(2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

I got the sling too, but when I put my gal in that position, she will struggle and str8ten her legs and I had to quickly hold her else she will slip thru. Any tips?

You are so brave. Dun worry, everything will be fine for u!

gingerleaf: im not brave at all la...scared shitless...worried sick...breaking down like a baby at every opportunity...

When i first lay down for the MRI, i told them to STOP. I said icant, i have to sit up. That's when i learnt i was claustrophobic.

BEfore that, the radiographer asked me: Are u claustro?

I replied: I dont know. We will find out inside.

And boy was i claustrophobic. It took almost an hour and by the end, i really wanted to break free and scream.

Not sure how i will stand the angiogram, especially when i know there r risks involved.
wow, atinarin, you are really brave.
I shudder the tot of going thru the MRI like you did. I really hope things will be alright for you. FOr now, enjoy life as much as you can. =)
atinarin, someone who has gone through MRI told me that it is an ordeal for him. for a normal person, an hour in the MRI is an ordeal, what more for a claustrophobic person? But sometimes certain things in life are placed there for us to experience. God has a special experience for us. He may want to use you in a special way in future. it is very easy to despair and just wallow in self pity. *i do that ALOT!* but to jump out of the situation and think positively takes a lot of courage and discipline. stay strong. think positive. u can do it! =D My god is behind you!

blueskye, aiyoh. i think hor, other than our kids' health that is most worrying, education is the next BIG thing. not easy to decide which school u wan ur kids to be in. must go and see see look look and be sure sure that the school is v v v v suitable for ur girl.

funny, i will aso pick ben up if he makes sounds if i am not busy with something else. if i am busy (like bathing or in the toilet, something i cannot move away and attend to him immediately kind), i will tell him, "mummy busy. can wait pls?" i will talk to him. he seems to understand the meaning of 'wait'. LOL. or at least i think so. hahahahahahah. think like this, ben is more cheerful la. sometimes he just wans company nia. need not carry him, just be by his side (can see people), hold his hand, he aso happy de.

re: beco
aiyoh. u all har. no good la. show beco off like that.

mummyfaith, good good! show them what slings can do! grins. lovely nice slings. i aso have one same colour as yours! hee. v comfy for ben too. he is aso too long to be completely covered by the sling. legs always stick out. heeheheee

angel, goodness. ur maid saga is really 1 mega saga! glad that u have settled it though. i can imagine the trauma and headache that came with it. so now u are doing ur own housework? see if can get part time help lo. i do my own housework now cos i come home every weekend only (weekdays with my in laws). every friday is clean house day before bringing ben home. tiring la. but happy. =D maid just stays with in laws. doesnt come back to my house liao. to be in line with MOM laws. ARGH!
<font color="ff0000">sorry to interupt. mummies keen with the cards can take a bit of time to email me your orders. the thread is gg too fast and i am nt sure if i missed out any.</font>
Mummies keen in blank flash cards.
1) Phoebe <font color="0000ff">orders taken</font> {dots}
2) Madlynette
3) Fau
4) Florence
5) BenMum <font color="0000ff"> orders taken</font> {dots}
6) Yoki
7) totoro_bb <font color="0000ff">orders taken</font> {Dots}
8) Bena <font color="0000ff">orders taken</font> {dots}
9) Strawberrymum
10) Funny76
11) Baby Doll
12) azlyn <font color="0000ff">orders taken</font>
13) Vone <font color="0000ff">orders taken</font> (Dots??)

mummies above, i am placing orders for the cards already.
1) 6' x 11'
2) 11' x 11'

Do indicate your request. thks
thanks phoebe! =D looking forward to it. let me know when and how to pass u the money?

lowfamily, i am so sorry. din have time to check the bp in the past 2 days. din even have time to talk to hb about the food jar. but ur bp closing. then i decide to buy first tell later. can can? i using the nick: nanschia to buy. cos i check nanschia's email daily. pls accept my order? =D
all mummies here so nice have kakis.. babies share same b'days. My sarah the only one born on 1st sept. =( Maybe got some bb born on 1st sept in aug thread..hmm

I hv not got my dream bag.. u got urs alrdy??
I waiting for it.. hope by tml i can get it.. then sunday night can let my Ayden try on!!
So excited!!!

mummies have u all brought ur babies thats born in tmc back for the free eye test appointment?


magoo my boy needs to be in to sleep daily im sure u'll like it
thanks for sharing the price. Its far more ex than Ergo. Hopefully i am able to get better price for the Beco or Ergo and share this deal with you all in the BP thread..

Wah, u r really expert in the sling. I bought the sling but use few times only. I cant seem to put my bb into the sling in such a nice position. Have tried 'your' position before and ended up twice, my gal almost fell off coz the buttock side not secured. And i kept thinking mayb my gal big size, the cloth not enough to fit her..haha

Agree with you that bsides bb health to worry, there's education to come along. Nowadays are so competitive and forcing some mummies to give pressure on their child. The old days are gone when children can live in a non-stressful world, being who they are and learn as they grow.

Hope everything is ok with ya. Gona talk to someone whenever u feel that u cant cope. Dun keep everyting to urself. Be strong. I am hoping to get a picture of ur bb..heehee..

Happy 7th mth birthday to our babies!!!
Ya, confirm getting the flashcards for the two sizes. Whats the qty that mummies are getting? Mi oso duno need how many..perhaps both sizes get 600pcs each.

This is the sales that i have mentioned and wana share with everyone but due to size limitation, i cant post properly for everyone to see. Hence, if anyone interested, i can forward the file to you

Low.. I lost your BP URL?? I want to buy but I have a question.. it said it can hold cold stuff for 12 hours.. what about hot stuff?

Voice.. I went.. no GAP or ON : (

Magoo.. Beco.. I will surf tonight and see if I can find other sites

Yoki .. the cozybaby recall the BECO they sold

Funny.. when Ayden is naughty.. [he like to hit people face when he is excited] I will hit his hand with a ruler.. reason being.. i think hand is to sayang the bb .. actually I am looking for a cane.. cos ruler is for studying.. any way.. I will just hit him and stare at him and tell him he cant slap people face.. he normally looked down and I will asked him to look at me… then he will smile… then he will use his hands to touch my face.. I think he learn la…

Peopod.. are you alright??

Irene.. GAP reached… pass to you on Monday : )
morning all mummies!

wah...how come baby_piglet and yoki are up at such weird timings?

justme, ur sarah not alone. ben aso no one to share his joy with...=<
U are a brave mummy no worries.. yes we are scared all of us or should I say most of us are persimissitc, worried and scared by nature but believe me actually deep in us, we have a hidden power, we can do it !
u see.. 10months of pregnancy, delivery of baby all seems so hard to us 1 year ago right.. we talk about our fear and we worried but all of us have been through it and survived
WE CAN DO IT Atinarin! For the sake of your precious bao bei princess n ur hubby, stay strong.. tell urself u can and u sure can do it!
We are always behind u!

Magoo, gingerleaf.. wat dream bag u all talking about? The one from itsy bitsy?? I want to get one le.. my charlene these days always kick her blanket off at night le... I so worried she catch a cold. think dreambag is good right? Thanks to give me some tips hee..hee..

Nick: nanschia
yes saw ur post u order under the above nick right?
I pm u on this BTMUm

Baby piglet
Which item u are talking about huh?? Actually fyi all the items can hold hot stuff but hor supplier in their specification don't mention cos is not recommended. The items are from thermos foogo which is specially designed for babies ma so they are worried if mummy put in hot water without testing the temperature, it would hurt the baby thus is not recommended. but i check with the supplier confirmed can hold hot stuff but must be careful hor.. cos is stainless steel u cannot feel the heat so supplier say put hot stuff at ur own risk i.e. test ourselves before giving to our baby

U wanna order?? can pm on this?? I have closed my bp actually I scared I cannot handle too many orders le about 100 liao thus i decided to close the bp early
Low, the one we got from petrina is cheaper.

Magoo, You know what? Apparently, I gave petrina my address wrongly! Lucky dun have that unit number in my block, so now waiting to see what can be done. I have emailed her, but she have not replied back. Will have to see how.

I cant wait to have it too. Dunno why Im so stopid to give wrong addy.
U gave the wrong addy??
Oh then how?
U opted for normal or registered??
For me, i opted registered n send to my sis pl..
where Ayden is during weekday daytimes..

U know, actually i wanted to order another one..
but dunno Ayden will like it or not..
So now i wait for the dream bag till neck so long!!!
Hopefully can make it order if Ayden really like it!!
<font color="ff0000">updated status for yoki</font>
<font color="ff0000">sorry to interupt. mummies keen with the cards can take a bit of time to email me your orders. the thread is gg too fast and i am nt sure if i missed out any.</font>
Mummies keen in blank flash cards.
1) Phoebe orders taken {dots}
2) Madlynette
3) Fau
4) Florence
5) BenMum orders taken {dots}
6) Yoki <font color="0000ff">orders taken</font> {dots???}
7) totoro_bb orders taken {Dots}
8) Bena orders taken {dots}
9) Strawberrymum
10) Funny76
11) Baby Doll
12) azlyn orders taken
13) Vone orders taken (Dots????)

mummies above, i am placing orders for the cards already.
1) 6' x 11'
2) 11' x 11'

Do indicate your request. thks
I had it by reg mail.
I oso wanna order another one! I wanna try out this one 1st, to see if its good. If its good, I will order another one. Now my bag dunno when then will reach me. So sad.
BTmum… I was up doing my week laundry … hee

Low.. IC… I go look again .. PM you later… please

Magoo.. I was trying to resize the pictures…. Hee.. too big.. and too many.. haha…

Beco carrier.. I still sourcing.. cos a lot of site left with girly design… haha

Hey.. I want to order GAP..anyone interested?
I think since u opted for registered, no worry.
They sent back to petrina..

Ur thinking the same as me!! haha..
So giam..

Keep me informed if u get urs or u want to purchase another one..
I saw ur post abt the un-authentic bag in petrina's thread.. at 1st, i tot u know the mooch or something like tat.. (btw, u know her?)
U "sound" so fierce!! haha.. i scare scare...
Nope, I dunno her. LOL.
I feel bad for her leh, coz that itsy bitsy anyhow jump to conclusion ma.
I wanted to get farmyard frds, but dun have it in 0.5tog. So disappointing.
familyyard?? wait.. i see...
Hey... i want that too!!
huh, no 0.5tog?? but 1.0tog will it be too thick for us in S'pore?? but i remembered reading they stated that 1.0tog is meant for aircon room temp 23 deg n below..
the strangest thing is that when i wanted ot get the MRI done at Novena Medical Centre, after the ordeal of being claustrophobic, i was told the machine was not working, it would take, then stop. I thought that was how it was supposed to work.

Anyway guess that was a bad omen already. So i then had to go to Mt E to get it done. Then i realised oh the noise was supposed to be continuous.
Hahaha...yah my husband is ok with purple sling, he himself wears pink n purple shirts mah.

i think the trick is to make sure their butt are sinked into the sling such that their knees are higher than their butt. this way they will not fall out one.

Yah must post the sling pic to counter their beco temptations hor?

I feel your fear when you describe your MRI experience...but hey, you went through it nevertheless so you are a brave lady despite all your fears. And i'm sure you will be a brave mummy too for your baby's sake. So stay positive, man tends to worry and think of the worse but God never made for us to suffer. I will keep you in my prayers, do take care.

Ladies can u all take a pic of the pony express and upload here i wanna have a look at it O_O hoping its not dalmatians print
I tried leh, but she always wriggle very hard then will str8ten her whole body, then she will slowly wriggle herself out of that position. Very scared she drop.
hi magoo and gingerleaf, i've got the farmyard friends, 6-18mths, 1.0tog. still quite a lot legroom , so no need to worry abt the length. find that its suitable in aircon room 24 degrees and below. it will be too warm if use in non-aircon room....

blueskye, i aso say. lol. i dare not post my sling photo le. me not slim at all leh! POUT

=D lowfamily. u have sms. =D
