(2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

HI Blue,

Yes I do remember Jordan after seeing his big "baluku" when he had a fall from the playpen. So how are you doing? Do upload pics of Jordan when you are free.

Oh dear your milk monster become skinny liao! Jade has a bad cough now too...looks like alot of our kids are sick again

When Jade gets sick I'm secretly very happy coz that means that she's gonna lose weight!!!

What are you selling now...maybe I can pop by your place since you live nearby. I remember you got alot of nice things for your kids!
Cookie: Hahaha, the "baluku" ... yah!

Angel: Where you stay huh? Near me meh? What I sell ah? All sorts of things lor! Clothes, toys, shoes, bags etc. and etc.!
Yes, he has lost all his baby fats liao! He used to look so much like a Mr Potato!

And yah, think he's quite tall ... the last I measured was around 97cm, weighed about 15+kg.
Hahaha ya I'm very happy when she lose weight lor...her tummy big and round like 3 months preggy!

Jordan is so slim now!!! He used to be so chubby chubby! I'm living in Queenstown...you staying at Clementi right?
Wow he is 97cm thats very tall leh...hubby tall issit? Jade still 90cm...she is very disappointed everytime she wanna go to the Ikea playground and she is below the arrow cannot go in!
The arrow is for how tall? The last time Jordan went he was short by abit only. But I recalled telling the person he's supposed to be over that height already but don't know why he didn't reach the arrow.

And nope, my hubby's not exactly tall ... average height for guys @ around 1.75 m.
hei blue,
Jordan looks more like Desiree now. Both look alot like MUMMY!! =)

and yeah...SAHM is a very, very demanding job. Hubby was saying if he can be a SAHD since I am more confident in earning more than him - BUT i seriously doubt his ability to do so. haha.
Ya there's something wrong with the height of the arrow...the arrow is for 90cm tall...but Jade is 90cm and she is still very far from the arrow!

Haha it will be interesting if our hubbies stay home...see how they cope!
Cookie: You never see him in real person before right?

JustMe: No leh ... I think they look more alike when they are babies. Now not so already. Most people say Jordan looks like daddy though.

Angel: Hmmmm, next time we go IKEA must bring measuring tape! Show them their 90cm is sala liao!
hmm...i don't quite remember how your hubby look like, but in my opinion, he does have quite a resemblance to you. =) Malay old folks said if boys look more like mummy their relationship will be close and good. hehe.

coming to think of it, i don't even know how tall/heavy sarah is. hmm.

It will be a miracle if hubbies can pull through the stay-at-home stint for a week! Mine appreciates me more and more, knowing that my work is endless and i seldom get a break. What more facing the "terrible 2" for 24/7.
JustMe, I'm just curious, how many times you bathe both your children per day?

Coz this week i'm taking care of Tristan at home and each day I bathe him twice and his bro twice. It's so tiring!

I wonder how you will handle this situation and what you will tell your child:

We brought natalie to a children party, there were toys n children basically play on their own. Natalie was playing with a toy when a kid came and snatched it away from her. She wanted to take the toy back, followed the boy around and tried to take from him, but the boy refused to let her have the toy.

Then she played on a "house", she sat on it and pretended she was driving a car. A girl, much older, was sitting on the "house", came over and carried natalie off the "house".

Then she wanted to play with a giant turtle, a boy stepped right on top of it and refused to let her play.

I observed my little girl, i told her, its ok, kor kor play with the toy first, you wait for your turn and meanwhile play with other toys. She kept coming back to me, she did not cry that she wanted the toy, she just said, jie jie carry you down the "car". hmm.. I am wondering if I am teaching her the right things about not holding on the the toy, even if she was playing with it first?

Will this affect her self esteem or cause her unable to stand up for herself? What will you do or say to your child in such situations?
Oh Sembawang also have? What is the name of the shopping mall in sembawang?

Cookie monster,
We face that situation alot too at playgrounds. Sometimes the child's parents are nowhere to be found, so I feel its up to me to 'supervise' play. Coz Jade is too young to stand up for herself. I would tell the child firmly but nicely to wait for their turn, no pushing, etc. And I'll talk about it with Jade afterwards when I'm alone with her that particular boy/girl was not being nice when she snatched the toy right? And tell her next time she should tell the boy/girl not to push, etc. So she understands that the behaviour is wrong and encourage her to stand up for herself next time.
Hi Angel,

You are right, I think I will have to tell the other kid firmly to wait for their turn. And teach Natalie not to be like them. It is important that natalie learn the right behaviour and learn to stand up for herself.


Are you all set to go PNG?
twice my dear. same. morning after their formula and then evening before winding them down for sleep. Nowadays, very hot the weather, i think the kids feel better after the shower.

and yup. very tiring. we sahm without help spend half the day washing the kids and feeding them. haha.
Cookie monster,
Nat is so good natured...she doesn't make a fuss when other children snatch her toys!
Jade will cry and protest :-/

Re PNG, not set at all! We decided to postpone going there...me and the kids will go later...will let hubby go and settle in his job, prepare the house, etc. He's going in July. I was excited to go initially but now I think I'm having cold feet! I can't bear to leave Spore, quit my job, and leave family and friends! Did you feel like that??

How do you put the kids to sleep? They sleep together now?

I was very excited to start a new life in Oslo then. So I happily left Singapore, but upon arrival, i changed my mind and wanted to go back the next day! HA! It was cold, then about 12 degrees when we arrived in Oct. We have to hunt for apartment to stay, luckily, accommodation was provided for one month while we looked around for a place. Then we dont know anybody. I was near depressed, and I dont even feel like going out. Luckily, my hubby only start work one month later, he was with me all the time.

I think it is a good idea for your hubby to settle down first, get the place to stay, etc.. Its not easy to adapt to a totally new environment and with two young children in tow. It probably takes a lot of encourage. Form a network of friends quickly, things seemed easier when there are friends to advise and help and you probably will not miss home that much.

The most important of all, is to enjoy the family time.
I only came back once. Spent the rest of the holidays travelling! Enjoyable and relaxed. Its nice. You really get the quality of life there. Scared to imagine how it be like when hubby and I start work back in singapore.

I am coming back in May 2010. =)
Did you tell Nat you are coming back? Is she happy to come back? I told Jade we are going PNG and she says she doesn't want to go :/
Angel : dont worry , kids can adapt to changes faster than we adults.
Jade will be just fine!

Just came back from genting ... the kids had so much fun!


Hazel is 90cm le , so could play alot more kiddy rides than the last time she went. waiting for kor kor to be 122cm before we go again!
Yes Angel,

WE told Natalie we are going back to Singapore. She said, "Natalie likes Oslo, but we have to go back to Singapore." Then on separate occasions when we were packing, she also take a plastic bag and start to pack her books, she said,"Natalie is packing your own things." "We go back to Singapore to see Ah gong and Ah ma." Cute.
the kids look so lovely together..

Johan have to sleep in the yaolan and sarah i pat her to sleep on the bed. sometimes, I place 1 kid to bed first...sometimes both at the same time - MADNESS>
Oh dear...rocking in yaolan and patting? Sounds terrible! Lol!

I just recently got Jade to fall asleep by herself, instead of me sitting there for 20 mins or so till she sleeps. Told her she's a big girl now and has to sleep by herself. First day she kept coming out of the room like 5 times before she finally fell asleep. Wasn't as bad as I expected. Then after 5 days she's ok. I regret not having the courage to do it earlier!
Nat is so cute
She looking forward to see her grandparents ah? She still remmeber who they are anot? So long never see them liao!

I agree with you...the children will settle down quicker than me!

I hope Natalie can fall asleep by herself too. Whenever we bring her to bed, she will ask for water, ask for hugs, ask us to cover her with the blanket, then when nobody go inside the bedroom to see her, she will start crying, she can cry for a good 1 hour. In the end we give in and think maybe she is afraid of the dark (even though she had a night light) and still need one of us to accompany her. maybe she is still not ready to sleep alone.

And yes, she remembers the grandparents, we talk over skype n webcam almost every sunday. =)
Cookie Monster,
Jade will ask for water, ask for blanket, then remove the blanket, put cream, put powder, hold hands, pat her backside, then she'd say stomach pain and she need to pang sai and I'll bring her to the toilet and nothing comes out! She'd also play games with me and my hubby - she will ask for Daddy and ask me to go out, then a few mins later she'd say she wants mummy again and then we'd take turns going in and out several times! Some days it will take 1 - 2 hours for her to fall sleep!

When you come back to Spore are you going to work?
Your pics of Genting make me very 'gian' to go too!
Must go measure Jade and see whether she's 90cm yet! What can they do at 90cm? I remember there was a car ride with tracks going around the eiffel tower that she couldn't do and she was so disappointed. Did Hazel do that?
only once sarah slept by herself in her own room at night. ever since she needs one to accompany her to fall asleep.

THe patting/yaolan picture only happens in the day during their noon nap. now worse, the 2 kids' nap don't coincide. so I don't really have time to rest. first boy sleep. then sarah sleeps abt an hour later - then boy wakes up when sis is asleep. bleagh...
I am back! heheh... yes I will be working. So will start Natalie on childcare soon in June.
Been to the Northpoint playground yesterday. Natalie had a lot of fun. She was dashing about "chasing" the water. You have to be prepared to bring on set of clothes to change for yourself too :0)

I'm also wondering how to make their naptimes coincide when I go to PNG. Ryan takes 2 naps, 10.30-11.30am and 2.30-3.30pm. Jade sleeps at 12-2pm. I am gonna try to push Jade's naptime to 2.30pm so that she can sleep with Ryan, and mummy can sleep too!

Cookie Monster,
Welcome back! Thanks, I intend to bring the kids when they recover...both of them still coughing and its been 2-3 weeks
Hi Mummies

Long Time since I came Here!

Talking about making my 2 princesses sleep, these days.. I ask my mum to try not to let charlotte sleep in the morning. She would wake up at 7 plus then I would not let her nap till jie jie Charlene came back from school. After that they would sleep together at 1 pm all the way till 330pm to 4pm!
Usually my mum would have to sleep in between them or me.. so if they happen to wake up then they see that mum or me( weekends) is around, they would doze off to sleep again. Seems to be a better arrangement as mummy/grandma would have a chance to rest.

I put both of them to sleep together with me in between them at 930pm everynight too so far I am lucky!
Initially I was like putting the younger one to sleep then rush out to put the older one to bed.. very stress and rush and always goes haywire!!
Hi Low

Good idea hope the small one can 'dong' until 1pm. Think by then my Ryan will be very very tired. Will try to push his sleep time to 11 then 12 then 1pm
What time do your kids usually sleep at night?
Angel : Hazel sleeps at 930pm and wakes up everyday about 8am , whereas Keith sleeps at 10 or latest 1030pm and wakes up at 8.45am.

They nap in school at the same time , so i dont have problem on weekends
latest my gals go to sleep 9.30pm.
They wake up at 7plus am even on weekends
but I am glad they take their nap together and I get to rest too!

Wow..all of ur kids are early sleepers!!

Both En en and the younger gal sleeps at 2330!!! They will wake up ard 0800-0830. On weekends, they will wake up later at 1030!!!

For me, the older one sleeps with the helper... so i only need to handle the younger one.

Nap wise, they rarely sleep at the same time..so it is super tiring when both of them are at home.
