(2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

pillow: yah shawn looks like he really had fun! and you so gung-ho,brought him into the sea! think my parents/ILs will scream if i even remotely mention i want to bring my baby yz to the sea,, heh.

yes, he was out on the sea (drank sea water ), mucking around in the sand (he hates that). plus out on the speedboat , without life jacket. HAHAA

my inlaws will freak if they see the pics soon
Hi mummies

Caelen was sick last week and I was all stressed out. Didn't get enuf sleep as he was very noisy at night
Initally we even thought it was HFMD as he had high fever and (what we thot) was ulcer in mouth. Turns out that his thrush had returned. So far his fever had subsided but now he developed a cough and running nose so was still super cranky cos' he couldn't suck his pacifier properly ;p

Sigh, we finally got his weight up to 9kg after sooo long but now he dropped back to 8.3kg cos' he refused to eat the entire week

Well, the happy news is that Caelen finally learnt to stack blocks... after pushing them down for months

Oh Blue, you should be happy Jorden is only throwing things around the house, Caelen started throwing stuff out of the window last week! We lost 2 of his pacifiers this way

Hi Pillow, both you and baby looked as if you were having a great time! Why kotakinabalu? is it your hometown?
gosh, Caelen must be feeling so uncomfy. poor boy. Shawn has picked up the habit of throwing pebbles into the pond (after just 1 demo from me. gosh, don't they learn all these bad things fast).

thailand is having monsoon this period and choices restricted with a young boy, we want travelling time to be as short as possible so that he would not be uncomfy.
Pillow, looks like Shawn had a blast in the sea!! We're thinking of either phuket or bkk or koh samui in january with 2 other families + 2 toddlers. Cant imagine the ruckus the kids will create. I even told hb we might need to rotate shifts to hit chatuchak coz we wouldnt want to bring the kids in the hot sweaty place
hi all!
haha, haven't popped in for a while. and it seems so much had happened around here.

just glanced thru the previous posts and found tat many babies aren't feeling too good. hope they all recover soon.

it's really nice to see Shawn enjoying his time with mummy in the waters. Great Pic!
xman, actually i reg in Oct'07. that time's purpose was to find out any comments for Carpe Diem Group cos I was deciding to enrol them in the Jur West branch.

then after that i was totally out of this thread. till these few days i was trying to confirm whether the Baby Bites is affected and I start searching and this grp is discussing abt it, so i join the chat lor, haha.

anyway, regarding the nanny thing, i'm lucky that i hv a good nanny that really takes good care of my BBs and love them a lot. initially i don trust fully since i dono her well, n oso since i need a maid to do hsewrk, i employ a maid and she's is at her house to help looking after the BBs at the day-time, haha. the nanny is staying in the same block as me. whenever my gals sleep, the maid will cum bk home to do sm hsewrk, very convenient eh. :-D n oso they serve as a watchdog for each other, so they cant ill-treat the BBs. :p
Hi gals,

I am getting a domestic helper from Mynmar ans she is coming in 3 weeks time. Any kind souls out there with copies of house rules that you can send to me? Greatly appreciated.
Hi all, good morning and Selamat Hary Raya to Fau & Siti and family.

Pooh Wei, i happen to have this "rules & regulations" that i set for my maid year ago, hope this help.

Rules and Regulation

1. Do not open the main door to stranger. Locked the door at all times.
2. Do not leave the house without permission.
3. Do not use the telephone without permission.
4. Do not enter the room when Sir / Madam / Ah Gong / Ah Ma / Sister In Law in the room.
5. Do not open cupboards, wardrobes and drawers, except those in the kitchen and baby’s room.
6. All clean and folded clothes are to be placed on the respective persons’ bed.
7. Do not leave the kitchen while cooking
8. Remember to switch off the gas cooker fire, fans, lights and television before leaving the house.
9. Remember to close all windows when it is rain.
10. Follow and listen instructions from Madam (or Ah Ma, when Madam not at home) carefully. Do not argue with them.
11. Always keep the house clean and tidy.
12. Always dress properly. NO spaghetti strap, NO low neck T-Shirt, NO mini skirt or shorts.
13. Always behave yourself and be courteous.
14. Always keep yourself clean and tidy.
15. When you want to take a nap or sleep in the day, please inform Madam / Ah Ma.

Daily chores
1. Sweep & mop floor the entire house early in the morning. (use different mop for living/ dining room and kitchen floors)
2. Boil water and prepare breakfast
3. Clean all tables.
4. Wash toilet bowl and basin daily.
5. Feed and bathe the baby according to madam instruction.
6. Take care baby and write down baby’s activation for the day (feeding time, change diaper, bathe time, color of the poo, sleep or nap time, play time & etc)
7. Prepare dinner and always mops kitchen cabinets and floor after cooking.
8. Sweep & mop the dinning area after dinner.
9. Soak all table cloths overnight.
10. Soak all baby handkerchiefs, diaper, towels & clothes overnight and wash it the next morning.
11. Collect and fold all clothes when it is DRY.

Two times a week chores
1. Wash Sir & Ah gong clothes
2. Clean inside of kitchen cabinet

Weekly chores
1. Wash and clean all three toilets (including toilet floors, bathtub) and wipe all mirrow.
2. Change toilet floor mats
3. Iron clothes
4. Wash and replace baby’s bounce chair cover, swing & bed sheet
5. Clean window (only the inside and REMEMBER to close the window while you do the cleaning.)

Fortnightly Chores
1. Change bedsheet in both adult rooms.

Monthly Chores
1. Wash cushion cover with washing machine.
hi all have not read the post for abt a week liao too busy at work ... HELP I need to find a good and cheap dental around west around who can intro one ??? please sms me at 96200336 URENGT

i have a question about FM.

now that my girl is 1 yr old, she shd be drinking different stage FM right? she is on NAN Pro 2 now and its finishing but i have 1 unopen tin of friso 2, shd i let her try tat and finish it b4 switching to stage3?

i would switch to stage 3 , rather than switch to Frisco2. if not have to keep changing again?

am starting on Enfagrow this wk
hi pillow,

thanks. i thot so too, better change once n for all...but so wasted the 1 tin unopen.

any reccomendations for stage 3 FM? my girl still prefers BM to FM, so hope to finally convert her with stage 3FM.

I tot u said Faith is on NAN Pro 2, then u should carry on with NAN Pro 3 or wat.
Unless Faith is not suitable to take NAN,then u change brand.
Tat's wat I did for my eldest.. I followed thr Enfa.. until now, my girl who is 5, still on enfakid..

Where are u? Very long no "hear" from you le..
MIA liao huh??

no lar not mia...nowadays online lesser...busy at work..and at home got to entertain my princess so no time to come online also...when princess sleeps, then i also sleeps...hee hee..
pillow... just fyi.. enfagrow has original and vainilla flavours... just in case u overlooked

a week ago my girl took a chinese story book n wanted my maid to read to her.. but of course my maid couldnt read.. then 2 days later my girl took an english storybook wanting maid to read but maid couldnt either.. so i tot i might as well buy malay storybooks so that maid can read to her.. to my surprise i went to a couple of places but couldnt find one.. even popular dont sell too...do any mummies know where to get malay story books for one year old bbs?
magoo thanks feeling better

Magoo how are u ? I long time no chat with u le miss u le hee..hee..

Yes today working... late again I surpose with european banks having problems now again.. sign...

u got bring KBB see dr or not?? no chance to upload clara's photo cos no photo on my company computer..and last night KO..i see if coconut tree can help me upload photo or not,ok?..
pillow yes working as late as 10 daily.. cos those banks in questions are our clients so our internal procedures tightened and we need to have extra reporting all these lor..
i think our sector very ruan and shaky now.. i also hope our rice bowl is stable.. but i read from some news that global recession is coming and once the core starts to rot meaning bank .. other sector would be affected soon.. sign

Mag hope ayden recovering soon!!
yes, today is like black tuesday. a mess and tight liquidity. lots of ???

but luckily for us, we have no exposure in clients in question.

its like the 97 crisis creeping back. think retrenchment will soon be in play
yes and if crisis creeps back like 97 I think I would feel it real bad this time cos now we are married, have our family to support and on our own not like 97 hee..hee.. still can depend on parents
Hv. Brought Ayden to see pd le..
now fever subsided but coughing now.. haiz..
Ask coconut tree to upload leh. long time no see clara liao..

Dun be affected by the crisis..
tml is holiday.. so be happy.. how i wish now i can go home. hee
Tml i bringing MAyvis to suntec to buy dresses for her role as FLOWER GIRL..haha..
another excuse for me to spend hubby's $$.. hee...
hi magoo,
yes faith now drinking nan but sometimes she refuse so not sure if its bcos she dun like the taste. tats why thot of changing brand n hopefully she will like it.

me tonight die die post for u ok...must "jie" ur "xiang si zi ku". better still to "jie" ur "xiang si zi ku" is to meet me and clara tomolo lar...coconut tree need to work..haha

Hi, Poohwei, you are welcome.

Totoro, already voted for Kelly. we can go there and vote more then 1 time correct?
