(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

*Yawn* after full full lunch, and feeling sleepy *Yawn*

Do you use a baby sling to carry baby? Now that you have 2nd kid, your hands will be full and also need to carry baby bag. Perhaps you have to train him to lie on pram whenever you go out??

I know its hard to ignore baby cries.. but also, dont spoil them by picking them up whenever they cry, it will get worst as baby will expect to be picked up when they make noise. Share with you my newborn baby nephew, he cant be left on the cot or rocker, whenever he make noise, IL will pick him up. She was not firm enough to leave him crying longer, now that he is 4plus months, he wants to be carried all the time, even to sleep on arms... Imagine my IL has so much to do everyday and need to look after so many kiddos at home, now 5!! lucky they have a maid, so, the maid is practically carry the baby whenever he is awake... always sees him being carried, look at things, falling asleep... whenever he fell asleep, the maid will put him to his cot to sleep, but not long later, he will cry again, wanting to be carried... I think they have sent the wrong signal liao and also, bb expects to be carried all the time... I feel bb can be train.. its a matter of how firm we are!!

hi there
sorrie to interupt. My gal is also born in Oct 07, she's still drinking milk from milk bottle and also night time potty training not successful, although day time and day nap for 2 hrs can be w/o diapers.

Just wanted to know if this is the right milestone for her age? I keep trying for night time potty training but always fail. Can any mummy kindly share some tips pl. Thanks so much in advance!
Tiffany, ya I use a bb sling at times when we go out. Frankly I dun mind "trainin" him to lie on pram but he tends to scream his lungs out den ppl will b starin at me tinkin "how com im not calmin him down?"
While im home, I try not to carry him if he oredi had his milk & still wanna b carried. But old lady will com carry him if he kept cryin for awhile. Oredi mentioned to her not to carry him but she cant bear to let him keep cryin so she carry lor. Den wat more can I say?

WindsorQueen, hi...my boy is not potty trained for nite time as well, so cant really aid u in any tips. Plus he is also drinkin milk from milk bottle. Is there a need to wean them off the bottle?
Thanks Maruko, i was worried she's the only one not off nite diapers coz her childcare class, all the other 10 kids are fully trained!

I get remarks from colleagues that it's not good to let them be on the bottle liao. must train to drink from cup. Something abt crooked teeth issues? So i got worried thinking she's the only one on bottle! Then i dun hv to push the poor gal so hard = P
I'm another one that my girl still wear nite diapers. In fact, we are the one that required her to wear as we don't want our bed to be wet!! lOL

She is still drinking from the bottle for only the nite feed as it's like a comfort routine for her. She has been feeling emo since I'm preggy and now with the new addition, so don't want to stress her more. I'll let her decide on her own pace on these milestones as it's not critical for me :)
My girl already have rabbit teeth in front Liao!
Windsor queen,
My boy still drink from bottle before sleep. It's a comfort to him. Day time he will drink from cup. As for diaper, he is still on diaper day and night at my home and childcare as he still hardly speak and I have a 8 mth baby at home thus tend fpto forget to bring him to potty. At my mum's place, she will let him go without diaper and ask him to pee every half hour. But at night still on diaper.

I understand from some of my girlfriends, they'll wake their kid up in the middle of the night to go and pee but slowly drag the interval.
Windsor queen,
My boy still drink from bottle before sleep. It's a comfort to him. Day time he will drink from cup. As for diaper, he is still on diaper day and night at my home and childcare as he still hardly speak and I have a 8 mth baby at home thus tend fpto forget to bring him to potty. At my mum's place, she will let him go without diaper and ask him to pee every half hour. But at night still on diaper.

I understand from some of my girlfriends, they'll wake their kid up in the middle of the night to go and pee but slowly drag the interval.
hi all

wow... nice to see new mummy here =)

WindsorQueen.. hi hi! my boy also not off nite diapers oni toilet trained daytime nia (nap time in the day also wear diaper).. same as totoro... dun wish him to wet the bed cos duno how to clean the queen size mattress with pee pee =D but we do insert a plastic sheet below the bedsheet jus in case 'overflow' or 'merlion'.. i believe when they get older & time come, they'll b auto toilet train de... re milk bottle... when they go to schl they'll fllw the rest use cup to drink.. but at home, duno y still stick to bottle.. more like a comfort feed ba.. mine said 'taste' better w bottle =D so we jus gv in cos sometime really 'stressful' if they cranky over small ting we dun gv in =) so how many kiddo u hv?? u r SAHM or working? hope to see u often here =)

maruko.. hmmm... nvm.. 'practice' make perfect.. u bring lil' t out more often loh =D aft all ur MIL still dote on lil t de.. she jus 'mouth hard' =D

cherry... i'm also still sterilising their bottles... cos i duno where to put the bottles since they r well kept inside the steriliser =D but i tink my steriliser gonna 'die' soon aft working >4yrs =D

tiffany.. ur IL really clever... can look aft 5kids in the day =) i hv two alr 'big head' =D
Gd morning mummies...hows all wkend?

junnie, practice ah? haha...not ez leh plus very tiring also. :p
As for old hag, dunno wat to say liao. Last nite me kena "arrowed" by her sis in law. Felt super 不爽 abt it.
gooda morning mummies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i m down with a stupid terrible flu and i hvnt felt sooooo bad in godknowswhen le... grrrrrr... so groggy and head throbs but gotta be at work cos itz the dreadful month end! and i have tons of work to complete.. *fainted*

windsorqueen, hello! my ger still feeds through her bottle and like the other mummies said, it is actually her "comfort" bottle. and erm.. she dun eat much other than drinking her milk so i also dun wana stress her la..

cherry, my mum is still sterilising their bottles though i dun. hurhurhur...

doobom, dear ar! go go go buy a latex pillow. no need to change so often cos it doesn't attract or breeds dust mites or other creepies..
good morning all!!
Thanks so much for your replies! I feel less stressed out now = )
Else everyone always give me their comments and i really feel like lousy mummmy = P

i have to confess that i was lazy also lah, so my gal was only datime-nap toilet trained this year. As for nite time, i'm too lazy to wake her up = P I tried a few times but she always scream, so i figured i'll let her be.

Me FTWM, only 1 kid. Hubby seriously thinking abt another one, have not started trying but i'm really scared. Not scared of childbirth but scared have to start all over to take care of a baby. And my gal's a real handful, not to mention the cost involved.

Coz my gal attends enrichment classes. Can you believe it, she actualy ask us for it! Perhaps her classmate attends bah? She's on ballet and phonics class currently.

Once again, thank you gals so much for sharing!
You're welcome. Anything can just ask here. October 07's mummies ROCKS !!

I'd just stopped sterilizing Caelen's bottles cos Mei Mei's bottle and pump need to use the sterilizer. Otherwise his bottles are permanent resident in the sterilizer for convenient storage.
hippo, u down wif flu ah? better c doc & hav a gd rest. Work is neverending one. Health more important.

windsorQueen, u r welcome.
Ur gal ask u for the enrichment classes ah? Wah seh...not bad leh. No need worry abt havin to start all over again to take care of new born. I'm doing dat rite now. hahaha...bb is 7wks old & im treasuring each moment spent wif him.
Of coz gotta spend some time wif my #1 also in case he jealous of 弟弟. :p So go ahead & hav #2. I'm sure ur gal will b happy to help u out in simple tasks to take care of #2.
oh wow, congratulations Maruko!!

Thanks much for the encouragement! Actually the only reason why hubby wld cvonsider trying for another one is becoz we find #1 so lonely and yes, she asked for it as well! She always loves babies and kids. In fact, nowadays, she'll always sayang my fat tummy and ask if there's a baby in there!!
WindsorQueen, thanks
indeed if hav juz 1 kid den he/she might b very lonely also. Couple of times I c my boy playin wif his trains & mumblin to himself while imaginin a story on his own. Looks cute but so lonely too.
totoro is another mummy who juz had #2 delivered 2 wks b4 me.
so hopefully we shall b hearin gd news from u in another couple of mths. :p
My no.2 coming up to 8 months old. A bit tiring but quite fun to go through the process of weaning and siting ... get excite with every milestone.

Very sweet to see Kor Kor come and sayang mei mei and cuddle together.
Thanks Maruko and Jovialz for the encouragement! You gals are so cool!!

I was alittle worried earlier coz i was thinking i'm coming 35 this year, alittle old liao. Plus my #1 already coming 4 this year, the age gap will be 5 years even if i managed to get preggy now!

But you gals have given me a boost in confidence = ) Think my hubby will thank you gals millions! Coz he has been talking to me to consider abt #2 for mths!! = P hahaa...
oh yes, forgot to mention another factor why i put off the idea of #2 coz my #1 very difficult to discipline! I'm like some "siao zar bor" screaming at her everyday! = P My hubby have been asking me to cut her some slack. But dun know why i feel pressurised leh. I keep expecting her to conform to my expectations.

E.g. my gal can't write well. Have been teaching her to write numbers on the weekends and i lose my temper and flare at her everytime =( My mum says she's still young but i get stressed out by friends or colleagues who keep telling me abt their kids' milestone at my gal's age. stressful...
Ecookie ... my friends staying at yr area ... Their kids r down with HFMD at least 4 of them please be very careful ok ... Please SMS ecookie fOr me if she dun come in ok
WindsorQueen, no prob...juz remember Oct'2007 mummies ROCK!!! :p Dats our slogan

Dun worry abt ur age. My sis is 36 & now expectin her #3. 5yrs gap still ok lah. I got a fren whose gap wif his younger bro is more den 10yrs. No kiddin. Oh ya...I dun mind if ur hb wanna treat us ladies here to kopi/tea for convincing u to hav #2. hehehe...*this is kidding*
Dun stress urself & ur gal too much on her milestone. Let her learn/do at her own pace. Sometimes we juz cant rush certain things, so take it ez.

CM, which area is dat?
oh btw, mummies havin lunch tmr, I initially wanna take up the challenge of bringin T2 to meet u all BUT he super cranky today. I also dunno how to handle leh. Feed him milk he kept shiftin his head or cry. Oredi changed the teat to a bigger hole liao but dunno wat seems to b his prob. Den tried to make him zzz but he didnt go into deep sleep. Once asleep den will suddenly wake him & cry loudly. Alamak...me oredi 4get how to tackle newborn liao. Any advice?
Windsor queen,
I'm also a dragon so only slightly better then you. Btw, my 2 elder Sis and I were 7 and 6 years difference in age. Still we were very close and help each other out a lot. My Sis is like another mummy to my children. That why i believe it's good to have sibling for company and support. Ok, u might say "they might not be close" but if there isn't a sibling in the 1st place, there is nothing to talk about.

Dont stress out too much. I would think a good mummy is one who give her child opportunity to learn while still let him/her learn at own pace. It's like flying a kite. Have to bring it's out to an open field (opportunity), occasionally pull back (discipline), occasionally let loose (freedom). Only this way then the kite can soar high in the sky
if I were you, I rather ignor the comparism and enjoy the time with your girl. Maybe by doing that, you'll see her hidden talent.

Every child is different. Like my boy, he has expressive speech delay (every word he says is 'golden' to us). But he very good at exploring and learn things by himself and remembers them. He can write out the alphabet and numbers but writes them very big and definitely not neat, its all over the paper. He can count and show us using his finger (limit to 10, LOL) but when he throw tantrum, he'll help the shopping mall to "mop" the floor using his shirt and pant by lie down
Yet, we were glad to have him in our lives and enjoy growing up with him. It's magical !

Oh, the 1st person my boy call is me. The 2nd person is "Mei Mei" ! .... Then follow by papa and the rest of the family.
Sound like colic to me. Trying burping him more often and put some ru yi oil on tummy to clear air from tummy.

Btw, kopi/tea you happy Liao ? Minimum should be a lunch man. LOL ,
hello mommies *wave*
manage to steal some time to come in..hehe...

you are dustmite allegergy? Naia too boo hoo..just found out recently..what kind of vacuum cleaner did u used? the water one isn't it heavy? does it really kill the dustmite? because dustmite thrive in moisture environment. will the steam from the vacumm cleaner make it breed more? hubby said must buy the HEPA vacumm cleaner because it has the finest filter and will trapped all the dustmite that get suck into the vacuum cleaner. but i was thinking the high steam from vaccum cleaner will also kill them right but he said the moisture might make it a condusive environment for them to breed more..

anyone encounter black moldy things growing in the teats? maid said after we stop sterilizing the teats, tese things start to appear after a while. Initially i thought she didn't wash it properly but tried using my fingernail to scrap it also cannot come out.

windsor queen,
your girl is better off than my girl..haha.. i only started to train her sleeping w/o diaper in the day if she never. nowadays she doesn't nap at all. for the night, no sign of wanting to be toilet train. but i will have to set a time limit next by next year, she must be toilet trained to sleep without diaper.. next year our baby going 5 years leh.. cannot imagine still wearing diaper..haha..oh yeah, she's drinking bottle too and need it before she goes to sleep.. which phonic enrichment class she's attending? i'm thinking of sending my no.1 (oct 07 baby too) to I can read..

don't worry abt no.2. actually though you'll be so busy with 2 babies, but when they play together, laugh together and hold hands, you'll feel so heart warming...hehe..my no.1 is super good baby but no.2 is super mischievous baby. people said when your 1st one is very notti, you'll get a good baby next..may be because you have a taste of super active,notti no.1, so any babies after that is easy feat..haha.. just like my SIL. my niece was a super active girl. her no.2 boy is easy to her (they are 7 years apart). her boy and my no.2 only 3 months apart and i used to envy her when she only need to concentrate on her taking care of no.2, since her elder girl is old enough to do most of the things. so, sometimes a bigger age gap will make things a bit better lah.. really depends how you see it :p
hi all

ariajo.. nice to see u again =) how u get to knw naia got allergy to dustmite? then gotta b v vigilant in cleanliness... perhaps invest in a good vaccum can help solve tis prblm... re black mold on teat... dun think can remove, gotta change new teats... try to keep in airy plc.. cos once too moist will cause mildew... i often got tis prblm on handle of toothbrush (rubber type), so v often gotta change new one..hiaz..

windsorqueen..aiyo..35 still consider ok to gv birth lah! no need worry.. some ppl gotta go thru IVF, etc to try for a kid till they r 40+.. i had my #2 when i'm 36, my no. 1 gal & no. 2 boy age gap 4years old.. like ariajo said.. got good & bad depends how u look at it.. some ppl prefer age gap near so 'one-time xin-ku' look aft them, others tink got abit age gap easier to handle them...after all, look aft >2 kids nowsday is nvr a easy job.. i also 'roaring' at them almost everyday esp i FTWM + hb often outstation + no helper =D but like other mummies here said.. u'll sure find it worthwhile & feel the joy when seeing our children grow up happily/healthily together esp #1 got companion to share/get support when we no longer with them.. so dun tink too much.. go for #2 when u ready & everything will fall nicely in plc de =)

maruko.. did u bring lil' t out to new plcs or bk late recently? if yes, jus cleanse him w 'flower bath'.. if not, like jovial said, cud b colic.. massage him lightly w ru yi oil b4 nap time & on soothing music for him..

hippo..hope u feeling better today.. tk MC to rest if can.. tk care =)
Hi mummies...

Jovialz, did try puttin ruyi oil & burpin him after his feed. Also got give him gripe water & colic drops. So far today he quite manageable.
haha...we juz noe WindsorQueen nia, so kopi/tea is gd enuff. Wait till she give birth den ask her hb for BIG meal. kekeke... *evil grinz* :p

ariajo, *wave wave* welcome back. Do post more often on ur updates...

junnie, ya me tink it could b dat nite when we bring him to old hag's bro shop. He also quite cranky while we there. So far today he no make noise. Hopefully ok liao.
hi all!!
Am so happy to "find" you gals! You gals are superb!! Now i have "support grp" liao! = )

Hahaa... Maruko, kopi boleh! If you gals dun mind, maybe next time i can tag along for outing? = P Thot good for my gal to have friends, else she acts like queen at home!

Hi Aria jo, i send my gal to "i can read". Very expensive but she loves the class! She always ask me if it's icanread today?? Guess maybe her teacher always give her stickers in class!?!?
Forced to daytime nap toilet train also becoz her childcare teachers stressed me. They keep saying she's the last in class not trained! Imagine ...

Hey Jovialz!! good to know another dragon! = )Wah, me very impressed with your kite analogy, very apt!! Agree with you 100% but you know as mummy, you'll always want the best and it doesn;t help that her classmates or my colleagues and frens compare and it stresses me out. Actually i think it stresses my gal out more, coz she'll frown very deeply whenever i ask her to practice her number writing! = P

Hi Junnie, wah, peifuh u. For me at least hubby will try to helpout sometimes, think i'll go crazy if i'm at it alone.

Indeed, Oct 07 mummies rocks!!!
aaahhh... just saw maruko's post abt "big meal".
Like that my hubby sure backout one. He's accountancy trained, everything he count till last cent one. He'll faint!! ; - P
windorqueen.. am sure u'll hv no regrets joining our oct'07 thread as we ROCK =D
we share ups & downs here... so whenever u r happy or not happy.. jus come in here & 'bang'!! there'll b many ears to listen =) fyi we hv been thru 3 bd bash for our '07 kiddo... we hv gathering once in a while & if u work in town, can also join the town 'chio' mummies for lunch! (similing @ doobom/tiffany/maruko/ecookie, etc) =D thou some mummies MIA le.. we still carry on chatting w exisiting mummies & waiting patiently for MIA mummies to re-join, of cos.. we welcome every new mummies =)
re academy skill.. my lance also hvnt achieved.. still can tell me 'a' for 'elephant' (cos pronounce air-li-phant) *faint*... how much u paying for i can read now? btw, wat's ur gal name? u hv any fb then we can add u.. but hor.. i not fb active like other mummies here lah.. wahhaaaha =D

maruko.. oic, then perhaps try cleansing lil' t helps.. i mentioned tis cos jus last wk my colleague (malay) was telling us how her grand-daughter (2mths+) cudnt sleep thru the nite also v cranky cos her youngest daugther (1st time mummy) panic & call my colleague middle of nite for help.. aft asking her daughter.. my colleague found out tat her daugther brought the bb gal out for father's day dinner celebration w her IL @ restaurant along ECP, came bk v late.. thou different races.. they also believe bb too young shdnt stay out late/unfamiliar plcs till they r slightly older.. so she also ask her daughter cleanse the the bb in their malay style..

ariajo.. suddenly i feel like seeing my 'DIL' aria =D so long nvm see her le... tink gotta squeeze sometime to ur fb & see any pix u hv there =) but hor.. tink no chance liao cos aria so pretty.. lance's now w the cp marks all over looks horrible =(
Thought only my mum say 'a' for elephant . But when they make this kinds of mistake, really don't know to cry or to laugh.

Welcome to join us, we hardly meet with kids but the work in town mummies occasionally meet for Lunch at Raffles place. I don't work in town but will join when I'm off.
Hey Junnie! So cool! i work in town @ raffles place! So if you gals are ard town, can makan someday yar.

Wish i found you gals earlier. When i was in confinement and staying with my in laws, it was a really very difficult and trying times. Almost had a breakdown!

I call my gal "Ting" in short = ) And yes yes, i have a FB a/c. Just try to search under "Han YiLi", profile pix is my gal holding a bear with a hat = )
oops, forgot to add for icanread, it cost abt $50 bucks per 1.5hr session. I'm at the Simei branch.
For starter class, think it's cheaper at $30 per class. Ting is at creative tots class (level 2).
To be honest, i find it expensive and also she's not exactly learning phonics as yet!
WindsorQueen, yup u got urself a wonderful support group here.
We do meet up at times for small gatherings. Where u stayin? If near my place den we can meet up over the wkends too. My boy also a handful to handle.
Ur hb accountancy trained ah? No worries. Perhaps he VERY willing to part wif his "cents" since we helped him to convince u something he had been tryin hard to. kekeke... :p
U workin in town ah? Me also office at raffles place leh. Haha...gd lah me found another kaki for lunch liao.

junnie, thx for addin me into the group of "chio" mummies in town...hahaha...my current state shld b "chou" instead.
Oh...cleanse bb ah? Can we use the leaves dat is planted by neighbours? Dunno wat is dat called.
Mayb I shld get it from my mum. She hav it planted at her place.
windsorqueen.. halo to ting ting =) ok, will go add u when free.. my fb under my nick & pix is doraemon =) thks for the info =) agreed nowsaday enrichment classes v X de loh =D my gal (zann, now p2) was with i can read at harbourfront few yrs back, dropped her due to her primary schl workload/timing dun coincide w the class.. really v taxing on parents nowsaday to bring up the kids cos everywhere so competitve =( wow.. u r lucky mummy work in town!! can shop shop & join mummies here for lunch.. me dun work in town, so cant join lunch unless tk leave =( maruko (aft ur ML),tiffany,doobom,ecookie.. u all hv new kaki liao =D

jovial.. i tink i feel like 'crying' more =( u can tell ur mum she got frd liao!! haha.. =D

maruko.. b4 u go bk to work, go 打扮打扮一下就不臭了lah!! u mean the promenganate leave? (xia-liu ye)?? can lah.. jus pluck & shower him.. or go buy pomelo leave or loose flower fm flower stall at market =)
Yo Maruko! So cool! another lunch kaki!!
I work just at SingLand Tower, opp std chartered bank. Me staying near Tanah Merah, not sure if u stay nearby? Wld be cool to have play dates for the kids!!
aiyah Maruko, difficult to ask my hubby to part with his "cents"! = P He see "5 cents" bigger than "Bull cart wheel". Eeks, i swear he'll kill me if he knows the publicity he's getting.

Yar Junnie, nowadays so competitive, makes me thankful i cleared the system long ago! Else sure no chance! Now i worrie for my gal.

And me so happy to find new lunch kakis. and yep, i love to go jalan ard during lunch, a few shops ard raffles place. Gd and bad... will spend monie!!!
Opps! Was the lunch on today?
Brought L for his 1st vaccination shot today so have lunch at Mt A instead!,

Small T might have gas if drink halfway stop. Just like mine. Today PD ask me to continue with the ridwind.

Don't stress your girl as every child is different. I also don't know if mine can write properly from 1-10. Would rather her to do on her own pace and surprised me with the things she can do ha ha. But like all mummies, I do ensure she is given the tools needed. For phonics, she learn in school as well as from iPhone and iPad LOL

Maybe we should plan one outing for the kiddos soon :)
Did anyone went to the new kiddos playground called singplay I think. It's at T3 and Vivo. Very nice but small unlike polliwogs.

A for elephant! At least it's a good start as he can relate to the sound. You would just need to teach him how the different letter sound like and I'm sure he will get it.

Your girl still at HappyTrain? I have not decided K class yet for the coming term after stopping for one term.
Hello.....I'm also a dragon. I had my gal when I'm 31 n had my bb boy when I'm 34. Now my boy 9 mth old. Mai tu liao, tonight take action for #2.hehe btw, I am a SAHM but I put my gal in cc.
WindsorQueen, woohoo...my office at clifford centre! We r juz a few steps away. :p wait for me to go back in Aug den we can meet for lunch anytime.
Tink our lunch hr wont b enuff for us to "yak yak" away plus shop ard after meal. Indeed very taxing to work at RP wif all the shops ard to tempt us buy stuffs.
Tanah Merah ah? Me at amk. Not so near but we can still organise for meetups.

totoro, tink perhaps lil T got too much "shit" also. Hahaha...yest whole day no pass motion till today pass alot...keep seeing him "kek" yest but nothing came out. :p today he is much better liao. I'm givin him another type of colic drop instead of ridwind.
1st vaccination? Tot taken after birth?

Tiffy, LOL...i like ur "mai tu liao" to WindsorQueen. :D
We stay very close by, also Tanah Merah area.

Like totoro Bb, my boy picks up lot from iPhone / iPad apps. That's where he learn to write, ABC, numbers, phonics (he can point to the correct answer when the app say the sound), spelling etc. I just choose and download the app, he explore and learn how to play it himself. The downside is I cannot play those restaurant games as he'll spend all my money buy and sell cheaply. LOL !

Totoro Bb,
Ai yah, it's my mum who say 'A' for elephant. Not Caelen. But now he can say 'papa', 'mama', '妹妹',婆婆', 姨姨 , 妹妹 Eat, shi shi (pee), yuck, yi ya yi ya oh (old mcdonalds) , how I wonder what you are (twinkle twinkle little star, tune is right but words not clear). However, he does pick up a lot of sign language from "signing times". At least it's a means to express himself besides pointing.
Oh, wish all the " crab " mummy here a early HAPPY BIRTHDAY " cos I'm going for work trip this Saturday, Melbourne again ...
Good morning everyone!!!
Had a long day in office yesterday and when i log on to FB, imagine me making all the mistake! Actually thot that Maruko got 3 kids! Think she had a rude shock! Lol!!

So cool! Now i have mummies i can relate to! Yeah! Never knew so many dragon mummies ard! Tiff, me only have one time courage to give birth @31. Now i'm all talk , no action ; - P

Jovialz and Totoro just gave me a great idea! Instead of letting my gal drain my iphone batt on games (like angry bird!) i shld try to find some educational ones! Cheap if not FOC! = )

You gals have a gerat day ahead! I hv interview schedule back to back today, will login later to catch up!
Good morning!

thank all ladies for replying...

hello windsorqueen,
let me share with u, u will never go wrong with all the NICE n SINCERE ladies here!!! They really ROCKS. I am also one new mommy here, yet they welcome you with open arms, till now, i simply felt so good since my day one in the thread.

my gal plays alot of iphone/ipad n learned alot from there too! Even playing with angry bird teaches her how to estimate the distance, so it isnt that bad at all. They actually have to use their wits to try to hit the pigs!

As for phonics, I let mine watch leapfrog letter factory and after watching it many times, she knows all her phonics now! I didnt even teach her anything coz I was learning from the dvd too! I can randomly pick an alphabet n she can tell me the sound it make. Bet the sch didnt even advance so far! So theory? Watching tv is good! kakakka.

Toilet training:
mine is off diapers in the day and she is off diapers during naps in cc as well. Its actually part of the teacher's job to help teach them to be toilet train, so its quite mean of her teacher to be putting pressure on u! For mine, she was not toilet train before gg to cc, but the sch helped trained her. She was force to sleep w/o any diapers and she peed in her slp many times, but soon got the hang of it. Perhaps you can insist the teacher to let her go diaper free during naps? As for night time, she is still on diapers coz I insist la. I dun think I can handle waking up at night just to change her bedsheets. Heheheheh.
Morning Cherry, Gingerleaf!
Just finished one interview, having a break before the next candidate. So sneaked in here! = P

Yes Cherry, agree 100% that oct 07 mummies really rock! I'm really surprised by their warmth welcome!! They are so willing to share! I really wish i found this grp earlier!! = )

hahaa... yes gingerleaf, i let Ting watch disney channel quite abit. Actually that wld free me to handle household cleaning, etc. *very guilty of using tv as nanny* =P But i realised that she do learn something or at least she know how to spell mickey mouse??? Lol!

I shld invest in that leapfrog DVD!!! I'm paying so expensive for her phonic class now! Thanks much for sharing!

As for toilet training, her teachers keep using diapers for her nap earlier coz they say i put inside. When actually i always will put one inside for just in case times. Nowadays Ting is fully day time and day-nap toilet trained. For nite, it's partly becoz i'm lazy so didn't train her. = P
can someone share with me if you ever encounter any kid that dont really chew well/swallow up the food in their mouth, usually will have some leftover food in the mouth and take a long time to finish up his/her meal time??? how to treat??
It sounds like a habit to me? You may want to try motivating him/her with something as a treats to finish off the food in the mouth?

My girl eyes cannot get off the tv. Now Getting worst, want to watch violent cartons like Ben 10!! In carton network and Tom & Jerry as well. Hiaz
Oh there's a lot of free ware that you can download for iPhone. But urmm it will become her phone soon ha ha
Hi cherry
i agree with totoro, coz my gal used to like to "save" food in her mouth. Told her off umpteen times until thankfully she stopped doing it. Cld be a stage they're going thru? i scare her by telling her her teeth will turn black and drop off! oops = P

Hi totoro, hahaa... oh yes yes, my iphone is already hers. So i might as well use the opportunity to "trick" her to educational games...

Aiyoyo, same for my Ting! She likes violent cartoons! In fact, she'll change the classical storyline herself to something violent like e.g. quoting her words: "snow white wld stab the evil queen with a knife and the queen will have alot of blood and die!" aiyoyo...
