(2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

Hi mummies,

Jade has been both the bitee and the biter, and beater and beaten! The teachers (both her old school and new school) tell me its common in school at this age, coz they don't know how to control their anger and verbalise what they want yet. No worries, its just a passing phase and they will grow out of it.


I think you've made a good decision to put Sarah in school
Its really tough with 2 kids being so young and needy. Its good she can get some interaction, and you can give Johan your full attention.

Re montessori or not, to me the 'brand' name is not impt, after all no one can prove that Montessori children are smarter. After looking at so many schools, I think its the teachers, environment and principal that matters most.

Hi Mummies,
Good morning. Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.

Wow, it seems like kiddos nowadays are so fierce. So far, I haven't heard of any fighting or beating stories from Edison yet. All the children appear gentle at the time being.
sickening....1 day trial at the montessori, and sarah had to have high fever during the weekend. major setback!!

cookie, the montessori in question is not those well-known one. hehe, i don't really know which sort as i didn't go in-depth. it has a v humble setting and definitely not very branded; relatively cheap too.

believe it or not,...this setback i am facing is making me re-think abt placing the girl in school AGAIN. can you imagine, i have to see to the girl getting sick now and then - what's more, now with little boy?? deja vu... dread the whole idea.
Hi justme, why not think of it from another angle? everytime your kid falls sick from school, its giving a chance to boost immunity as the body fights back. after a few bouts, they will build up their immunity.
hmmm, pillow, the last time at childcare after 4 months there, sarah had bacterial infection and cost me $400 on medical. now i got 2 sick kids and a very tired me. have a leapfrog video on now so i can have some breathing space. =P

tinarin, PM-ed back!
Hi JustMe,
This is the downside of sending the kids to school or childcare, but cannot be avoided. They fall sick, they recover and they build up immunity. As a parent, we just have to expose them to all these, as they are all part of their growing up.

Hope Sarah will recover very soon. In the meantime, you take good care of yourself too. Dun over-stress yourself.
Everyday, I call home at 11+ to get a quick update about Edison at school. My PIL said he is enjoying himself when they pick him from school (although sometimes he looks teary when I left him in the morning).

At night, when I check his school bag, he will proudly show me the crafts that he did at school. Yesterday, he made a flower from paper, cotton wool and ice-cream stick. I was so excited to see it.

He learn to sing songs too. I heard something like "thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus" from him. It must be something that he learn from school. Occasionally, he make some dance movement too. Funny.

Mummies - Any positive updates about your kids and school to share??
Emily : hazel loves school and comes home singing the phonics songs : Ants on the apple , a a a , Balls are bouncing , b b b , caterpilla coughing , c c c ... simply adoreable.
she feeds herself at dinner and will say :" thank you teacher , thank you friends ..." just like in school! :S
Mine is a foodie, i asked him what he learned from school, he will say "I eat macaroni"! And almost everyday he will tell me "I eat macroni" or "I eat porridge"... *faint*. In his mind, is probably only food images, waaahahahaa. Very funny, everyday each different thing in school but he can only tell me he eat macaroni!!

Like what i mentioned earlier, he was bitten in school by his classmate. Guess what, yesterday my maid told me that when he board the bus, he said "hello auntie, hello uncle"...after that he push a girl's head while walking to his seat! You see...so cheeky...i began to wonder how he got bitten, issit b'cos snatch other's toys first.
Hi Voice,
Foodie is good wor. My boy is totally opposite. He hardly eat anything at school. So nowadays, I pack some biscuits for him to eat at school. I heard today he only ate half a piece.. haiz!

We all worried that he will be hungry at school, but he himself can't be bothered to eat...
i feel really happy he is in school and enjoying school. hearing him call out his friends' names is nice.

shawn is at sch from 8.30 to 12.30. a good half day is spent socialising and having fun. which i know that's burning a lot of excess energy. he has a good long nap in the afternoon. i am really happy with this balance of play, interaction and rest. then for later part of the day, he still gets to be with his grandparents.

as for risk of sickness, infection,etc, its something i can't avoid. not that i look fwd to it but i am expecting it as part and parcel, to manage.
Hi Pillow,
Yeah, I like this new arrangement too. By spending the morning at school, we actually free up my PIL and helper for a good 3 hours. My MIL can go to the market and do her daily exercise in the morning. My FIL can sleep in until 10+am. My helper can do the houseworks in the morning.
I guess when i chose MMI for Natalie, its the school environment that is the plus point. Its spacious, there is outdoor play area, small swimming pool where Natalie will get to swim maybe once a week with trained instructors. The classroom is spacious, each class have their own room and it is non air-con.

My hubby and I had been to a few other childcare at sengkang/punggol. They are mostly crammed in air-con rooms, which makes spreading of viruses easier. So we decided on the MMI.

I cant really assess the teachers, I dont see them teaching, nor do i have anybody i know who sent their children there. So it is purely the environment and the emphasis on life skills and sensory training. Hopefully it will turn out good for Natalie.

I look forward to the day where Natalie is happy in school.
Emily: he is distracted in sch, don't eat much i think. I told my maid not to pack biscuits for him from tomorrow onwards, then he won't want to come back from school want to eat his biscuits.
Phew..so busy ever since school re-opened.

En En is finally adapting well at the CC after knowing the teachers. However, she still behaves like a baby. Refusing to sit down for long during class time. Max 5 min....

She is also not taking a lot of solids in school. Doc says its a passing phase and she should be fine since she looks healthy.

Any tods here who is still not talking much? Mine refuses to talk leh...Just words...But she is getting pretty good with phonics sounds and words in flash cards...Just that she is not linking words. How??

is En En taking lots of milk or snacks in school? if yes it might affect her appetite..

as for talking, i guess if she can speak words, you should not be too worry...continue to talk to her in sentences...Dun forget children like to parrot after parents, so if we talk to them word by word, then they will also go word by word...if we talk to them in sentences, when they are ready...they will start sentences too..
poohwei: i think its ok. as long as she makes eye contact when u speak to her, listens and responds when called, interacts well, then its just a matter of time.

my colleague just shared that her girl can count to 50 and I was already very impressed!
Hi mummies,
Jade seems to be enjoying herself in school nowadays. When I pick her up from school, she's no longer crying, usually playing toys and when her teacher tells her I'm there to pick her up, she will jump for joy and shout "hurray!" and run to put her shoes on. Compared to the past 2 months when she will cry until drama drama when I drop her and pick her up. I'm so glad she has finally settled in. On the way home we have a conversation on what she did in school, I will ask her how was her day in school, and she always starts with what she ate! Today was "I ate noodles and I finished all my vegetables!" Hahaha...think Jade and Sam sama sama!!

She sings songs and dances too....sometimes I dunno what song she is singing haha...and she knows a few chinese ones like twinkle twinkle, three wolves. She will sing songs and dance in front of her brother when she comes back from school, and he will dance with her and laugh! Cute!
Hi Cookie Monster,
The MMI school sounds like a very good place! Separate rooms, their own playground, and non aircon will have better ventilation and won't fall sick so often! And the swimming pool! Wahhh...sounds nice
I'm sure Nat will enjoy herself there! Accessing the teachers is impossible until you attend the school with Nat the first few days and get to see them in action. I would ask the school to let you and Nat go for a few days trial period first to see how things go and how the teachers handle the kids. Most of the schools allow.

Understand how crazy it is when both children sick! Hope they recover soon! Take care!
Hi Angel,

We will have 2 weeks trial at the MMI, the first 3 days, I can accompany Natalie during classes. Which is good, so that we can assess if the teachers are caring, attentive to the children and whether they can handle Natalie. But I wonder if its a good idea to start straight away with full day childcare.

POtty training:
Its been about 1 -2 months that we started potty training Natalie. But she doesnt seem to get it because, if we dont make her go to the potty, she will surely have misses. These 2 days, when natalie said,"shee shee", actually she already wet herself.

How else can I teach her that she need to go to the potty, pull down her pants, then she urinate. I think all I can do is to remind her many times. Is there anything more i can do?
Any mummies have experience to share?
Hi Cookie Monster,
I'm not sure abt potty training for girls, I think it's easier for the boys.. For Edison, we just bring him to the toilet, pull down his pants and say 'shee shee'... then he will urinate..

He doesn't wear diaper to school. So far, there is zero accident. We are also going out without diaper for the past one month. It's quite troublesome initially, cos we have to keep finding the children's toilet. This is what I do - as soon as we reached our destination, I'll bring him to the toilet first. Then, I'll ask him hourly whether he needs to urinate. If he needs to, then I'll bring him to the toilet. Lastly, before going home, we must go to the toilet again.

I think most importantly, is to have confidence in them and STOP wearing diaper completely. Otherwise, they will be confused too.
Hi Pillow,
I switched Edison to Pediasure recently too. He loves it. We buy the vanilla and chocolate flavours. MIL worried that too much chocolate is heaty for him. He hates the strawberry flavour.

I like the Pediasure bottle packaging. I buy some of these for weekend outings. Just pack a bottle and a straw for him to drink. More convenienent, no need to bring milk bottle and milk powder container anymore.
today samuel kenna bitten again, this time by another boy.

I understand that amidst rough play, some will get hurt, but why is my son being bitten 2 weeks in a row eh!! I must teach him some self defense skills now.

Em: if we going out afternoon, we will buy the Meiji chocolate milk for samuel to drink, he likes that. No need milk bottle/powder anymore for afternoon feed, i love it! easy and fuss free.
Wiselyn : That's the best in terms of nutrients , cost and bonding leh. wish I had milk too. wahaha . It's $200 a month for milk itself and including Pampers! :S
Hi Voice,
Bitten twice? Sounds terrible. Did you complain to the teacher? They really need to do something about it.

Hitting or pushing each other maybe normal, but biting is consider severe to me. Very painful leh.

I think you should speak to the teacher to alert her of your concerns.This is a bit too much. Like i said before, i thought the teacher-pupil ratio is quite small so how can such a thing happen?

Biting, mouth, saliva, so much of germs.
i voice my concern to the teacher and requested her to pay close attention esp when they having rough play.

atinarin: 2 teachers to 15kids.

Today he was bitten by Travis..hee hee. I already alerted snowangel, she said the teacher never call her leh...i told her to monitor to see if the teacher will call her later, see if they will inform the parents of the one who bite my boy. The earlier incident, the teacher told me she did informed that boy's parent.

from what i know hor...at Clara's school they only inform the parents that the child is bitten, but they will not inform the parents of the child that bites.....

But that time, i spoke to them to tell them that i dun need to know who bites my daughter (if she had been bitten)..But i want to know if she bites others.
My little kpo will come home to inform me who push her , who bite her or she push who. hehe the teacher will also call me to inform me if hazel has misbehaved or been pushed or bite. :S hehe

Clara will also tell me if she is being bullied...but half of the story, she will not say why she is being pinch,bite and beat...
I like Edison's church kindy because the teacher-child ratio is low. They have two teachers (one for English and one for Chinese) and two assistant teachers. The class has about 15-16 children. But most of the time, when I send Edison to school, I see about 10 or 12 only.

Just a question on biting - If they don't bite at home, will they bite at school? If they are not showing these negative behaviours at home, I don't think they will behave like that at school too.
HI Emily,

Sounds like Edison has taken toilet training very well.

Natalie, on the other hand, always refuse to admit that she need to pee when we ask her, then a few minutes later, she said she wants to pee, but its too late. Is it she still doesnt know how to identify the "feeling" that she need to pee and thus always say she dont want to pee?

In the end, we have to firmly tell her, "go to the potty to shee shee", then she oblige and pee. Sometimes, she will put up a struggle, cry, hug, before she go to the potty.
cookie monster,

i had that prob with nate last year when he started potty training. I used stickers to motivate him to use the potty and it works cos he loves stickers. i also allowed him to paste stickers all over his potty and he enjoyed it very much. maybe u try something that nat likes so that she don't mind staying on the potty? just a suggestion.
Thanks Emily!

How's everyone's kiddo? Adjusted to school yet?

My kids keep having "ANG BAO"
Hazel fell down and hurt her hand , ($110 A & E and x-ray) keith fell from the chair and scratched his back.
Twin trouble!
Hi Florence,
So sorry to hear of Hazel's fall. Hope she is fine now.

Three weeks ago, I was so happy cos Edison has finally adapted to school life and he seems happy there too. But after a long CNY break, now he cries again. Haiz

Once the momentum is broken, we have to start all over again... very sianz leh...

happie new year

took 2 weeks for my little girl emily to stop crying in the class. and now every night em looks forward going to school in the morning n she will sing the songs that the teachers taught. i thought she has adapted well to school life le but this morning her teacher told my hb that she still refuses to eat and do her school work in the class.

how is yixuan? is she adapting well? btw is she toilet trained? em is toilet trained but i still let her wear diaper to school. have u seen how the teachers letting the little kids taking turn to pee on the same toilet bowl? me quite paranoid leh. i afraid em might sit on the toilet bowl tt has urine on the seat. my hb said sooner or later she has to use public toilet n i am in dilemma whether to start now or much much later..
