(2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

dArmAe : Hazel also goes to sleep earlier than kor kor abt 9pm , kor kor at 10 -10.30pm. Hazel wakes up at 630 -7am and keith at 730am for school. weekends hazel wakes up at 7am and keith at 830am.

I no choice.. but to "tong" lor..

Hubby not fan of F1.. heng ah.. or else wallet sure burnt a big hole!!
So expensive..
His company bought the corporate package..
so he n his boss are going for the Grand final on sun together with his other countries mds...

we both same fate.. haha..
hi all,

long time MIA liao..was busy with the gals..they fell sick one after another. nynke started having fever last thurs. saw doc and diagnosed with ear infection. she's having this a few episodes liao..then they also did urine test and found aurine infection..i was at a loss then cos my elder one never had this problem b4. everyone said' never drink enough water lah'...that does not help much, right?

lasts at was nynke's 1st bday. she's quite excited when saw the cake..haha..we had a fun time with our family members at my place. then at night, sieske started having fever..teh roller coaster started then..was 40.2 deg on sun 2pm and we went kk. was there for abt 3 hrs and when fever went down, was told able to go home. she's still having fever on-off and just now brought her to sbcc amk. she's having ulcers at back of throat but not hfmd, more likely throat infection only. she's much better now and I finally can rest..

darmae, nynke has a bit loose stols when teething. doc said due to she always put hands into mouth..all germs getting into her so a bit 'lao sai' lor..guess it all differes for each baby. btw, u try using syringe to feed water to maegan? nynke loves that. she also hates water and i resorted to doing that..sigh..

florence, wow, your kids so discciplined..
magoo at least u have car and know how to drive so can take ur kids out me hor.. don't know where to go hee..hee.. my charlene sure very cranky one cannot gai gai this weekend...

hee..hee.. see how la bring her jalan jalan .. that day i bring her go playground sit swing she scare le hee..hee..
darmae yalor my charlene wakes up at 6am daily.. rain or shine sat or sun same!! Her daddy trying to educate her what is sat and sun and what is the meaning of rainy days can sleep longer but cannot get into her brain le hee..hee..
i think my stupid colleague cause prob fo rme yesterday and made me so angry and stressed till i couldnt sleep last night...and i dont know why my eye is even redder today...sigh...
ic, hee.. then i thk my hubby the 'siao' one.
gd thing is he mellowed dwn alot after marriage and more after having kids. i rem he travelled to luxembourg for the grand prix with his 'bros'... and other racing sites during his younger days. glad tats kinda 'history'. hahaha

since u n low both 'alone'.. can meet up and let the kids play. hee
looks like it nv easy to 'tune' our kids' biological clock. rain or shine, still the same time.

oooh... your red eyes probably due to lack of sleep. try get more rest and dun let tat matter affect u too much although i understand its difficult.
btw, hw's ur rash?

that time my gal got alot of ulcers in her throat, also woke up at nite every hour crying. hungry but cannt drink milk. very poor thing. brought her to the hospital in the middle of the night.

was told to give room temperature milk. even porridge must be cooled down to room temperature. hope your gal gets well soon.
Hello mummies,
Long time no post as was really very busy everyday till no time to go lunch. My colleague need to tabao for me & i'm eating while i type hee..

charsiew/ peapod & atinarin,
My boy used to wake up pretty often to cry in the middle of the night & PD mention maybe he play too much in the day. Now is slightly better but i think he prefer to sleep with us than on his own bed. Let me wait till my hb travel next mth then i'll try to use the cry it out or PU/PD method if not really very siong to go up & down few times. I'm already a zombie with very dark eye bags

I wan to ah bish u & baby piglet lei. I sms both of u but no reply since last night. Wanted to ask if u gals free tmr to meet for lunch with me & Yoki? Pls sms me as i won't be able to check forum till tmr morning as i need to work late again

Both ur kids seems happy & enjoy their birthday party. Hope Hazel get well soon.

Maybe we can meet up this sat since my hb will be out for company event too hee...

Really envy u... will bring ur kids to travel. My hb wanted to hv some "er ren shi jie" to go either HK or Japan but i can't bear to leave jerald with my parents & hb dun support bringing him along since he say he's too young to enjoy haiz..

Try to leave Jerald with your mum n hv "Er Ren Si Jie" with ur hubby..
Or else later when Jerald grows bigger, u will not hv any chance for tat le...hee
Hi Irene ... long time no see!

Why not you all wait till Jerald is about 20 months liao then you all go on a fmaily trip? I do agree now abit too young to enjoy lah ... but 20 months like that is just about right!

We brought D on her first trip to Perth when she was about 20 months ... she could enjoy herself and till now, she can still remember the stuff there.

We also planning on another family trip next year ... when Jordan is bigger ... must utilise the cheaper airfare before he turns 2!
irene don't ah bish.. today is JAPAN holiday so I am slightly more eng le.. yesterday i rec ur sms I still working le work till 10pm le
we oso like 二人世界... but hor same as u, 不舍得 leave the kids behind. so we lugged them along lor. darius will sure enjoy but maegan, we doubt she will remember.

i agree wif u... 18-20mths is juz abt right. darius also remember his korea trip when we was abt 19mths. but the rest before that he don't remember at all.

the airfare is abt 25% of the adult fare... for eg. we only paid SGD150 (inc. tax)for maegan's fare to HK. Of cos no seat, only bassinet.
darmae: the rash went off that night itself...sensitive skin...

think i may need to go to a and e..the redness of the eye suddenly seems worse..why now...
u can best assess the condition since u can feel the pain n see the redness. if u dun feel good about it, juz take the time off and seek medical help. take care

dun mention... hehe.. mayb u will get 'tempted' and start planning for holiday. keke
darmae you paid S$150.00??? i paid 300.00 for Carlson ... we are going to HKG on 10/10/08 for 5 days ... mine is SQ .. yours ??? *-*
atinarin, u better now? how's ur eye?
dun bother too much about bad colleagues. someone will take care of them someday. watch over urself ya?

blue, ben has many looks now. kakaka. cheeky look, naughty look, innocent look. sighs. he like so darn naughty now lo. sighs.

seems a few bb are not feeling well. hope all bb are feeling better now. mummies must also take care k?
Darmae: Maegan still can fit into bassinet eh?

Irene: go lah, go for couple time with your hubby. Remember that before Jerald came along, there were just hb and u, next time Jerald grows up, married and have his family, will still be the two of you! So it's impt to have couple time and build stronger ties with your hb. Just go for a 3 or 4 days trip lor if you don't feel comfortable being away from Jerald for too long. Right now your parents still can help you take care Jerald, better go! If not next time when they have no strength or stamina, then you will find it harder to find someone to jaga Jerald or when #2 comes on board.

I look forward to my canada trip, that one is almost 3 wks, can't leave sam and go ourselves. Hb and me thinks at least once a yr must go on holiday w/o sam, hee hee. I also like the idea, then can enjoy better, haahaa.
Florence, tomorrow i mtg Stella for lunch at IP, wanna join us again? Before she and you leave for new pasture, must meet more often, haahaa.
missy maegan shld be able to fit lar... so petite n light, only 8.8kg as of last week. think the max weight fot bassinet is 12 or 15kg, cant recall liao. length wise not so sure... flying off this thurs. anyway, its juz a couple of hours.. not long haul so juz need a place for her to sit in while we take our meals.
Hi mummies
MIA for some time as no time to post!!

both of them look so happy with the cake, hope your girl get well soon and enjoy your trip!

wow, looks like a lot of people are planning for holidays! My friend was telling me not to bring bb too early as there is too many things that you need to bring and they don't really appreciate!! But I really need a break!! :)

Anyone going to watch??
Good morning mummies.

We try to hv some couple time but seems hard cos by the time i fetch jerald my mum already very shag out as she take care of my nephews plus my boy so total 3 of them. So how to leave him with her on weekends..

My hb will agree with u if he see ur post

U must take care lei work till so late. I was in office till 8plus last night i'm so tired.

Can tell tat Darius has been to many countries liao so nice.. Hope both ur kids enjoy ur HK trip tmr

We nearly plan for a holiday but when i mention to my mum she seems stress so i gave up the idea. I remb i left jerald at her place twice & both of my mum & dad cannot sleep at night. Jerald tends to toss around & will wake up to cry once a while too. My mum thot he's hungry but he's not. The next day i went to fetch him, both of them "or ba ka" & too shag liao haha...
Hey, i'm still waiting for u to send me the photos of jerald with Mark Lee. Keep a lookout of the show tonight at 8.30pm maybe will spot Samuel inside hee...
yo irene! i forgot abt sending u the pix, haahaa.

darmae: i think is 10 or 12kg, can't recall the weight limit for bassinet.

florence: i was viewing ur blog yesterday, how come i saw ur hazel w/o car seat but strapped to the car seat belt instead? Very dangerous leh.
BTMum: Aiyoh talking about being notti, Jordan now also very notti. He loves to throw things and he certainly finds it amazing to do that. Last night in his playpen, he threw all his sleeping barangs (e.g. blanket, pillows, bolster, his blue teddy and Ernie, including his du du) all onto the floor. Even when I scolded him loudly and even smacked his hand, he still do it, though at one point I hit his hand quite hard to ensure he gets the message that this is not funny, he still do it lor ... arrrghhhhh!
ya, he is blessed to be travelling tat much for a kid. some of the trips he went becos i was attached overseas for work/training. so hubby brought him there to meet me. its lucky that hubby can handle him alone on the flight...

now with 2 kids, i declined alot of travelling request. but i dun think hubby can handle 2 kids on his own.

wat photos wif mark lee? jerald and samuel went for the baby contest???

think the limit is abt there... i recalled asking the SQ staff when i booked the tix.. anyway still ok. if long haul then ned to get a seat for her.

hahahahaa.. maegan does juz the same too. not sure if she is nottier, but darius nv throw things when he was younger.
Good morning,
Rainy day.. Good to sleep.. Bad for driving..hee
I was stuck on the road for almost 1.5hr to send my kids to my sis pl n then to work..
Sian man..
blue, darmae, so jialut leh. dunno how to tell this new generation how to behave well. ben screams for no rhyme or reason at times and i duno what to do! hit him, i kena scolding from my mum. (LOL - she say kids cannot smack cos skin will be too thick in future to feel pain) anyway, i dunno if he will learn if i hit him. dun hit him, i scared he thinks screaming is ok. *ARGH!!!!*

on another note, any bb having 'grinding teeth' problem? ben seems to love to grind his upper and lower 2 teeth together. is it common?
i can imagine... i too 30mins more than usual to reach office today, your 1.5hr is a nightmare.
smile...put that behind, its halfway thru the week liao. hehe

i'm sure they understand the word 'NO'. for maegan's case, it depends on who say the 'NO' word.. if its me, she will stop. if daddy, she will paused and then smile.. after that contd.
if its my helper.. she totally bo chap. dont even look at her. notti rite?
ur mum win liao with her statement... hahaha
so funnie. i feel a firm 'NO' with a stern look is necessary. although they are young but they noe. sometimes they tend to misbehave becos they noe they have '靠山'. darius is one example.. if ah ma, ah gong around, he very pattern one. cos he noe they will defend him and tok me into giving in.
re : grind teeth
maegan also does that.. so common for bb?

re : tip toe
maegan can walk unassisted about 5-6 steps. but i noticed she is tip-toeing. is that normal?
its amazing to see difference between siblings as well. darius nv did all these...
voice , yet to buy the car seat. always carry her but she was cranky so we put the seat belt for her , for fun. haha , now the car is still a white elephant until i get car seat and booster seat for the kids. haha
BTmum: yeah sometimes colleagues are just not friends la...and u know in our line, the bosses sometimes not very good too....i told VP im going for surgery, know what she said:

"Oh then must arrange for relief and can u settle your report book remarks and stuff?"

BEyond shock la...how anyone can be so cold i dont know...pity her.

Darmae: I remmeber my cousin used to walk on tiptoes for quite a while but shes ok now...as long as its not too long as in a few yrs cos that wld not be good.

Blue: My girl win ur Jordan...she just threw my phone...and its a HTC Touch Diamond...yesterday she threw my Motorola, that one i dont care la...

Anyway, my surgeon is not in SG so i am not sure what to do...on leave today, yep using my childcare leave entitlement. Just glad that my P approved it and is more understanding.
How I wish today is end of the week.. then I can be a passenger again!! hee..
Is always the best to be passenger than a driver.. haha..

U must be waiting for thursday to come.. so u can be on board of the plane with ur kids n hubby..hee..
I like tat feeling too.. very relax n carefree..
not like now, stress in work, etc.. haha..
I so grumpy today.. MUST BE DUE TO THE RAIN..haha
my D is also like Ben, screaming for anything and everything. We were at Vivo last week and to everything that catches her attention she will "Ehhh!! Ehhhh!" *faint* She even made one of her baby friends cry in shock with her loud "Ehh!" leh. Super headache thinking of ways to stop her from screaming. Though according to my sister who took Early Childhood, it's just a way of them communicating and it's a phase. I cant wait for this noisy phase to be over, man!

Daytime Naps
Wanna know how many hours are your babies napping in the day now? Dahlia rarely naps for more than 3 hours in the day. Her naps are usually between 12noon - 2pm, sometimes less! She never gets sleepy in the early evening also. At first I figured she'd nap a little in the day and then sleep early at night but she still ends up sleeping at 10pm at night!

Especially now that she's all over the place I always need to monitor her movements and cant leave her alone to do housework! Like this morning I left her alone in the living room for a while to prepare her porridge when suddenly everything was still and quiet. I walked to the living room and found out that she has discovered the off button on the tv *faint*
hehe.. i'm juz opp of you. i luv to take the wheels.
yeah, tomorrow is D day... cant wait, oredi fone my internet check in. my colleagues oso say i'm in my cheery mood... although most grumpy abt the rain.
hahaha. but still hv some stuffs pending to pack. ned to pack for 4 leh.

u dun look fierce to me leh. jordan look very much like you.. very cute. hehehe

i hope its juz a passing phase on her tip toeing. she cant balance well though.
my mum was askin me to buy those squeeky shoes for her to wear. but i cant stand the noise... hahaha

re : daytime nap
maegan takes 2 sneak naps in the day.. usu at 1030, the other at 330. usu its abt 45mins each, most of the time quite chun (accurate). rarely she crosses the 1 hr. but she rest the nite early at 8 - 830pm
Darmae: Heeee, of cos you never see my fierce look what ... haha. Jordan looks like me? My family and my hubby's family all say look like my hubby woh ...
