(2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

Hi Peapod,

Me long time no post here.. busy with baby Charlene

May I ask so u let baby Calen latch totally? If he is tired.. that means he is full...? I don't like to latch cos I don't really know how much Charlene is taking...

Another thing.. would Calen takes ur nipples as pacifier and simply want to latch before sleep not because he is hungry but more to the fact that he just want to latch for comfort? I did let Charlene latch to stimulate my milk supply but I find that she has got this bad habit to just latch for fun and take mummy nipples as pacifier.. I am worried that this would be a habit and a hard to kick off one.. u experience this??

Regarding the binding - try to leave it on for as long as possible, overnight even better k. I couldn't leave mine on for more than 4-6 hours...in the end never see results! After 10 sessions and $500, my tummy is still one flabby wobbly blob! It is very uncomfortable when breastfeeding but just try to bare with it...otherwise waste your money!

Wah congrats!!
You have really been working hard!! I only got 5 bags totally to abt 600+ ml of EBM in my freezer now! Think your discipline and perseverance is very admirable

My sleepy baby nowadays not so sleepy anymore too...think after 1 month my baby has really changed. She's awake more often and longer now. And its ABIT easier to wake her up too if she falls asleep while feeding

If your baby suckle for more than 1 hour I think he's comfort sucking rather than hungry leh. Maybe you should consider to offer him a dummy (pacifier)?

If you're planning to breastfeed and your baby doesn't latch on correctly, best to see a lactation consultant asap. Seeing one will give you the guidance and assurance you need, really. And its easier to correct the problem with the baby now, if you wait too long its harder to break the habit of a wrong latch. I saw mine one week after I discharged from hospital coz my baby also had latching problems too. After that breastfeeding has been smooth sailing!
Bena, same lah ... you latch your baby while I feed him EBM mah. Though I can pump out 600+ml per day, don't forget most of these goes to my baby's feedings within the day.

So at the end of the day, our no. of bottles of frozen EBM about the same what. These are our reserves, not counting those which we feed our babies.
I stopped swaddling my baby in the day too. Only swaddle at night with her hands out. The weather is simply too hot. What happened to the weather forecast that said this period will be lots of rainfall!?!? Even without the swaddling, she wakes up from her naps sweating and her body feels so warm. I keep taking her temperature coz she feels so feverish!

For the massage, do you all have to pay extra for the Jamu? My massage auntie charges me S$55 per session and on top of that, I have to buy the oil which costs $10, the binder which costs $5 each and the Jamu (dunno how much).

I think Peapod really brought up a good point.

I feel the same. Hate to express outside. This Sunday's confinement my mum and sis will sure hawk around to see how much I express.. Then they'll say aiyo you express so little that means your supply very low. How to satisfy baby? And my mum may even cry again. And then the cycle repeat itself again. I'll be so stressed up, it'll affect my milk supply and I have to struggle for the next few days to re-establish my supply. Sigh.. Maybe I should just latch baby on.. at least there's no ml mark on my breasts... Thanks for the compliment though.. dunno if my discipline will last long or not though...

Thank you
I think the real test comes when my mil leaves
You are doing great yourself leh! Can fight with blueskye liao..

How much is your baby drinking per day and what is his weight now? Just wanna have a gauge how much my son should be drinking
You know what, I think we are at two very different nursers. You are on total expression (except for nite feed) and I am on total latching (soon will be except for nite feeds which I will give EBM). How interesting..
Yah hor, that's interesting, Bena.

Btw I think I am more impatient than baby when latching, esp when he falls asleep while suckling. I always wanna get it done soon. Heeee ... so bad hor?

On your questions ... he's taking about 120-130ml EBM per feed. Average about 7 feeds in a 24 hour cycle (with one feed of FM). So that makes it about 910ml in total?

We just weighed him 2 days ago and he's now 4.2 kg (was 3.015kg at birth).
Gd Afternoon Mommies!!!

Hi Angel,
Ya...think sometimes he does suckle for comfort but there r times whereby he's still hungry...and yep..,i'm giving pacifier at times now..

Hi Mommies...,
Any good recommendations for diaper rash cream...my poor boy keep poo-ing non-stop..now his buttocks r so red!
Hi all, i will arrange to see the LC ASAP.

My massage lady charges $450 for 7 sessions but this includes a steam bath, binding cloths, Telon oil for baby, ubat periuk to drink (which is so vile i dont drink it) and another bottle of some herbal drink to take every morning.

I dont use Jamu. She used oil on the first day, burnt my skin. 2nd and 3rd day, powder also made me break out in a rash. So today she used a normal slimming lotion, Nicole Miller. See how it goes.

But i dont think i can leave it on too long also. I just dont know whther its safe?

My colleagues never did the massage but just used their own corsets, slimming belts type.

My upper tummy is back to normal but the lower flab isso awful, to think my tummy was never that big when pregnant yet its terrible now.

Feet, calves and ankles are still swollen beyond imagination.
BeBeNg, I always use Drapolene ... knew this brand since I was very young cos my mum's a babysitter and I always see her using it. Cheap and good!
Hahaha...that's really funny - I laughed out loud at your "breasts got no ml marking" comment!
Ya think you might wanna latch on during the man yue celebration to avoid unwanted comments! Be prepared for super-cranky baby from overstimulation...so maybe it will do him some good to be breastfed in privacy for a while!

My massage lady didn't charge separately for the jamu and cloth, etc. She charged $400 for 7 sessions as a package. But I do know some do charge separately, esp. those that charge hourly.

Ai yoh your feet really swollen till that bad? Poor girl...Must be alot of water retention. Drink lots and lots of water/liquids - like 2-3 glasses every hour. It helps to get rid of water retention and increase milk supply.

Now I am using Drapolene diaper cream - so far so good.
It prevents as well as treats nappy rash so I apply a layer over my girl's back and front after every diaper change. I heard from other mums that the California Baby Calendula Cream is very good - especially for babies with sensitive skin. I just ordered it from one of the overseas sprees. You can check out the website below:
Blueskye, Atinarin, Angel,
Thanks for the info
Happy to hear that Blueskye's and Angel's babies are growing so well! I think my babe is still on the small side
2.77kg at birth and he lost some weight so was 2.68kg when he was discharged. The last time we weighed him was last Friday(he was 40 weeks that day) and he was 3.3kg. Now probably 3.4kg. My arms are quite tired now carrying him when nursing, but his butt is still so small even Pampers Newborn seemed so big for him. But he's grown so long.. I wish he's fat rather than tall though
Cuz this Sunday sure got people comment aiyo why baby so skinny.. on breastmilk only ah.. aiyo not enough one lah.. muz give formula..blah blah.. *roll my eyes*

Angel, ya hor.. good idea. Think I will nurse him rather than pump out. I really worry abt the over-stimulation. But then cuz I nurse for at least 45 mins, people who come expecting to see baby will have to wait.. feel a bit paiseh

I think my babe doesn't drink so much.. cuz he's smaller bah..check with you.. thawed EBM can last for how long in room temperature?

Sigh today is second day of binding. I wonder how anyone can endure 10 such sessions. Last nite I took the bind off after 13 hrs. Today I'll try to endure till next morning. It'll be so much easier if I don't have to nurse baby..but surprisingly I think the binding works to reduce my gigantic tummy..
Bena: I'm not too sure on your question pertaining to the thawed EBM leh. I usually thaw it in the fridge and once I warm it, baby will finish. So won't be in room temperature. Yes, binding works wonders ... but hor, must warn you that the tummy will become bigger and bigger once you are off the binds after the massage ... heeee, I've gone through that myself.
Anyone knows how much breast milk a 3.5 week baby of 3.4kg should be getting? Just wondering if there are some stats on this...
Anyone on flexi maternity leave? Meaning you are taking 2 months continuous + 1 month flexi. Can I check with you if your HR deduct 1 day from your flexi maternity leave because 8 Nov is a public holiday? Usual entitlement is 20 days. Mine is 19 days because of the public holiday.
Ya Blueskye, I also noticed that hours after removing the wrap, tummy seemed to get bigger than the time the wrap was first removed. Talk abt latching baby.. I think it really takes a lot of patience esp when baby is sleepy. Mine, I have to stop so many times to wake him up. The 20 mins on each side sometimes can drag to 1.5hrs! That's why I say easier to pump...
Mummies who are worried about low milk supply -

I was just reading the threads on the Baby Whisperer forum and thought this might be helpful:

Mothers worry and breastfeeding mothers are no exception. Of course, some women do have genuine supply problems which are challenging and upsetting but its important to note that
the vast majority of breastfeeding mothers who worry about their supply do not have cause for concern.

Many new mothers are unfamiliar with the patterns of breastfeeding or are unclear how their milk supply works so it may be helpful to clear up a few things first.

Source: La Leche League The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding:

If your baby is gaining well and has plenty of wet and soiled diapers, there is no need to worry if:

*Your baby nurses very often. Wanting to nurse frequently does not necessarily mean baby is hungry. Many babies have a strong need to suck. Human milk digests more quickly than formula so that the breastfed baby needs to be feed more frequently. Usually 8-12 times in 24 hours for a newborn.

*Your babys nursing habits, weight gain or sleep patterns do not compare with other babies you know. Each baby is an individual and there are wide variations within the normal range.

*Your baby suddenly increases the frequency and/or length of his nursings. Babies who are very sleepy as newborns often suddenly wake-up and begin nursing more frequently. Babies also go through occasional growth spurts (often around 2 weeks, six weeks and three months). During this time they nurse more often than usual to bring in more milk for their expanding needs.

*Your baby suddenly decreases his time at the breast, perhaps down to 5-10 minutes. He may simply be getting more efficient.

*Your baby is fussy. Many babies have a fussy period in the day, perhaps at about the same time. Fussiness can be caused by many things other than hunger. Frustration at the breast could also be caused by wind/ gas or an over- supply of milk.

*Your breasts leak only a little or not at all. Leaking has no relationship to your supply and often stops as your supply becomes established.

*Your breasts suddenly seem softer or smaller or feel less full. This happens as your milk production adjusts to your babys demand and the initial fullness or engorgement subsides.

*You have stopped feeling the let- down reflex as you once did. This can vary over time. Some mothers never feel it.

*You are pumping very little or significantly less than you used to. This is also not a reliable indicator. Pumping amounts also tend to decrease once the milk production has adjusted to the babys needs or as your breasts become more accustomed to your babys feeding technique. A babys method of extracting milk is very different and significantly more effective. It is quite possible to produce virtually nothing when pumping you may not even get a let-down of any milk- but still have ample milk for when your baby feeds.

If you have read the list above and still feel inkling that your supply is low consider the following factors:

Supplementing even supplementing with the occasional bottle of formula or giving any water will cause a mothers breasts to produce less milk. Your baby will fill up and demand less from the breast. As milk production responds to demand this will result in less milk being produced. If you are tempted to offer a supplement out of concern for your supply remember in the long-term you may be doing more harm than good. Try and speak to someone qualified first helpline numbers are on this board or contact your local health professional. If you feel desperately you have to offer something, expressed milk is the first choice but keep quantities small and offer the breast first. Your aim is to try not to reduce sucking time at the breast. Although the advice is to exclusively breastfeed if you can, some mums choose to do mixed feeding but this is usually recommended after your supply has had a chance to be established (several weeks in) and close monitoring of your supply will be needed (perhaps with some additional pumping to protect your supply). Early use of bottles has been known to cause feeding problems in some breastfed babies as young babies can find it a struggle to move between the 2 different sucking techniques. This is sometimes referred to as 'nipple confusion' although it's not only about nipples.

Improper latch if a baby has a poor suck or latch at the breast your breasts will not receive enough stimulation to produce the milk needed. A baby with a poor latch could feed for an extremely long time and still not be satisfied. If your nipples are still painfully sore perhaps its time to try and get some advice on your latch. One simple adjustment could make all the difference. You could contact your local La Leche League or one of the helplines mentioned. A good latch is described here:


Use of pacifiers/dummy if you have reason to believe your supply is low it is recommended to try and reduce the amount to time your baby is using a breast substitute as this could mean your baby is meeting his sucking need away from the breast.

Scheduled feedings Remember your babys EASY timings are flexible according to their needs. The BW books emphasise the importance of learning your babys cues. Young babies may start on an EASY of a short a time as 2-2.5 hours. For most this will soon increase in length to reach 3 hours and for some 4 hours. Not all babies will reach a 4 hour structure. Do not feel that because your baby is a certain age that he/she should be feeding in a certain way and then try and force it to happen. BW teaches us all babies are individual. If you over-schedule and do not respond to your babys natural patterns then your supply may not meet his needs.

Sleepy, placid babies not all babies ask for feeds. A young baby may need to be woken to nurse (and to stimulate your milk supply). See the thread on sleepy babies for other ways to encourage more feeding. When your baby is very young it is imperative you wake them in order that your breasts receive stimulation. Your milk will not 'come in' if your baby has not been sucking at the breast.

Length of feeds do not limit feeding time at the breast. Allow your baby to come off the breast when they are satisfied.

One or two breasts? Many mothers who follow BW choose single-sided feeding (but not everyone). The LLL does suggest that if you are concerned about your supply you offer both breasts at each feed.

Looking after yourself taking time to relax, drinking enough, eating well and regularly all help you to have a healthy milk supply.

Medications consider whether you may be taking something what could be impacting on your supply. The combined contraceptive pill is not recommended for breastfeeding mothers as it can dramatically decrease milk supply. Smoking will also affect supply.

Things you can do if you are worried:

Have a baby honeymoon spend 24-48 hours developing your supply if you really do have concerns. Dont watch the clock at all, nurse frequently and allow your baby to meet all their sucking needs at the breast. Remember the more your baby feeds, the more milk your body will make. Your breasts do not fill-up if you leave them longer in-between feeds. Longer spaces between feeds just means your body slows down milk production you may feel more full but that isnt because of milk its blood and other fluids moving to the areas of milk production. Much of the milk isnt stored in our breasts between feeds its made during a feed.

Dont worry alone talk to a friend, family member, husband or someone qualified in breastfeeding details are on this board.

Remember your body managed the miracle of pregnancy. If you are responding to your babys hungry cues, drinking enough and eating well it is very unlikely that your breasts are not doing their job!!! Some of us are born worriers and wed like our breasts to be transparent so we can see whats going on in there but nature had other plans.

Some mothers go to a clinic to feed their baby and are reassured by weighing their baby before a feed and then after to see how many oz have actually gone in. Although remember because breastmilk is absorbed so efficiently the quantities needed are smaller than for formula feeds.

If your baby is not getting around 6 wet nappies in 24 hours (poo is less reliable an indicator) and you feel they are not their usual self then do get advice. Your baby is your best indicator. If they are hydrated and happy, have faith.

Even if it seems you do have genuine problems and you are one of the few unlucky ones there is still much that can be done with advice e.g. taking supplements which boost your milk supply or extra pumping.
hi mummies..
i'm back... was MIA for awhile. bb's full mth on sun. but on tat very nite, she was quite cranky, kept crying and wanted to nurse very often. even the following day she was cranky as well. kept crying and startled even at the slightest noise... i guess mayb its over stimulation during the full mth celebration.
haiz.. very xiong these 2 days...

tdy slightly beta.. slightly more settled.

hi angel,

thanks for the information.. really very encouraging. my nipples are quite sore becos of excessive latching these 2 days.. bb is merely doing nipple sucking cos she juz want comfort.
very tiring and almost hv the feeling of giving up... wanted to try pumping n giving EBM only instead. but the article u post came in juz in time... i will perserve!!

btw, supposed to give u feedback on the caterer i hv engaged. 80% of guests commented tat the dishes quite nice. but the ang ku kueh werent as fantastic...
actually if u dun mind the hassle of collecting, can order the famous, long standing AMK ang ku kueh (now relocated at hougang).
Thanks for the feedback for the caterer..
I hv ordered the same package as u for my boy's full month this coming Sunday..
Ask u one more question.. the red eggs.. d u hv any leftover?? cos not many ppl like red eggs!!
hi blueskye

I thought maternity leave goes by weeks? Ie. 12 wks, regardless if there's any public holiday during the duration of your maternity leave, no compensation.
Voice, if it's 3 months continuous then it's straight forward, e.g. 5 Sep to 4 Dec. But in my case, I am now taking 2 months + 1 month flexi. By right my 2 months should end 4 Nov and I should be having additional 20 days' flexi maternity leave to be taken over 6 months (based on 5 day week ... 5 working days x 4 weeks = 20 days). My HR said because during my 9th - 12th week, there is a PH, so have to deduct 1 day from the 20 days. Where got such thing one right? That's why need to check with those taking 2 months + flexi whether yours is the same as mine since our dates should be similar.
hi angel, thanks a lot for the info. though this is 2nd baby, I find that I'm still learning....still hav elots to learn in fact!

yesterday Nynke was a merlion twice, after a feed. think my breast was too full wityh milk and when she drinks, I can see her drinking so fast and she will breathe heavily too. she will break the feed by herself and so i thot its ok. then after 10mins feed, she did the final break and 2-3 mins later, she became the merlion...i was so shocked and worried. abt 10mins after the vomit, she demands for feed again..now nipples getting a bit soar too...sigh...
hi magoo...

yeah, quite a number of red eggs left leh. like wat u say, no many ppl take red eggs. i ordered 80% of my confirmed list... amt of food sufficient, slight leftover.. but relatives tabao back. keke.

hi Bena,

i wasnt encouraged to pump... started pumping when bb is 1 week old, but yield very pathetic. afterwhich, the demand of her latching was so frequent... most of the time 1 - 2 hr interval, even at nite.. my breasts felt so empty and nipple sore. so din hv the motivation to pump.

i figured out i shld start to build up some reserve like u... since i will be gg back to work. juz in case supply no sufficient later.
i wish i cud hv the reserve like u....

hi blueskye,

i am taking 3 mths straight.. hence not sure but i will try to chk for you.. had a colleague who took flexi before. let u noe shortly.
hi Bena,

juz chk wif colleague. she say the flexi (3rd mth) calculated by days (20 days) is correct.
PH deduction is not relevant as the 20days are based on working days. hence it is unfair that your HR is deducting the PH from the maternity leave.
I am unsure if its a std practice for HR or individual HR can dictate the 'guidelines' of flexi maternity leave...
Fyi some feedback on the caterer I used for my man yue - Four Seasons - the food sucked - don't use them!

For nice ang ku kwei if your caterer doesn't provide - can get from Tiong Bahru hawker centre - there is a stall selling all the kwei kwei. Must order at least one day in advance. Very nice
Bena: Take heart, my girl is smaller than your boy. She is only 2.6 and feeds very erratically...Mostly she poos or vomits right after FM.

For breast, i really think she is not getting enough cos she is usually still hungry after latching on.

Bluesky: My goodness! Tummy will get bigger and bigger still? Then whats the point of binding...
I'm surprised to know that you are not pumping cuz it seems like everyone else is! I also am not so motivated to pump. But now I do it for the fun of filling up my fridge (which is still very empty) and also to stock up some in case I can't be available for baby. Actually I read somewhere we are not encouraged to pump if you are latching baby. Anyway the quantity should be quite low since we are giving to baby direct. Sometimes I wonder if our breasts have brains. They know that baby is a better extractor of milk and therefore doesn't respond to other inferior extractor aka pumps.
Don't envy me.. my reseves can't even last baby a day! Anyway guess it's good for you to get used to some pumping since you'll be going back to work. Maybe you can start on a morning abt half an hour after feeding baby. Or if you want a better yield, 1 hour before the next feed
Happy pumping!

Angel, wah .. ok I muz go read.. thanks
I havent pumped in two days too. Feel so lazy and stressed to pump. Prefer to latch baby on but thats very seldom too cos she doesnt demand so often
It's okay if baby is not getting enough breastmilk from us now.. It'll take on average about a month to 6 weeks for us to establish our milk supply. Meanwhile keep latching baby. Supplement after that if need be. Maybe also sneak in a pump between feeds. For me, I kind of persevered and each time baby wants milk, I will latch him on (painful nipples or not). That's how I tell my body that it needs to produce more milk. And I let him suckle for as long as he wants to. Our body makes milk on the spot.. what's stored in the breasts is only a small portion of what baby takes.. so as long as you latch and latch, there will be milk. It's only a matter of whether ypur nipples can take it or not (despite a correct latch)! Only thing is sometimes baby very impatient and will wail and complain. That's when the stress comes up and it makes us think we do not have enough milk, but actually we do. Just that baby is too impatient to suck as the flow can be slow for a start. In such situations, I will keep presenting my breasts to baby till he bopian.. he knows this is the only source of food so better work hard to earn the milk :p
yeah bena,

i tried to pump before.. cos poor yield so i kinda stop n rely on total latch-on.
cos of tat n sore nipples, i took a step back. however, upon reading ur approach n of cos the article fm angel... i am encouraged to keep up wif pumping n total latch on. in any case, i def ned to introduce EBM to bb since i will be returning to work 2 mths later. its a good timing to start.

i must say u r very very patient n determined when it comes to TBF. steady
Atinarin, haha ... purpose of binding is to delay the process of tummy getting bigger lah! Haha ... imagine if you don't bind, it will be big right away! Right?
Oh no.. i ordered for 50 pax whereas my guests r ard 60 plus.. Will i hv a lot of leftover???
Then i worse than u le... i think i must find a way to let my guests to finish up the food n eggs for me!! hee... Thanks a lot..
Oh no.. i ordered for 50 pax whereas my guests r ard 60 plus.. Will i hv a lot of leftover???
Then i worse than u le... i think i must find a way to let my guests to finish up the food n eggs for me!! hee... Thanks a lot..
Thank you. Actually I also wanted to give up many times. Sometimes in the middle of the nite when latching baby I wonder why I need to take the hard way. Then I tell myself aiya do for one more day lah.. tomorrow then give up.. Then when tomorrow comes, I just say the same thing.. so till today the give up day never came. cuz it's always tomorrow...Procrastination can also be a good thing ;)

So.. well, I think I'll give up tomorrow lah..
how did you all manage to latch baby on while baby is rooting? my girl's rooting behaviour is SO ferocious she looks like she's gonna eat a cow if she doesnt get my boobs correctly. also scared she will hurt her neck if she's too... rooty??
Hi Mommies...,
Any idea wats the deadline to register baby's birth cert?? My PIL taking super long to decide on the chinese name...Argghh...
You gotta be the boss. Control baby's direction holding her neck. She will sometimes resist and if she's strong, you might need to exert some strength to bring her wide open mouth to your aerola. Once she settles into a suckle you can loosen the hand holding her neck.
Hi mummies,

Anyone knows what's the difference between 5-in-1 jabs and 6-in-1 jabs? There were some info on it previously but I'm still quite blur abt it. Which is actually better? It was mentioned that jabs offered in polyclinic is not as strong? I wonder how it's possible?
Anyone places baby on their tummy? I was told that its good to that sometimes..helps with burping too but im not so confident


actually it really depends on whether ur guests eat or nibble... haha cos some of my guests nibbled lor. take bit bit oni although supposed to be full lunch. finishing the eggs n kueh abit tough... unless one really like them.


although thots of giving up is there.. but u r still hanging tough. i tried to pump juz nw 45 mins after feeding her. yield oni 20ml from per side... but hope its a gd start.
by the time i clean up... she wanted to nurse again. i really kan cheong lor.. latched her but she really sucked very hard. i wonder if there's little milk n she has to work very hard... breats so pain from the pressure of her sucking so hard.


i placed my bb on her tummy to sleep during the day since she's 2 weeks old. reason being she gets startled easily by slightest noise.. will wake up n cry. mum placed her tummy to sleep n she can sleep for 3 hrs long. we did it during the day so tat we can see n observe... i hv read smwhere tat its not advisable for small bb... but no choice... she's 4 weeks old nw, still sleeping on tummy at least once a day
