(2007/10) October 2007 MTB


you can see a tear, if there is one, at the tip/opening of the mouth. suction also may not be that strong if it is torn. i also din know during my 1st time so gong gong usse hand for many days thinking my pump spoil whahaha....

yeah!! so HAPPY!! Tmr is Friday!!!

Mummies, this sunday which is 1st june, DBS is organising a Children Charity Run at Bishan Park 2. Event will start at 7.30am! Can bring your kids down to join in the fun and there will be free ice-cream, balloon sculpting etc!
totoro, haha, i wanted to sms u regarding the same thing too haha...so tempted but $210 n only use for the next half yr at most lei....
personally i saw pple carrying their bb even if they are more than 1 year old esp when they wanna sleep ... so am thinking it might come to good use then, also the beco is much more convenient that dragging a stroller ard.
I'm meeting unice to sign up for the trio class then later in the evening meeting pinky and maybe eunice as I need to pass pinky her Beco!

hee tomorrow like mummies meet-up day !!!

I'll sure go one but 1st day is fri or sat? if it's like last year, everyday they wld have special promo so it not a matter which day but go there early !!!
I also want to get a job that allows me more time to access forum... Sob sob.... Miss out all the chatting and fun posting. I missed my previous job, spent everyday in forum... keke... Those were the days.... Haiz..We used to have Oct group MSN chat, what happened now? Those mommies used to group chat like MIA liao lei......

Dodo & mommies,
Can anyone tell me what is the status of the kindermusik trial on 8 june? Still On? When must make payment?

you staying near S'goon Nth?
totoro, ya, i meeting pinky too to pass her something too
for some reason my MSN does not work when I'm in office
hmm maybe I shld use MSN on my phone during office hour ... let me figure that out and u all add me in okie ...
Totoro & unice,

So, both of you decided on Trio? Can share what you think of Trio vs Shichida?

So envy you mommies can meetup on a friday... you all not working?

I LOVE shopping in BKK and the Food there too.... How nice if we can gether some mommies go for group tour... But the problem is. Our kiddos... so ma fan... I missed my Singlehood days...... Free and easy... enjoy life!

You going HKG? We have thoughts of going HKG, but have not confirm dates yet. Most likely will be in early Jul. but concern is too HOT.....
come come ... join us ... then pinky can join as well as it just take 3bb to form a class..

what day and time slot u looking at huh , i forgot liao ...
me working also, meeting them late afternoon and evening time !!

we can all learn jap together with bb ha ha ... then it make it more worth the $$ liao right !!
totoro,i thinking of sun 1030am lei...but not so sure if wanna 1030am or 2pm....still thinking...
gingerleaf, come join us
totoro, just to check wif u, if meet earlier u can oso is it?
cos i have an appt at 230pm at West side, not sure what time end...
hi all

all BKK kaki.. ya..ya.. must admit tis a nice tourist attraction! cant 4get the yummy birdnest at low price! massage is shiok tooo... oni complaints i hv is weather, find it alittle too 'hot' w my ecezma

happififi, ponponta.. wow... both bb enjoying the pool?? esp aidan the 'king'?? hahah..

clap clap.. myra

aria.. sama sama, bb lance cant sit/crawl but can clap & hi-5 few weeks ago, lately he's showing 'angry face' where he'll squeeze his tiny mouth & point towards the nose....

sugar_nut, your rice info v useful, now i knw the difference finally..
hi mummies, thx for concern. with tat experience, now everytime karine cough or sneez will be abit paranoid!!

BKK!! me and hubby siao bkk before bb too! Food and the shopping...we can go there like 2-3 times a year! So holiday inn is good to stay in? Where else good? I dun mind staying in Asia cos of location, but kinda sian of the oldness of it!

Tiffany - HKG in Jul will be hot! I used to go in Aug, freaking hot!

Oh, and I also used to be part of the group msn leh. but nowadays so bo eng at work, dun even have time to sign in!! haiz...
happyfifi, notice your boy never top? Cold or not? I also thinking abt bringing karine to pool leh, but my mum worried about catching a cold. how long you let him stay in the water? I also thinking of getting the mushroom float the last time I saw it, it's so cool! Wah, KP got good discount, is it because of GSS?
anything after 3pm shld be fine ... i just need to sneak out of office then ... hmm

me also rem chou chou oni .. ha ha

so tomorrow we need to confirm the time slot with them right? I have a few qn to asked them esp on the terms schedule ...
if it's weekday, maybe u can check with pinky, she might be interested as weekday less crowd

calling for pinky ....

so good to be SAHM .. me start dreaming again ....
i don no is it my laptop or my connection ... i'm lagging and i can't get to the msn page to download the software !!!! let me get my phone
okies, tom i going to call them n ask if so many of us sign up got more benefits/discounts or not....
u call too ya

see ya all tom....
I no chance to call tomorrow as have meeting and office lunch leh ... only free after 2pm. But i'm still contactable via sms and email okie!!
unice.. the motherhood fair 5-8 jun @spore expo hall5, gingerleaf.. i'll b going on 6/6, cos childcare close tat day hv to tk leave & bbsit my gal..
velvet.. for me still awake cos 'waiting' for bb to wake up anytime now for nite feed
if not go to sleep then wake up again v v tire after tat... also bcos now 'burning midnight oil' to catch up posts as 2day super busy in office!!!! kekeke.
i also same as u leh ... but yesterday I did the same and she did not wake up for night feed, instead she wake up at 4.30am (her usual), I pat pat her and she sleep till 6plus then drink milk

so tonight, don't know will be the same or not??
I can see ur msg but i can't send .... this is so frustrating !!
so i'll see u tomorrow .. what time u meeting us? with lyn??
I see what time unice wants to meet.
I guess will bring lyn, coz her daddy needa pack for his trip tmr, dun wanna leave her with him n disturb him.
me sooo sleepy liao.. still hv to 'dong'... tink bb wiggle wiggle but hb got swing the sarong again, he fall asleep again
i surfing net nxt room... tink better go 'wake' bb up if not tml sure zombie to work...

totoro.. huh. .. u 'dong' until 4.30am arrrr... v siong leh... hope today bb kelly wont let u wait soooo long...

unice.. u r welcome..

me jus finished browsing the babymallonline...aiyoooo... so many cute cute stuffs.. si-liao-lah...jovial wait for me arrrr...

nite nite to all mummies who still awake
pinky: thx for the mamilgold info. will keep a lookout

unice: glad sean has recovered, what did the PD say about throat inflammation? what could be the cause? GP said chloe's throat inflammation was due to FM , too heaty.. i'm not v sure about it :p

mushroom really v cute ah!! =D but how long can it be used? i mean til bb how big??

mummies who going for motherhood fair, let us know if it's worth going okie?

maybe due to my big size, i don't really suffer much shoulder and backache.. but like what gingerleaf said, not long later they'll wanna learn to walk already.. so better not buy now..

unless u're investing for #2
hihi, been a couple of wks since my last post!

v bz with work lately, but still try piah home to see my darling bb ;p

hope everyone's ok!! no time to go through all the posts, so many,.....

btw, can i ask a stupid qns: how to give bb avocado? must steam before giving or just scrape w a spoon??

went to sleep last nite..I cant tahan so late sometime.. hehez
Weekday Im working I dont think I can... act im lookin at sat classes.. =)


no, i work near there ..=)

*Wave* to Chloe
i only let aidan 'swim' for about 5 min. ya, water a bit cold but we went in the late afternoon after a super hot day so still alright. got to make sure you standby a towel to quickly dry & wrap him up once you take baby out of the pool.

the first time i brought him swimming was when he was 5 months old. he hated the neck float & i spent more than $20 on it! see the pathetic chap crying his heart out. so glad that he likes the mushroom float :)


the mushroom float is supposed to be used up to 2 yrs old or 15kg.
