(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

Hi mummies...hows everyone's Tue so far? Mine quite manageable except T2 juz vomit all his milk out, makin a mess.

junnie, mil ard at hm. She will occasionally go into my room when T2 cries den carry him for awhile. Anyway so far me n her ok liao. Hopefully I dun need to rant anymore. :p
Poor lance got holes on his face & body due to the scratches ah? Do bring him to c the skin doc after he recovers den c if can "fill up" the hole.

Junnie so heart win for yr kids... Zann's pox all ok Liao? Lance need toseedoc for his skin??? Aiyo ... That must be very bad please remember Try not to go under the sun ok.
yr kids love the pork chop!!!
very easy and fast to cook right ... I always marinate lots of pcs at one go with soya and a little sugar den keep in the refg. Yes I am still in the west ... Just pop mindef ...the use is in the mess cos no place to keep the thing and also not much time to do thing as I need to bring the kids to schoolssssssss and I am bad bad bad at housework hahaha lol and hb is also super busy at work hid stress level st work and home should 1000% Liao and with the have so messy
but i just did a good deed l iron ome set of his uniform for him lol LOL hahaha and I have not been cooking for the whole of June everyday also eat out ... I am also waiting for a new maid this time round from myr she should be here by mid of July so hopefully can tahan till den ...

Friday lunch I should be able to join in with my kids SMS me ok cos I dun always come in and read now no time
maruko.. glad to hear u & MIL so far so good.. keep it up =) y lil' t vomitted? u no burp him properly? my hb was saying no need waste $ cos lance still young.. those cp marks will lighten as he grow older.. but seeing his present condition makes me heartpain esp so many holes.. so better seek doc's advice if got remedy now.. cos i also headache once he rtn to cc, gotta infm teacher to help lookout his meal esp no dark sauce.. my mil said no egg/chx for 4mths?! most likely will pack food for him to bring to cc jus like zann now.. more busy 4me =(

cm.. u r back here! =) schl holiday gonna over soon.. so sian rite? thks, zann much better than lance's cp condition.. hope ur 'akan datang' new maid is a good & normal one tis round. LOL w ur 'good deed' =D at least u do something la besides chaffeuring the kids... slowly slowly pack since u SAHM =)

today oni 3 of us here??
CM, wow...u seemed really bz this June being "maidless". Hang on there! U can do it

junnie, yup so far so gd. Got burp him leh but at times he didnt burp well. Tink he vomit bcoz I was feedin him gripe water at dat time & he didnt swallow well.
Wah...no eggs/chix for 4mths plus no dark sauce??? I remember dat time I cant b bothered abt the dark sauce. But of coz I didnt scratch much so not much scars "left behind to clean up". Hopefully the holes will b "stretched" as Lance grow den u can save ur $ liao.
Junnie ya no eggs for4 mths but chicken lots of ppl say can after the poxs dropped but I will NOT let. He kids take eggs cos will cos bad breath
maruko,cm.. imagine 4mths no egg/chx!! really v hard to 'avoid' tat's y everyday 'cracked head' wat to gv them eat! even go vegetarian also difficult cos most contained beans products unless oni eat greens nia.. my boss said 出水痘cant eat 豆?? most stock or outside food contained either beans/soya sauce/egg/chx.. me pastries/cake lovers.. tis few wks hardly eat cos most contained egg.. if not they will sure wanna eat =( everyday bread bread bread...simple rice w soup/porridge/macaroni.. eat until we 'kio toh-long' =D
cm, for u easier cos u look aft both yourself unless they go schl.. mine w cc so abit difficult to control 4mth.. hiaz =(

aiyo... today really 3 of us nia... hope tmr more mummies comes in =D
hello all,

recipe for chickenpox:
mommies, how about cooking pasta with pork for kiddos??

should be okay for me..

my kid goes to full day cc, i realised that he often having fever/cough/phlegm/flu/insect bite etc.. (relapse at least once a month).
Is this common?? Does it imply that his immune system is weak?? What are the preventive measures?? Should I give vitamins?? PD says give singular on long term.. but i would rather that he be off drugs. Please help!
Gd morning mummies...

Junnie, ya lor...really crack head if cant eat eggs/chix for 4 mths. Fish soup for them?

cherry, u gg for the lunch on fri ah? Aiyo...so many gg...make me gian...but me afraid cant handle Tyler alone.
U can give cod liver oil, vitamin C. I also give Travis "dong cong cao" occasionally.
hi all

so fast almost 1.30pm le.. stay at home the time always passed v fast =(

cherry.. thks for adding on to the cp menu =D i tried tat too! urm... mine dun quite like tomato sauce... hehe.. re cc, is norm for the kid to get sick within the 1st year!! so jus gotta bear w it & boost their immune system.. me too gv mine cod liver oil & occasionally brew chinese herbal soup 4them.. lance on singular for 3mths & w control of heaty food, his cough/phlegm has improved..

maruko.. was told to avoid fish during cp outbreak & drying up portion as it'll cause more itch.. i jus fllw to playsafe... =) ur mum not free to help u look aft lil' t on fri? tink 1-2hrs lunch shd b ok to bring him may b he zzzz in the stroller? =D
junnie, my mum gotta handle my bro's clingy gal so dun tink able to help me even though its juz a few hrs.
Oic...didnt noe fish will cause more itch leh. Tot it will help the holes to recover faster.
I did bring Tyler out on stroller while wif hb & it seems he dun really wanna lie down. If I juz let him cry, den passers by kept starin at me. Haha...so dunno how also...
Yippe can post le!

Where are all the mummies today?
Friday lunch where?

Time passes very fast when at home with bb or kids! Staying at home is driving me crazy. Can't do things and can't nap. He keep crying and only nap for a while. Hiaz
Totoro ... Guess bb really no feeling good .... U watch him and let him sleep on tummy ... See can help or not

Junnie ya not easy on the food part ... I started seafood for both of them this week too ... Cos I forgot and gave C2 the soup with prawn in it
u can cook pork belly ... Cut thin thin den cook with sugar and soya only taste almost the same but u can deep fry or just pan fry ... Give white rice most of the time and also pasta la ... I went to buy the pasta with cars trains and airplane shape hopefully C2 will eat and he did lol happy
Morning Mummies!

Thanks for the buzz, Tiffany. ;)

I am sorry that I cun do lunch tomorrow as I need to go and see doc for my stiff neck.
I will be on leave next Monday and PM leave on Tues. (Clearing last year's outstanding leave by June, otherwise forfeited).
Can we arrange to have lunch next Tues instead?

Lunch Date - 28Jun (Tues), 12.15pm
Venue: City Hall/Plaza Sing/?
1. Doobom
You may like to try giving your kids crocs meat if you dun mind.
Normally I get it from Carrefour (freshly packed). There are frozen ones in selective NTUC outlets.
From my family members' feedback, it taste like chicken meat. We put it into the porridge to boil and then shred it for J1, mince it for J2.
Besides that, I have always minimise chicken meat for the boys as it tends to further aggreviate cough/phlegm. So strictly no chicken/egg during cough/runny nose episodes for my boys.
I dun give vitamins except Scotts Emulsion Cod Liver Oil. Also, will stop this during cough/runny nose episodes coz I realise that it will trigger more phelgm when he takes it during cough/phlegm epi.
What happened to your neck? too much staring at laptop?? I do get this pretty often too. You see GP or chinese sinseh for stiff neck?

Lunch Date - 28Jun (Tues), 12.15pm
Venue: City Hall/Plaza Sing/?
1. Doobom
2. Tiffany_seah
good morning mummies!!

ayden is much much much better already. thanks all for the concern!

junnie, aiyo.. lance so very ke lian... hope he doesnt scratch too much!

totoro, u and lewis got lactose intolerance? monitor lewis's condition and hope his tummy is ok soon!
I often have stiff neck, not sure the cause.
After seeing the doc on Monday, I was given muscle relaxant (medi) to take and monitor. Was told it will go off after a few days. It din, instead gotten worse. I cannot turn at all the very next day, head facing straight and behaving like a robot. So frustrating and looking like a weirdo.
Went to do massage (hoping that it can help), the lady suggested me to do Ba Guan (fire cupping) coz lotsa wind and water retention on my back and shoulders. So I did. Now, my whole back is so badly bruised (poka dots?!).
If condition not getting better, I may resort to acupuncture later on. See how it goes after the poka dots go off.
good morning all...

thank you for sharing, okay will try it out. is crocs meat tasteless?? how often do i need to give?? on weekly or monthly basis??

Scotts Emulsion Cod Liver Oil: how often do i need to give??

mommies, which part of the meat should i buy if i were to cook beef stew/ soup??? can mommies share how do prepare and ingredients needed for this dish??

Lunch date:
KIV for me... yet to confirm as i need to see how my next week schedule
doobom, could it be due to the sitting position? i have very bad neck aches on the left dat extends down to the back.. maybe dun need ba guan dear.. in fact i hate ba guan!! hahaha.. i find the chinese traditional massage good enough but must go for routine massage la...sayang sayang...
crocs meat taste? I dun dare to try though my mum mentioned it taste like chicken.
On and off when I pass by Carrefour, i will get for them. Not so much about weekly/monthly, it can be taking it for every other day if I happen to go. Especially when during cough/runny nose epi, I will try to go and get for them.
Scotts Emulsion Cord Liver Oil - I give daily in the evening after his dinner.

For beef, I am not exactly sure which part I bought. The more 'pretty' and not so tough-looking part that I will get. I merely put it into porridge to boil. No stew or soup.
I am quite lousy in cooking, only know having it really plain and bland for the kids.
I have this stiff neck and back quite often... I think it is also due to pillow. I have tried all kinds, and recently settled with a firm one.. I bought from wangyang the magnetic thingy to sleep on, apparently, it reduces the ache and stiffness. Not sure exactly is my pillow or magnetic that really helps.. I just try both and lately, it got better.

Re:Croc meat
I tried, it taste more like pork to me. I always cut it in small pieces and tell Lucas its chicken and he eats!! He love the soup too. One thing about this boy, he cannot have the same food everyday or often, need to stop for awhile and cook again, then he will eat.. if cook often, he will complaint "WHY AGAIN"
Carrefour sells the Crocs soup herbs. Its pre-packed, all herbs in 1 packet.

The crocs soup packet has instruction behind on the step by step how to boil.

For me,
1) Boil water in a pot
2) put in crocs meat and herbs
3) boil for about 20mins
4) transfer to slow cooker and slow cook for 2-3 hours, can serve anytime
Next tue lunch, should be ok for me. Then guess I'll drop by office tomorrow since don't need to rush!

He taking soya and there is a big different in poo poo. No longer so often and watery. But still have gas in the stomach loh. But at least he keep farting so far.
For me, I drank 2x the milk powder for mum and 2x major LS with serious stomachache. Then that day I make Milo and decided to finish off all the condensed milk and LS again after that. I remember I don't fancy milk since young.

You can try pandan leaves I think. They supposed to be scared of the smell. If not, those electronic device that will scare them away?
LOL at your so many pest questions... how come so many pest at your place arh?? haha

You can buy COMBAT cockroach patch and stick it on the side skirting of the floor, I think it works..

As for worms from the books, hmmm.. perhaps your place is too damn? Need de-humidifier?? or the books are too old??
Looks like both Lewis and you are lactose intolerance. Andrea also, so she was drinking soya milk till 1 yo, I changed back to Cow's milk, and she was fine. I remembered she cried hard often as baby as she always have stomach cramps, even drinking my breastmilk, so, I decided to quit BM at 3rd month, cos I need to drink coffee with milk everyday to keep myself moving. Soya milk works fine for her...
totoro, ha! then u better stop ur milk intake le... as for lewis, as long as it works for him. meanwhile, if u feel he's still very windy, put ruyi oil too!
like andrea, adri also took isomil till 1year+ before switching to GainIQ.. also so fat.. so ok la.. hahaha!
hippo and totoro are right! Even some of the taxi' that we commonly take, they have bunch of pandan leaves to keep cockroaches away. I remembered I was too KPO that I asked the taxi uncle why he got leaves in his cab. Is it to keep him cool coz looking at green? I think I am so silly and cuckoo. Hahaha... then he explained to me.

For me, I bought the insect repellant plug (2-in-1 usage : night light, insect repellant) from Home Fix. It gives off frequency that pests will be afraid off, and it's low watt consumption (low electricity cnsumption).
Tiffany and hippo
Didn't know that both A were on isomil till 1yr old. His stomach still windy but at least fart a lot now after ruyi oil and no more frequent watery stool. Just mummy too worried as i was once told male should not take too much soya! Wonder if it apply bb ha ha. Paranoid mummy who hears too much LOL

You even quit BM? I know bm will create problem if they are really lactose intolerance but after reading the good stuff in bm, I intend to give him as much as I could. In fact, if I have extra which unfortunately don't have now, I want to give to K as she is so poor thing, always suffering from hard stool etc.
doobom, hahahaha u are so cute. there was once i found ONE cockroach in my car. godknows where it came from.. straightaway ask my mum to buy me a BIG bag of pandan leaves.. then i dun see any at all le.. heehee..

totoro, ya.. adri very ma fan when young la. in fact ma fan until now. still dun wana eat. ha! but i tink she got fat genes so still ok la. isomil shd be ok la. u tahan.. wait till after 1 year then u try other milk on lewis. by then they shd outgrow this intolerance le..
Yes, I have also heard male should not take too much soy.. soy can increase estrogen, which is not so good for male...but you are still giving BM right? you just avoid taking cow's milk or take HL milk which is low in lactose.

I felt so sad that I have to give up Breast-feeding Andrea...not that I dont have BM, my supply was enough to feed 3 babies.. hahaha.. but I was also very tired after delivering Andrea... so, I needed coffee to stay awake... which is bad for my BM. Also, Andrea keep having stomach cramps taking my BM lei.. so, I chose to give up.. I only discovered Andrea's problem after I brought her to PD, this PD very experience, told me to give her Soy milk, and Andrea was a much happier baby, no more frightening screams all the time.. so poor thing lor.. she was like a colicky baby...
Adri slim down liao right? Mine stuck at 15-16kg.

Your description sounds so much like Lewis now. Colicky baby and so the soya thingy is true. Hmm ... then after this tin, I shall switch to Mamil Gold Ha and see how it goes. It's supposed to be cow's milk but they did something to it.

My BM is getting lesser ... don't know why also. hiaz ... but trying to feed him whatever that I have before giving the FM. He can drink a lot sometimes ... eg. he just drank 120ml + 30ml and still looking at me now wanting more ....
If you are not comfortable about isomil for Lewis, then you explore Mamil Gold HA.. isit for lactose intolerance baby since its cow's milk?

You drink lots of warm milo, this should be able to boost supply. Also, drink lotsa lotsa water.. I am a water tank, I gulp lots of water and soup and milo. I am basically a liquid person. Not sure isit becos of this, my supply is high.. no harm trying... Did you take Fernigreek? duno how to spell...
hi all

cherry... me2.. LOL at ur pests qtns =D go mkt buy pandan leaves, wash clean n drip dry b4 tie them in bundles jus put same in those plcs u wan.. change when the leaves dried up. for bookworms.. try to air the books under sun... n put mothballs in the cupboard.

totoro...poor u.. then try cut down milk intake for yourself for time being...since isomil work better for lewis then let him tk till his LS improves.. is not cheap de loh =p

doobom... old myth said go beat 4 corners of ur pillow =D u v brave try ba guan... if me duno how long the poka dots gonna go off! i tink bcos of daily postures + pc + heels + not enuff rest tat's y cause our stiff necks..

cm.. the pasta u buy so interesting! where did u get them? i oni get those seashell shape nia ..

this is what it says for the Mamil Gold HA. In the market, there is still Nan HA and Friso Comfort I think.
Hypoallergenic infant formula w/ AA, DHA, GOS & IcFOS for infants from birth to 12 mth at risk of developing milk protein allergy.

Maybe I didn't drink enough water! Will start my milo again
Stiff neck and backache.
My hubby and I used to be very pruned to this problem until we decided to change and invest in our bed and pillow. We went to Robinson on a weekday afternoon (no crowd) and try almost all the beds there before settle on the a king koil one (it should not be too firm, should feel every part of your back or side (depend your sleep habit) is supported. Then we got the tempur pillow too. They also let us try until we get the correct size. They even let us bring back to change within 3 days for another size (isetan parkway).
How about karihome goat milk for Lewis ? I understand that goat milk is suitable for lactose intolerance baby.
I am not cute lah, it's busybody. Cun help with my curiousity and KPO-ness... Haha...

Trust me, I din miss out beat 4 corners of my pillow. I even attempt to use pillow to beat my both sides neck when I heard this silly myth too. Really desperate already...
Likely suspect is my power heels. Can't run away from the fact that I am on my power heels 5 days a week since age 16. I can win the vainpot champ rite? Wahahaha...
The Ba Guan thingy... Sad to say, I dun even know why I dare to do it. As if I am being possessed or hypnothised?! I was so scared of the bottles on me that dun even dare to use strength and breathe so timidly. What if I use bit of strength like farting out or sneeze, the bottles blast out from my back in all directions. I told my hb, he thinks I am crazy and ask if I am ok. Dun noe what's up with me.
Hopefully can feel the effect after the poka dots and aches go off.

I am like a cow too. I do admit that I am a very 'water-tank' person. Loads and loads of water, milo, juices every other day - be it after delivery or now. Thatz why I can feed two big 'CC' boys... Even my bubble tea, I wonder why Gongcha cun have upsize just like KOI?!

I think my pockets sure burnt big hole if I use a superb quality pillow coz I change all the pillows on quarterly basis (for me, hb and boys). ONly bolster and pillows. Not mattress, unless I have the notes printing machine, then I can change mattress quarterly. But I invested in a water based vacummn cleaner and power vacummn my mattress twice a month.
I am allergic to dustmites, that's why the tedious and super kiasu efforts.

goats milk is good. Bear with it... once bb turns one year old, can drink fresh goats milk. Can start training from young.
J1 is on fresh goats milk which I think it's really good. I am planning to start for J2 soon.
But do note that powdered goats milk (Karihome) is super duper heaty. Usually need to dilute abit and not so adviseable to give full dose.
morning all

doobom.. LOL.. but i do tried frequently w those old myths too.. hahaha =D the bottles will burst?? u & ur imagination.. watched too much cartoon arh =D aiyo.. really X investment for ur pillow/bolsters besides ur vacuum cleaner! howcome need to change quarterly? so fast worn-out or get dirtied? can use ur good vacuum to clean too? re fresh goat milk.. u ordered direct fm the farm rite? how long can keep in the fridge? cos cant store too much at one go due expiry hor? re bubble tea.. u & ur 'upsize' again =D.. btw, heard koi not selling pearl now izzit?? oh ya.. happy bd to jeryl.. enjoy ur outing w the kids =)

jovalz.. *wave wave*... the bed/pillow another 'culprit' 4causing back/neck ache... looks like almost every1 of us got tis problem..no wonder sales of quality bed/pillow nvr drop =D
Good Morning ALL & TGIF

Drinking water/ milo/ soup is proven to increase milk supply. Though you also need to eat nutritious food to have quality BM too... Take oily fish, cod, salmon, threadfish, meat etc...

Tempur pillow didnt work on me after using it for 1 over year.... Had been sleeping on a Medium size and out of the blue, my neck and head started to feel uncomfortable... Noticed that the more I sleep on it, the pillow flattens, become no more support anymore.. now, the pillow become lucas side pillow and no one sleeping on it liao. I changed back to my old pillow, which is firmer, wont flatten when I sleep, my problem is gone... Spoken to a sales person on pillow, she thinks I got the wrong size, and should be getting Large instead. What size are you sleeping on?

Regarding mattress, I strongly believe that a good and firm ones help!! I used to sleep on a cheapo mattress and always having backache and when hb move, I could feel his movement, cant stand it anymore, invested on Simmons... Wahhh... really HEAVEN mann!! Money really worth it. I believe that we spend many hour on bed each day, we should pamper our body. So, few months back, I also invested on a silk quilt...enjoying my sleep every nite!!

I also dont understand why need to replace pillow & bolster every 3 mths, since you have the water based vaccum, can always vaccum the dust-mite.. also, these days pillows & bolster are anti-dustmite.. Well, I believe its personal preference, I have a friend changes her baby teats every 3 mths....
good morning all....

thank you ALL for the kind feedback n valuable tips!!!MUACKSSS!!!! I wanna repel all pests lar *yucks* btw, i heard from my colleague there is this wooden insect repel, is it effective??

i also change my bb teats every 2 monthly.. becos i still using steam steriliser... u do gals still sterilise your kiddy bottles?? or off bottles already??

cheap mattress..
i was laughing away when i read tiffany post on cheap mattress.. i was once a victim and suffer big time!!! now i am just like u, invest to get quality n good sleep. shiokkk.. worth it. lol
Hi mummies...
Wow...forum is HOT these 2 days...

Tiffany, will luv to join if I can manage T2 on my own...so far he is very clingy to b carried. Not sure how he will react if put in stroller for the whole hr of lunch. Haha...cant imagine carryin him entire time while outside coz cant ignore him to cry wif passers by staring at me :p

Cherry, im still sterilising T1's bottles...though my mum told me he oredi so big liao so its not necessary.

Stiff neck, shoulder
Pillows and mattress plays a big part! Good investment that is worth every cent :) maybe that's why K like to sleep on our bed!
