches.

fox sales,
Hb says wanna go fox sale! =D
But will be ard 2plus ba.
dodo must be on her way, so is totoro_bb hehee

i think im gonna skip lunch too, at least buy first then makan..

regarding this thursday, yeah perhaps i'll go lunch at harborfront too as excuse to meet u all
U think they have bb chair there? If not, would have to look for another place or one parent will have to carry bb or beco/sling/stroller bb.

2pm shld be a gd time cos lunch time crowd like me will have to be at work liao.

Ha ha, I won't faint lah, maybe not skip but eat at my desk or in hb car later.

Ya loh.. dat why i quite worried my next preggie is twin. My mum preggie us also not easy lei... 5mth plus gave birth to us already!! So i quite scared if i preggie twin will have the same problem as her.

Anyway i will still try for maybe rabbit or dragon bb.
5 mths plus give birth....wow, Annie, your mum must have a hard time taking care of you all.

My mum has been complaining that i born premature at 7mths so difficult to take care
Update my damage, total spent $114

Most of the bb stuff are for girls esp the t-shirt.
Socks have the small size ones but don really have our bb sizes ..... Sob sob
Blanket at $3, socks at $1 and t-shirt at $6 and those suits at $9

Q super long esp the waiting time
gingerleaf: got aircon, but very long queu to pay. maybe after lunch hour is better liao.

how come my blanket is at $6?

as usual, i very guai one, only buy 1 blanket, 1 2-pc clothes, 1 sweater for chloe

they really got lots of stuff.. but it was packed and i gotta rush back for work. i think u can go take a look
I thot accessories at $3 ... actually I also not sure as too many items liao ..

I bought like more than 10 t-shirts ... lost control again when it comes to sales .... items in hb's car so can only go back tonight and tally
ya i checked my receipt liao it's at $6

i think i saw u just now.. but it was too packed to say hi!

anyway, there's another sale here near my office:

Branded Items Sale (Wallet, Bags, Mens Apparel, bla, bla, bla) Main brands are Elle, GL, LF..
Hudson Techno Ctr, 14 New Industrial Road, Level II
29 & 30-April-2008 from 11.00 am

and i spent more there!! :p today is a shopping cum working day haha
hmm .. nobody check out Robinson??

But enuf of sales liao for the time being ... ha ha ... wallet big hole liao .. the $150 that came in today also not enuf
haha..animals talking today? :p

re: 2nd BB,
Me not so soon but definately won't stop at 1.

Your supply drop is it because you stop 1 pumpping session in office? you mean you've been taking fenugreek until now?
hi all,

just came back from fox sale.. quite small.. personally, felt nothing much.
super long queue... luckily bumped into a fren so managed to cut quene :p

just bought a few pc since i was there.
prices quite similar to the 50% sale they used to hav at the retail outlets. ie tee, rompers @ $6
really envy mummies who got time to shop...now im marking marking marking. no time to even buy fruits/veggies to cook for matty's mealtimes...sobz
fox sale:
so crowd but still managed to see dodo, chintz, totoro

aiyo, so many baby girls stuffs!!!! so little baby boys stuffs lei...
so tempted to buy some baby girls stuff to keep...haha
Hi all

since my girl cannot take rice cereal ... I have to let go 2 boxes of Nestle rice cereal (different favour) + 2 tins of Nestle rice cereal ( one plain and one brown rice I think) and many many packets of those samples rice cereals ...all unopened

Anyone of your bb taking nestle and wants them? Don't mind getting Giant stamps, nepia stamps for them.

I also have 2 tins of isomil 1(400g), 2 tins of frisomum (400g) and 3 tins of similac 2(400g) and 1 tin of Mamil Gold 2(400g), looking to exchange for Enfra or Friso 2 or vouchers

Need to clear space and get a bit more organise
i can get the nestle rice cereals from u since mine run out of stock at home liao...
can tell me how much?


the sample packets are those wif milk powder added already right?
I go home check the stock and count and let you know okie.

the leapfrog touchpad is on sale now and it's very cheap like US19.90 now .... I bought mine previously with 2 book at S$80 - 90 plus

wanna check ur samples rice cereals is it nestle? wat's the expire date? Can exchange for other things? I dun have all those u mention...

aria jo, i pump only 1 x in office now. and yes, kiasu to be taking fenugreek until now lor.i still got 2 bottles unopened cos dunno whether wanna continue or not. sigh,v luan.
