(2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

Hi bluesky,
Ya I'm using Avent bottles and had to change my teats to No 2. when baby was 4 weeks old coz she'd always fall asleep halfway thru the feed. Now with the better flow, my girl finishes her feed of 125ml in 10-15 mins usually.

Hi Pillow, the dream feed described in the Baby Whisperer book is a feed at 11pm. Basically you feed the baby while he's still asleep (try not to arouse him too much for the feed such that he's still in dreamland) E.g. Have the lights off or dim, don't talk to the baby and don't have eye contact, don't unswaddle baby, and don't burp the baby after the feed. The dream feed is supposed to tank the baby up so he lasts longer at night.

Hi Star07,
Haha, my girl accumulates big 'gold' pieces in her nose every 5-6 days and she'll start to sneeze and snort while its in there. Sometimes abit of it comes out, and I'll use a baby tweezer to pull it out of her nose!

Hi Emily,
Regarding Gina's book - look at the sections where she has the routines, (e.g. Routines for 6-8 week baby) at the end of every routine she always mentions it.

Hi Pinkyj,
My baby makes the clinking sound when she suckles too, she does it whether its on my breast or bottle. Read that its because baby's suction is not tight and this will result in alot of wind getting swallowed...so must take care to burp baby properly after each feed. I've been using Infacol which actually helps by collating tiny air bubbles together in their stomach/intestine so that the baby burps easier.

angel, very irritatin hor the sound.. when she click at my breast i change her to total bottle feeding then now at the bottle also click...!?!?! for the bottle i tot it was the teat problem then i went to change the teat to no 2.. the aft changin she also click.. for the breast cannot change mah.. hahah

for the dream feed.. even for bottle fed bbs? wake them up to feed? how much to give them?

my gal is 3.9kg at birth. i thought the weight gain is slow but PD said ok leh. i also dun know how much weight gain is appropriate.
hi angel,

hw do u give ur bb infacol when breastfeeding? hw much do u give?
very diff to burp my bb, hence she is always cranky becos of the bloated stomach
hi mummies who give EBM,

how do u prepare the EBM without hving bb crying so much? i wanted to train my maid on preparing EBM startin tis week... but it was a nightmare. bb was crying so hard for milk.. tat i had to latch her 1st while maid prepare / warm the EBM.

i duno hw she's gg to handle when i'm not around. the thing is my bb can suddenly wake up n cry hard for milk. since i latch exclusive before, not a big problem.
but serving her EBM seems difficult.. cos maid duno when she will wake up for milk. if follow timing n prepare beforehand, bb overslept, then the milk "sayang" liao.. ned to throw away.

any mummy can advise hw long can we leave the EBM outside aft warming up??
Hi Mummies,

Organising the notheast mummies n BBs mit up. Non northeast mummies r oso welcome....

Date: 2nd Nov 2007, Fri
Time: 2pm for teabreak
Venue: At compass pt starbuck

Mummies n BBs going:

1) Funny76 n Summer BB

Hahaha...I guess all Bbs r the same...my gal cries when warming up my EBM...I try carrying her n talk to her....I whisper in her ear n talk gently n say I sayang her....It work....cry nt as hard n sometimes stop....My hubby juz let her cry n he talk to her oso no use...I guess is mother instinct...
Hi <font color="0000ff">funny</font>..
I have medical appt with Woody on this day too. I can meet you all before my appt.

I never bring my baby out by myself, a little worried... My HB used to carry the stroller so that baby can sleeps in it...

Will u be bringing a stroller for ur baby? Or you intend to carry him?
aiya wasted leh, funny...
i hv gynae appt for pap smear tis friday. its oso at 2pm. i wud luv to meet up but cant liao.... can only join ur next outing. hope to hv another one b4 i go back to work.
mummies... enjoy!!! mayb can snap some pics to share ya..hee

abt warming EBM... initially i wanted to let bb lie dwn on the cot while maid warm the milk up to simulate actual situaion. haiz, but i heart pain leh seeing her cry so i carry her while she prepare the milk. but i guess things will improve cos i intend to bring bb n maid over to my mum's plc when i resume work. at least i wud feel more secure
Hi Mummies,

Organising the notheast mummies n BBs mit up. Non northeast mummies r oso welcome....

Date: 2nd Nov 2007, Fri
Time: 2pm for teabreak
Venue: At compass pt starbuck

Mummies n BBs going:

1) Funny76 n Summer BB
2) Wiselyn n BB Clara
3) Emily n BB Edison
hi pinkyj,
Haha ya lor...i also dunno how to 'fix' her clicking problem! I tried all kinds of things like pushing her towards my breasts, moving the bottle along with her mouth when she suckles, etc. All didn't work haha...I gave up liao.

Re the dream feed, it should be a full feed at 11pm. If your baby doesn't take all in, then you have to adjust the earlier feeds so that he'll be hungry at 11pm. Eg. if you fed baby at 4 ounces at 5pm and 8pm and 10pm, he obviously won't be hungry at 11pm to take another 4 ounces. So you should take an ounce off the 8pm and 2 ounces off the 10pm feed, then feed 4 ounces at 11pm.

Hi Darmae,
The instructions say to give 0.2ml of Infacol for babies 1 month and up till 1 year or something like that. I use the pippette which is provided to drop it into her mouth before I latch her on. Quite easy when she's hungry coz she'll gladly swallow it (its sweet). Or if I'm bottle feeding just drop into the bottle. Ya my girl's stomach used to be so bloated that she looked like those babies from ethiopia! And she'd cry all the time after feeds, burp her for 1 hour also nothing come out, and funny thing is she roots when she has gas so I used to think she's hungry and I'll feed her more. But she'd still cry after feeding. I almost went crazy during that period. Now after using Infacol she burps almost immediately, or sometimes I don't even need to pat her and she lets out a loud burp! And her stomach is not bloated anymore.

Try it! I swear it works wonders. Even the wind drops that my PD prescribed is not as effective! Can get it from any pharmacy or Watsons off the shelf. Hope it helps yr baby
Hi funny,
Count me in!

Mummies n BBs going:

1) Funny76 n Summer BB
2) Wiselyn n BB Clara
3) Emily n BB Edison
4) Angel n BB Jade
Hi Emily,
The first time bringing baby out is always scary. But you'll get used to it
Its really easy now when they're young. Do you have a baby sling or carrier? Its easier doing that instead of bringing the stroller coz very hard to manage alone. I intend to bring my baby in the baby carrier. And since only going out for a few hours, no need to bring so many things lor..just bring 2 diapers, nappy cream and wet wipes can liao. If you're bottle feeding like me, I'll bring one bottle of EBM just in case she gets hungry while I'm out.
Hi Angel,
Yeah, its scary though. I will try with baby carrier..
I bought one, but havent started using it. Perhaps, I shd practice it now..
hi funny, wiselyn...

plan to shun bian cheong for shopping since i'm in town. gg to mt E for gynae appt lor.
asked hb to take leave liao oso... keke cos i dun thk can handle her alone outside for so long. keke

hi angel,

i will def try infacol.. coming to think abt it, my bb oso root often. i always wonder why she gets hungry so easily.. always 'suck' me dry liao still cry n root for milk. i bet its gas... thanks alot. lucky u mentioned abt infacol. i think its gg to be a saviour for me.

one more qns.. hw u bring EBM out? u store in cooler bag then warm it up outside??
Voice, the Avent 125ml can hold 160ml. I tried before.
Glad to hear your boy is catching up. While all of you are increasing your babies' intake, this mummy very "bad", I've been trying to decrease his intake cos I hear all of your babies not taking as much, so thought better cut down on his. Heeeee.

Hmmmm, I should have changed his teats long ago ... haha.
Hi darmae,
Yup I bought one of those cooler bags with an icepack inside. Will put the EBM of bottle inside and when its time for feed, warm it with hot water inside a cup.
hi mommies, regarding the wind hor.. my pd mentioned b4 that bb will always wan to feed even though u jus fed them.. cos they jus wan somethin to suckle on when they got gas..

funny, will see how my gal is.. if she's better then will join u mommies.. cos she's caught a flu bug.. jus got better..
Hi <font color="0000ff">angel</font>..
Carrier doesnt work 4 me... i dunno how to "dig" him out from e carrier if he wants to drink or poo.. sigh! What a lousy mother I am..

Hi <font color="0000ff">funny</font>..
I will check with my HB, see whether he can send me to CP or not.. I may come later (3pm - 4pm).. Cos I am seeing Dr Woody in the evening, I cant come out so early at 2pm... My boy cant stay out for too long.. He will get cranky..
gd gd.. think i go get those cooler bag too.
smtimes i hv problem latching my gal in the public discreetly when she struggle too much lor. EBM can be the next choice.. keke

pinkyj, think beta let ur bb rest more. still young, hence immune sys not that gd. beta play safe. wish her a speedy recovery
darmae, yalor.. she's been sick since last week.. gettin better.. but thank God she's not cranky at all
still very active and playful except for the cough and sticky pi sai and the mucus..hahah
Pampers Baby Dry vs Pampers New Baby..

I am currently using Pampers New Baby for my son.. I noticed that Pampers has another version called Baby Dry, and the price is very much cheaper than New Baby..

Is anyone using Pampers Baby Dry? Is it good?
My girl didn't poo poo for 6 days...have been opening her diapers and hoping for a surprise everytime...

Today finally she poo'd!! 6 days worth - explosive man!!! What a relief...never been so glad to see her poo poo before!
hi emily,

we currently using mamy poko for bb.
but we recd both the baby dry and new baby as gifts from baby shower. have used them but bb developed rashes after using the baby dry. plus the seam at the thigh area not smooth. her thigh abit red due to the abrasion.
but she is ok when using new baby...
the material bet the 2 oso diff.. new baby more cottony, soft while the baby dry.

i hope it helps
angel, yalor.. the first time i tried to use the sling.. my gal was cryin like i was torturin her.. ahhaha.. but aft a few times.. it got easier..
so am i...this is my 2nd bb and i still cannot get my bb in and out of the sling. hahahaha.....give up. i see people do so easy. will practice these few days before i attempt to go out with the bb in the sling.

this shows how well i kn CP! hahaha....thanks for the info.
hi em, my boy is using a few brands incl. pampers baby dry and is ok with him, doesn't leaks even if i don't change his diaper for 2 feeds.
No abrasion too...
Pampers Baby Dry is it the red packaging one? That one is lousy! Don't ever buy it! Initially I thought Pampers can't be that lousy right? So seeing the price difference, I went to buy that one. Aiyoh, every pc I use also leak. And the material is lousy.
Blueskye..how did you manage to store so much ebm in the freezer!? Wah you really steady. I think I only have 20+ packs, and it's diminishing because my baby is a glutton! How do you manage to reduce baby's intake without having him wailing for more?

Hi funny,
Count me in too!
Mummies n BBs going:

1) Funny76 n Summer BB
2) Wiselyn n BB Clara
3) Emily n BB Edison
4) Angel n BB Jade
5) Bena n BB Zacchaeus

Really looking fwd to the gathering
Shirley, you wanna join us? I can show you how to use the sling though I'm really not the expert here :p.

Pinkyj, hope you're feeing better? Hope you can join us this Friday!
Hi Mommies...!

How many times does yr baby poo a day?? my boy is pooing once to twice a day now...he's on total FM now...yesterday he din poo at all! i was so worried lor...
Hi BeBeNg,
I read that for babies on breastmilk, its normal for them not to poo everyday coz breastmilk is more digestable. But for formula, if they don't poo everyday then its not normal - maybe baby may be constipated? Try giving baby water.
angel, bebe.. i asked my pd b4.. she said its normal for bb not to poo for 2-3 days.... so dun be alarm.. but if u're really not comfy then go and see a doc.
I stay in Bishan leh ... Sengkang is too far for me to venture out w/o hubby and car. Furthermore Fri I will be going to the salon to rebond my hair before I'm back to work on Mon. Already asked my mum to come over my place for a while liao.
Hi <font color="0000ff">Clement</font>..
It's easy pushing baby in the stroller when I am already outside.. Problem is:
How to go there? If take a cab, I have to carry baby, stroller + bag. In addition, need 2 hands to open and fold the stroller. Just cant do it if I am carrying my baby.

Tried the sling and baby carrier, also dun work. Sigh
Forever nonit to go out with baby alone.

Have asked my HB to fetch me there on Friday, hopefully he can go off early that day.

Hi <font color="0000ff">darmae</font> & <font color="0000ff">blueskye</font>..
Yeah, the Pampers Baby Dry is the red packaging one. Because it is very cheap, I was wondering if the quality is good. It is even cheaper than MamyPoko. I suppose Pampers is a "branded" diapers, and should be the most expensive. How come this version is so cheap?

Btw, Pampers is also cheap in Malaysia. My brother bought me a pack of Pampers Comfort (92pcs) only at RM30+. Can you believe it?
