(2007/10) October 2007 MTB


when that time jayden ard one month old..he still can drink up to 90ml and can cry after , seem not enough... but nw drink lesser.. Mayb PD just wan me to look out bah..

hi all

karrie, hippo, thks.. i also keep reminding myself tat alr gone thru labour pain wat is toothache/extraction!! hahaha.. the time is getting nearer & nearer to the dentist, my appt 6.30pm, yeeeee...

karrie.. my bb too like to place both his hands on bottle, but i tink he 'action action' oni, cos 'bo lad' one, the bottle will drop if i let go!! kekeke..

pinky, dodo & all .. v fan hor? once doc commented something eg. bb over or under weight, etc, etc, we'll get worry..hiaz... must learn to "one ear in" & "one ear out", like wat garden_dreamz said - let bb grown @their own pace as long not unhealthy...

wen wen.. great to hear u put some action..hopefully u get your entitlement by return.

gingerleaf..huh, at 1 mth 'kui cho' alr? no heard of leh.. may b different dialect got different practice lor... v interesting...
Hi all,

I'm having great difficulty feeding my gal now also. She is in her 16 weeks, will fuss and cry till very ke lian but refuse to drink. Need to pacify her for at least 15 to 30mins then she can cool down and drink like 100ml !! What is happening and what shld I do!!!

Mine still not here yet as well. Only doing 1 feeding per day and I think the supply drop drastically. Now, I don't pump also feel nothing liao so think it's going to end soon .....

Both mine and bb hair has been dropping !! I think mine is worst, I can see lots of my hair around the house nowadays ... is there something that we can do to avoid or it's just part of the package of having a bb!!
ur bb at first may feel strange to b on his tummy n won't lift his head up, start to lick the bedsheet,etc, instead but after a few times practice, he will soon learn to lift his head up n also use his arm to support his weight. start slow, a few min once or twice a day then slowly let him lie as long as he can tahan. once his head starts to drop or struggle a bit, then turn him on his back to rest. can wave a toy at him when he's on his tummy so that he can look at the toy, keep him entertained.

re: sling
ya, got to try. my hubby stared at me with murder in his eyes when i told him subsequently i prefer the traditional sling coz i was the one who initially buggered him to get the MIM kind of sling coz i didn't know how to tie. now my tat MIM sling become white elephant alr n its not cheap somemore coz i 'yaya payaya' went to get the sateen cotton type thinking i'll definitely use it. promised him tat i will TRY to use that also. (keep fingers crossed!) :p

re: bb feeding less/fuss
i also having such problem...not sure if its our feeding position. when my bb dun like to look at ceiling or me when drink milk (ie. the usual way hospitals show us on how to feed bb, cradle in ur arms), he likes to sit facing outwards n drink his milk. its a bit more tricky to feed but it works sometimes. then when he cranky, i'll jiggle n rock him as i feed him to calm him down.

actually not sure if i'm 'spoiling' him with all those movements when i'm feeding him but at least he gets his milk down n is not hungry = not yelling the house down anymore. the only thing i draw a line is to use toys to distract him while he is drinking milk. dun wanna start tat habit of using toys when its feeding time.

re: hair drop
heard tat its normal coz of hormones. during pregnancy, less hair drop so post pregnancy, tend to drop more hair n slowly resume to our normal amount of hair. but if too excessive until have bald patches (touch wood!!!) then best to seek help.
Thank to all e mummies,

Luckily i m not e only one here ...

U guys take good care of yourself...

Another thing do u think now bb 3 mths already still can ve depression? Due to work problem n financial problem, sometime i woke up in e middle of the nite n i tends to cry oftenly now n then.. hope i m not in depression...
mui, i think still can have. i also get upset/emotional over things, which when i think back later, seems to be quite small matters. but too late to take back those actions and words liao. sigh. tough being a mummy.

garden dreamz, my mum lay my gal down propped by pillows opposite her to feed and she feeds better without the struggling and fussing. dunno is it because getting bigger liao so uncomfortable with cradle while feeding.
Hi wen-wen

read your story and couldnt help but to say that you have been v brave. anyway, have u made ur decision? are u still looking up for jobs? do keep us posted and I shall see if there is any suitable jobs that I can intro to u. do take gd care!

yes lor.. whenever PD said no good,,kind of worry come out... so stressful...


true, when he dun like the position, i will change from right to left arm n sumtm he ok..but sumtm i dun know what he want..haa
Recently I found my boy smile alot... even sleep also can smile , sumtm come out with sound... keke

i cant find the news online as well leh...

i bought the bumper mat from small small world for my boy already! just delivered this noon, so excited now! wait for hubby back from work and we will have "opening ceremony".. haa!
yah, i read the article too. Wen, really well done. I hope the govt really can do something abt this!

opps, hippo, you are really angry! Yeah agreed! Please stop posting any for sale item here!
frostyfiona, haha! ya.. cos it irritates la.. go to the proper thread la.. hahahha! unless itz our OCT mum, i can understand lor.. but these pple are not! so dun disturb lo.. haha!
dodo, u are so cute la! hahaha! opening ceremony.. hope u like it as much as i do!! =D

one small tip for the bumper mat.. easiest way to clean it is buy those rubbing alcohol, fill a spritz bottle up with it and spray.. leave it to dry and wipe! disinfects instantly.. keke
thanks hippo!

read the article already.. wen wen, hope justice will be addressed... we are not the weaker group and we shall never "ren4 ming4" to all these unreasonable bullies!
hi mummies,

ask u all, do ur bb reject drkg milk haf way thru. my ger had being doing so. dunno is she sick anot. dan her hrs stretch so longer dan previously. so wori....

haa! sure i do.. i just called hubby and told him abt this. he said i sound so happy as if the bumper mat is for myself.. haa!

thanks for the advice! btw which model u got? i bought the yellow bear
hihi, im new to this thread but im an oct mum too.
my baby is coming to 3 mths next fri and weigh ard 6.5kg now + he's currently on Friso 1.
just want to check how much milk your baby is drinking per day + how many feeds (how many hours apart)?
hi wen,

well said.... hope d govt will b enlighten if wana us 2 have more children. get d justice back 2 us 1st....
Hi Hippo

I bought the map a few weeks ago , haven't open ceremony yet haha veri lazy .
When to buy the rubbing alcohol huh ? i veri sotong wan . Any recommendation on the brand ?
dodo, i got yellow bear as well! =D haha! i m like u.. i m more interested in e things i buy for baby than any1 else.. tink itz e shopaholic streak in me.. haha!

twinklestars, u can buy e rubbing alcohol at pharmacies or medical halls.. any brands will do! =)

What do you mean by rubbing alcohol ? Can it be used at all rubber mats, I bought mine from the mini toons shop, can it be use as well??
hippo, gingerleaf & ben mum,

wow... we all got the same taste!

btw, just opened the mat and notice the crease lines on it... will it really go off as like what indicated on the package sticker?
dodo, hmm..just went to see my bumper mat. i rolled the bumper mat up after cleaning it. the creases seems less now. not sure if they will go away totally tho.
dodo,hippo,gingerleaf, & ben mum, i got the yellow bear too!! but have not used it yet lei..mb will get the alcohol then let Sean use it
i used it and kept it again. hahaha. but i didnt order from bp, i got it at china town at bp price too.

yes, the crease will go away! =D
hey hey,

i am an oct mum.. have been following this thread but just rarely post. can i check where do u get the bumper mat? where is the small small world located? how much does it cost?

have u all started putting ur babies on the mat?

Hi Mummies

When i bring BB go kai kai , i normally will bring my cold EBM along , then when it's time for feed i'll warm it up .
Recently one of my frenz taught me to heat it up first then put in a thermal bag so when outside can feed anytime , very convenient & can last for abt 3-4 hrs.But another of my frenz say cannot do it this way coz will have a lot of bacteria . Any advise ?
totoro, yup! y not? =P

dodo, true true! we all hv e same great taste! and yes, e creases will go away!

jacq, u can get e mat at the BP section. Tink small small world has a BP on this mth..
gingerleaf & hippo,

great that the crease will go away! later shall go and clean up the map and have the 2nd "opening ceremony" wi ziqian! haa..

gal u know what, i bought the combi rashule baby chair yesterday! it's the latest model, just arrived this month but more pricey also loh.. hubby said it's useful so we just get it...this no pay leave mummy really super spendthrift hor.. hee.. wi this new addition, gonna think twice or thrice whether to get the babybjorn carrier or not.. hmm...

saw your posting on studio loft.. hee.. im tempted to take up the new package leh... wish to bring my boy to have studio photo taken on his 6th month... u interested?
twinkle stars,

me too! warm my EBM when it's feeding time... personally, i dun feel comfortable to heat it up 1st, though it saves some trouble as in we dun have to bring along hot water, i agree on the bacteria part, it may not be that "fresh" also... still prefer to heat it up when need it, as i can control the temperature of the milk...
Hi I am new on this thread. I am seeing all the cute babies doing things that my gal haven't started doing. The babies are all 3 mths plus right.My gal is 3 mths 4 days old. I tried putting her on her tummy but she doesnt like it so there's no chance to train her neck muscle. She loves being on her back and will turn herself round with her bum. How can i teach her to turn herself over?
wen-wen, well-written. I feel like writing in to support your case leh. I think I shall do that later today.

seeing all the mummies buying the bumper mat i feel like buying too. how much is it? but my pil's place no place to put liao leh hehe

dodo and twinkle stars, yah i also warm the chilled EBM if i do bring it out...coz yah warming up the EBM will introduce more bacteria i think.

ivy, don't worry my baby also hasn't learned to roll over yet. he also doesn't like tummy time but i still try to put him on his tummy once a day to let him get used to it. I'm also letting him get used to the 'rolling' motion by helping him turn...
karrie and ivy - my bb also haven't roll over yet. think no need to be too stressed abt the milestones, all will have own development pace. my gal is just half turning, ie. just turning her bum only! haha...so funny. she also dislike her tummy time but can tahan abit longer nowadays, so i think it's just a matter of time bah!

karrie - i got my bumper mat for 266 thru the bp. the price i think range from 100+ to 266.

dodo and twinkle stars - the last time i brought chilled EBM out and ask for hot water to heat up. think not very good to heat up first cos i think suppose to drink up the EBM within the hour otherwise will go bad.
dodo dear, wow! e baby chair is going to be helpful esp during feeding time! u must have spent a bomb leh.. keke.. how much? and abt studioloft.. yup! can't wait to bring adrienne too but she's too unpredictable now.. haha! better dun risk e chance.. later she look grumpy in e pics man! hahaha.. go ahead and take up e package! think itz quite worth it.. i already have e package. .remember i signed up e combo package during the motherhood fair last year? =D y not go together? keke! then maybe we can go check out e gymboree class after e shoot! can't wait. another 3 mths to go!

ivy, dun worie.. like wat velvet & karrie said.. all babies have their own developmental milestones.. sooner or later, they will all catch u!

karrie, i like ur idea.. tink we shd all write to support wen wen! yo hoo!

Thanks for the advise. I will let her take her time.
Karrie, i bought the bumber mat for 119 i think. I bought it in nov and they had additional discount. I got the yellow bear one. My gal enjoys lying there.
It's quite easy to get hot water outside. So it's better to warm it up when they are about to drink. I usually bring a small container so that i can use it to ask for hot water to warm the EBM
