(2007/09) September 2007 MTBs


Edison also stick to you like Koala??
Ayden also like tat leh.
I also hardly got time to rest once he sees me!!

Magoo , Emily : Hazel will also be koala bear from the moment I reach home after work till she goes to bed.
in addition to my sick koala kor kor !
Hazel also the same huh??
Sometime I really feel very exhausted...but dunno how to make him to be less sticky!!!
N I realised that due to him, I dun hv much time for my girl..
Hi Florence & Mag,
Haha! What happened to our kiddos? They miss our "smell" so much? Sometimes I'm really very frustrated, I wish I can disappear for one month so that he can be less clingy to me.... My MIL spends the most time with him, but surprisingly he doesnt stick to her leh...
Magoo,Emily : Hazel was never like that , u usually give in to sick kor kor ... but mayb it's terrible two i will chant to myself. hehe very very drained!
I went to bbk for a short 4 days trip and came back with 2 even more sticky babies! :S
Emily, Ashton has been keeping me super busy! Bf is so tough...

As usual, tristan is not very sticky to me but then he does get jealous with didi...so he still wants attention from me.
that phrase "WHAT THE HELL DID I GET MYSELF INTO!??!" went through my mind last week. hmm.. but i can't give up. yes, i lost temper and yes even hit sarah before. But i can't give up cos, after weighing the pros and cons, I still think being SAHM for now is the best. and from many of you, i think me changing to FTWM won't help much either. =(

And if i think my hubby had enuff for the day to listen to my ranting, i will just pray. haha...that eases my mind abit!

The point is, i just need to manage my time and anger better. I realised now, is not the time to push sarah to learn how to read. I'll just enjoy the time with the kids like its the last day on earth, every day....tat way, i will be more patient...haha.
sometimes i face the same pressure to push natalie to learn her numbers, shapes, ABCs, colours, etc. Sometimes, i raise my voice at her because she forgot her ABCs, when she knew them like yesterday. Just a day went by n she forgot them already. Then my hubby told me, its no good to push her to learn because she might not like learning in future n worse, she will be afraid of making mistakes because mummy will scold her, these might cause her to dislike learning.

So I thought, just let her play n sometimes i just bring out the cards I made to refresh her memory about the alphabets n numbers. I think she remembers better this way. She can recognise a lot of the letters of the alphabet n she has learnt the numbers from 0 to 20. I constantly remind myself, she is only 2!! She already knew quite a lot of things, she is also learning to speak mandarin. She might be slower than her peers who goes to school, i dont know, and i dont want to compare, she will learn at her own pace.

I feel that going out for walks is good. Do you often bring Sarah n your boy for walks? Natalie n I like to go for walks, at least we get out of the house n breathe some fresh air.
We also go to friends' place to play. This way, I get to have adult conversation with my kaki n natalie gets to play with her friend.
Oh, and housework, its ok to let the home gets messy, i think our sanity is more important than a sparkling clean home.
Just my personal opinion.
i have different set of challenge than you mummies, my son is sticky to his daddy!! Sometimes i think is a good idea, i can then go about doing my stuff and next time as he grows older, i can go shopping w/o kid tagging along...haahahaha! I get fustrated when he refuse to bulge/listen to me...grrrrh! I had to surrender and tell his daddy to takeover, cos' he prefer him to handle than me.
hi cookie_monster,
sarah knows her alphabet really well and their phonics sound..but I just tot, she should move on to learning to put the letters together to make words..WHICH she can do BUT refuse to cooperate. that IRKS me...anyway,..i'll just let her take her time..

yup for walking, i try to go out for some fresh air but these days, the weather is super super hot. I prefer we just frolick in our bed in aircon room..haha.
For Jade, I realise her stickiness seems to be seasonal. She used to stick to me. If I don't pick her up from school she'd be crying "I want mummy" till I come home. Few months back I had to attend a friend's wedding. My hubby picked her up from school, and she cried and waited for me to come back till 12am. Refused to eat dinner or let my hubby change or bathe her. When I came back she was still in school uniform sitting by the door waiting for me. But more recently, she's been sticking to daddy. When he's not around, she will cry "I want daddy" (very 'ge' or 'pretend' kind but got tears coming out her eyes).

I wonder if this is a phase they all go through. Or are we not giving her enough attention? Are your kiddos like that too?
sarah can go through such extreme too. So dramatic and mowadays screams out so loud i feel like my eardrums will burst. I dunno. Sometimes, I feel so helpless when she does something like that. always tell myself, "she'll grow up...she'll grow up..."
Hi JustMe,
I'm going insane too. Edison screams to get his way. When he is angry, he will cry loudly, roll on the floor and kick. I hate to see that. I will either spank him or ignore him totally.

Imagine, everyday after work, I go home and hope to spend more quality time with him, but I end up spanking him as I simply can't tolerate his nonsense.

I really dun understand his behavioral change these days. Could it be because he has started school? Cos I'm the one who send him to school and walk away, maybe he wants to do something extreme to seek my attention or wat.... I really dunno!
Hi Angel,

natalie does not particularly ask for daddy or mummy when she goes to sleep. When once of us is not around, she will keep asking, "where is daddy?" or "where is mummy?". She will still play happily with whoever is the one at home, n go to sleep as usual.

But she does have her own habits, she will keep asking us to cover her with the blanket, as she repeatedly stand up in her baby cot when we put her inside to sleep. recently, she will keep blinking her eyes, we thought she might by myopic because I am, but she seemed to be able to read the letters or numbers we showed her. Sometimes, she will screen her eyes, esp when she watched cartoons on TV. Do u think we should bring her to the optician or PD?
I was told by my friend who has older kids that this is seasonal. There will be a phase that they go for mummy and another time where they go for daddy.

For my girl, so far she has been looking for me more. If daddy not around, she will just asked where is daddy and that's all. During CNY, my hb went overseas for almost 2 weeks and she was ok with just two of us. Maybe that season have not arrived yet??????
saw you n yixuan on mon morning in the carpark behind dr oh's clinic. brought my son to see her again. both the kids hv been seeing her twice every week for past three weeks liao. and emily got fever on mon after school and on wed we discovered tt she contracted chickenpox. good thing we didnt bring her to school for tt two days. n now her little bro is running fever and i can only pray very hard he didnt get chicken pox from her. tmr is his birthday and the only place he is going will be oh's clinic. sigh! i am really getting tired and frustrated with these episodes. i am wondering is it right for me to let #1 goes school when #2 is still so young. emily hardly fell ill when she was a baby but now #2 is a regular to pd's clinic for past three months. guess you can understand how i feel bah.
Yeah I always tell myself Jade will grow out of it, it will pass, its just a phase. But the phase seems very long

Yah think they do extreme things to get our attention!! Come to think of it, Jade used to drop to the floor too, and cry and scream when she don't get her way. I'd get so angry, timeouts didn't work so resorted to using caning her. But it got worse. So then I tried ignoring her, and it worked! Just leave her there. Abit cruel and must be thick skinned to bear the stares from strangers. But IT WORKS! If at home, go to another room. If outside, just walk away. After a few times of ignoring her, she know I bochap and she doesn't do it anymore.

Cookie monster,
Jade hardly blinks when she watches TV...eyes big big and mouth open also. Perhaps better to check with the PD on her eyesight. Are you and hubby both short sighted? My friend's kid had to wear glasses when he was 2.

Oh dear chicken pox? Did Emily take the vaccine? Hope she dun get scarred too badly. My #2 also fell sick alot more than #1. My PD advised me to try to keep them apart and minimize contact with #2 when #1 is sick.

Hubby is perfect eye sight, I am short sighted.
I have a friend whose son is also around the age of our children, he is wearing glasses too. Poor boy, looks like Prof Q with those big glasses, cover almost the whole of his face.

Will make a visit to PD when we are back in May. Thks.
how to check eye sight for such young children? nate seems to be blinking more than usual since my mum let him play computer with her.
emily did but still hv cp. luckily not full blown from head to toe. i am also using the same method as you by ignoring her. and ya it works really well. however she will now only throw tantrums when maids or daddy is around cos she knows they will still pacify her or give in to her demands. kids r so so smart nowadays.
Hi mummies

Just pop in to say hi. And to add to disciplining kids - when caelen misbehaves, I will put him aside and ignore him while I count to 50/60. It has worked so far... but recently, whenever i get angry with him, caelen would say (with the sorrowful look) "mummy angry, mummy don't want caelen". Aiyo, i feel so guilt stricken. It's terrible. Dunno who taught him that... i hope it's not the cc teachers.
no, it's not about you leaving edison in school. I know cos, sarah is with me 24/7 and STILL acts like tat. It's just tat these kids don't know how to express their feelings so they show it by those actions. Told hubby I had it and will prob see if we can place her back in full day child care. Like just now, I pinched her when she screamed and shouted when I leave her in the room with her daddy. Felt guilty after that. see, even grown-ups like us need anger management. sigh.
oh wow, it is really painful to hear that from a young child. Now, the mere mention of school, sarah would say NO. she probably thinks "Mummy is always mad at me, she doesn't want me anymore."
my #2 is also quite sickly compared to sarah. I was proud when sarah was sick-free for 1 whole year! never seen her with runny nose before she turned 1. but johan is always coughing and gets runny nose regularly. Maybe, cos, i didn't watch my diet and don't eat as healthily as when I only had one to care. As i believe my breastmilk is not providing much nutrients for boy, I started to supplement him with FM. =(
shawn has also been sick on and off. nothing serious, the usual cold and cough. it's like never ending and we are now buddies with his doc.

i like how his doc described it to be. it's a phase of life that all of us have to go through :p
so be it school or not.

i asked for tips to boost immunity system since our family been feeling under the weather over the last couple of months. Doc says, wanna try honey? a teaspoon a day. for him he takes honey everyday and he sees patients without a mask yet not easily falling sick. go for higher grade honey, usually they are grainy in texture, rather than syrupy.

yeah, off i go, i just bot 2 LARGE tubs of manuaka honey which we will take everyday from now. hopefully 1 teaspoon a day keeps the doc away.
Hi Mummies,

Feeling terribly upset today... I stupidly mount the kerb this morning and scratched the front rim of my car... It was so heartbreaking! So pissed with myself now...
pillow : due to the weather , keith and keith are taking turns to be down with cough too!
so sad hor. they are also taking active honey now. hopfully we will see the results soon.

Emily : U are a new driver , be easy on urself. it's just a spray of paint of pain in the pocket and it will look like new in no time
hi sorry to interrupt
I have a BNWT Kate Spade Bedford Street Noel Stevie (Black) selling at S$288 only and Kate Spade Bedford Street Noel Jillian (pink) selling at S$268 only. All items are BNWT, comes with original Kate Spade dustbag, care card and hanging tag. For fast deal, please email [email protected]. Prices nego. Thanks
Emily, can understand how you feel.
That time I scratched my hubby car's rim when I went down basement carpark, I super heartpain also!

Was angry at myself for the entire day.
Spoilt all my shopping mood.

But nevertheless, like what florence said, be easy on yourself as you are a new driver.
Hi Florence & Arisz,
Thanks for your comforting words. I was feeling so moody yesterday. My FIL said the scratches can be touched-up easily at the workshop..

I should be more careful...
hmm, how about seeing the car just a mode of transport? who cares whether have scratch or dent? that will ease a bit of stress when driving.

it's hard to be careful :p i just tell myself, it just happens.....
hi mummies,

popping in to say hihi!! saw the thread about ftwm, sahm..sigh...I'm also facing such issues now and then. NOw a ftwm with a helper and also having mil staying with me to help look after the kids when they come back from childcare/ school. On leave for past few days cos it's my elder girl's '1st' school holiday. Spending time with them now makes me wonder whether I should quit my job. I realise I'm really not spending enough time with them and blink blink..they've grown up so fast. hiaz..

emily, can understand how u felt abt the scratch. I've also scratched my car badly before and the 'thunder look' my hubby gave me when he saw the damage was 'frightening'. All my accidents happened either in car park ( while trying to park the car!!!!) or hitting curb! HUbby is more or less immune now. The last accident, I brought the car straight to workshhop and he did not see it.

Does your toddlers have the habit of digging happily away at their nose? Natalie has this habit, she digs her nose, while eating, sleeping, at the potty, reading, doing her puzzles....

Kept reminding her not to do it, doesn't work. anyone one of you face the same "problem"?
Hi Pillow,
You have a good point here! It really helps to ease the stress after reading your post.

Hi Amy,
My hubby didn't nag me (surprisingly). He kept saying that it's a small matter and prone to new drivers like me. It's ME, who keep blaming myself for my stupid mistake.

My hubby keeps encouraging me to drive, cos he finally has someone to share his burden of fetching our son to school, PIL's house etc. Haha!
Hello.. Mummies!!

Is ok la, juz scratched only, paintwork can cover.. Dun be angry with yourself la..
I ever reversed hubby's car n banged towards the kerb!! Somemore that time hubby out of town, can u imagine his reaction when I called him??!! haha.. Lucky tat was his old car!!!
Very kayu rit, me??
Hi Mag,
I still think that driving is stressful. In fact, more difficult than taking the driving test itself. No matter how careful I tell myself, I still hit the stupid kerb. Haiz.

When on the road, no matter how careful we are, we still meet those nasty and irresponsible driver. There was once a mere-accident that happened within the first month of my driving. I still have phobia when I think of it. This irresponsible driver changed lane illegally (dashed out from the chevron marking suddenly). He didn't even signal!

I e-brake immediately until all my stuff dropped on the floor. It was so near, I nearly bang onto his bumper. It was so scary!
There are many irresponsible drivers on the road.. n there are also many drivers who look down on Female drivers!!
N the drivers on the road always like to "bully" new drivers!!
After gaining the "experience" all these years,
I also bo chap liao.. I will not give in to those drivers who changed lane happily as they want!! I will Horn till I happy!! haha..
Even my hubby commented that I no longer a TIMID driver!! haha
Yes!! Back to sch...Riding on the topic: DRIVING!! haha..

Most of the time, my hubby will drive me to sch. Today, he was so sick..n he looked at me.."Can you drive on ur own today?"..No choice..so i had to send En En to sch..then myself to work. I dread to send En En to sch cos she will stick to me...When i reached sch, i tot i needed to wake her up..so i tried n the teacher was so horrified!! She said:"NO!!! Why u wake her up? Her "bed" is there..ready for her..let her sleep...her teacher will pick her up at 8am..Grr...all said when En En started tocry..Thank goodness i managed to slip off at 720am..reached work place @ 7.40am..Phew..Gonna let her sleep tomolo if hubby is still on MC.

Driving...Hmm..i had to force myself to learn to drive...n yes..think me, magoo n arisz are all driving big "elephants"...Actually it feels quite shiok..hahaha
I no longer driving a "big elephant"..
Hubby changed his car to a smaller one.. hee..
Now the biggest "elephant" belongs to Arisz.. haha
Haha! I envy all of you who manage to drive the elephants... Sometimes, I felt that I've bought the wrong car.. I consider my Forte big liao, should have bought a Honda Fit or Kia Picanto.. kekeke!

Hi Pooh Wei,
Wah! What time you have to start your journey every morning? Sounds super early to me..
Hello everyone!

I know it is still kinda early to plan bday parties but i would like to ask if you are keen to celebrate our kiddies 3rd bday together at a play. there's a play from 5 Aug - 11 Sep 2010 by SRT called Upstairs in the Sky for 3 to 6 yr olds. There's a 20% discount for group booking of min 20 pax (adults plus kids)and free use of the theatre's foyer (for catering & gathering)plus meeting the cast after the show. Ticket is about $22 (before discount) per pax. http://www.srt.com.sg/

Let me know if you are interested? There's sat 11am or 2pm shows.

is your toddler sleeping on a toddler bed already?
I want to get one for natalie, those with guards, so that she will not fall off the bed. Do you know any furniture shops that sell toddler beds?
Yup yup on toddler bed already.

I find those pull out beds good coz I can bunk in on the lower bed (when he is sick), or have our reading on the lower bed. It's pretty useful for me.

hi Pillow

I like Shawn's bed, saw the pic in your blog. Does Shawn ever fall out of the bed, I noticed that there is no guard at the side of the bed. Where did you get the bed? what is the price range?
