(2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

Hi T_Teo,

Yesterday i bought my bb to hospital for my check up, he been crying so loud until the nurse have to come over and help me to calm him down O.O......

Maybe i have to get use to it. by bring him out more often.

Does anyone know where can i get the book "Secrets of the baby whisperer : How to calm, connect & Communicate with your baby" by Tracy Hogg & Melinda Blau.
T_Teo, blueskye
Of course you can join our gathering! In fact all are welcomed.. But I dunno when leh
I'm too lazy to organise
Btw, blue, your boy is really a big drinker! I think he is 1kg heavier than my baby though my baby is only 1 day younger than him!

'Nursing vacation' is Kellymom's words
I initially also thought it meant a day free from nursing. Was happy for a moment thinking that a day free from nursing can actually increase supply! But of course I realised life wouldn't be so easy after reading in detail! Wow, the part abt sleep and eat training is really tough. As of now, my baby has reflux and doc suggested "shao liang duo can" (more feeds less quantity per feed.) Really hard to squeeze in more calories in the day. As for sleep, I can't imagine having him sleep so little in the day like what the book suggests. My life would be much more miserable with him being so cranky when he's awake. He cries 90% of his waking time!!

Atinarin, I think your baby must be a sweet and cute little sleepy baby
Soooo sleepy
I love to look at a sleeping baby. So sweet. Though I know you worry alot abt her food intake, I think sleeping alot is fine as I think baby is smart and knows when she's hungry to wake up for feeds.

You are not alone.. I'm really paranoid of bringing my baby out. I'll make sure I feed him well before each outing so as to minimise chances of him wailing out of hunger. And even so, sometimes he still is cranky. I found a sling good to keep him asleep. Maybe you can try that or a baby carrier?
Bena, he's a "late bloomer" ... haha! He wasn't that heavy when born cos he was early ... almost became a premature baby. So thank God he caught up in his growth.
Btw we just went to get him shaved just now! Been contemplating for quite a while and since we brought our gal to Junior's League for haircut just now, we just decided on the spot "aiyah what the heck, just shave lah!" ... haha ... now he is botak head!

My gal keep calling her "Botak Jordan Boy Boy".
Hi Bena,

Where u get your baby sling from? i got one with me, which i bought it from Malaysia. It is abit diff with following pic.

I think maybe i doesn't know how to place him in, so each time when i try out until both of us also 'pek chek'.

hi all mummies,

pls help me, my CL juz left yesterday afternoon. everything seems ok wif my girl. but since last nite she refuse to drink milk when trying to feed her. tis morning, she again refuse to drink. it hav been 5 long hrs since her last feed. can someone advice me! i'm so worried. pls!!!!!!
hi bena,

me oso northeast mummy.. i stayed in lor chuan (serangoon), mum stay in sengkang.. i frequent her house often..keke

same as u... i feared bringing bb out alone. when my mum is around, i felt at ease cos my mum can calm her dwn very effectively. the only thing i cud do is to latch her then she will be quiet. but tats not the soln cos very often she's not hungry and i might be overfeeding her lor. haiz...

my bb wakes for nite feed at least twice.. i'm very tiring.. actually i oso duno if she woke up becos she is really hungry or she has wind in her stomach tat makes her want to suckle lor. very confusing. how can sleep thru the nite...

hi pinkyj..

i understd how u feel... when my gal contracted the flu bug fm me, i was so upset and equally guilty of not taking gd care of myself which in turn cause my bb to suffer. very sad to see her breathing wif difficulties and drowning dwn by the medication.
i wish her a speedy recovery
Bena: Yes so hard not to worry. Not easybeing a mummy. Must relax more. Now i let her sleep and take that time to do housework haha.

Jolene: My girl can go 5-6hrs without a feed so don't worry. Feed when bb demands. Sooner or later she will establish her own routine.

I have not brought bb out alone, not even once. How to carry diaper bag and baby and all. Some more she cries quite loudly so malu if everyone stares. Sure to panic.

Speaking of which, i havent even bought her hot water flask yet hahaha...

thks. juz too worried, will see how n montior todae. btw, i happen to find my bb stick out her tongue very often. seems like wan to vomit as if got something in her throat. she look uncomfortable to me.
of course i rmb u...u and your pine garden recommendation.heeheehee....great choice.

is your gal at cc already? btw, i have not ventured out alone wiht my son and bb.....no guts yet. hahaha...
Hi <font color="0000ff">angel</font>..
Thanks for sharing yr knowledge.. I will try to slowly reduce the amt of milk during the night feeding.. Currently he wakes up once at abt 3am - 4am for feed... But he falls to sleep immediately after feed.. I limit his naptime to 4 hours in the day so that he can sleep better at night..

Can you let me know which chapter of the Gina Ford's book on this topic?
Hi, do you all use carseat for baby? Which brand you are using? How do install the carseat in your car? Need to send to car work shop and do it?
Hi Jolene, no need to worry too much. Such as this morning my son drank milk at 5.30am and then he only cried for milk at 10.30am so i think is ok....
Hi mummies .. I'm a MTB from dec mummies .. Just hope some mummies that gave birth at Mt A can help me with the hospital bills ..

How much do u ladies pay for natural with epidural ?

Thinking for opting 4 bedded if everything goes smoothly .. Please help me with it .. Need to prepare the money for delivery and confinement now .. Thanks
hi shirley,

carseat can self-install - strap with the seat belt. depending on which brand/model but all shld be relatively easy n straight fwd. i'm using britax eclipse bgt fm mothercare. good for newborn to max 15kg
hi shirely,

hope is tat i think too much and not tat my girl used to my CL way of feeding. i realise tat she will struggle for 5-10 mins b4 she can actually clam down and drink. tat make me quite frustrated and started to cry. my hb keeping telling me to turn out the 'tap' cos once i cry i cant stop.
mel: I tried the Avent nipple cream. Pretty good.

Jolene: My girl can go longer than 6 hrs sometimes. When i try to wake her, its impossible. And she know how to push the bottle away or just push the teat outta the mouth. I still worry nonetheless but really, she doesnt want so cant do anything.
HI Mummies,

This is the first time I am posting something on this forum, I have been reading the forum and following the Sep 07 thread, found a lot of consolation and gained some knowledge.

I stay in Punggol, quite surprised that there are a lot of mummies in this forum who stayed in the Punggol/Sengkang area too. Perhaps we can really meet up some day.

I got a sling from my friend, but I do not know how to use it to carry baby, is there any website that has pictorial demonstration? If I am not wrong, the sling is from Mum R US.

the formula for amount of milk a baby needs (from Mrs Wong's book) : (150ml x body weight of baby) / no. of feeds per day.
Jolene: HI, my girl is 2days older than yours! How close.
Today she was very cranky, kept crying the whole day..can imagine how sleepless a night its gonna be for me, evertime me and hb wanna go out, she would start to wake up so in the end i was dressed and ready the whole afternoon but couldnt leave.
Hi Shirley & Cookie Monster,

Thanks for the formula.. i worried of overfeeding la, coz baby takes in about 120mls and 90mls alternately, and she's turning 6 weeks on Tuesday. How much milk are your babies drinking per feed? And how frequent are the feeds?
While some of you are worried about baby not eating frequent enough, I am so tired out by a greedy baby. My baby just cluster nursed again and I had to nurse him from 3.45-5.30pm, then 6.30-8.30pm. Then he was hungry at 9pm. I finally gave up and gave him ebm and he took 180ml. And the worst thing is he's still not very satisfied and I had to rock him to sleep so that he doesn't eat anymore.. Really can't believe his appetite.. so tired. Why is he always hungry??? He's taking way above all calculation formulas recommended by any books. I tried reducing his milk intake due to his reflux but it's so hard. He'll always be crying for more. Makes me wonder if I've been depriving him. sigh..

My sling is like the picture's. Ya initially it takes some time to learn how to use the sling. But once you get the hang of it it's actually pretty easy. It's good to get someone who knows to demonstrate to you how to use it.
Morning mummies ...

Bena: Wow, my son has met his match! I've not let him try drinking beyond 160ml of milk cos I'm still using the small Avent bottles so max. it can hold is up to 160ml only. Recently I tried to cut down his intake to 140ml ... seems ok also ... just that sometimes he demands for milk earlier before his 3 hours' feeding time is up.

Btw have you all switched to the 260ml bottles already? Thinking whether it's time to switch cos I don't want my son to feed on too much "air" inside the bottle.

Oh yes, I am so happy ... I finally broke record of pumping more than 200 ml in the middle of night pump liao! And just now I went to count my EBM in freezer ... approaching my 50th bottle already! Feel so accomplished (pls don't feel I "hao lian" or what hor ... it's really a personal achievement I feel proud of myself cos one has to sacrifice alot of free time to keep cowing ... so when you see your EBM increasing, you sure will feel accomplished one). But coming Sun will have to transport some over to my in-laws' place as I will be starting work next Mon ... sianzzz. Hope with less frequent pumping, my supply will remain.

Still headache over how to transport the bottles of EBM over and also, how to ensure my son has enough to last till Wed (think not possible right?) Cos thawed EBM has to be consumed within 2 days?
hi pillow

i m using the digital thermometer and put under his armpit. For armpit reading, if the reading hits 37.5 means there is a fever.

Meeting in CP, tat's great ; )

How much water are you giving to your baby? Lately my babe poo poo is hard and it's in the form of pieces. Wonder is it lack of water.

Also, i found my babe always have 'pi sai' in his nose and i always dig 'the gold', worried i will injured and expand his nostril by doing it daily. If i dun clean it, he will hv block nose and like having a toad in his nose (he will give out the sound like a toad each time he cry). Does any mummies experience this?
hi star07, poo poo in pieces ? my bb's one still mushy mustard yellow like.

i havent introduce water to bb yet. despite docs say no need, i prob would let him have some...
Bena, each time i put my baby in, he will cry ... i think i really dun know the technique.

Shotbyfau, since my baby turn 6 week i already let him drink 120 ml for 8 to 9 feeding per day. Now my boy is going to 8wk soon, he is still on 120 ml to 130 ml, never try give him more then that becuase the bottle from hospital only able to store 120ml milk... anyway i just bought some storage bottle, will increase his supply soon.

Blueskye, wah u really can pump alot leh ... the most i can pump in the morning is 150ml only. and during day time i pump every 2 hour only able to yield about 60 to 80 ml :p.

May i know how often you pump? you are going to start work on Monday ah... sigh same here, i will miss my baby .........
shirley, think every 2 hour, 80ml is quite good leh, coz 2 hour interval is quite short.

i get around 150ml for 4 hour interval, 230+ml for 5 hour and above interval.
Shirley, wah, you more hardworking than me! I pump every 3-4 hours currently, each time can get about 100-140ml (day time). Middle of night and 1st pump in morning can get more cos longer hours.
Star07, i oso will 'dig gold' whenever i see the 'gold'..

wah... cowing moms.. i also wan to cow more.. but then very tired leh.. now i only pump once and only get 40 mls or 80mls if i'm lucky.. i wan to re-establish my supply leh.. but how...?

she weighs abt 4.8kg when i bring her to see PD last wk. my gal also quite cranky. tink she got mood swing lor. tis morning after feed, she 'merlion' out the milk. first time since birth. so stress out.
Pinkyi, pump and latch more should be the way to re-establish your supply. Maybe more "hardworking" ... brew some green papaya soup with fish bones.
pillow, 5 hrs for 230+ that's is a lot! i slept fm 11pm till 6am the next day the most also 130ml nia. does the breast size determine the volumn?

blue, this week i m going to pump in every 3 hr bcoz going to start work next week le...
peviously i hv to keep pumping to increase supply. now i only hv 6 pkt in 120 ml in freezer and 7 bottle in refrigerator, think when i resume back to work supply will drop and have to feed him more FM liao.
blueskye, the thing on latchin her on is frustratin.. cos she doesnt latch on properly and my supply is so low now tat she wont have enuff milk... then aft tat will have to suppliment her wit fm.. then aft latchin her on then i wont be able to pump out any.. so dilema on wat to do... then somemore i caught her flu bug..
sianz.. thinkin of goin to parent craft to learn how to 'relatch' her on..
Hi Jolene,

Did you burp your baby? after feeding try to hold your baby upright position at least 15 mins, hope this will help.
Pinkyi, for my case i only latch my boy for the first 2.5 weeks, after that i only let him on EBM + FM and latch he once about 3 or 4 am (because i too lazy to pump at the wee hour).

The reason i pump is because my supply is too low so i give up on latching as each time i latch my boy only make him so frustrated as he does not get enough milk. So that time i give him whatever I am able to pump out and supplement with FM.

That time, I also wake up in the middle of the night to pump and so I am able to collect more milk for him. Two weeks after that, I am able to see more milk supply.

Green papaya soup does help to increase milk supply. (at least for my case)
shirley, definitely breast size don't determine volume coz me small breast girl. hahaha

pinkj, agree with blueskye. bo pian , have to latch to increase supply...
Have you all changed your teats already huh? These few days he's been crying frustratedly after sucking vigorously ... today I changed his teat no. 1 to 2 and that sort of did the trick! Probably he must be frustrated that he suck so hard but the milk flow so slow. Poor boy!
hi blueskye, i have changed to teat2 one wk back. he likes it. but it does interfere with latching for a couple of days. he kinda dun wan to suckle for long, think he prefers the fast flow version.
Hi everybody.

I just want to post a random comment. The Pigeon disposable breast pads are really comfortable! I've tried Tollyjoy, Pigeon, NUK, Avent and Medela breast pads and found the Pigeon ones the best. The Tollyjoy ones are the cheapest but also the most uncomfortable.
Hi Shirley,
You'll get more comfortable and experienced with more outings. I also use a baby sling to carry him when I'm out, will fuss initially but will settle down after after patting him on his bum. Green papaya soup didn't really increase my supply but I still drink when my mum cooks. Fresh fenugreek works for me though. :)

Hi aidanee,
Yupz, yummy cakes from PG. :) I didn't venture far when I'm alone with the 2 of them, just to the market near by house. Put the lil one in the sling and hold the other one by hand. Tyanne's not in cc yet coz my aunt is taking care of her but she does go to playgroup daily. Am sourcing around for a good pre-nursery.

Hi Bena,
I don't mind organising but need to see where mummies prefer to hold the gathering, i.e., at a mummy's house or outside venue. I'll be back at work in 2 weeks time. Sianz... But luckily it's the school hols (me's a boring teacher) so only need to "work" for 1 week.
blue: my boy on 150ml per feed now, catching up with ur boy ...heee! Am beginning to feel his weight, increasing by the days! I'm using NUK 250ml bottle for my boy now cos' the 125ml bottle cannot fill 150ml liao.

hi shirely,

tis is wat my hb told me. anyway, she's doing well now & back to normal liao. at least no as cranky as yesterday. manage to feed her through without much effort.
