(2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

Hi wise,

Haha, our eyes are glued on the forum..should msn instead.

My MIL has been asking me "When are you introducing FM huh?? Still got enuff bm or not huh??" Haiz..Actually i am also quite scared that baby will not take fm later on. But my colleagues assured me that they will accept it ultimately. Its just a matter of time.
hi poohwei, wat's ur msn eh? am very free leh at home...haahaa! 1 leg rock baby in boucer, both hands on the keyboard.

wise: u also not fat lah, average built. Haiz...all my bottoms can't wear and need to spent $$$ buy new ones.
poohwei: ur bb drink 800ml max a day is consider alot leh..mine usually 700 or slightly more, somtimes 600+, see his mood. like just now, i gave him 140ml, he only finished half!! usually can finish 120-140ml.
hi mummies. have to give the outing a miss cos my hb already promised his friend to attend another gathering that day. sighs.

wan to buy the walker too. but mil not keen. say save money for bb education wor. sighs. think i tok to my hb tonight instead. maybe aso buy walker for bb's xmas present! buy first then tok! hahah!

my elder one (boy) is turned 3 years old in august. yeah, hubby was worried that he will get bored during the gathering... then he will be fussing to go home. hee... good if he has playmates.


try 29th 1st.. mayb abit difficult since its festive season. if not available, shall we try 4th jan (the following sat) instead??

voice, poohwei,

my girl oso dun drink much. can only take 120ml of EBM and last 3.5 hours. latch oso 'chop chop' 5-10 mins ok liao. only the timing before she sleep settle in dreamland at nite, latch longer, close to 30mins. mayb suck for comfort like wat wise said.


me oso like you... actually duno if supply enuff for bb or not. but cos of the pump and milk bags i bought, die die wan to recover cost. re : FM. my mil oso sama as your mil. oso asked when i giving FM... i juz ignored lor.
My gal also 3 years old ... born on National Day 2004. Yours? So they can play together liao! No scared they will be bored ... but I scared wait my gal "bully" him cos my gal very "ba dao" one.
Ben Mum: you must recognise that baby belongs to you and hubby and not a must to listen to your in-laws comments/remarks all the time. Not trying to create a wedge between you and her but there are times we need to recognise that we as parents have the final say on how we want to educate/bring up our child, others can only provide advice and we hold the key to make the decision.
pillow, she comes over to my house everyday to help me take care of bb. =D so that i can rest a little in the aft. when i go back to work in feb, she will look after bb in the day lo. =D so when i see something on the internet that is interesting, i will tell her. =D this is her first grandson leh...sure more kanjiong and protective one. always carry carry him around. =D then complain bb bully her cos bb doesnt let her sit down. LOL
voice, yup. me and hb do know that. so certain things we put our foot down, like no going out in the rain - be it family gathering or not. almost got into a quarrel cos of this. sighs... but toys are quite small issue la. of cos if i really like, buy like aso she cant say anything except nag at us a bit. but when she see her grandson enjoying the toy, i think she shd be ok de. LOL she just doesnt wan us to waste money...can understand from her viewpoint.
Hihi mummies,

Just got back from Bintan
It was a nice do-nothing break...we decided not to bring Jade in the end. But we missed her terribly while we were there! Kept calling back home to check on her and looking at the pics and videos of her on our handphones. We really suffered from separation anxiety whereas Jade was ok haha! So sad. Hubby and I swore we'll never go away without her again!

Re the jumperoo and exersaucer, those of you considering buying - I'd just get the Rainforest Jumperoo - its a great toy and entertainment for both the baby and the adults! Its similar to the exersaucer coz the seat rotates 360 degrees to let the baby explore all the toys around it and develop their motor skills, and it bounces too so it helps to develop their leg muscles! Its 2 toys in 1!
I bought both coz I'm intending to put one in my SIL's house for Jade to play when she's there.

Btw, Jade's got thunder thighs too. The seat is still roomy enough for her at this stage and got lots of space to grow.

Fyi - the Deluxe Jumperoo doesn't rotate - so its really worthwhile to pay abit more for the Rainforest Jumperoo.

Re Gathering, Count me in!

Ems, thanks for offering yr place!
What's for lunch? Maybe we could do a potluck if we don't have that many ppl?

Sept Mummies & Babies gathering at Emily's place in Sengkang
Date: 29 Dec 2007 (Sat)
Time: to be advised (Lunch)

1. Emily + Hubby & baby Edison
2. TiNy VoIcE + Hubby & baby Samuel
3. Blueskye + Hubby + 2 (My DJs)
4. dArmAe + Hubby + 2 kids
5. Poohwei + baby en
6. Angel + baby Jade
Dramaqueen, looking for me?? I pm you my number liao. Can you sms or call me to arrange collection? Thanks!

The last time I saw Clara she's very big leh.. the weighing scale got rosak or not?

Ben Mum,
You are a nice daughter-in-law.


Sept Mummies & Babies gathering at Emily's place in Sengkang
Date: 29 Dec 2007 (Sat)
Time: to be advised (Lunch)

1. Emily + Hubby & baby Edison
2. TiNy VoIcE + Hubby & baby Samuel
3. Blueskye + Hubby + 2 (My DJs)
4. dArmAe + Hubby + 2 kids
5. Poohwei + baby en
6. Bena + Hubby + baby Zacchaeus (4th Jan also can)


Sept Mummies & Babies gathering at Emily's place in Sengkang
Date: 29 Dec 2007 (Sat)
Time: to be advised (Lunch)

1. Emily + Hubby & baby Edison
2. TiNy VoIcE + Hubby & baby Samuel
3. Blueskye + Hubby + 2 (My DJs)
4. dArmAe + Hubby + 2 kids
5. Poohwei + baby en
6. Angel + baby Jade
7. Bena + Hubby + baby Zacchaeus (4th Jan also can)
Hehe ya go grab that V-tech walker now while its still on discount! There's really alot of learning activities like numbers, animals, abcs. Actually I'm already using it with Jade coz the music, sounds and lights can entertain her. Just that I am the one pressing the buttons for her lah! Got to wait a few more months before she can press them herself!
i'm interested in the gathering also. But can I just join for a while? Coz I got potluck for dinner that day also. Need to go home early to prepare.
Atinarin/darmae/tiffany.. added u in msn already =p


Sept Mummies & Babies gathering at Emily's place in Sengkang
Date: 29 Dec 2007 (Sat)
Time: to be advised (Lunch)

1. Emily + Hubby & baby Edison
2. TiNy VoIcE + Hubby & baby Samuel
3. Blueskye + Hubby + 2 (My DJs)
4. dArmAe + Hubby + 2 kids
5. Poohwei + baby en
6. Angel + baby Jade
7. Bena + Hubby + baby Zacchaeus (4th Jan also can)
8. Phoebe + baby Ryann (hubby tbc) ** if my leave approve.

my boy norn on 24th aug.. abt 2 weeks younger than your gal. my boy not so garang... if kana bully will cry and smtimes scream lor.. hee...
mayb i shld bring some stuffs for them to play together.. hee.
on the contrary, nw my hubby worried he has 'nothing' to do during the gathering... he's the quiet type lor. ned time to warm up. so i say, he take care of the kids while i catch up with the mummies.... hohoho

re : gathering

i will bring LG bumper mat as well... at least 1. if i have time to grab the other piece from mum's plc... then will bring both!!!


thanks for comments.. no worries abt thunder thigh ah... hehe. i cfm getting the jumperoo rainforest liao. bb piglet mentioned she went to test run yest with her bb... not sure hw the 'negotiation' went. hehe... so far, emily n i interested in jumperoo.
hopefully i can get it before xmas.... which is next week!!!!

come come.. join us. a while oso good... its nice to meet all mummies i have been chatting online for a while. will be very fun!!!
darmae, my hubby also very quiet one... but warm up le then wont le... i always say he opp of me... anti social hahha =p but me very luo suo... keep talking and talking non stop =p
wiselyn , your baby dun look like only 5.8 leh... she is so tall... next time can be super model =p
my best friends call my baby ah fat =p but he dun drink much also... share his pics here =p

look at his double chin
happy baby
Hi mummies

Does anyone know where the thread of the bulk purchase of the float (from taiwan) went to? I am interested in getting but can't find it anymore

By the way, gogomummy toy rental said they do rent toys for parties but i am getting more info on the price and the toys avail. Let you ladies know soon i hope

hee... i agree wif voice.
in service line, can start the sparks beta.
i used to be in engineering line like hubby. change to current job 8 years ago... involves lab work and meeting customers.. hee, so now hubby say i more talkative lor.
yesterday Ryann very funny, my sister was drinking coffee and playing with ryann at the same time.. so she tried blowing air at his face.. then ryann took a deep breathe... with sound one some more... and i try to blow .. but he no reaction cos i never drink coffee.... gt a video, if gt time i upload and let u mummies see... so funny... seems like he like coffee wor..
the aroma of coffee perk ryann up... keke
young babies and kids are very sensitive to smell.... cos i deal with flavours everyday. smtimes come back smelling fruity, creamy, or even nasty at time (savoury). my son will often ask... mummy wat u eat tdy? hehe
darmae, he is fair because i hardly bring him out.. he super bad temper one.. will scream at the top of his voice. i super scare bring him out alone...
he outgrown his clothes already actually .. u look at his tummy...

Sept Mummies & Babies gathering at Emily's place in Sengkang
Date: 29 Dec 2007 (Sat)
Time: to be advised (Lunch)

1. Emily + Hubby & baby Edison
2. TiNy VoIcE + Hubby & baby Samuel
3. Blueskye + Hubby + 2 (My DJs)
4. dArmAe + Hubby + 2 kids
5. Poohwei + baby en
6. Angel + baby Jade
7. Bena + Hubby + baby Zacchaeus (4th Jan also can
8. Dramaqueen + Charlene

Hi Bena, i have not received ur pm. will pm u my hp no. thanks
Hi mummies,
I will go to mgmt office tmrw to make bookings, but HB said chances r slim cos the date is too near liao.. If don't have, can somebody suggest an alternative date?
Emily, u try ur best , if really cannot either change a date if not i dun mind opening my hse for the gathering but my hse not very big la.. 5rm flat at Punggol. if gt enuff ppl can call cathering lor...

try the following sat 4th jan. mummies, are you ok with it?

btw, if u getting the jumperoo, count me in yah. i saw babytown posted price of $215 if purchase of 4 pcs(free delivery to 1 location). sales price for 1 pc is $239.20
Sept Mummies & Babies gathering at Emily's place in Sengkang
Date: 29 Dec 2007 (Sat)
Time: to be advised (Lunch)

1. Emily + Hubby & baby Edison
2. TiNy VoIcE + Hubby & baby Samuel
3. Blueskye + Hubby + 2 (My DJs)
4. dArmAe + Hubby + 2 kids
5. Poohwei + baby en
6. Angel + baby Jade
7. Bena + Hubby + baby Zacchaeus (4th Jan also can
8. Dramaqueen + Charlene
9. pinkyj + hb + bb Faith
Sept Mummies & Babies gathering at Emily's place in Sengkang
Date: 29 Dec 2007 (Sat)
Time: to be advised (Lunch)

1. Emily + Hubby & baby Edison
2. TiNy VoIcE + Hubby & baby Samuel
3. Blueskye + Hubby + 2 (My DJs)
4. dArmAe + Hubby + 2 kids
5. Poohwei + baby en
6. Angel + baby Jade
7. Bena + Hubby + baby Zacchaeus (4th Jan also can)
8. Phoebe + baby Ryann (hubby tbc) ** if my leave approve.
9. Dramaqueen + Charlene
10. pinkyj + hb + bb Faith
Hi Mummies

Here's the reply from gogomummy on the toys rental. Please let me know if you are keen to rent the toys for the gathering. If you are interested in other toys, can go to their website and see what toys you wan and I can check if it's avail? http://www.gogomummy.com/

"Our rates for half a day event is minimum $100. You may wish to list down the toys you would like to get for your party and I will try to work out the price for it. Do let me know earlier if you want to reserve the rainforest jumperoo as I have still one pending to rent out. As for exersaucer, only Graco Baby Einstein Discover n Play Entertainer, Leapfrog Learn & Groove Activity Station and Bright Starts Tropical Fun Around We Go! Activity Center is still available."

Hi darmae, that's the website I wan! Thanks dear!

The babies are soo adorable looking! Can't wait to see them in real life
my bb slept finally without his mittens last night! and it is all right! yeahhhhhhhhhhhh! he never pull his hair le. so clever boi. hahahahaha...

he slept from 10pm to this morning 5am. is this considered sleeping through? but now timing super haywire. duno how to make him drink at 9pm tonight. now i just feed on demand. he hungry then i feed FM. is it wrong? mums help pls?

wah..gathering got toys...very tempting leh...must see what time my hb gathering is...then can see if can squeeze in some time to go over and see see all of u....=D
show u all my son's Benedict's pic. =D he aso have double chin. =D not sure how heavy he is now tho...seeing PD on 2 jan. =D 3 months on 29 dec. =D

