(2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

mummies, i have post the pix taken at last sat Vivo gathering at facebook.

blue, will trsf to you by tmr. tks for organising

I got mine from times.
If u know how to read mandarin, my father is reading the book as well (taiwan version at only $8) I'm surpirsed when he tells me abt the dots card !!

My bb at hougang while I'm working .. near u or not?

I have a question, do u think it's the same if bb watch those DVD / PC slide on flash card while mummy is at work !! hiaz ... really feel like I letting her miss a lot of things like that ...
Lihah, pls PM me so that I can send you my bank details for transfer.

Mummies, our Kindermusik class is confirmed!
Kindly make payment soon!

Darmae: Received your payment with thanks.

Date: Sun 1 Jun 2008
Time: 4 pm - 4.45 pm (45 mins)
Venue: Kindermusik @ Tanglin Mall
Trial Fee: $23.80 + 7% GST = $25.47

1. Blueskye + Jordan
2. Rxsti + Ariel
3. Fau + Dahlia
4. Billa + Ian (Fau to inform Billa)
5. Darmae + Maegan

6. Angel2baby + Jade
7. Totoro_bb + Kelly
8. lbs + Yan
9. Chereen + Prinz (Can't send PM - pls PM me!)
10. Shirley + Hao Dong
11. Florence + Hazel
12. Lihah & Nuha (Can't send PM - pls PM me!)
so good ah. work near vivo, can go jalan jalan shopping ah.
i wanted to lay my hands on the organix rice cakes and carrot sticks.. but cold storage at causeway point only left with organix soft rusks
The gymboree Level 2 class is held on Saturdays 12pm and Sundays at 4pm. You can choose which class you want to sign up for...but I think if you cannot make it for a particular session, you can switch if there is space.

Mummies, re Gymboree, the director of the centre just called me. She told me cannot waive off the trial class cost of $34 as wat her staff told me because we are having a special session and she has to cover her cost to pay the trainer for the extra class. But if we go for the existing class which is at 12pm on Saturdays and 4pm on Sundays, then she can wave off. So I told her to cancel our special session and we'll just slot ourselves into the existing class so that we dun have to pay.

They can only take in 8 more mummies for each class. And as for the waiver of the membership fee of $50, we have to have at least 6 mummies to sign up the course then she will waive for us.
So I need to do this again....sorry! Can I ask those mummies who are really interested to sign up for the course (if all goes well during the trial lah) to put your names down. We need 6 out of the 8 mummies to sign up to enjoy the waiver. If all of us sign up, she can start a new session for us too. We will need to discuss with her on that day but it all depends how many of us sign up. So pls put your names down again ya at your preferred session:

Baby Gymboree Trial Class @ HarbourFront Centre #03-60 (Nearest carpark at Lobby D)
Date: Saturday, 24 May 2008
Time: 12pm-12.45pm (45 mins)

Mummies confirm coming:
1) Angelbaby and bb Jade and Daddy
2) Gillia and bb Le-Anne and Daddy

Baby Gymboree Trial Class @ HarbourFront Centre #03-60 (Nearest carpark at Lobby D)
Date: Sunday, 25 May 2008
Time: 4pm-4.45pm (45 mins)

Mummies confirm coming:

Bena, re your question, she say Tanglin HQ very strict abt their pricing policy. The price she is offering to us now cannot be gotten at other gymboree outlets. She said she is actually going against HQ policy and begged us not to tell their HQ at Tanglin about the waiver of the membership fee otherwise she will get into trouble.

Re Kindermusic, I just asked 2 more colleagues abt it and they say babies very difficult to appreciate music lor....so they recommend to do Gymboree now and Kindermusic later on - one of them say wait until 4 years old.
Yes mummies advised to wear socks on that day

Blue, someone can take my place in Kindermusic...sorry I decided I will bring Jade later on.
Angel: Aiyoh, I just called Kindermusik to confirm the session. Btw hor, I personally feel otherwise leh ... I think Kindermusik is ok for younger babies cos they will enjoy the music, singing and stuff. But whereas for gym stuff, as they are not as mobile yet, they can't really explore much.

So anyone else wanna take over Angel's slot?

Date: Sun 1 Jun 2008
Time: 4 pm - 4.45 pm (45 mins)
Venue: Kindermusik @ Tanglin Mall
Trial Fee: $23.80 + 7% GST = $25.47

1. Blueskye + Jordan
2. Rxsti + Ariel
3. Fau + Dahlia
4. Billa + Ian

5. Darmae + Maegan

6. Lihah & Nuha (Can't send PM - pls PM me!)
7. Totoro_bb + Kelly
8. lbs + Yan
9. Chereen + Prinz (Can't send PM - pls PM me!)
10. Shirley + Hao Dong
11. Florence + Hazel
mak D, no wonder, haha, I thought what express bus so fast..ok ok,we can also share cab if want to chiong next time..keke

Moday lunch on?
hi blueskye

Received ur email and I'll tt tonight okie. Let the token at home !!

ha ha hougang .. so confirm u wanna help me flash the cards to my Kelly ... I asked my mum to bring her over everyday ... hee hee maybe we should PM our address, who knows we are just like next door neighbours !! ( still hoping)

I think the book title is : How to multiply your baby intelligence
But this is just an intro book, I think they have the more precise one like for Maths and other stuff !! But it's a good start from ground zero lah ...
lbs, I thought of sms'ing her just now but can't find her contact. Just now went to "dig" my email archives finally found! Have smsed her.
Ok, thanks.. Gee then I'll give it a miss since Habourfront is kind of far for me. Anyway Zac is already gyming around at home. I can't afford him to be more active than he already is!!

Zac enjoys the music sessions at kinder as they uses alot of musical instruments and other props, even flowers, and it's really good bonding time for him and daddy. I also like their songs very much. The teacher is also super nice(and shh.. I get to go into the class too though they say only 1 parent allowed
Maybe I'll post some pix of the class when I have time.

Baby Gymboree Trial Class @ HarbourFront Centre #03-60 (Nearest carpark at Lobby D)
Date: Saturday, 24 May 2008
Time: 12pm-12.45pm (45 mins)

Mummies confirm coming:
1) Angelbaby and bb Jade and Daddy
2) Gillia and bb Le-Anne and Daddy
3) darmae and bb maegan
Yan also enjoy musics when we play the musics on her toys or even if her gor-gor sings. She will flap her arms excitedly (yea yea like little duckling..haha) so I hope she will like Kindermusik.
Bena: Yah lor ... last time my gal also enjoyed Kindermusik as she was always very excited during the singing and music.

Angel: Hee hee, no offence lah huh ... but my opinion is, I think 4 years old is old enough to learn a proper instrument liao lor. My gal is going to turn 4 this Aug and she's been bugging me to let her learn violin.
Date: Sun 1 Jun 2008
Time: 4 pm - 4.45 pm (45 mins)
Venue: Kindermusik @ Tanglin Mall
Trial Fee: $23.80 + 7% GST = $25.47

1. Blueskye + Jordan
2. Rxsti + Ariel
3. Fau + Dahlia
5. Darmae + Maegan PAYMENT MADE - THANKS!
6. Lihah & Nuha (Can't send PM - pls PM me!)
7. Totoro_bb + Kelly
8. lbs + Yan
9. Chereen + Prinz (Can't send PM - pls PM me!)
10. Shirley + Hao Dong
11. Florence + Hazel
12. Eliz + Megan (Florence: Btw is your sis's kid in the same age group? So you transfer payment with your sis's ok - easier!)
angel, trial class but must confirm to sign up on that day? ^_^ then i'll pass, coz my intention is to try as many classes as possible first and then make up my mind.

mak yan, monday confirm! i can meet you at either IP, or Amara or Tg Pagar mrt ara :p
No lah, I work in a "networking" company, thats why can work remotely as long as got internet connection. Our company networking system is so good..hahaa
Hi darmae..
Since Edison is taking the Shichida in July, dun think I have time to send him to Kinder or Gymboree.. Furthermore, HB oredi nag me with the Shichida... If I tell him want to join more, he will surely jump on me...
u mean swimming izzit? I asked emily to let me know if there is one so I can go over if I'm at home loh

in Japan, 2 year old learn to play violin and played it well !!
ic.. i asked becos i hv a fren whom is working wif a foreign bank..she has conference in HK next week too. I thot u might be colleagues.. hee
